View Full Version : Why am I SO sore after a race!?!?!

06-22-2009, 01:01 AM
I have had this happen a few times now and want to figure out what I'm doing wrong. First off, even though I've had my road bike fitted, I really don't think it's quite right. I often get numb feet and sometimes hands. I just competed in a 62km race and even though I felt I've trained quite a bit for it, and I felt pretty great during and after the race... that is, until I got off my bike and tried to walk!!!:eek:

My butt felt SO bruised when I tried to walk, and not really my butt from the seat, but my butt muscles. OMG I had to limp over to my friend's truck and get in verrrrry slowly. I needed to support myself by my bike on the walk over. It was brutal. I couldn't even lean over to shut the door! What is going on?? I've trained for this distance lots, the only thing I can think of, is that I don't train at that same intensity as I race with. Plus I had one massive hill, er, mountain to go up on the race about 40km in, maybe that was what did it?

But here's something else - something I never get... cramps. My calves were starting to seize up so much I had to stop for a few minutes going up the hill as they were getting super painful. I drank a ton of water and immediately felt better and finished the race. (during which time I guzzled loads of water).

So what am I doing wrong?? Wrong conditioning? Not enough hydration during the race? Why oh why was my butt so sore?? And right now, 36hrs after the race, my calves are really starting to stiffen up... :(

help.... :)

06-22-2009, 02:52 AM
You are thinking in the right direction - you probably really just went all-out like you never go in training.

That's a problem even the pros face - they need "racing miles" to toughen up for their main events...

06-22-2009, 03:18 AM
It's normal... If you feel like you were well-hydrated, the cramps are a good sign that you just pushed yourself harder than what you're used to. Just keep training/racing and tweek your bike fit around a mm here & there, and it'll get better.

06-22-2009, 01:22 PM
Ah, cool! Thanks for the comments, good to know this happens to others. Feeling a bit stiff but much better today! Will keep it up, thanks!

06-23-2009, 04:47 AM
My teammates and I call that "TT butt" (time trial butt). It occurs most often after a TT, obviously, because of the amount of effort involved and fighting to stay in an aero position. It also hits badly after a very difficult race where you feel like you're on the rivet and down in the drops or riding aggressively a lot of the time (even if you feel pretty good overall). It can definitely help to add some race-intensity training. Stretching the glutes, hamstrings, and hip flexors really well after a race can also help. I am personally a fan of cranking up the seat heaters in my car on the way home too :).

The fact that your calves were cramping is another factor for your overall muscle pain. Keep hydrated (with water and electrolytes), and you'll have less dehydration related cramping. You can still get overexertion cramping, but sometimes that's not as debilitating.