View Full Version : Best way to take baby on bike ride . . .

06-12-2009, 06:20 AM
I'd really like to take the new kid on a bike ride. He's just about one month old. Not on a mileage ride or anything like that, just for a leisurely ride around the neighborhood on a smooth bike path.

I am planning to either secure his car seat into the burley solo.

Or put him in his bjorn carrier.

I am planning on riding a Giant Suede--so I would be sitting completely upright and both my feet are able to lay flat on the ground while I'm still seated--it's a very stable bike.

Which do you guys think is the better option? Anyone else take their babies on bike rides before they were 1-year? I may also just wait another two months before we try this. Although, it seems to me, if he is safe in his car seat going down dirt roads and over potholes, he would be just as safe riding in his car seat that is secured into the burley going down a bike path.


06-12-2009, 06:31 AM
i was told to not transport babies less than 1 year.
Especially 1 month old, they are not strong enough to hold their heads up very well.

i don't know what the Bjorn thing is; but i guess in a car type carrier it would be ok. what's your rush?

06-12-2009, 06:55 AM
I'm home alone with baby and preschooler 6.5 days a week--getting really bored. I just thought since I take him in the baby jogger with his car seat for running and roller-blading--what's the difference if it's secured in the burley?

But I know there are people who are adament about not taking babies on bike rides until they are 1 years old. I was curious as to the specific reason. I don't want to harm baby. But as far as I can see, he would be safe in the car seat.

06-12-2009, 07:07 AM
If you can secure the car seat in the Burley, I'd go with that. The Bjorn might make it difficult for you to move around (turning around to see things passing you, etc., although maybe not an issue on a bike path) and might overbalance you while riding, plus if you DO tip over for whatever reason, the Burley stays safe and upright while a baby attached to you is vulnerable. I agree that the car seat in the Burley is no more dangerous than the car seat in a baby jogger.

06-12-2009, 07:16 AM
No idea, but links that might help;

06-12-2009, 07:48 AM
:o:o Oh well, 30 years ago, when DH was in the Army in Italy, I had no car so we both had bicycles. The car was really for emergencies and travel or commissary visits. I rode with the Snugli baby carrier on my back with my 3 month old. Neither of us wore helmets. Heck, nobody did at that time. Sure wouldn't do that now. Later, as soon as he could sit on his own, about 4-5 months, I got one of those bicycle seats of molded plastic with a seat belt and that was what we used for the next 2+ years. I only fell off once and caught him before the bike hit the ground. It was flat cycling, going to market, errands, and visiting. He and I loved it and went everywhere that way.

I shudder to think about it now, but we turned alot of heads as Americans were well known for driving everywhere and babies rarely went out at a young age! They would NEVER be seen on a bike. I don't know how it is now.

...one month old? I am not sure about that. A few more months might be good for a trailer but the helmet part might be tough for such a youngster.

06-12-2009, 07:52 AM
We put our sons car seat in the Burley Solo and rode with him on the sidewalk and bike paths* when he was a baby. In fact it was easier the smaller he was, he had a really small car seat up to 9 months that reclined very well, he slept, well, like a baby :D Great way to get around, get groceries etc. We didn't have a car back then so that was basically how we got around and sure beat manhauling the huge stroller on and off the bus.

We let out a little air from the Burley tires to give a smoother ride.

* not on the road in traffic, as my MIL liked to tell her shocked friends. :rolleyes:

PS. I forget if we put a helmet on him, but I suspect we didn't when he was very small. There was basically no way he could get thrown out of the Burley. I seem to remember a folded towel on either side of his head for support when he was sleeping.

06-12-2009, 09:41 AM
+1 for the carseat in the Burley. Can you put both the kids in the Burley at the same time? I'd cushion his head, too. Lucky kid. :)


06-12-2009, 12:01 PM
Don't forget to put a sign on your carrier:


06-12-2009, 12:28 PM
I would think the car seat in the trailer is the safer way to go (much less risk to him if, God forbid, you were to crash), although it would be a much bumpier ride than having him in the Bjorn. Maybe the trailers should be made with some sort of suspension to smooth out the bumps. If there's a way to configure the car seat so he's just about lying flat, that should make the fact that he can't yet hold his head up a non-issue (but still cushion his head and place padding around it to keep it securely in place).

ETA: What do people with babies/small kids do in countries where cycling is a routine form of transport and many people don't have cars? They must have ways of taking the kids along when they do their errands etc.--I don't suppose they just stay home. Seems that those would be the places to look for safe and practical solutions here.

06-12-2009, 01:15 PM
Car seat in the trailer would be preferable IMO. I've seen it done and I don't see the harm in it as long as you're not going too fast or braking too suddenly. I'm guessing DD will be riding by your side? I think the 1 yr. recommendation came about when it hadn't occurred to anyone yet that they could strap their car seats in it for children younger than that who are not able to sit fully upright and whose necks cannot support the additional weight of a helmet. Were anything to go amiss, the trailer acts as a roll cage.

06-12-2009, 01:46 PM
We had a successful ride this afternoon. While DS was napping, I played around with the best way to secure the car seat and then took it for a test ride in front of the house to make sure the seat didn't jostle or shift position. Once I had I was confident it was secure, we were ready to go!

I did have the car seat positioned so that it was laying a little more flat than it rides in the car. I braced his head with the rolled towels. He really seemed to enjoy the ride: looked around alot and cooed. I think he also liked the warm breeze.

We got about 6 miles on the bike path. It was sooooo nice to be on a bike again.

06-12-2009, 01:51 PM
Congratulations on a successful first ride. May you share many happy miles.

06-12-2009, 01:58 PM
It's amazing how many things we use to do and never got hurt that nowadays people act shocked about. Remember seesaws, monkey bars, lawn darts...Okay, maybe lawn darts are a bad idea. ;)

I'm glad you went for a bike ride.


06-12-2009, 04:30 PM
Glad to hear you got in a good ride, Lime. Now you know it works well so won't be worried about it! Keep up the good work and that li'l guy will be riding on his own in no time!!! :D:D

06-12-2009, 11:07 PM
Limewave, you're a cool mom! Thank you for not bubble wrapping your child :)

06-12-2009, 11:29 PM
Source of inspiration:

I was reading today about a family that took their 2-year-old and their 2-month-old (!) on a 27-week-long trip from Zurich to Casablanca, totalling 10,100 km. (About 6,000 miles.) (!!!!!) LOTS of mountain climbing. They look like pretty fit people, too.

And: the mother was breastfeeding (but they had to ride at daybreak on hot days because the milk was not to the baby's taste otherwise).

Pretty impressive stuff. Not many pictures though. :( But here they are with all their gear:

and a shorter article in English is here: http://www.forces.gc.ca/site/commun/ml-fe/vol_12/vol12_07/1207_04.pdf

Helmets are quite bad for babies that age, way too heavy for their little head. You want to be on the safe side, but obviously you are. Get out there and enjoy! :D

06-13-2009, 06:02 PM
With the blessings of our pediatrician, I started with my younger son when he was just shy of 3 months old, putting him in the infant car seat, strapped in rear-facing in the Burley. My older son sat in the Bobike seat on the bike. I stayed off the busy streets, and tried to avoid any obvious big bumps.

I'm glad you got out there for a ride!

06-16-2009, 10:04 AM
Check out this website.

How cool is this??? ;)

One negative side though... it's a teeny weeny bit expensive. :o

06-16-2009, 10:36 AM
DD is 11 months - we have a Kettler Flipper seat on the back of a bike - a Jamis Coda bought specially to tote her around.

The helmet thing is an issue. I can't seem to find a helmet small enough to fit her. I found a really small one through REI (smallest I could find!) and it still falls over her face. So (eek) we ride without it for now. I feel like a bad parent but I am confident we're going to be fine.

She loves it. Please don't flame me. :o

06-16-2009, 12:33 PM
Check out this website.

How cool is this??? ;)

One negative side though... it's a teeny weeny bit expensive. :o

holy moly that is amazing! it makes me want to have another baby, just so i can use one of those! not that i could afford it, but still! why are all the great family bike inventions only available in Europe?

06-16-2009, 01:53 PM
That is a lovely and cool bikebabypram. Maybe in 2-3 years we'll see a couple here in bigger North American cities.

I agree the best bike inventions do tend to come from Europe first.

06-16-2009, 02:00 PM
Check out this website.

How cool is this??? ;)

One negative side though... it's a teeny weeny bit expensive. :o

Those are really cool! I would LOVE one of those.

06-17-2009, 02:56 AM
these are very popular here. Safe, handy and the local bike shops take them back when the kids are too big.


06-17-2009, 05:16 AM
It's amazing how many things we use to do and never got hurt that nowadays people act shocked about. Remember seesaws, monkey bars, lawn darts...Okay, maybe lawn darts are a bad idea. ;)


This is so true. When I was a kid, we rode in the back of pickup trucks and played in the woods all day long--"Don't come back until dinner!"

But nowadays the kids in my neighborhood don't leave their yard and ride around on electrically powered "vehicles".

So way to get out there!

06-17-2009, 07:56 AM
I think my daughter was 3mos old when she began her Burley rides. We found her the tiniest helmet ever, and strapped in her carseat. With no car, she was ususally well protected by the laundry, or groceries, or whateve else I was transporting at the time. I didn't think twice about the safety, it was pure necessity.

04-12-2020, 11:46 PM
I think it's help you
How to Fit a Kid’s Bike Helmet | The Ultimate Checklist with Safety Tips (https://gearbikesreview.com/how-to-fit-a-bike-helmet-for-a-child/)

04-20-2020, 02:28 AM
Such a cute topic. Definitely one of my to-do-list once my baby boy is born. :)