View Full Version : cycling exchange ?

06-17-2009, 08:19 PM

This may be a really silly question but I'm going to ask anyway...

Does any of you know if there is such a thing as a cycling exchange in perhaps the form of some sort of scholarship or sponsorship?

I'm from australia and would love to venture overseas and meet some new women who cycle and train with them and race and just really enjoy the whole experience of training and racing and CYCLING in general in a different country.

I mean i'm not a proffessional cyclist but love the sport. I train everyday and race on weekends and would love to experience my love for cycling somewhere new for a month or so.

Any help or information you girls might know would be greatly appreciated!


06-17-2009, 10:26 PM
Hey Albe,

Have you tried the BNA forum? www.bicycles.net.au

There are some gems over there :)

What about a search on the Minister for the Env, culture & sports website?

06-18-2009, 03:48 PM
Thanks very much..

Will have a look!

Have a great day :-)