View Full Version : June 9th rides

06-09-2009, 09:05 AM
Did an easy 18 mile recovery-from-Sunday's-crash ride. Felt good to work out the stiffness.

My day was made when I saw two young children, about 7 years old--boy and girl, possibly twins--riding unicycles. :) They were so cute and I was so impressed! Dad was on a Mtn bike.

06-09-2009, 04:39 PM
I ventured into the hills again yesterday & had a ton of fun :) This time I added an extra bit on as I would like to do increase my hill km's.

It's a good thing I read the weather forecast & did it yesterday as it's not weather for riding in the hills today. Rain.. The dirt will be nice though for later this week :) I was at a women's mtb skills session on the weekend & a v good racer friend of mine noticed something odd about my bike set up. SHe did a few tweaks(trained physio & bike set up person) & I think i'll be able to actually lift the front of me mtn bike up now!

Mr. Bloom
06-09-2009, 05:49 PM
Riding for the first time with the Training Group for the Bloomington Club...and I'm hanging in there (to my surprise).

Half way in, a Hammerin' ride - despite serious hills, we're averaging 19.2mph...my max speed was 46.4 mph.

Then, on an extended downhill, we had to turn left. One of the lead riders (there were 17 of us) signaled left (just five feet in front of me), another rider didn't see him, clipped him on the left, and the lead went down - :eek:AT 40 MPH:eek: according to my Garmin.

I barely missed him. He slid at least 20 feet. We had a car up, car back, and car left!

He's generally OK, but something's wrong with his hip - likely pulled something in the slide. So, we got him to the hospital...where he is now.

- the route was poorly described...and not everyone understood that the turn was coming up.
- the group was too big to be going that fast without fanning out more

06-09-2009, 06:23 PM
Wow, Mr Silver...I am glad that no one got seriously injured ( not that the leader didn't get hurt) Going that fast leaves little reaction time. All I can say again is Wow.

No ride here again, lots of T-storms and a tornado touched down north of where I live. There was one on the other side of the city this weekend too:eek:

06-09-2009, 07:34 PM
Did a short 10 miles with hills. Much easier on the new ride. :) Still getting used to drops vs flat bar and different shifters, but all good.

06-09-2009, 07:51 PM
42 kms. I'm a robot..same route. :p But it is a beautiful, pleasant route.
Today started off abit late...7:15 am.