View Full Version : Weeeeee :) June 5th rides

06-04-2009, 10:55 PM
Weeee Wahooo Weeeeee :) I love hills :)

I ventured to the hills (we call a specific area in the outskirsts of perth "the hills"-where most mtn bike trails are) today & had a ton o fun. Ok, i'd rather be on me mtn bike wandering on some hills or singletrack but I just had to do this ride.

I changed from a double to a compact double last month or so & have been playing on as many hills in the city to test it out. It's just easier to ride & can spin pleasantly rather than it being a chore. I mainly sit in my saddle as I use it as training for going uphill on me mtn bike. So far, it's worked but think I need to now work on pushing a smidgen bit harder. As long as me hammies agree!

Ahhh..gotta love hills :D

06-05-2009, 07:22 AM
sounds like you need a pink polka-dot jersey :D :D :D

06-05-2009, 05:48 PM
CrazyCunook, congrats on the hills! I'm still working on those. LOL.

75 miles today - woo hoo! First real ride with toe clips (not clipless) and a new pair of road shoes. Love the toe clips, not too fond of the shoes. Went down once due to a (friendly) dog off leash who wanted to play. Couldn't get one foot out of the toe clip quick enough and paniced. Bike is fine, and so am I so no worries.

My bike has a shimano 'tourney' triple and I'm thinking of upgrading, but will have to price it out first. (still saving for a new bike). I'm just not really happy with the way this one shifts. Tried to get it adjusted at LBS twice, and it's better but I don't know.

06-05-2009, 05:56 PM
Changed out the back gears from a 12/27 to a 13/30 so that I can survive the hills out here. We picked up the bike from the LBS and went out for a quick, but very hilly 10 miles. What a difference the gearing made! I've never been fast up the hills, but was always in agony - mashing, lactic acid... Today, I was spinning up a hill that last week tried to kill me :D:D:D

06-05-2009, 06:27 PM
I went out for 22 miles of singletrack on the MTB today. My riding friend and I decided to tackle the butt kicking red section and were doing a decent job of it when I turned to avoid a large, knarly root section and missed the next thing...a little bridge across a pond. I caught the edge of the bridge with my tire and was spun off the bike and into the pond on the other side of the bridge. The pond was shallow, the bottom rocks. OW!
To make matters worse, I am usually a climbing hound. As long as I have a decent line and a little momentum, I can tackle all but the hardest stuff. I missed my gearing on an uphill rock garden, tried it anyway, and tipped over before I could clip out and stuck myself in the butt with a stick. Ow again.
The rest of it was fine, and the lower 11 miles were easy after that.

06-05-2009, 10:24 PM
don't know how to combine pics into one thread here so. excuse moi. A fun ride. Such a beautifull day so took my camera with me. This is redondo beach looking toward Palos Verdes (PV for short). The hills in the background. That's where I do my training ride. Sorry about the light pole. I'm a mediocre camera person.

06-05-2009, 10:25 PM
another view of PV.

06-05-2009, 10:26 PM
from near the top of PV. and aview of Catalina Island. town of Avalon is there somewhere.

06-05-2009, 10:30 PM
and the last one. So pretty. I always love this view. West side of PV facing south. Around the corner is Donald Trump's development. blahhh :mad: Oh the grade here is about 7%. Today came down slow for picture taking.