View Full Version : Strange reaction shopping today...

Red Rock
06-13-2009, 03:06 PM
I was out shopping at a local big box store here in town for some zip off pants. I found the pants and some other good stuff for commuting (GORE ranin pants!)that I did not have before. The good thing it was all on sale!:D

I happen to find the glove section. Since I started cycling again, gloves are always something to look at and evaluate. I was looking at the neoprene gloves. Thinking how would they work in the winter? Then I found an associate that I could ask questions. So I did. We were talking about what glove would work best for cycling. I meant BIcycling. Then she says "oh, my dad uses these when he goes out on his MOTORcycle and then puts on a heavier glove such as this." After she said that, I was a bit taken a back on the statement. It never occured to her that I was talking about bicycling. I never even thought about a motorcycle either.

Then I tell my husband how I had "scored" shopping and how happy I was because everything was on sale. Then he makes this comment of "don't you have enough gloves? How many gloves do you have? Don't you have as many gloves as shoes? Then I got to thinking, I am probably not the only one either. There are gloves for summer, both mountain and road. Gloves for Fall and Spring, road and mountain. Then gloves for winter. There is some interchangability between them. There was not a postive statement about what I did. It turned a good experience into a not so good experience.

I am the one riding not him, so I will be using what I have found. I actually hope to be riding more not less since I want to be commuting to work. Or biking my drive.

Anyway, life goes on...

Red Rock

06-13-2009, 05:42 PM
Whenever I talk about riding my "bike," people assume motorcycle. I have to say bicycle unless I am speaking to an acquaintance/friend/family.

I have that problem with the DH sometimes. It stops when I say, "Do you want me to get out the credit card statement and tell you how much you spent on XYZ :) ?" Conversation over.

06-13-2009, 07:59 PM
my bicycle is a Davidson. That gets a little confusion going too!

I have lots of gloves. On long rides i take extra pairs. They get sweaty and stinky. It's not like riding a motorcycle where you expend zero energy for hours.

06-14-2009, 03:22 AM
It's not like riding a motorcycle where you expend zero energy for hours.

Eh, it's not as relaxed as all that. Street riding doesn't have the cardio demands of bicycling (on the street you have to reel it in just because of safety considerations), but there's still plenty of muscle work involved - forearms, pecs, triceps, quads.

I've become comfortable saying "moto" in conversation, but the bici is a bit more of a challenge. It's a little too faux Italian for me to say out loud. :rolleyes: So I wind up pronouncing all three syllables.

Gloves - at a minimum you need a pair to wear and a pair to wash, for each temperature range! I think civilians might not understand how disgusting bicycling gloves can get! :D

06-14-2009, 06:01 AM
as to the amount of energy expended by motorcycling, all i can do is look at the guys that DH looked like 20 years ago who took up MOTORcycling instead of BIcycling, and they are all to a man bloated with fat, taking all kinds of medication, having trouble walking, etc.
And i've never heard ANYONE call it exercise.

06-14-2009, 06:23 AM
Well, whatever activity you do, if your whole purpose in life is drinking beer, you'll be fat and unhealthy. Sadly, there are many bikers (NOT motorcyclists) whose whole purpose is drinking beer. But that's not riding a motorcycle, that's bar-hopping.

Bicycling has become the cross-training activity of choice among motorcyclists, and many pro motorcyclists train side-by-side with pro bicyclists. That's what kind of cardio condition they have to be in.

Spend a few hours in the twisties and then tell me how your muscles feel....

Red Rock
06-14-2009, 06:55 AM
All seems ok today. Yesterday, hubby had a small breakdown so we talked. I really do not know what was going on. All is good.

I guess I will have to be more specific when shopping next time. That way I will not run into this problem.

Red Rock

06-14-2009, 04:16 PM
We wash our gloves at least once a week after our long ride--preferably more. My sis never considered it until she accidentally got a whiff the other day--YUCK! I couldn't get to the camera quick enough :eek:

06-14-2009, 05:30 PM
There is nothing worse than gloves that are ridden hard and put up wet!! YUCK!!

06-14-2009, 06:07 PM
I've become comfortable saying "moto" in conversation, but the bici is a bit more of a challenge. It's a little too faux Italian for me to say out loud. :rolleyes: So I wind up pronouncing all three syllables.

I usually say "moto" or "motorbike", and "pedal bike" or "push bike" to distinguish them. Sometimes people identify me so much with the moto that even "bicycle" seems to confuse them.

06-15-2009, 04:13 AM
Yep, when talking to someone often I have to say " push bike" rather than bike..

I will ensure i never say " I'm a bikie"...Ermm no i'm not a member of a motorcycle gang..:eek: