View Full Version : The 'family bikester' has arrived!

laura jane
06-04-2009, 08:52 AM
My summer goal is to ride my bike for all local errands and for toting my daughter around to playgrounds, etc. I was tired of spending time gathering all my road bike stuff each time we had to go out, so my husband and I got 'family bikesters' and they arrived today! Mine is the Cannondale Quick 5, fitted with a child seat :) Lucy is used to riding in the trailer with my road bike, so this will be an adjustment. An adjustment for me also.. I forgot there were bikes out there that weigh more than 18 pounds, not including gear and child!

Now I just need it to stop raining so we can take it for a spin!

06-04-2009, 09:59 AM
Last year I bought a Giant Suede, it was for my mom to ride, but she gave up on it. So now I'm the proud owner. It's perfect for everything you said, running errands, taking dd to the park, casual bike rides around the neighborhood. I absolutely love it. We'll soon have the train hooked up to it: burley piccolo and solo. That will be quite a haul.

Enjoy your family bike!

06-05-2009, 04:12 AM
Laura Jane, any pics of your go-to bike?