06-19-2009, 09:10 AM
It is hot here in North Texas, and so rather than get some mileage on the road bike, I opted for the shade of the trail on the MTB. An officer friend and I met at the other cars in the lot! And that proved to be great, because the deer were out. It was AWESOME. My friend is a capable but much slower rider than I am, so I would ride out in front and stop and wait for him from time to time. As a result, I rode up on a mother deer and her fawn...they were remarkably unafraid of me, let me ride up to about 10 feet from them before walking on into the underbrush. I saw Mom again on the way back, I bet baby was taking a nap.
The trail was great and my legs fresh, no falls today (always a good day) and I found a nice shell/rock for my SO (who collects rocks)....if I am riding with him, I am usually trying to breathe and keep up, if I ride with my officer friend, I have time to scan the rocks for cool things.
I wish I had had a camera with me.
The trail was great and my legs fresh, no falls today (always a good day) and I found a nice shell/rock for my SO (who collects rocks)....if I am riding with him, I am usually trying to breathe and keep up, if I ride with my officer friend, I have time to scan the rocks for cool things.
I wish I had had a camera with me.