View Full Version : Saturday 6/20 rides!!

06-20-2009, 11:34 AM
This morning I joined a Team Revolution-organized women's only mountain bike ride to the trails at Southern Illinois U. Edwardsville.

It was awesome!!!

After the rains of the last few days the trailers were super slimy, a lovely bonus of the clay-rich sediments in the area. There were eleven women total and everyone did fabulous. It's a nice trail, probably not particularly technical when it's dry but in the muck we were snaking all over the place!

The singletrack there really fabulous-- but the damp underbrush and the steamy temperatures made it feel like tropical rainforest. We were drenched in sweat, dew, slimy mud-- all laughing and having a blast.

I had an extra good time because I was busy trying on a Gary Fisher Supercaliber for size. The shop is unloading this $4000 dollar '08 model for half price and I aim to bag me one after the fun I had on it today. It was deliciously cushy and handled magnificently with a drivetrain smooth like baby food bananas.

Afterward we went out for BBQ. I put a skirt on over my filthy legs :D


06-20-2009, 11:52 AM
I got a quick, but nice 20 mile in around Great Brook Farm in Carlisle. I actually haven't done this route since the beginning of May and we changed it up a little. I used to be sick of it, but it was pretty, though full of cyclists. Saw 3 tandems and 2 recumbents today. Lots of dead chipmunks :eek:.
When we got to the top of the hill, before the downhill to my driveway, there was a someone from the LBS giving a "lesson" to a rider at the crest of the hill. I said, "How would you like to live on this street and have to do this on every ride?" They laughed.

06-20-2009, 11:58 AM
My mom and step-dad live minutes from Great Brook... it's got some nice singletrack I like to hit while I'm home and sometimes my brother and I do road rides out in that direction. I'm always amazed at how many cyclists brave the shoulderless streets of Carlisle, but the drivers are usually pretty courteous. I suppose people who live around there don't have another option.

06-20-2009, 12:11 PM
I rode Columbus Outdoor Pursuits' notorious Blue Jay ride - 65 miles, 5600 feet of climbing, including (according to SportTracks) 18 hills over 15% grade. :eek: (That might be slightly exaggerated from real life, but not by much!) This is the third time I've attempted this ride, and the first time I've done the whole thing. I didn't come with anyone else today so I just rode my own pace - too slow for the fast group, too fast for the slow group, so I was by myself most of the ride, but that was okay.

I was glad I brought my Platypus. I hate riding with a hydration pack, and I'd forgotten to adjust the straps for cycling, so it was really hurting my back early on, but after I dropped it down some it was fine. I knew I'd need it today, when yesterday I had to move really slowly while bringing in my laundry, so as not to fling sweat all over my clean clothes. :p Two bottles were NOT going to be enough, with only one stop at 35 miles.

06-20-2009, 12:40 PM
I rode Columbus Outdoor Pursuits' notorious Blue Jay ride - 65 miles, 5600 feet of climbing, including (according to SportTracks) 18 hills over 15% grade. :eek:.

Yikes!! What a ride!!!

I did a 30 mile loop through Tallulah Gorge in the GA mountains. The first 15 miles was about 1500 feet of climbing. The last 15 miles was switchback fast descents. Absolutely gorgeous country up there... lakes and rivers throughout the whole ride. I am not a climber, so the beginning of the ride kicked my butt... but I more than made up for it on the descents :D 90-99 degrees - I was happy I had my double bottle holder under my seat. I drank 3 bottles!

06-20-2009, 12:58 PM
A large (12?) group of us rode out towards Catoosa. Our fearless leader Jerry (GPS Jerry) seemed to find us the hilliest route he could. LOL

This ride had it all... heat, wind, hills, and... DOGS!

All in all, a good day's ride. I'm glad it was only 42 miles.. I don't think I had 43 in me!

06-20-2009, 01:12 PM
What a day for a mountain bike ride, Reesha! It's hot here is St. Louis--suddenly in the 80's and humid. Our whole group slept in but rallied and rode 20 miles on the Katy. It was busy on the trail--I suppose because it's Father's Day weekend.

Can't decide on our ride tomorrow--The Tour of Winghaven will close part of our route. Come check it out!

06-20-2009, 01:14 PM
Reesha, none of the roads here have shoulders. It's just the way it is. The drivers are OK. It's when you get closer to Boston that it's crazy.
I went mountain biking once at Great Brook. Most humiliating experience of my life on a bike. I guess it's one of those things that you actually have to practice to get good at.

06-20-2009, 01:51 PM
I was glad I brought my Platypus. I hate riding with a hydration pack, and I'd forgotten to adjust the straps for cycling, so it was really hurting my back early on, but after I dropped it down some it was fine. I knew I'd need it today, when yesterday I had to move really slowly while bringing in my laundry, so as not to fling sweat all over my clean clothes. :p Two bottles were NOT going to be enough, with only one stop at 35 miles.

OK, THANK YOU. I KNEW that someone else called a Camelbak a Platypus. I have always called my Camelbak a Platypus but don't know why? Did I once have a hydration pack brand name Platypus but blocked it from my conscience? Everyone looks at me strangely...but I still call it a Platypus. WHAT IS UP?

06-20-2009, 04:14 PM
I got a quick, but nice 20 mile in around Great Brook Farm in Carlisle.

Hijack--Crankin, can you go cross country skiing at Great Brook Farm? A bell went off in my head when I saw that name, and it seems like I went skiing there 20+ years ago when I lived up that way.

06-20-2009, 04:48 PM
OK, THANK YOU. I KNEW that someone else called a Camelbak a Platypus. I have always called my Camelbak a Platypus but don't know why? Did I once have a hydration pack brand name Platypus but blocked it from my conscience? Everyone looks at me strangely...but I still call it a Platypus. WHAT IS UP?

I have two Platypuses (http://cascadedesigns.com/Platypus). They don't make packs any more, but they made them for 15 years or so, and they still make bottles and bladders. They're a product of Cascade Designs, same company that does Therma-Rest. I MUCH prefer the ziploc bladders to the screw-top ones from Camelbak.

06-20-2009, 05:03 PM
I did a short, rainy ride. Went up to see the baby hawks. They are out of the nest now and flying a little. They are as funny to watch as puppies. I haven't gotten to see them playing on the ground yet, but here are some photos:


On the way back I got to see a tugboat pull a cruise ship away from the pier. I've seen them push barges, but this is the first time I've seen them maneuvering a ship into the river.


06-20-2009, 05:12 PM
Divingbiker, yes, your bell went off correctly. It is an awesome local x country ski place. I love the fact that I live 7 miles from 20k of groomed trails, with one pretty good climb. Well, as long as I don't have to mountain bike up it...
In March I usually have one week where I am skiing there one Saturday and then the next Saturday I am riding my bike through the roads by the trails.
The ice cream at the farm is pretty good, too.
I love New England!

06-20-2009, 05:44 PM
Ice cream! I worked at Kimball Farm in Westford for five summers of my teenage years. Stopped at the Carlisle one while I was home this last week :D

I feel like the portions are getting larger still, but they're just kids working there and portion sizes are really subject to their whims. I'm glad they have sugarless maple walnut now for my grandparents in Acton!

when I'm home in July I'll probably ride my bike over to the one in carlisle for a treat. A vanilla/pineapple/walnut jr. sundae!

06-20-2009, 06:08 PM
Divingbiker, yes, your bell went off correctly. It is an awesome local x country ski place. I love the fact that I live 7 miles from 20k of groomed trails, with one pretty good climb. Well, as long as I don't have to mountain bike up it...
In March I usually have one week where I am skiing there one Saturday and then the next Saturday I am riding my bike through the roads by the trails.
The ice cream at the farm is pretty good, too.
I love New England!

I remember it being gorgeous and lots of fun. Never thought about mountain biking when I lived up there, but that would be a great place for it. Maybe someday I'll go visit friends up there in the winter and go xc skiing again...

06-20-2009, 06:12 PM
today was the tour de blast, a ride up to the top (or halfway to the top) of Mount St Helens! It has 3 rides, the hard core, which includes 8000 feet of climb in about 80 miles, the medium ride, which i did, with almost 4000 feet of climb and 55.5 miles and an even shorter ride.
Thanks to modern technology, what we were mostly climbing after the first 12 miles of rolling hills were ramps at 5-6% for MILES. Halfway through the hardest climb, we came upon a smiling face on a recumbent bike. She was wearing a brand new jersey! It was Evangundy!

She was the first one to get the flourishes jersey. It was really beautiful!
The plan was that Raleighdon henceforth known as DH, was going to do the long ride, and leave me behind at 3000 feet of altitude, which was about 2 or 3 miles from the place I was going to stop and turn around. He had a notion that he'd be able to get back about as fast as I was, even though I was riding only 55 miles and he was riding over 80.
I rode up to Elk Rock Lookout, which wasn't much of a lookout, since it was in the clouds. In this picture you can see what I saw from the lookout, which is at the top there.
When you stop, you turn around and go back down. That means putting on extra layers of clothing. I was wearing a wool jersey, wool longsleeved undershirt, wool knickers, wool kneesocks, two pairs of wool gloves, a little wool hat, my showers pass raincoat and rain pants!
i was dressed properly for the descent, believe me. it was COLD. of course when you get down closer to sea level, you have to take all that stuff off.
http://www.sersale.org/bike/blasthill.jpg Fortunately DH was able to see the mountain when he got back to the look out about 2 hours later.

I finished the ride with an avg speed of 12.3 mph, pretty amazing.
I can't tell you how much fun it was sailing down that mountain at speeds above 20mph! Tour De Blast is about the most fun organized ride i've ever been on.
And the food was good too. All the stops had bananas, oranges, potatoes, sandwiches and 3 kinds of VERY GOOD BROWNIES.
And smurf juice.
Here are DH & I newly reunited with our smurf juice.


06-20-2009, 06:53 PM
Oh my gosh Mimi- what GREAT PHOTOS!! I'm in awe.
You and D are truly amazing!! :eek: :)

06-20-2009, 07:19 PM
Sounds like you had, well, a blast!

Excellent report. Gotta admit, the sight of RD (aka your DH) wearing a cap with the word Silence along the brim made me chuckle.

And very nice jersey, Ms. Gundy.

06-20-2009, 07:40 PM
Awesome ride! Congrats to you all, mimi. And Evagundy you look great as the numero uno in Flourishes jersey. It suits you. By the way, your white hair looks great on you also. :)

06-20-2009, 07:42 PM
Great pics - thanks for sharing :)

06-20-2009, 07:47 PM
Gotta admit, the sight of RD (aka your DH) wearing a cap with the word Silence along the brim made me chuckle.

yes, me too. I have no idea where he got that hat.

06-21-2009, 03:24 AM
Wow Mimi sounds like you had a great ride and the pics are fabulous. :)

06-21-2009, 04:11 AM
Looks like a great ride, Mimi. But cold!
Slight hijack again.
Reesha, maybe we can ride when you come home in July? It might be a recovery ride for you! Where in Acton do your grandparents live? I lived in Boxborough before I moved to Concord... my kids went to AB.

06-21-2009, 05:00 AM
Well, I'd have to scrounge up a bike. I think my aunt in maynard has the exact same bike as me (size too!) and she said I could borrow it. My grandparents now live at Audubon Hill but they used to live in a beautiful, formerly white farmhouse on main st. in Acton. You might be familiar with the Powers Gallery across from Trader Joe's in Acton. That's a family venture started by my grandpa but now my uncle owns/runs it.

I'd definitely be down for a ride though! The other thing I often do when I'm home is drive to cambridge to climb the Harvard bleachers. I usually do half the stadium on the little steps.

06-21-2009, 07:52 AM
Reesha, your uncle is Larry Powers? I know him! I live about 3 miles from the new gallery.
I know exactly which house was your grandparents on Main St.

06-21-2009, 09:57 AM
Tour de Blast was a fun ride. This was my 4th time riding it, and not the worst weather day. Was fun to meet Mimi & her DH. After they rode away from me, someone behind me commented that they bet no one has as much fun as that lady's husband. He was laughing and joking and commenting to everyone, and had everyone smiling. No wonder Mimi smiles in so many pictures!


06-21-2009, 12:00 PM
We were still having the "June Gloom" yesterday morning
I finally decided to turn around and do the club ride when it go too thick:
We had a record turnout:
My Friends Fred and slyvia got a new Ruegamer Ying and Yang tandem:
Then I went out Van Nuys and got some work on Bent. Here's a lady test riding a trike inside the store:
Even bike shop owners can be daddies :)

06-21-2009, 12:32 PM
I love seeing people's ride pictures.

Mimi, how did your saddle work for you this time? And how are your knees? Congrats on a good ride.

06-21-2009, 09:08 PM
This was my 4th time for TdB, too. I love this ride and the great volunteers. A group of us make a full weekend out of it and have a great time at Silver Lake Resort ('resort' used loosely). We discovered that our camera battery was dead before we took off, so no nice photos like Mimi. Two years ago it was cold, but this seemed sooo much colder to me. Last year I went to the top, but just wimped out this year. One highlight for me was that I did make it between the 1st stop & Elk Rock 10 mins quicker than last year, and was only 7 mins behind dh. All that commuting thru the winter really did pay off! Also, the climb on this ride gives you plenty of time to admire the diversity of bikes out there! Amazing machines on the road.

I wish I had noticed Evangundy's jersey! I did notice her bike and was actually going to ask about it (is that titanium?), but I decided that disrupting my breathing wasn't such a good idea. :o

06-21-2009, 09:09 PM
Reesha, your uncle is Larry Powers? I know him! I live about 3 miles from the new gallery.
I know exactly which house was your grandparents on Main St.

Haha yeah... I suspected you might know him ;) My dad is his brother! Larry's brother (my other uncle) Mike is a big cyclist and helped get me into biking my whole life providing me with various bikes as needed. Actually, Mike is the one who totally rehabbed the farmhouse that houses new gallery. He often races with my brother up at the velo'drome' (it's outside) in Manchester, NH. Do you know **** Ring? He's the old announcer for a lot of the famous races in New England and did Longsjo for a longtime. Whenever I come home I try to go for a ride with him because he's such a riot!!!

06-21-2009, 09:59 PM
Mimi-way cool! Pls say hello to de Mr RD :cool: I'd never laughed so much in my life until I met RD at dinner last year. YOu're one lucky woman!

Evang-That's one interesting bike ye got!

Me, I just went to the goat farm (another dh/xc place situated..on a freakin big hill:eek:) and did some hillwork.

06-22-2009, 03:24 AM
Oy, Reesha, I should probably PM you and not bore the others with this conversation... but it's funny, so I wanted to make it public.
Yes, I know your uncle. When I first moved back to MA, after living in AZ, I taught aerobics at the Westford Regency Club. Larry was teaching there, too. For some reason, we shared a mailbox in the staff room and for that reason, everyone thought we were married!
As far as **** Ring, another funny story. As a lot of people on the forum know, my younger son, who is in the Marines, was a Cat 3 racer in high school. When he first started cycling, he and my husband joined a local club and **** Ring was a speaker one month. I cannot tell you the laughter and comments his name caused in my house, with a 14 year old racer and his 16 year old brother! It even made me laugh. Then, Scott (my son) took a clinic with **** as the teacher. Yes, I've been to the Longsjo 4 times. Twice, Scott was a DNF. Then, in 2006 and 2008, my former exchange student, who was a pro racer at the time came to visit us and race at Fitchburg. In 2006, he won the green jersey and when he got called to the podium, they asked me to come up as his "American" mom. Right away, I asked the young guy who was announcing, "Where's **** Ring?" He didn't think it was funny.
PM me, when you come to town.

06-22-2009, 06:33 AM
so Crankin, are you talking about D I C K Ring?

06-22-2009, 08:28 AM
Yes, that's his name. I actually did talk to him at that last race, as he was there as a spectator.
A little piece of New England cycling history.

06-22-2009, 10:21 PM
I wish I had noticed Evangundy's jersey! I did notice her bike and was actually going to ask about it (is that titanium?), but I decided that disrupting my breathing wasn't such a good idea. :o

I don't know if I could have disrupted my own breathing, to answer you ;-)
Yes, my bike is titanium. My first recumbent was the steel Tour Easy, then I sold it when I bought the aluminum Gold Rush. Then a couple years ago, I came across a super deal I couldn't pass up and bought my Ti-Rush (and sold the GR) - it was my 50th birthday present to myself. Told DH that if I could buy that bike, he didn't have to get me anything but a card for my birthday. Got a great card and a big BBQ with friends and family.

I love my bike :-)

06-27-2009, 02:23 PM
Isn't the titanium the new gold for any 50th celebration? ;) Very nice bike.