View Full Version : Municipal councillors' bike helmets: show of support

06-02-2009, 03:44 PM
Today's municipal council meeting for City of Vancouver, approved doubling the capital budget for more cycling facilities in city = $3+ million for this budget year.

4 of the 11 municipal councillors brought their bike helmets to council meeting and laid them in front of their desktop spot during the meeting the whole time. These councillors genuinely bike to work regularily.

The mayor, Gregor Robertson does cycle to work regularily. But today, not surprisingly, not to antagonize some members of public at meeting opposed to some cycling matters on meeting agenda, he did not bring in his bike helmet into meeting rm.

At least budget got approved, plus 1 additional new Ciclovia event...a car-free street zone event for this yr.

Above new approved money is separate and different from soon-to-be opened:

Within next 3 months, 3 additional major bike routes (blend of on-road with bike lane & off-road) will be opening:
Route 1) will be partially parallel a new light rapid transit train line and allow one to cycle from airport to downtown Vancouver
Route 2) over a 1 km. road bridge out in the suburbs with 2 bicycle spiral ramps (too tight, but that's another story)
Route 3) an extension of several kms. through a central greenway belt to extend right through 2 additional suburbs eastward from City of Vancouver

06-02-2009, 06:26 PM
Good news. We may have to come visit you for a Ciclovia event... sounds fun. Do you have a link to the dates? This link is broken... http://www.geoffmeggs.ca/

06-02-2009, 07:10 PM
Groundhog, the ciclovia event details are being hammered out under...a time crunch right now.

My partner (he's sitting beside me at his computer) is drafting some proposed event details for several people to review, then council/city hall has to review/approve details, yadddyddaaaddaa plus dates...

It's supposed to be this summer.

Will cover a 6 kms. stretch that is car-free along a whole waterfront/beaches area, starting from Stanley Park. In Vancouver we multiple beach areas, that have different names, and there are different neighbourhoods all along.

And yes, there are bike routes already in these proposed areas...for last few years.

On related topic to sustainable communities, earlier this year, the mayor ordered that part of front lawn at Vancouver city hall, be turned into a veggie garden. I haven't checked the front lawn yet. :)
