View Full Version : First Century!

06-22-2009, 08:00 AM
Completely unplanned, but I have now entered the ranks of those that have finished 100 miles and lived to tell about it!

Perfect morning weather to start our standard sunday morning club ride. We'd planned a ~70 mile loop out into the country for a short climb up to Carter Lake. I finally lost the group at the base of the climb, and they chose to hammer home after waiting for me at the top, so they were never to be seen again (or so I thought). I refused the temptation to try to hang on to a 24mph pace and instead settled into a comfortable "me" pace (I'll estimate 17-18mph average, need a computer!). Rolled back into town to discover that the blistering pace had caught up with the pack and unfortunately someone bonked, touched wheels, and went down pretty hard from what I gathered. *Fingers crossed* that she's ok; they were pulling out to take her to the ER when I rolled up :(

Got back to the shop and decided I was far too close to the 100 mile mark to quit. Reloaded on powerbars and electrolytes and went back out solo for another loop. Legs held up surprisingly well, though I did stop every 10-15miles and stretch/eat which I normally deal with on the bike. Rain held off until I got back to the shop at about mile 97. Hung out for 5 minutes or so until the worst had passed and headed out to finish the last few miles home.

Thought I'd be pretty miserable this morning, but the ride to work was actually pleasant (though a bit slower than usual).

100.39 miles (according to mapmyride.com)
~6 hrs 33 min. (total riding time minus the two slightly longer breaks at the shop)
2700 ft total vertical gain (nice and flat by my standards!)

One more thing checked off the "to do before I die" list!! :D

Tri Girl
06-22-2009, 08:05 AM
Yippee- congratulations. There is something so significant about riding your bike 100 miles (that's really far in a car, much less on a bike). :eek:
And you even rode your bike to work today. Kudos to you!!!:D

06-22-2009, 08:08 AM
CONGRATS!!! That is an accomplishment! Way to go!

06-22-2009, 01:10 PM
Sometimes when things are unplanned they work out better.....not time to worry about it!!


06-22-2009, 01:42 PM
CONGRATS! And an unsupported century no less--no water stops and catered lunch?! You did good girl :)

06-22-2009, 08:17 PM
Thanks gals! I'm not sure it's really sunk in yet; it just seems like any other sunday ride right now.

There were two water refill breaks at local establishments one of which also included a food refill since I hadn't planned the ride. I'll need at least one more water bottle holder, if not two, if I ever want to do one without stopping at all (currently not in the plans!). No catered lunch though; it would have been nice! :p

I totally agree that had I planned this I'd have been a nervous wreck and probably not finished! Odd how that works.

Legs are good. I don't even want to know how many miles I just hiked, but it took almost 4 hours, straight up (well, half of it was straight up :rolleyes:)

06-23-2009, 07:47 AM
Yay! Good for you!

06-23-2009, 05:29 PM
That's awesome, way to go!