View Full Version : Memorial Day Rides

05-26-2009, 03:16 AM
We set out at about 10 AM, in order to get back before our BBQ guests arrived. Our friends had asked us to ride with them up through Groton and Dunstable, but we knew it would be a longer ride, since we tend to stop a lot and have to wait for my friend, who rides a bit slower. So, we decided to do a ride through Harvard and Bolton, up a climb that i haven't done yet this year. The weather was perfect; a picture perfect new England day. Crowds were gathering for Memorial day parades in the various towns we rode through, but luckily we missed getting stuck in the parades. The only negative was the pollen count is sky high and I sort of felt like an asthma thing was going to happen until we actually did the climb up Westcott Rd. I guess that burned out all of the pollen! Again, my goal was to go slowly, which seems to take the pressure off and then I end up feeling good and actually not going that slow.
What I noticed on the ride was that there were lots of families out riding and lots of casual cyclists, perhaps because of the lack of traffic. Some were riding against the traffic :eek:and doing other various unsafe things, but most were having fun and being safe. It is very nice to see. At one point, we had stopped and when we started up, a guy on a big heavy hybrid passed us, going pretty fast. Then someone pulled out of a side street also in front of us. We rested behind them for awhile, and then passed them.
On the way back, we stopped in Concord center to use the restroom and I realized I was hungry, really hungry. I ate half a Luna bar and made the last 3 miles home, where I had like 45 minutes to set out all the stuff for our guests and clean myself up.
37.9 miles, 2700 ft. climbing

05-26-2009, 03:46 AM
I worked, and since it was a holiday and traffic was light, I decided it was the perfect day to ride up Bridgetown Rd, the big hill I've been avoiding all these years. It's a 2 part-er, and gets steeper near the top, where it crosses rt 1 at a big intersection. It was a piece of cake! I felt like I really accomplished something when I got to the top.

I still won't ride down it (I've never seen anyone bike down it). I'm not afraid of the steepness, but it's heavily travelled, has a rock barrier in the middle, a blind corner halfway down, and lots of potholes. It would have to be a major holiday (national no car day, maybe) for me to want to try.

Yay me.

05-26-2009, 05:27 AM
Was finally able to get back on my bike after a knee problem. Took it slow, and it was a short ride, but it felt great to be back out there. I'm, of course, not sore from the ride, but from the weights and pilates I did before I left home:rolleyes::rolleyes:

05-26-2009, 06:08 AM
Awesome club ride, 70 miles flat out to Antelope Island (gate) & back, almost no wind, no rain (nice change from Sunday's soggy ride!). On the way back I hooked up with a small group that went faster than I was used to riding. I hung on for dear life, got some great help from one woman who kept pacing me back whenever I was in danger of dropping off. I felt quite tired at the end from the high pace but very pleased that I was able to hang with these fast riders!

roadie gal
05-26-2009, 06:14 AM
Went out yesterday for a 20 mile recovery ride with my SO. We took the road along the Truckee river to Squaw Valley ski area. It's a nice rolling ride that's a gentle downhill on the way back. Good for the ego! It was a beautiful day: about 70 degrees and no wind. It was the perfect ride. No pressure to ride fast. Not difficult. And I got to be with my sweetie. Yay!

05-26-2009, 07:21 AM
It sounds like everyone had good Memorial day rides.

I had to work (very unusual for a state employee on a holiday!) because the legislature dept was in session but since it was so slow they sent me home at lunch.

I rested up for tonights tues night ride......that 38 mile ride sunday was rough on this new rider.....


05-26-2009, 07:38 AM
worked in the yard most of the day. And planned on going for a fun ride in the late afternoon.

got changed into my cycling cloth, l lied down on the sofa just to relax a bit and fell asleep instead :o :o so much for good intention. 0 miles.

05-26-2009, 09:42 AM
Had a great ride and an even better weekend. Managed to make all three days of group rides so I logged 140 miles. The best thing is my new saddle seems to be the answer to my seat problems. :D

Aint Doody
05-26-2009, 11:03 AM
Go to the Northwest Section on the forum to see how some of us spent Memorial Day---Jeff & Susan, Lilbolt, Sprocket's Mom, bikerHen, and me. It was terrific. Here's a link to an article in our local paper.


05-26-2009, 12:37 PM
I loved it, that the LBS owner has reigned in the hammerheads on the group ride. It's NOT race training....if you have an agenda (or a power meter ;))...you are probably not at the correct ride. And...the usual hammerheads - who are just crazy fast by nature - beat themselves up with 2 days of hard riding, so by Monday they were content to cruise and enjoy the companionship of their riding buds for a special edition holiday ride.
Which, of course, meant that I was able to keep up, and smack talk during the ride, not just after the ride over coffee!!! :D
Was a really enjoyable, no stress ride...filled with laughter and good fun. Just like the ride used to be when I started.
All around good.

05-26-2009, 01:07 PM
Go to the Northwest Section on the forum to see how some of us spent Memorial Day---Jeff & Susan, Lilbolt, Sprocket's Mom, bikerHen, and me. It was terrific. Here's a link to an article in our local paper.


Thats cool! Maybe one of these years I will make it back up there for this and to visit family!!


05-26-2009, 06:09 PM
Rode on the Santa Ana River Trail from Yorba Linda to Huntington and back. 44 miles. Two days after my crazy climbing century and I'm AMAZED how well I did! I was not nearly as sore as I expected to be after the century, so I'm definitely getting stronger

Dh sucked our 13 year old daughter into riding the tandem with him, her second time, and she did great! Two other friends rode with us, then we came back and had a pool party at my house. Good times. :)