View Full Version : Riding again after all these years!

05-26-2009, 05:41 AM
Five years since my back surgery, I had little hope of riding again. I finally was able to get on a recumbent, sold my dream Litespeed, and got a Bachetta Ti bike. It's been great.

But the Mtn bike still stared at me in the garage. Many attempts to sell it failed. So I took her for a spin, just to see, and I rode with no pain! A new stem to sit me more upright did the trick, and now my partner and I roll our mtn bikes out the back door onto the dirt roads and ride regulary. I'm absolutely thrilled!!!

Now the question is should I get a road bike, so very very tempting! The Trek WSD frames look compact, as does many of the newer women's frames, which were not available when I started riding over twenty years ago. This certainly does a lot for the comfort factor.

If you have had back surgery, give it time. Do what feels good for your body, and that means that everything that the physical therapist recommends may not work for you. For example, I still cannot do stretches to this day and it reaks havoc and pain with my body. But icing regularly after exercise works great, and hot baths when I need to warm up in the morning for my weight lifting.

It's fun looking at road bikes again...hmm, just maybe I'll give it a try!

Lisa :)

05-26-2009, 05:46 AM
hi Lisa, welcome to TE. I'm glad you healed up enough to ride a bike. You are right about how they are making women's bikes. There is much more of a variety than even a few years ago. Someone finally discovered
1/ women are not built like men
2/ women like to buy bikes that fit them!

I ride a road bike, have been riding road bikes for less than 5 years. my handlebars are just higher than my seat. My reach is comfortable. Go for it, get a good bike, get professionally fitted, and let's see you down the road!
