View Full Version : Inches
05-30-2009, 11:09 PM
I was riding on a two-lane highway located between two small towns in Southern Indiana. The cars were going 40-45 mph and there was steady traffic. All cars that passed me gave me plenty of room as most drivers do. Then the huge van passed within inches of my left side. I mean, gee whizzy, he was close. I was riding a straight line and this is why I didn't get hit. He pulled into an auto shop just a few blocks ahead. I caught up and decided to talk with him.
I told his wife that I almost got hit. She was speechless and just stared at me. Then the husband told me that he had told his wife that I took a "jog". He said, "I did see you." Unbelievable. Quite a few things went through my mind like screaming at him, "Would you have seen me in the ditch?!"
Welcome to the world of bicycle haters. He had every intention of stressing me out to teach me some kind of lesson. He didn't slow down. He didn't move over. He got as close as he could and felt justified in doing so. He wasn't sorry at all.
Not sure what I could have done. It would have been a he said/she said. I wasn't hit. He just made it clear that he wouldn't have cared if he had hit me. He didn't issue any threats.
I know my riding style. Riding a straight line is what I expect of myself. If I'm going to take a "jog" then I motion my intentions to the cars behind me.
I have to remind myself of all the motorists who are considerate even if they don't ride. I don't have a problem with 95% of drivers.
Be careful out there!
Mr. Bloom
05-31-2009, 03:02 AM
Barb, they passed the "three foot law" a couple months ago.
Understood that it's a "he said/she said", but I might suggest this:
- Before the encounter, take a picture of his license plate with your cell phone and send it home for preservation.
- Explain to him the law - Indiana Bicycle Coalition even has wallet cards that you can give him.
- If he wants to give you lip, go ahead and call the cops...he may mellow his attitude to be inconvenienced by their inquiry, even if he doesn't get a ticket. Remember, there was a witness, so they have to investigate even if she clams up...
It's unfortunate that there seem to be too many of these incidents in your part of the state. I encourage you to contact the Coalition for some ideas as well.
05-31-2009, 03:35 AM
Mr. Silver -
Thanks for adding to this thread. I had never heard of the 3 foot law. I actually have something to protect me!!!! This gives me power. I'm no match for an extra-large van. If he had hit/swiped me, I would have been launched through the air and mangled.
I will contact the Indiana Bicycle Coalition to educate myself and to request the wallet cards.
Maybe this summer will be a little safer afterall.
05-31-2009, 03:50 AM
Mr. Silver's got it....but don't expect the driver to get a ticket. If the cop issues a warning, consider it a moral victory. But report it if you can.
Locally we have a guy that rides with cameras attached to his bike ( ). When he is buzzed by a vehicle, he takes the tape to the appropriate authorities. He has successfully gotten tickets issued and he has educated at least one trucking company, but he has also shown us the ignorance and anti-bike stance of the local system and their lawyers. Currently, all he asks for is a warning. He's getting the warnings issued. Baby steps.
05-31-2009, 04:04 AM
Wow, what a jerk. I've fantasized about catching up to some driver who has done me wrong, and giving them a piece of my mind, but never have had the opportunity. I guess it's not as fullfilling in reality as in my imagination, where I have him grovelling for my forgiveness!
Maybe deep inside, you made a difference with this man, and he will give the next rider more room. You can only hope.
Mr. Bloom
05-31-2009, 06:01 AM
Barb, they passed the "three foot law" a couple months ago.
Barb, I'm sorry, I was wrong:
SB553 ( passed the house (which I incorrectly took as victory), but not the senate...and died a procedural death.
I encourage advocacy on the issue:
05-31-2009, 07:11 AM
I keep swearing I'm going to take one of those recumbent flags and mount it sideways across my seat stays.
It would be one way to keep me from filtering to the front of a stop light anyway. ;) But anyone who buzzed me would get a nice scratch, and serve 'em right too...
05-31-2009, 09:08 AM
Barb, I'm sorry, I was wrong:
SB553 ( passed the house (which I incorrectly took as victory), but not the senate...and died a procedural death.
I encourage advocacy on the issue:
Glad you caught that! There is no 3-foot law in Indiana.
05-31-2009, 06:35 PM
When I'm out riding, I just want to enjoy my ride. Mean people interfere with this. While I would like to carry out some of my evil thoughts when they do/say things, I opt for trying to educate them. Sometimes I have success and the peaceful calm approach works well. Other times, people are downright scary and would hurt me if I got too close.
Talking to people face to face does have an effect. They will think about the situation and they will discuss it with others. Yelling and screaming just creates a wider divide.
I like Oakleaf's idea of a side-mount flag. Mine would be from Mad Max and would chew right through the side of their cars.
One day I would like to ask a bicycle hater, "Why?" At this point, I don't understand because I'm not doing anything to them. All I ask is that they go by me without creating problems. It's tough riding in my county. Cyclists are unusual and are misunderstood. I was in Indy (Broad Ripple) just last week and cyclists were everywhere on the Monon Trail and on the streets. There was a community of acceptance and sharing.
Maybe some day we will have a 3 feet law . . .
05-31-2009, 07:08 PM
however, next time if you do catch up to the perp, take a picture of his License Plate. That's a good idea. whether there's a 3 foot rule or not, harassing people on the road is against safe driving laws and the perp doesn't know all the laws or what a call to 911 might do to him.
Aint Doody
06-01-2009, 09:56 AM
Barb, I could have written the same script describing your encounter myself 2 years ago when I was vacationing in the FL panhandle. The scary thing about mine was that it was a 4-lane divided highway and I had plenty of shoulder. The motor home was actually over the line towards me. I found him getting gas and told him the same thing you did. I was polite, but he wasn't. I wonder if it was the same 2 people!!!
Mr. Bloom
06-01-2009, 06:15 PM
I too had a similar experience a couple weeks ago. I told Silver I was going to follow him into the neighborhood he entered...she assumed I would...but she's also asked me to control my impulsive temper, I just pedaled on....
06-02-2009, 12:10 AM
I too had a similar experience a couple weeks ago. I told Silver I was going to follow him into the neighborhood he entered...she assumed I would...but she's also asked me to control my impulsive temper, I just pedaled on....
I'm with Silver. Sadly I must say. These people do need taken to task. However... they have the upper hand in their potential "two ton killing machines". If it's your regular route, what if the guy was psycho and literally ran you over next time? Dead men tell no tells. Silver doesn't want a dead hubby.
I have found myself screaming out "... hey, I pay road tax too!!!:mad:...". Which is not fist fighting, giving the driver the finger, or profanity... just a "fact". To have the car turn around. As a woman out in the middle of no where, alone, I've learned to try and keep my mouth shut.
My new riding partner is very vocal. She was telling me that upon almost getting clipped her last alone ride, she was going to approach the car owner's house to educate him. Last ride we were out on, she spontaneously flipped this guy off that about clipped us both. OK, the jerk-face deserved it. But... it sorta scared the he$$ outta me at the same time: refer to history of car turning around incident.
Last rant...
The argument I had with someone once is what really gets me... "...OH! you *can* too get off in the gravel ditch birm with those road bike 23 tires???... just get the F over!!!...". OK, this guy does not bike. I'm sorry, there is no freakin way to get over, especially if going at a higher speed, instantly into the gravel berm. Well, without crashing! The road tires are called such for a reason... they work on the freakin road!!!
Ah, a feel a lil better now:o.
06-02-2009, 12:42 AM
I would just take a pic of the offending vehicle & pass the info to the police. Not that the police can do much :rolleyes: There is however an Aust website that we can put the offending vehicle licence plates on. I will have to find it again on the BNA forum.
Confronting the drivers won't do much except make matters worse. Why waste your time stalking the offending driver when you can rant here on TE ;) You know when you confront the driver they're just going to be ignorant twits.
this is why i'm fond of singletrack..trees don't talk back.
06-02-2009, 05:34 PM
Some of them buzz us intentionally, obviously.
But something else came clear to me on my run yesterday. Since I was a pedestrian going against traffic, I could see the drivers' faces and their behavior quite clearly.
On this loop, I run less than a half-mile on a major US highway, with a bike/pedestrian lane (marked but not divided). In the space of that half-mile, three drivers swerved deeply into the MUL as soon as they saw me. Not trying to buzz me at all, there was plainly no intent behind it, just brainlessly staring at something they didn't expect to see (which honestly, runners aren't that uncommon in that lane), becoming target fixated and steering towards me.
No one got close enough to really scare me, but it sure was an eye-opener.
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