View Full Version : Chamois Creams (w/o parabens OR witch-hazel)

05-27-2009, 01:45 AM
This is a tip, gear, health, whatever you call it topic, so just posting here in "open"...

OK, I know we have tons of threads on TE about chamois cream. I have read many. But looking for a specific combo in a product. If you know of the thread already, just post the link, purty please.

Chamois cream that does not have parabens, AND does not have witch-hazel astringent...

Any suggestions?

I love my Chamois Butt'r. However, I learned about the whole paraben issue here on TE. My mom has had b-ca twice. I already have some funky-lumpy-bumpy stuff I get diag mammos for in one breast. So, I tried to look for something else without parabens (found in large amount of b-ca tumors, btw).

Next up, I tried Belgium Butter. Found via TE, and Bicycling Mag article written by the Fit Chick. Noteworthy cuz it's "paraben free". OK, fine. BUT... it has witch-hazel.

Witch-hazel is a drying astringen. Which is OK on the chaffing thing in general. But, not so great if you already have your own drying issues with changing hormones and peri-menapause. Plus, the witch-hazel tingles and burns:eek:.

Assoss cream has this tingling and burning thing too.

From lbs, I found Udder Butter. But, re-read the label, and more parabens.

Pick your poison... burn and tingle today--without cancer tomorrow; or be comfortable today, and die of cancer tomorrow. Nice, eh?

Since I want to ride, I've gone back to Chamois Butt'r on pain free "today".

Any other ideas?...let's hear 'em.


05-27-2009, 03:17 AM
Sportique Century Riding Cream.
No parabens or witch hazel. My DH uses it and likes it. It does have an odor, not unpleasant... sort of like lemon Pledge!

05-27-2009, 03:18 AM
I use a cream that is basically excipient (I think mainly lanolin) and 0.03% vitamin A (very efficient in promoting wound healing).
You could have this mixed up by a pharmacist. Just that the absence of a preservative would mean small quantities and toss soon. Or keep in the fridge.

I think the parabens are overrated.

A recent review of the available data has concluded "it is biologically implausible that parabens could increase the risk of any estrogen-mediated endpoint, including effects on the male reproductive tract or breast cancer" and that "worst-case daily exposure to parabens would present substantially less risk relative to exposure to naturally occurring endocrine active chemicals (EACs) in the diet such as the phytoestrogen daidzein."

In addition, the American Cancer Society has concluded that there is no good scientific evidence to support a claim that use of cosmetics such as antiperspirants increase an individual's risk of developing breast cancer.

05-27-2009, 03:33 AM
I just started trying Body Glide (ingredients list here (http://www.drugstore.com/qxp86518_333181_sespider/bodyglide/anti_chafing_skin_protection_stick.htm)). It works really well and goes on easily with a finger, neither of which I was really expecting. :p I do notice the very slightest burning sensation when I put it on, but it's not noticeable during or after a ride, and it's a big advantage that Body Glide doesn't migrate to places where I don't put it. And it lasts a long time.

I had no idea that Body Glide could be used "down there," but it's right there in the product recommendations, and the ingredients are listed as zero to minimal hazard on the EWG's cosmetics database. (Tribehenin is listed as being a "1" hazard on a scale of 0-10, all the other ingredients are "0.")

I'm still using a dab of Beljum Budder up front, to better lubricate the nooks and crannies. :rolleyes: But like you, I was getting a good bit of post-ride irritation from that, mostly due to it migrating up inside, so I'm really happy with the Body Glide.

05-27-2009, 03:48 AM
Mission Anti-Friction Cream. No parabens, and no tingly stuff. Performance sells it.

05-27-2009, 07:49 AM
You could try Nubutte: http://www.nubutte.com/

(The ingredients are listed on the website).

I ordered some recently and I've only used it once so far. It is harder to spread into the chamois than creamier formulas (like Assos). I suppose if you put it on your skin instead of on your chamois, that might not be such a problem, since the shea butter base will melt with the heat of your skin.

Other than that though, I liked it. It lasts well and I thought it lubricated sufficiently. It smells nice too.

oops, the website doesn't list ALL the ingredients. It is all natural and paraben-free, but it does contain "witch hazel hydrosol." I think it is the alcohol in traditional witch hazel preparations that is most drying, so "hydrosol," which I presume is a water-based extract, may be less drying. If anyone knows better feel free to correct me.

Here are *ALL* of the ingredients, per my jar:

organic shea butter, organic beeswax, olive oil, avocado oil, palm-derived glycerin, calendula, st. johns wort, comfrey leaf, grapeseed oil, witch hazel hydrosol, rosewood oil, tea tree oil, vitamin E, peppermint oil.

Perhaps I should add, I did not find it "tingly" like Assos, and it did not burn at all for me, but we all probably have different levels of sensitivity to different substances.

05-27-2009, 08:07 AM
Hammer makes a new one called SeatSaver (http://www.hammernutrition.com/za/HNT?PAGE=PRODUCT&CAT=BODY&PROD.ID=8292&OMI=10167,10047&AMI=10167&uir=product.category,BODY,Body%20Care). All natural, no witch hazel. It's hard to find (I think it's too new), so I ordered a container from Hammer directly (website). It smells very herbal and works reasonably well. I've only used it twice and I definitely didn't use enough the first time.

I still haven't formulated a firm opinion of it because I haven't been riding anything longer than 40 miles lately, but so far, so good.

Oh, and Hammer gets HIGH marks for customer service. After I placed my order, a customer service rep called and left me a message that he was including some free samples in my order and wanted to make sure that everything went well. The free samples list was HUGE and the shipping was fast. Big thumbs up to them for that....

05-27-2009, 11:32 AM
I just started trying Body Glide (ingredients list here (http://www.drugstore.com/qxp86518_333181_sespider/bodyglide/anti_chafing_skin_protection_stick.htm)). It works really well and goes on easily with a finger, neither of which I was really expecting. :p I do notice the very slightest burning sensation when I put it on, but it's not noticeable during or after a ride, and it's a big advantage that Body Glide doesn't migrate to places where I don't put it. And it lasts a long time.

I had no idea that Body Glide could be used "down there," but it's right there in the product recommendations, and the ingredients are listed as zero to minimal hazard on the EWG's cosmetics database. (Tribehenin is listed as being a "1" hazard on a scale of 0-10, all the other ingredients are "0.")

I'm still using a dab of Beljum Budder up front, to better lubricate the nooks and crannies. :rolleyes: But like you, I was getting a good bit of post-ride irritation from that, mostly due to it migrating up inside, so I'm really happy with the Body Glide.

+1 on the Body Glide. Best thing about it is it isn't squishy in your shorts (sorry if TMI)! An like Oak said, it lasts all day without reapplying.

05-27-2009, 02:19 PM
The active ingredients of Bag Balm are 8-hydroxyquinoline sulfate 0.3% (antiseptic) in a petroleum jelly and lanolin base. I've only ever tried Chamois B'ttr but I like this.I use it on myself as well as on seams that could rub!

05-27-2009, 02:52 PM
Belgium Buttr. They have a web site and sell it in my local shop.

05-27-2009, 02:54 PM
I've tried Assos, Chamois Butt'r, and the new Hammer Seat Saver, and I have to say none of them work for me as well as Vasoline--which was a tip I got from Levi Leipheimer (not personally though!). I average 200 miles a week (more in the summer) and have had trouble with saddle sores--but all good since I switched to petroleum jelly.

05-27-2009, 03:24 PM
Long post edit above :rolleyes:.

05-27-2009, 03:40 PM
I also use Body Glide, which I originally got at a runner's store to prevent blisters on my feet (which it's also great for).

05-27-2009, 04:52 PM
IIRC, the new formulation of assos doesn't have witch hazel, and it's much lower in menthol (much less tingly than before). I think it may have synthetic parabens, though.

Chamois Butt'r Eurostyle does have witch hazel and tingly ingredients (more like old Assos, but not quite as tingly), but no parabens. I experience zero dryness due to the chamois cream. I think that the witch hazel doesn't do much in that department (on the face, it is much much better than alcohol), because it's not really evaporating. Instead, it's put in there for its antibacterial properties. Plus, you have oils and other skin conditioners and urea which all promote skin hydration plus help keep the cream from disappearing too easily mid-ride (like traditional Chamois Butt'r and many other creams).

These 2 are my favorite.

I'm intrigued by DZ-Nuts, though. It contains soy ingredients (which some people may not like because of hormonal stuff), but no parabens or witch hazel. It does contain tea tree oil and menthol, but I have no idea how tingly it is.

05-27-2009, 05:41 PM
it does have an odor, not unpleasant... sort of like lemon Pledge!

ccnyc: something about this cracks me up! i don't like menthol products but i'm not sure i want to smell like furniture polish either. ;)

05-27-2009, 11:22 PM
Getting back to my thread here...

:)Thanks! You guys are awesome. Those are great responses and some things to check out. Our lbs usually have only one option in stock if lucky. Which I was already aware of. Appreciate the input on the search abroad.

05-28-2009, 02:16 PM

Here is the web site for the Belgium budder. Great stuff.

05-29-2009, 05:01 AM
FWIW, I'm not sure it's really the witch hazel in Beljum Budder that's the irritant. I'm more inclined to think it's one or both of the quaternary ammonium compounds or the phenoxyethanol.

So you might yet try something else that does have witch hazel, but not those.

05-29-2009, 07:36 AM
+1 on the Bag Balm. The ingredients are simple, it works and it's less expensive than probably anything else you can try for this, um, issue. I apply it directly to my body and to the seams.

05-29-2009, 11:30 AM
So, I've done a few 40-50 mile rides, and so far, I haven't used any sort of chamois cream, bag balm, etc. To date, I've had only minor saddle soreness. Tomorrow, I'm riding 70 miles. Do you all use the products just on longer rides, or is it something you use with every ride? I guess a trip to the lbs would be advantageous--just in case?

05-29-2009, 12:00 PM
I generally use it if I am going to ride more than about 40 miles. For 70+ miles, I consider it a must!

05-29-2009, 12:08 PM
I use Method Baby squeaky green diaper cream. No bad ingredients, washes off fine and lubs well. I have read before that A and D ointment works too.

05-29-2009, 01:00 PM
So, I've done a few 40-50 mile rides, and so far, I haven't used any sort of chamois cream, bag balm, etc. To date, I've had only minor saddle soreness. Tomorrow, I'm riding 70 miles. Do you all use the products just on longer rides, or is it something you use with every ride? I guess a trip to the lbs would be advantageous--just in case?

Trip to the LBS is not really necessary. I started out with baby cream. so Drug store will do.

05-29-2009, 01:05 PM
I generally use it if I am going to ride more than about 40 miles. For 70+ miles, I consider it a must!


05-29-2009, 01:45 PM
So, I've done a few 40-50 mile rides, and so far, I haven't used any sort of chamois cream, bag balm, etc. To date, I've had only minor saddle soreness. Tomorrow, I'm riding 70 miles. Do you all use the products just on longer rides, or is it something you use with every ride? I guess a trip to the lbs would be advantageous--just in case?

I've been riding for 25 years and I've never used any kind of chamois cream or anything. I think it depends on the person, and if what you are doing works for you, why change it?

05-29-2009, 04:26 PM
Please enlighten us Oakleaf, what do you use. I was simply adding my 2 cents. That is why I put the site up for her to be the judge. Sorry for butting in. I did not know that it had quatuary components :confused:

10-19-2009, 07:42 AM
I use my all natural women's specific chamois cream. It contains no water just all natural nut butters, oils and essential oils. Lasts a long time, goes on thick like a paste and works with the heat of your body to lubricate and heal the skin. it is called Booty Balm. There is a men's version called Ballocks.

10-19-2009, 08:03 AM
It's good to look outside of the LBS. 100% pure shea butter is excellent. I have chemical allergies to i-dunno-what. So i try to avoid all kinds of creams and stuff. Shea butter is great, doesn't sting, spreads on thick and absorbs into the skin, keeping it smooth and soft too. It also washes right out of yr clothes. unlike mineral oil based products. I have had huge stain on my bedsheet from mineral oil and took 4 washes to wash out..Shea butter, never.

10-19-2009, 08:03 AM
I dont use any products and only got a minor rub last year doing my first century. If I did though I would want paraben, witch hazel and animal free ingredients so A+ to this thread! :)

Running Mommy
10-19-2009, 02:44 PM
Hoo ha ride glide...

I have some coming in any day now. I got samples at the show, and liked it's consistency, smell etc. But I haven't been riding anything long enough to warrant needing anything for the hoo ha.
But I did have one of our male friends, who has lots of trouble down under try some. He said it actually healed his boo boo's, and gave it a thumbs up.
I did hand out some samples, but have yet to have anyone give me a solid review.

10-19-2009, 02:46 PM
I use A&D ointment. I smell like a freshly diapered baby, but it's easy to find (even in my small community) and works well for me. I think bag balm would also work well for me, but A&D is easier to get hold of.

Here are the ingredients I see: Petrolatum (53.4% - Skin Protectant), Lanolin (15.5% - Skin Protectant)

Inactive Ingredients: Cod Liver Oil (contains Vitamin A & Vitamin D), Fragrance, Light Mineral Oil, Microcrystalline Wax, Paraffin

10-19-2009, 03:29 PM
I found a new product called, ironically...That Butt Stuff. :rolleyes: I emailed the owner of the company asking for the ingredient list, and he promptly replied with:

Hi Linda

I have a blend of the following oils:

Olive oil. Avocado oil. Sweet almond oil. Shea butter.

Aloe Vera.

Water & vegetable glycerin

Preservative free of parabens or formaldehyde.

No animal products or byproducts.

Sweet orange essential oil & tea tree oil in small amounts.

Not all natural or organic but it is as natural as posible and is still affordable. 99% natural!

Thank you for the question! Let me know if you have anymore questions.


Adam Moore
That Butt Stuff

When I run out of my current stock of Assos and Nubutte creams, I'm definitely giving That Butt Stuff a try.


10-19-2009, 04:09 PM
semi OT, but I have discovered that Nubutte doubles as an amazing cuticle cream.

I have also used it more as a chamois cream since my last post. It works quite well and I have no complaints about its function as a chamois cream at all (and it seems to soothe and soften the bikini line too), but I still think it's slightly more of a pain to apply to the chamois than other formulas.

10-22-2009, 04:38 AM
I just wanted to add something to this topic and also take it and run....

My mother is a BC survivor, her mother was a BC survivor and my father's sister is a BC survivor. That makes me HIGH RISK and you can bet that I am going to pay attention to everything that goes in and on my body. Admittedly there is a lot of information out there that may or not be reliable. However, there is something that I try to keep in mind. Parabens in small amounts may not be a big deal but most people do not realize that just how much they are putting on their bodies each and every day. It's in conditioners, lotions, make-up, styling products, deodorants and more. And who knows how they interact with other chemicals people come in contact with?

My rule is if I couldn't put it in my body, I don't put it on my skin. :)

06-04-2010, 12:46 PM
I've been a user of Assos/Butter cream, and Body glide for sometime now (used it on century rides, racing, running, marathons,etc) but recently came across a new chamois cream scientifically formulated for specific needs of us ladies.

I got a few samples at the Tour of california a couple of weeks ago and after trying out it, I am in love! This stuff is wonderful!! It worked amazing for me and it does not contain parabens nor witchhazel.

The name of the product is Dznuts Bliss High viscosity chamois cream. Although sometimes I do prefer the tingle (:, this product has no Tingle at all!

I emailed the company for more samples for my friends, and they were more then happy to provide me with some.

After checking out the website (www.dz-nuts.com) I was able to obtain the following information regarding the ingredients they use and the ones they stay away from, in addition to the benefits of Dzbliss!

Tea Tree Oil
powerful anti-bacterial and anti-fungal

powerful anti-inflammatory and wound healing from traditional Chinese herbal medicine

Masterwort (Peucedanum Ostruthium)
herb found in the Swiss Alps used by ancient Greeks for wound healing and calming properties -- Name means “Supreme Strength”


Water, Glycerin, Ozokerite, Cetearyl Alcohol, Santalum Album (Sandalwood) Wood Extract, Phellodendron Amurense Bark Extract, Hordeum Distichon (Barley) Extract, Polyglyceryl-10 Pentastearate, Behenyl Alcohol, Sodium Stearoyl Lactylate, Stearic Acid, Cetyl Esters, Glyceryl Stearate, Olive Fruit Unsaponifiables, Evodia Rutaecarpa Fruit Extract, Peucedanum (Masterwort) Ostruthium Extract, Linoleic Acid, Soy Sterols, Soy Phospholipids, Ergothioneine, Dipotassium Glycyrrhizate, Bisabolol, Allantoin, Tocopheryl Acetate, Menthol, Melaleuca Alternifolia (Tea Tree) Leaf Oil, Xanthan Gum, Capric/Caprylic Triglycerides, Retinyl (Vitamin A) Palmitate, Panthenyl (Provitamin B5) Triacetate, Tetrahexyldecyl (Vitamin C) Ascorbate, Phenoxyehtanol, Caprylyl Glycol, Ethylhexylglycerin, Hexylene Glycol, Cetearyl Methicone, Dimethicone.


PPG - PolyPropylene Glycol
PEG - PolyEthylene Glycol
Propylene glycol
Ingredients Containing DEA (Diethanolamine)
Mineral Oil
Animal by Products
Artificial Colors
Diazolidinyl Urea (formaldehyde donor preservative)
DMDM Hydantoin (formaldehyde donor preservative)
Imidazolidinyl Urea (formaldehyde donor preservative)
Artificial Colors (D&C or FD&C)
Methylchloroisothiazolinone, or Methylisothiazolinone

*The product has anti-chafe, wound-healing, anti-inflammatory and anti-irritation components.
*Pre/Probiotics complex encourages the growth of beneficial skin flora and inhibits pathogenic yeast
*Decreases feelings of itching, prickling & discomfort by 35%
*Strengthens natural biological skin defenses
*Moisture adsorbing polymers sequester excess moisture, making more comfortable skin/chamois interface
*No Tingle whatsover

06-04-2010, 03:15 PM
Sportique Century Riding Cream.
No parabens or witch hazel. My DH uses it and likes it. It does have an odor, not unpleasant... sort of like lemon Pledge!

But note this in their product description:
Keepaway from mucous membrances and eyes.

Might work for boys' parts, but I wouldn't be quick to try that "down there."

06-04-2010, 03:34 PM
Alpine Rabbit - this is totally off topic but I LOVE your signature!

06-04-2010, 04:06 PM
I just use some hypo-allergenic plain unscented hand lotion. Works great for hours (did a 70 mile ride once and it lasted through), washes out in the laundry nicely because it is water soluble, and it's cheap. :)

06-04-2010, 04:25 PM
I'm a total convert to shea butter. Thanks deeaimond! It isn't as hard to find as it used to be, either. A little goes a long way and really lasts.

06-04-2010, 06:57 PM
I saw the dznuts bliss advertised in something (Triathlete?) recently and meant to ask here about it. Though I don't have any "junk" and kind of resent their offerings in the tshirts department that refer to women as feed zone babes and domestiques, some of the tongue in cheek humor is, well, humorous. It's often such a sensitive subject that we approach with caution, so I suppose it's nice to see someone just up and say "it's good for your junk and your lady bits."

http://www.dz-nuts.com/catalog/index.php?p=about is where the pasted details come from.

06-04-2010, 08:05 PM
I like chamois buttr and desitin baby ointment followed by bag balm.

I was under the impression that vasoline or any petroleum derivative was very hard on the actual chamois.


06-05-2010, 05:55 AM
Has anyone tried Booty Balm (http://www.sbrshop.com/chomper-body-women-s-booty-balm-chamois-cream.html?utm_medium=shopping_engine&utm_source=gbase&utm_term=2040014)? I ran across a reference to this stuff, but can't find a full ingredients list. It sounds nice, though. At least the fragrance sounds like something I wouldn't mind having on my backside. :D

06-05-2010, 01:53 PM
Ha, so DH just did his first century ride of the year. He used a sample pack of DZ Nuts that he got recently. I think he is sold--and this guy is seriously Dutch. He will go cheapo whenever possible. He said his backside was pretty danged happy until about 75 miles in, when usually it's complaining much earlier.

I have a couple of samples of Bliss that I think I'm going to have to try, though the tingle of the DZ Nuts doesn't sound like it would be irritating, either.

06-05-2010, 02:15 PM
I like chamois buttr and desitin baby ointment followed by bag balm.
I was under the impression that vasoline or any petroleum derivative was very hard on the actual chamois.

Bag Balm contains only three ingredients: petroleum jelly, lanolin, and (.3%) 8-hydroxyquinoline sulfate (an antiseptic).

06-05-2010, 06:20 PM
Another interesting find in my chamois lube research: Hoo Ha Ride Glide (http://www.reflectsports.com/saddle-sores-cream.html) -- apparently this was the first women-specific chamois product, even before DZNuts "Bliss." Looks a helluvalot cheaper, too. And most of the ingredients look good--no parabens, no petroleum-based stuff.

oz rider
06-05-2010, 10:27 PM
Interesting variety of creams. I had a bad reaction to Assos and another one with a list of chemicals so I've gone to the ol zinc and castor oil cream. Very happy with it, and very cheap.

06-06-2010, 08:47 AM
Another interesting find in my chamois lube research: Hoo Ha Ride Glide (http://www.reflectsports.com/saddle-sores-cream.html) -- apparently this was the first women-specific chamois product, even before DZNuts "Bliss." Looks a helluvalot cheaper, too. And most of the ingredients look good--no parabens, no petroleum-based stuff.

zoom zoom, this looks like something i might want to try. brilliant name, female owned company, and if it works, i'm sold!

06-06-2010, 12:43 PM
Bag Balm contains only three ingredients: petroleum jelly, lanolin, and (.3%) 8-hydroxyquinoline sulfate (an antiseptic).

hey bleeker street girl, thanks for that info- Bag balm is now off the list.


06-07-2010, 06:56 AM
zoom zoom, this looks like something i might want to try. brilliant name, female owned company, and if it works, i'm sold!

I checked the hoo ha ingredients and didn't see Evodia (anti inflammatory and anti bacterial) nor Masterwort (wound healing) nor a Pre/pro biotic complex to inhibit yeast infections and promote skin flora growth like on the dzbliss chamois cream.

I would be willing to try a sample of hoo ha though ladies if you have some, but my gut feeling tells me that I might be embracing dzbliss chamois cream for a long time. :)

06-07-2010, 09:03 AM
Another interesting find in my chamois lube research: Hoo Ha Ride Glide (http://www.reflectsports.com/saddle-sores-cream.html) -- apparently this was the first women-specific chamois product, even before DZNuts "Bliss." Looks a helluvalot cheaper, too. And most of the ingredients look good--no parabens, no petroleum-based stuff.

I only use chamois butter on very long rides (metric and over), so my exposure is limited. However, I'm usually very health conscious so I'll give hoo ha a try.

My DH will faint dead away when I pull that out of my saddle bag :eek: I can barely get him to acknowledge the butter ;)

06-07-2010, 09:07 AM
i have heard of several people not using anything at all or just on longer rides. i would be one hurtin' unit if i went for a long ride without anything. i have major pinching, esp when mountain biking. that makes for a very short and uncomfortable ride. i may have to check into the dzbliss!

06-07-2010, 12:07 PM
Hmmm...so I tried a sample pack of DZ Bliss for the first time...jury is still out. I think the tea tree oil in it may be a bit much for me. I had tingling on the verge of burning and it bothered me for at least the first hour of my ride. Not painful, per se, but sorta irritating. Even my butt still feels warm after my ride.

The tea tree oil scent is fairly strong, so I wonder how much is in the stuff. If I take a crack at making my own chamois butter I would definitely not use much...or use a different anti-fungal, like grapefruit seed extract or something.

06-07-2010, 12:26 PM
Has anybody tried the Hoo Ha Ride Glide? I have been using Bag Balm, which is wonderfully cheap, but would like to get away from a petroleum based product.

06-07-2010, 05:47 PM
I wouldn't bother with grapefruit seed extract (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grapefruit_seed_extract). Depending on whom you ask, it either has no effect, or its effects are due to nasty quaternary ammonium compounds.

Pure shea butter needs no preservatives nor additives....

06-07-2010, 06:32 PM
I wouldn't bother with grapefruit seed extract (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grapefruit_seed_extract). Depending on whom you ask, it either has no effect, or its effects are due to nasty quaternary ammonium compounds.

Pure shea butter needs no preservatives nor additives....

Ooh, good to know.

10 hours after applying the "Bliss" (ha!) and my girly bits are still feeling a little inflamed and sensitive. Ick. Next time I ride I will go back to Chamois Butt'r and try a few drops of tea tree oil with that to see if that's the culprit. I'd love to narrow-down what caused this irritation. There are so many things in the Bliss that it could be anything, though I suspect the TTO.

06-07-2010, 08:28 PM
Thanks for posting about the DZBliss, zoom-zoom. I was wondering about all those ingredients! I recently tried Hammer's Seat Saver and didn't care for it. In fact, I ended up showering it off before I left the house. I wondered if it was the TTO and/or the peppermint and/or the clove oil.

It contains:

Pure Olive Oil, Shea Butter, Distilled Water, Calendula, Yarrow, Chamomile, Comfrey, Stearic Acid, Beeswax, Zinc Oxide, Vitamin E Oil, Basil Oil, Clove Oil, Lavender Oil, Peppermint Oil, and Tea Tree Oil.

I don't often use chamois butter on my road bike, but I am finding that I do need it on my tri bike because of all the time I spend in aero position. I'm sticking with Chamois Butt'r for now. DH really likes the Hammer product, so at least it won't go to waste.

Hope you are feeling better soon!

06-08-2010, 02:59 AM
Thanks...things feel much better this AM. I would also be suspicious of those essential oils. That stuff is nice in small amounts, but the combo of so many seems like it could be irritating to mucous membranes. I'll bet that Hammer product smells nice, though! :D

06-08-2010, 03:09 AM
It looks like a large percentage of women here use chamois cream of some kind. I have not considered using it yet, though of course I just had my first ride >25 miles so my rides haven't been long enough to have any problems of this nature.

I would like to avoid having problems though, what descriptions I've read here just doesn't sound like fun at all :eek: I am curious, do most here use it just on rides longer than a certain time/distance, or for all rides?

06-08-2010, 05:02 AM
It really depends on the individual. It's as personal as saddles. Most people use some most of the time, but there are a few who never do. If you haven't felt the need for any, that's something to celebrate, not worry about. :)

06-09-2010, 05:22 PM
OK, tried mixing a few drops of tea tree oil with Chamois Butt'r and I had NO issues...it tingled a tiny bit, but I had no overly warm or sensitivity issues. So there is something in the Bliss that doesn't sit well with my, um, "sitty area," but it's not TTO.

07-19-2010, 05:42 AM
I found a new product called, ironically...That Butt Stuff. :rolleyes: I emailed the owner of the company asking for the ingredient list, and he promptly replied with:

Hi Linda

I have a blend of the following oils:

Olive oil. Avocado oil. Sweet almond oil. Shea butter.

Aloe Vera.

Water & vegetable glycerin

Preservative free of parabens or formaldehyde.

No animal products or byproducts.

Sweet orange essential oil & tea tree oil in small amounts.

Not all natural or organic but it is as natural as posible and is still affordable. 99% natural!

Thank you for the question! Let me know if you have anymore questions.


Adam Moore
That Butt Stuff

When I run out of my current stock of Assos and Nubutte creams, I'm definitely giving That Butt Stuff a try.


I am a total devotee after my first century on Sat. I applied a bit more at 75 miles in, but probably didn't need to. I just happened to have a sample tube along and thought, what the heck. It's really nice stuff, though...perfect slippery, buttery consistency, nice light lemony fragrance. No real tingly sensation, which is OK with me. I'm not sure I really care for a ton of tingle.

07-19-2010, 05:53 AM
I am a total devotee after my first century on Sat. I applied a bit more at 75 miles in, but probably didn't need to. I just happened to have a sample tube along and thought, what the heck. It's really nice stuff, though...perfect slippery, buttery consistency, nice light lemony fragrance. No real tingly sensation, which is OK with me. I'm not sure I really care for a ton of tingle.

I accidentally used a sample of the DZ Nuts (something like that), and let-me-tell-you that you do not want tingle. It was over the top, something much less would probably be fine. The women's version was fine - I suspect that is the only difference between the two. Can't see how ANYONE would like that much tingle...but perhaps that's just me.

Thanks for the tip on this...I wonder if they send samples? I don't think I can check out their website from work - the filter would probably choke on part the name of the site. I like that it is mostly natural - have tried the Chamois Butter - but of course it has parabens...

07-19-2010, 06:32 AM
Thanks for the tip on this...I wonder if they send samples? I don't think I can check out their website from work - the filter would probably choke on part the name of the site. I like that it is mostly natural - have tried the Chamois Butter - but of course it has parabens...

They do have samples. I believe for $4 they will send a sample tube + sticker and shipping is included. Otherwise their sample tubes are like $1.25.

07-19-2010, 08:06 AM
If I'm not mistaken, I read the ingredient list on the Chamois Buttr at a store recently, and it did not have parabens in it. Maybe they've changed the formulation or there is something worse in it than parabens.

07-19-2010, 08:18 AM
If I'm not mistaken, I read the ingredient list on the Chamois Buttr at a store recently, and it did not have parabens in it. Maybe they've changed the formulation or there is something worse in it than parabens.

Could be they have changed it. I have a couple of the little "sample" size. I do not have one with me but could have sworn that the ingredients have parabens in the listing. Or I misread. Will check again once I get home.

The Burts Bees also sounds interesting...

07-19-2010, 08:22 AM
The last time I bought Chamois Butt'r (maybe two years ago), it had parabens. That's why I stopped. I couldn't find the ingredients on their own website, but here they are listed on TE (http://www.teamestrogen.com/prodPP_CB8OZ.html) (click the box for ingredients)

Chamois Butt'r "Eurostyle" doesn't contain parabens, according to what some have posted here and the list on Performance's (http://www.performancebike.com/bikes/Product_10052_10551_1024343_-1_1540501_20000_400035) site, but it does contain EDTA, PEG-100 stearate, Diazolidinyl Urea, Iodopropynyl Butylcarbamate - all of which are questionable - as well as the "tingle" from witch hazel and menthol.

07-19-2010, 10:04 AM
I use Coconut Oil. If your house is cooler than 76 degrees it is a solid form. I just take a swipe of it with my finger out of the jar (a jar that I use only for this... not for cooking!) and lube up before a ride. It is gentle, chemical free, and does a great job.

ny biker
07-19-2010, 10:07 AM
I found a new product called, ironically...That Butt Stuff. :rolleyes: I emailed the owner of the company asking for the ingredient list, and he promptly replied with:

Hi Linda

I have a blend of the following oils:

Olive oil. Avocado oil. Sweet almond oil. Shea butter.


When I run out of my current stock of Assos and Nubutte creams, I'm definitely giving That Butt Stuff a try.


Just fyi, anyone who is allergic to latex should NOT use a product with avocado oil. The same chemical in latex that causes the allergy is also found in avocados and bananas.

07-19-2010, 10:54 AM
This stuff rocks.. Chamois Glide (may be the same as Bodyglide) ... Ether way.. no chafing after 100+ and my shorts aren't a mess.



08-02-2010, 04:08 PM
I can't stop raving about That Butt Stuff--the product, and their customer service. I just got my second order today (I ordered 2 tubes, this time, since that was a large enough order to qualify for free shipping). With my first order they included 2 free mini sample tubes (I gave one to a friend and she also loves it) and a sample tube of their chain lube. With this order they included another sample tube, plus a sample of their homemade soap and a couple of vinyl stickers. I really think I might have to put one of those stickers on my car, just to freak people out. :p

08-02-2010, 05:23 PM
Ooh, good to know.

10 hours after applying the "Bliss" (ha!) and my girly bits are still feeling a little inflamed and sensitive. Ick. Next time I ride I will go back to Chamois Butt'r and try a few drops of tea tree oil with that to see if that's the culprit. I'd love to narrow-down what caused this irritation. There are so many things in the Bliss that it could be anything, though I suspect the TTO.

I tried the Bliss and the male version they sell - you think the female version tingles???? Dial it up a LOT for the male version - I figured cream is cream is cream - I eventually became numb on the ride from the male version of the cream it was tingling so badly - I can't see why anyone would like that! This was back when I still had the Brooks though - and at least I didn't have any saddle pain that ride as I couldn't FEEL anything down there :eek:

Zoom-Zoom - the Butt Stuff sounds intriguing... have been using little packages of Chamois Butt'r but I don't want to keep using it longer than needed since it has parabens...

08-02-2010, 05:33 PM
Zoom-Zoom - the Butt Stuff sounds intriguing... have been using little packages of Chamois Butt'r but I don't want to keep using it longer than needed since it has parabens...

Plus I think it has petroleum oil...I didn't really want to risk damaging the chamois in my shorts...not at $100 a crack! (heh...crack :p)

08-02-2010, 05:39 PM
I just put in an order for a tube of That Butt Stuff. It was between that or Chomper Body's Booty Balm. In the end, I decided on That Butt Stuff because I like the fact that it comes in a tube...which seems more "hygienic" to me than a jar where the contents might get contaminated with your hands constantly dipping in. Maybe I'm just being paranoid, though.

08-02-2010, 05:42 PM
I just put in an order for a tube of That Butt Stuff. It was between that or Chomper Body's Booty Balm. In the end, I decided on That Butt Stuff because I like the fact that it comes in a tube...which seems more "hygienic" to me than a jar where the contents might get contaminated with your hands constantly dipping in. Maybe I'm just being paranoid, though.

Good point - I can't order before the weekend but will do so at that time. Pity the "Bliss" stuff tingles overly much - it seemed to work but really - that amount of tingle on sensitive bits seems just too much. I can only assume that some people do like that, and more power to them :)

08-02-2010, 05:51 PM
Good point - I can't order before the weekend but will do so at that time. Pity the "Bliss" stuff tingles overly much - it seemed to work but really - that amount of tingle on sensitive bits seems just too much. I can only assume that some people do like that, and more power to them :)

TBS tingles a tiny bit, but it's short-lived. I don't think there's much TTO in it, since it doesn't have that strong TTO scent that other products have.

I also like the tube format, for the same reason. And I am a klutz. With my luck I would drop an open jar at someone's house before a group ride and coat a wall or two with chamois cream. :o

Jane Honda
08-02-2010, 06:23 PM
Ok. Newb alert...

What is the Butt'r for? I can't get anybody to answer me that in a serious answer.

08-02-2010, 06:28 PM
Keeping your tush and girl bits more comfortable while riding. Some people don't need anything, others of us swear by some sort of lube or cream on any of the parts that come in pressurized contact with our saddles. Many of these products will inhibit bacteria and yeast, too--things that grow happily in such a dark, warm, moist environment.

Jane Honda
08-02-2010, 06:29 PM
Keeping your tush and girl bits more comfortable while riding. Some people don't need anything, others of us swear by some sort of lube or cream on any of the parts that come in pressurized contact with our saddles. Many of these products will inhibit bacteria and yeast, too--things that grow happily in such a dark, warm, moist environment.


*Races to the nearest REI store*

08-02-2010, 06:30 PM
:D heh.

08-03-2010, 03:29 AM
not at $100 a crack! (heh...crack :p)

Maybe I'm only laughing out loud because I've only had one cup of tea so far this morning, but this is like the LAST forum where I expect to see Beavis & Butthead references. :D

08-03-2010, 05:26 AM
Information OVERLOAD!!! New to this cycling thing. My DH has been at it for several years and finally got me to join him. Having some issues "down there" and had no idea how to "toughen" it up. So grateful for logging on here to find out what real women do. My DH has tried to "imagine" what I'm feeling. Told him to rub a cheese grater against his parts and it might be the same. :D
I'm looking forward to trying some of the things you all have posted.

Not sure if it's been covered or not...a lot to catch up on...
What about all the moisture related lubricants and the dreaded yeastie beasties???

08-25-2010, 02:13 AM
I just put in an order for a tube of That Butt Stuff. It was between that or Chomper Body's Booty Balm. In the end, I decided on That Butt Stuff because I like the fact that it comes in a tube...which seems more "hygienic" to me than a jar where the contents might get contaminated with your hands constantly dipping in. Maybe I'm just being paranoid, though.

Have finally ordered this.

Is there anything "bad" in the ingredients for Body Glide? It doesn't seem to have parabens, and my eyes started crossing when I started looking up the other ingredients. I seem to need a little more than just Body Glide on the chamois, but it is certainly better than nothing.

I am hopeful enough for That Butt Stuff that I bought two tubes of it - but it is also nice to know what I can purchase locally should I run out without time for a reorder before my next long ride and Body Glide seems available almost anywhere. Of course, there is always pure shea butter :)

08-25-2010, 02:50 AM
I don't think there's anything in Body Glide that's "bad." Of course, I tend to be a little lax in this department. But, we had a discussion about Body Glide awhile ago and it seemed Body Glide met everyone's approval. I use it almost exclusively, and you can buy it in lots of places.
I had to order the Lady Monkey Butt powder at Ace Hardware. Found the regular stuff at Rite Aid, though. That was a little embarrassing to go into the hardware store I've been going to for many years and ask for that... but the guy told me that he couldn't keep the stuff on the shelves when he worked at Ace in Florida. And, that people there were "upset" that the word butt was out where kids could see.

08-25-2010, 02:50 AM
None of the ingredients in Body Glide are rated higher than 1 or 2 by EWG, IIRC. I did look it up, I'm at high risk and I feel safe using it. And they do label it as a chamois cream now.

For me, it burns VERY slightly on the tender parts. It's so slight that it's not really an issue at all, and if I wasn't completely happy with shea butter, I might still be using Body Glide.