View Full Version : June 7th Rides

06-07-2009, 11:18 AM
I'm baaack!

First real ride 10 weeks plus 1 day from fracturing my pelvis.

22 mile out and back with BF. Felt pretty good but I stayed on his wheel the whole time.



06-07-2009, 12:08 PM
am, that's awesome! You must feel great!

Did our tour de cure today! I wound up doing the 50 mile route, was originally going to do the 62 mile but I wanted to ride with friends doing the 50. It was fantastic, beautiful route, some nice climbs but not too many, mostly rollers. Some total jackass riders that I would have liked to have seem pulled off the ride for doing stupid stuff that could have really hurt themselves and others, but mostly happy good strong riders, some super kids doing shorter rides, and ice cream after!

06-07-2009, 12:23 PM
Set out to do a short, flatter, fast ride and had several interruptions. My DH wanted to use the alarm on his Garmin for his HR and he had to fiddle with that. Then, as I was going down the hill, I just felt like my rear brake was not right. It had a funny crunchy feeling and it was getting worse. So we rode back up the hill and DH took it apart, fixing the pivot (?) and replacing the cable. Much better, but I think this has been broken since I started riding in March.
Back down the hill riding at a nice pace until 8 miles, when we stopped. More fiddling with the alarms for what seemed like a long time. Managed to have will power as we passed both Kimball farms and Bedford Farms ice cream, which were mobbed. We passed quite a few riders, which is not usual for me...
Then, as we were headed home, DH turned into the lot for the drugstore. When he came out, we thought we would go get iced coffee, but I looked up and the sky looked very dark in the direction of our house. Sure enough, as I was opening the front door, it started sprinkling.
20.2 miles

06-07-2009, 12:48 PM
Five of us did a skills clinic of sorts with one of the racers from the shop rides. It was a lot of stop-and-go riding. We'd stop off the road and discuss things then go on the road and work on what we were talking about. We did one-legged pedalling and climbing drills...seated climbing in the big chainring...pace lines to the left and right. The one-legged pedalling really makes it obvious where your pedalling technique is lacking. I have a very choppy style, and it took quite a bit to smooth it out. I can tell it really works different muscles, as my legs are sore this afternoon in a new way! :eek:

06-07-2009, 01:58 PM
I'm baaack!

First real ride 10 weeks plus 1 day from fracturing my pelvis.

Good for you!!!:cool: Nice to see you out on your bike with a smile.

Funny you posted this pic... after my road riding today, I took out my mtb. You crossed my mind. I drove down the road past the house with the dog that d*mn near took me out (never rode past it since). Was thinking.... is it still alive? Can I ride the road again? What? (fence gate still standing wide open as always, so thinking "not"). Gheez...

Just short 15mi road for me today. Still sick w/upper respiratory infection. Just wanted to be out for a bit to sooth my soul. Then, my trail bike for some nature.

06-07-2009, 02:07 PM
Good for you, Arielmoon!!

06-07-2009, 02:21 PM
Welcome back to the bike and more great journeys ahead, ariel.

Abit boring today but did 44 kms., with a stop at a neighbourhood farmers' market and me off later, on bike to do more grocery shopping elsewhere in 2nd area.

NB: He wasn't buying/looking at cacti. Cacti is hiding a terrific selection of locally made cheeses. One of our favourite cheesemakers who produce a fab blue cheese & brie. Early last summer, blue cheese was so popular that cheesemaker no longer had any in stock to sell direct.

06-07-2009, 04:23 PM
Arielmoon, congratulations on being back on your bike.

Today I saw the red-tailed hawk babies eating lunch. There are photos on this blog (http://urbanhawks.blogs.com/urban_hawks/riverside_drive_redtailed_hawks/).

They are quite big, and I assume they'll be leaving the nest soon, so I'm thrilled that I got to see them dining today. The siblings were squabbling over whatever it was.


06-07-2009, 04:29 PM
22.4 miles on my 'new to me' new ride, Betty. Getting used to the different shifters and a seat I'm not sure is going to stay. (She's an upgrade from a Schwin Avenue, 21 speed triple) I am in LOVE! LOL. She's a Rodriguez Stellar, dark purple with black handlebar tape.

06-07-2009, 04:55 PM
We did a group ride into Johor State in Malaysia, just 90+km return trip, some climbing, tougher than a rather flat Singapore ride. Didn't sprint all the way with the head of the group, but gave myself a good pace to follow. It was hard though, but I can see my fitness returning slowly. I think I will do these across-the-border rides more often. The ride took us forever though, because we had inexperienced riders in the group and had to take lots of stops to wait for them to catch up and make sure they didn't get lost. Also go caught in a massive thunderstorm about 20km from home, and since there was an immigration checkpoint, heavy traffic and all between that, we stopped to wait it out. All in all, a good ride, felt good, and motivating.

06-07-2009, 05:20 PM
First off I want to second what everyone else said....Arielmoon I am glad you had a great ride...

I did the 12 mile bike portion of a sprint triathlon relay. We were a team of breast cancer survivors. Our runner is 10 years out, I am almost 4 and our swimmer is just at 18 months.

This is a very hilly course and I wanted to do it in under an hour (on my hybrid). I did it in 59:57!!! Not like cutting it close!


06-07-2009, 06:14 PM
great riding !
nice pictures shooting star.

We did 34 miles, lots of hills. It was cool, perfect weather. I love where I live!

06-08-2009, 05:59 AM
Thanks everyone!
Good for you!!!:cool: Nice to see you out on your bike with a smile.

Funny you posted this pic... after my road riding today, I took out my mtb. You crossed my mind. I drove down the road past the house with the dog that d*mn near took me out (never rode past it since). Was thinking.... is it still alive? Can I ride the road again? What? (fence gate still standing wide open as always, so thinking "not"). Gheez...

Just short 15mi road for me today. Still sick w/upper respiratory infection. Just wanted to be out for a bit to sooth my soul. Then, my trail bike for some nature.
I actually rode past the NW corner of the farm where I got hit but not on the actual road but it was about 1/4 mile from it. I was very alert and kept a keen eye out for old Ralph while staying to the outside of BF.

Last time I drove past the gate it was wide open and Ralph was snoozing in the driveway. I have not doubt it would have been open yesterday.

Maybe when we make the claim against her insurance the dog owner will take the whole thing more seriously. :confused:

06-08-2009, 07:18 AM
54 interesting miles on the Silver Comet Trail yesterday. Great day until mile 22. I'm still not really sure what happened--I guess I must have been off in la-la land, taken in by the beauty of rural Georgia landscape. My riding partner and I were practicing drafting and I got too close. I tried to back off, but by the time I realized my error, I clipped her back wheel and off I went. I landed mostly on the grassy shoulder of the path, but my right arm did manage to connect with the asphalt. Major road rash! :( I have several nasty bruises, a sprained finger, and a sore back and neck (tensing up I guess). As I was in the slow motion process of hitting the dirt, all I could think about was that OMG I am really going to break something. But, my head is OK, my bike is OK (she is in the lbs for a check this am), and my friend managed to stay upright. I really don't want to repeat that experience. Been there, done that! The good news is that I got up, got back on the bike, rode for another 32 miles. Bee in the helmet when I was almost home.

I guess a lesson learned is that instead of being directly behind her and so close, I probably should have been just slightly to one side.

My God is not a vengeful God, but I don't think I'll be playing hooky from church anymore!

Saw a bunny, two black cats that crossed my path, one 3 ft corn snake, and a huge, may 5-6 ft copperhead, slithering off into the weeds. My friend and I thought it was funny that the cyclists coming toward us were squealing and wildly swerving--until we got to their spot and saw the source of their antics. :eek:

06-08-2009, 07:22 AM
Congrats Ariel for being back on the bike. I know it must have felt good. :)

06-08-2009, 07:27 AM
Congrats, Arielmoon, for getting out on your bike yesterday! As another poster said, I bet it felt great to be pedaling again!

I did a 22-miler yesterday with my brand spankin' new Fuji Silhouette---her first real road trip! The set up is very different from my last bike, so I spent most of the ride just getting used to the gearing, shifters and brakes. My right arm is pretty sore today! When I have time to take a few photos, I'll post pics of my new ride! :)

06-08-2009, 08:09 AM
Congrats Ariel for being back on the bike. I know it must have felt good. :)

Thanks so much. I really was delighted to be out on the road. :D

Sorry about your crash. Drafting can be tricky!

06-08-2009, 09:01 AM
Congrats Arielmoon!!! That first ride back is always special. (I have had a couple of them. :rolleyes: )

06-09-2009, 04:24 AM
22 miles again yesterday on the same out and back. Woo hoo! A friend rode with us and we had a better average. No thanks to me cause I sat 3rd wheel almost the whole time. :D