View Full Version : Hotter N Hell riders?

06-09-2009, 04:35 AM
Hi all!

Haven't been in in forever, but was wondering if anyone is doing the the Hotter N Hell 100 ride this year?

There might be a thread already! Sorry if there is :)


Link looks weird! Hope it works :)

06-09-2009, 05:35 AM
Yep... one of the New Year's rituals now is logging on and signing up for the HHH... We'll be camping over by the Ag Center...

06-09-2009, 05:47 PM
I'm in. My goal is to do the 100 miles in under 5 hours. If no wind, I can do it. If wind, it will be a stretch.

06-10-2009, 04:56 AM
Thanks guys for your input! I did it two years ago. It was 106! They closed the Hotter gate at one point. Only made 75 miles, but the heat definitely got to me!

Can anyone camp at the ag site? Are there showers/bathrooms? How far is it from the start?

Thank you

06-10-2009, 05:26 AM
Thanks guys for your input! I did it two years ago. It was 106! They closed the Hotter gate at one point. Only made 75 miles, but the heat definitely got to me!

Can anyone camp at the ag site? Are there showers/bathrooms? How far is it from the start?

Thank you

The Bridwell Ag center is open for tent and RV camping (there's a small charge for the RV hookups), or you can simply throw down a cot or bedroll on the floor inside. There are bathroom facilities and showers available, and the HHH staff usually sets up cold showers outside for after the ride. It's adjacent, just over a foot bridge from the conference center, and only about a short two blocks from the start line.

06-10-2009, 09:19 AM
Thank you for the info! Last time, I had to get a hotel in Mt Vernon. I think that was the name of the town..anyway, it was quite a ways away...Just want to try and be closer this time...:)

06-10-2009, 09:38 AM
The hotels in and directly adjacent to WF have been booked for months.
I used to camp with my husband in the state park about 10 minutes from the convention center. It was fun, quiet, and easy.

06-10-2009, 02:57 PM
Do I need to call the Bridwell and make arrangements or do I just show up? Is there always room? Is it a good idea to bring a tent if there is no room available inside? Is there anything else I should know if I use this option?

Thank you for your time. I do realize that the hotels are usually booked by now, but haven't tried looking at all yet. Just looking into other options..:)

The Bridwell Ag center is open for tent and RV camping (there's a small charge for the RV hookups), or you can simply throw down a cot or bedroll on the floor inside. There are bathroom facilities and showers available, and the HHH staff usually sets up cold showers outside for after the ride. It's adjacent, just over a foot bridge from the conference center, and only about a short two blocks from the start line.

06-28-2009, 06:00 PM
Okay, I signed up one more time for the Hotter ride..Here I come buzzards! LOL Anyway, if anymore of you are doing this ride, give me a holler...I hope the weather behaves! Having 105 heat index right now it doesn't look good! But, then it is called the "Hotter N Hell ride!" :D

06-28-2009, 06:03 PM
I'd like to go but I think I'm scheduled to work on that weekend :(

06-28-2009, 06:07 PM
I am sure they won't miss you if you skip work! I would! LOL --Anyway, good excuse! Just afraid, huh? LOL

Well, hopefully you will be able to make it :)

I'd like to go but I think I'm scheduled to work on that weekend :(

06-29-2009, 02:51 AM
I am planning on it, though I'm not sure what distance I will be going. It is looking like this might be a hot one, and I did not ride much over winter/spring. 30 miles yesterday was my first over 25 ride this year.

I have not found a place to stay yet. I really want a/c and my own shower, so it might be a long way away. I have considered renting a motor home.


06-29-2009, 03:16 AM
I really haven't been riding much either, but I do know what technically I can do without pushing myself. :)

You are right, I think this is not going to be a forgiving year, temperature wise! Let's say hot!

Have you tried Lawton, OK? It is about 50 miles from WF--Go to Expedia.com and enter Lawton--there are a few hotels there and are quite reasonable! 65 a night! I am sure it not very good, but has air and a shower!

Let me know if you stay in Lawton--I am staying at the Super 8---

Good luck!

06-29-2009, 10:04 AM
We are going again. This will be our 5th. We stay at one of the "Host Homes". It's free and they usually feed you. They have always been very nice people. We just stay at the host home on Friday night and then get a motel for Saturday night, by then most people are on their way home.

Have fun everyone!