View Full Version : Elastic on jerseys - pros and cons?

06-20-2009, 07:41 PM
I gather from the TE jersey thread that some people have strong views either way about jersey elastic. Never having had a real cycling jersey, I have no idea what all the fuss is about. Can someone enlighten me?

And where is the elastic anyway? Is it the waist, or the hemline? TIA

06-20-2009, 07:47 PM
On the hemline and also some styles will have in on the sleeves (short).

The controversy MIGHT relate how one's body is built. With an elastic, it might not matter for certain figures or for others it might accentuate certain things you might not want..ie. meno-belly, etc. Someone who is tall, long waisted might also have additional comments on elastic thing since I'm pretty short and hence, length + elastic is not a big issue.

No elastic is fine too and more desirably, if jersey design has also A-line side panels to flatter a bit instead of too boxy straight lines at sides.

Personally, I prefer no elastic and I'm slim. It's just me. That includes no elastics at the sleeves.

06-20-2009, 07:52 PM
I can deal with the elastic but I really don't care for it. As shootingstar referred to, for me it does have a lot to do with my body shape. I am quite blessed in the hips and usually find the elastic to be too tight for that area.

06-21-2009, 05:10 AM
Most of my jerseys have elastic waists. I've never noticed an issue with it compared to my non-elastic jersey...in fact I had to go look to see if I even had one that wasn't elastic (and I don't have the most toned stomach in the world to say the least). The jerseys stay put right at the point of my hips, which is where they are cut to stay, even with my large hips without problems and don't cut into me (which I think would be my only complaint should it occur).

I've tried on a jersey with the arm elastic before and really didn't care for the restrictive sensation in that particular jersey. Could have just been that brand though.

Really it comes down to personal preference. I ride with a lot of racers, so "the look" is the tight club/race cut jerseys with the elastic rather than the looser fit type jerseys. I guess I've just grown accustomed to the more fitted feel and look. Some of my jerseys are cut well and figure flattering despite this, some probably aren't the most flattering things off the bike, but on the bike the only things people are seeing are my back and rear-end anyway.

06-21-2009, 05:16 AM
I can deal with the elastic but I really don't care for it. As shootingstar referred to, for me it does have a lot to do with my body shape. I am quite blessed in the hips and usually find the elastic to be too tight for that area.

Same here. Even when the elastic is not too tight, my pear shape makes it want to creep up to my waist towards the smaller circumference. Incredibly annoying!- and highly unattractive.
As for arm elastic- don't need it, makes my arms look like tied sausages.

I guess elastic is liked more by people with slim shapes and small hips.

For people like me, elastic waists creep up, non-elastic waists stay down. The exact opposite of what elastic is supposed to be designed to do! ;D

06-21-2009, 07:27 AM
What Bleeker said.......

06-21-2009, 07:49 AM
I haven't seen an elastic *waist* jersey since the first one my husband bought for me years ago. I do see many with elastic at the bottom, or hips. I have a slim waist, with hips that are not large, but apparently, not small enough (34 inches) to stop the elastic bottom from riding up to my waist. Most unflattering. I don't mind it in the arms, though. I like the tight fitting jerseys, but not the elastic, so I am kind of limited in brands. Voler club cut is good, along with some of the Terry jerseys. At first, I had all Terry jerseys, but now, some of them seem loose. I tried Shebeest, because they don't have elastic, but the collars are always weird on me, along with the x small just being too big all over. I recently bought a Descente jersey from TE and that fits well; tight, but no elastic.

06-21-2009, 07:59 AM
. meno-belly

There's a new description I won't be using.
I think it's mainly hips that affect the elastic rise. Look at men- no hips, no rise.

06-21-2009, 08:39 AM
I think my jersey tastes have changed with time.

When I first started, I had a hard time getting used to things being tight fit.

Now, I'm considering taking some of my loser fit jerseys in to get them altered tighter.

Eventhough I'm not a racer, I had the revalation that looser jerseys are just a tiring wind drag. I was passing some guys riding one day, and their jerseys were flapping in the wind like a boat sail. Made me tired just watching them.

Also, at the gym one day in a looser top, I caught some man outta the corner of my eye, looking up my top while bent over a weight bench... I mean from shirt bottom.

If the jersey is tight, or has elastic, you don't have to think about someone riding behind you looking up your shirt while riding in the drops etc. Most heavy sports bras cover a lot, but still... I just don't like the idea.

I too just had to go and check out some of my new fav fit jerseys for elastic or not. I do have both.

I think one thing that is a challenge to fit is a happy compromise cut jersey for ladies. Either with or without elastic...

The top needs to be *hour-glass* cut.

That's exactly what I'm going to work out with the seamstress to fix some of my relaxed fit jerseys... take em in at the waist.

Btw, I just ordered the TE full zip race cut jersey... I'm hoping it's hour-glass cut. Sadly today my beautiful full-zip jersey that matches my Giodana shorts I wore stayed home... zips up more like a boxy grocery sack... waiting to set sail:rolleyes: *sigh*.

06-21-2009, 09:22 AM
The top needs to be *hour-glass* cut.

I think that's what's known as princess seams (http://images.google.com/images?client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&channel=s&hl=en&q=princess+seams&um=1&ie=UTF-8&ei=-2s-Ste4AcWktwfu-4wJ&sa=X&oi=image_result_group&resnum=4&ct=title)

06-21-2009, 12:19 PM
I think that's what's known as princess seams (http://images.google.com/images?client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&channel=s&hl=en&q=princess+seams&um=1&ie=UTF-8&ei=-2s-Ste4AcWktwfu-4wJ&sa=X&oi=image_result_group&resnum=4&ct=title)

Yes! Zen... that's it. One of my SheBeest jerseys is like this. Think it's the S cut. Meaning S as in an S curve around a woman's body.

I own a Terry jersey that they didn't make this year that has the nice cut. It used to be called the "Pop" fit jersey. A Terry rep told me that the Team Terry jersey or Euro fit were similiar. The Pop jersey is suppose to be making a come back next year. Some of the fitted SheBeest jersey's have shorter or capped sleeves. Don't work so great with arm warmers. The Pop jersey had a longer traditional short sleeve--read: works better w/arm warmers etc.

Being so fair skinned, I didn't want to get the Terry Euro with the mesh back. I ordered a TT jersey. Which is Velowear actually. I'm about like Susan in the TE jersey thread. The med fits not bad, but I'm curious on how snug a small might be.... so that's on a comparison order on the way.

My TE yellow jersey I ordered in both sizes. Not sure how the zipper thing pans out in the fit when it's acutally on the hips. Well, on MY hips anyways:o.

EDIT: btw, the Pop jersey has elastic... the SB S cut does not... both fit flattering.

06-21-2009, 12:50 PM
I think my jersey tastes have changed with time.

When I first started, I had a hard time getting used to things being tight fit.

Now, I'm considering taking some of my loser fit jerseys in to get them altered tighter.

Eventhough I'm not a racer, I had the revalation that looser jerseys are just a tiring wind drag. I was passing some guys riding one day, and their jerseys were flapping in the wind like a boat sail. Made me tired just watching them.

Also, at the gym one day in a looser top, I caught some man outta the corner of my eye, looking up my top while bent over a weight bench... I mean from shirt bottom.

That's exactly what I'm going to work out with the seamstress to fix some of my relaxed fit jerseys... take em in at the waist..

Am sort of person who doesn't like super tight tights/shorts (I mean when the bottom garment is labelled "compression".) And I am petite in frame/size!

Same for jerseys, long or short-sleeved. Agree that princess seams or A-line sides of jersey flatter any woman's body, but for myself no need to be wrap-tight all over in the jersey..though I probably have an upper body that could wear racer tight jerseys (if I didn't have a huge bowl of noodle soup afterwards..:p) but as long as top doesn't flap much in wind..it's ok.

I just like upper top to be a cloth sensation of lightly resting against my skin, but no binding..the less sensation of constriction in terms of elastics, etc.

Like Zen said, men don't really have curvy hips like women, no wonder the jersey hemline elastic is a problem for many of us. For me I'm short, so some jserseys tend to bunch lightly up below my waist. It's not really a big deal, but that's why I prefer no hemline elastic with princess seams on jersey sides.

06-21-2009, 12:57 PM
I guess elastic is liked more by people with slim shapes and small hips.

Not necessarily.
I have neither, and I have a few elastic hemmed jerseys that I like quite a lot. And I'm also taller than most "average" women.
I find that if the stuff in my jersey pockets is unbalanced (cell phone and a spare CO2 cartridge in the back left, ID wallet in the center, food and cleat covers in the right is the standard distribution, which is why I detest jerseys with less than three back pockets!), and I find as I eat the food, my jerseys without elastic spin on my torso, which is quite annoying. (Maybe I just need a smaller cell phone!)
As long as the torso is long enough, which - granted - is sometimes hard to find on women's jerseys - elastics for this big-hipped woman are fine (yes, there are some elastic jerseys that are a p.i.a., too).
You really have to try the jersey and see. Each jersey is different.

06-21-2009, 01:29 PM
I prefer no elastic. I have a short torso, hour glass figure and a little less tone on my core than I want right now. BUT I had issues with elastic creeping up when I was 25 lbs lighter. I do find non-elastic jerseys can shift to one side more but they don't ride up over my little "pooch" area so I take non-elastic. I also prefer bib shorts, that is how I roll. :p

06-21-2009, 05:33 PM
elastics for this big-hipped woman are fine

Hon, if that's you in your avatar, you ain't no big-hipped woman.

I'm with Lisa.

06-21-2009, 06:34 PM
I have one jersey with elastic. The other jerseys have to be too dirty to wear a second or third time before I will dig that one out - I hate the elastic that much. I am slim - 5'6 and 125 lbs. It could be that this jersey is a little short, but it just wants to go up, and up, and up, the wind gets caught in it and it billows on downhills on warm days when I let the zipper down some.

It's a personal preference issue. I think the non-elastic is more flattering but like some others have said, it depends upon your build.

06-21-2009, 09:41 PM
I like light elastic - I have a thick waist and narrow hips so very hourglass-cut womens tops w/o elastic just come billowing up on me too.

06-22-2009, 03:13 PM

The top needs to be *hour-glass* cut.

Oh if it is very hour-glass cut, I'm good to go with elastic.
I'm curious how the yellow TE jersey is cut, I'll look for a report from you when you receive it!

06-22-2009, 05:26 PM
opposite[/I] of what elastic is supposed to be designed to do! ;D

I am really small, no chest (sadly), no hips, 5'5 and maybe 115 lbs...and for some dang reason elastic creeps up on me too. Go figure.
I HATE the elastic around arms, and I roll the elastic out on legs.