View Full Version : May 24th Rides

05-24-2009, 06:07 AM
Did the usual Sunday morning ride, almost overslept. Most of the gang turned up (first time in a long while) slow ride to the usual breakfast place in town, about... 25kms? Rode back, rode better and faster today because I moved my saddle back up. Hooray. Lesson is, even if someone's leg length is the same as yours, you might still need a different saddle height.. listen to yr your own body.

05-24-2009, 10:10 AM
Another oversleeper but I did get out to the bike path. A bit frustrated by detours, etc. but I did ride for 8.5 miles. I've signed up for a bike trip in the end of June so I've got to get my butt accustomed to the saddle.

05-24-2009, 10:49 AM
Was supposed to go down to the south coast and do a 40 mile ride in Westport, MA and Tiverton, RI, but the weather didn't cooperate; rainy this morning and now more big thunderstorms expected later this PM.
So, we just went out and rode... you know the kind of thing that takes no planning or thought. It's pretty humid and about 80, but it was a nice ride, with a few climbs that I don't do much anymore, even though they are close by. Rode slowly up Nagog Hill, since it was in the beginning of the ride and it's a 4 part hill that is really pretty, through apple farms. Then we headed toward our old neighborhood and rode up Pine Hill, which is very short, but very steep, sort of like my driveway. By this time it was clouding up, and with nasty storms predicted, I wanted to get back; we headed back through West Concord and Concord centers, very busy with traffic and other cyclists. We got behind someone wearing a Lake Placid Ironman jersey for a few miles near the end.
I can hear the thunder in the distance, so I am glad we went out when we did!
28 miles, about 2 thousand feet of climbing.

05-24-2009, 11:29 AM
Today was actually a good ride but I am very very TIRED!!!!!!!

I went with a group that has a no drop ride. We went around the first corner and hit a very big hill. I was not in the right gear but made it up it. I was the only one with a hybrid instead of a road bike. I saw one of my fellow cancer survivors (we both belong to Team Survivor) and that made me feel a little better.

Right off the bat I got left in the dust from the first hill. Not being warmed up and climbing it was brutal. I was ready to turn around, go home and ride somewhere else.... never to return to that sunday ride again (or at least a long time)........well

About that time one of the guys came back and said come on you can make it and stayed with me for a ways. Then when I would fall behind someone else would come back for me......They would not allow me to quit.....they said it was NOT an option!!!

At the half way point we were within 5 miles of my house and I was going to go home and have my husband take me back to town to get my car....

WRONG ANSWER (this is at about mile 19...my farthest ride ever in a day was 22)

They told me that was not an option and no matter how slow I got they would make sure I made it!!

All in all I MADE it 38+ miles!!! When I got home I took an epson salt bath and after I write this I will sit on my machine for my Lymphadema (gotta love CANCER). I am sure I will fall asleep....LOL


Tri Girl
05-24-2009, 11:31 AM
Did 35 yesterday, did another 30 today. I'm trying to get in shape for my week long tour. My butt is not cooperating. ;)
Great day for a ride. :)

05-24-2009, 11:35 AM
Did 35 yesterday, did another 30 today. I'm trying to get in shape for my week long tour. My butt is not cooperating. ;)
Great day for a ride. :)

My butt is not cooperating either!!!!!!


05-24-2009, 12:29 PM
Well it has been raining on and off all weekend so both my Saturday morning and Sunday morning rides ended up being cancelled. The forests are too muddy for riding (and my bike is so clean I just couldn't do it anyway) so we were going to hit the road instead, but even that was too yuck!

I mean, I'm good with being out on the roadie and it raining and just grinning and sticking out my tongue! As long as it is not too cold! But there is something pretty yucky about looking out at the rain and deliberately throwing your leg over the bike. So I didn't.

Saturday became a ride on the magtrainer. By Sunday afternoon it was lightening up a little, so DH and DD and I took our first ride on the tandem for the year. We are preparing for a 9 day tour in September. DH flatted and DD did a good job as my stoker and managed 33km and one rain shower! A nice ride despite the conditons.:)

05-24-2009, 12:30 PM
I rode 28 miles on one of the Swiss National Cycling Routes. It was mostly off the roads, following creeks and farm paths, sometimes paved, sometimes not. Went from Affoltern to Wettingen and back. Nice break from the city riding I've been doing. The only real hill was getting back to my apartment, but that was short.

05-24-2009, 12:36 PM
Then when I would fall behind someone else would come back for me......They would not allow me to quit.....they said it was NOT an option!!!

TxRed, so glad you found a supportive no-drop ride! Someday soon, you're going to be the one telling someone else they can't quit!

05-24-2009, 12:49 PM
mmmm got my mojo back.

The bike park, of which I have helped "make happen" from the advocacy angle. started getting built last summer. I blew up my shoulder and had to watch from the sidelines.

After six months of rehab and rest, I'm happy to say I was able to hit everything that was on my goal list.


05-24-2009, 01:05 PM
TXRED - way to go, gf! You are an inspiration! Keep fightin, girl!

I fought every urge to stay in bed this morning,but did manage to get up for part 2 of my two day training ride for Tulsa Tough next weekend.

We had the same route, but one of our riders (the one with long-distance issues) didn't make it out.. so it was basically me and 3 guys in our little group. Proud to say we did today's ride much faster than yesterday - a feat in itself.. Ended up with a little over 68 miles..about the same elevation , but at 16.5 avg mph.

I gotta say.. I'm truly amazed/thrilled to see my conditioning/performance finally getting up there. I can hang with people I wasn't sure the past couple/three yrs I'd ever be able to hang with. I've been getting compliments and kudos from these people in the past week or so after group rides... it feels fantastic! Besides time in the saddle, I can only think the difference this year is my new bike AND the Hammer products I've started using the past couple of mos. Awesome.. just awesome.

Rides like these are the ones where you look upward/around and thank Him...Life is good. :)

05-24-2009, 01:20 PM
I held off all morning because of light rains and wind. Around 2:00 the sun started to peek out so I changed my clothes and headed out planning just a 10 mile quick loop since thunderstorms were in the forecast for the afternoon.

Once I got out there I felt great so decided on a longer route. I rode out to Horseneck beach and then did a reverse route of one of my usual routes. It is very cool doing a route in reverse. All kinds of things I never noticed going the opposite direction. I was doing great, feeling great, until about mile 20 when I started heading into the wind. The last 9 miles back home were all into the wind. I think this is my first time riding that long into strong headwinds. It is no fun going down hill and having to work hard.

By the time I got home the sky turned very dark and the air was quite thick. It is not raining yet but I think the storm will be here shortly.

05-24-2009, 01:28 PM
Did the shop ride.
Met an interesting couple from the Netherlands who also did the ride. Their son had just moved to the D.C. area by way of El Paso, TX, and they have been touring the southwest U.S. on their bikes, and were now spending a few days visiting D.C. Their "touring" had a decidedly athletic bent - no "Museum and Monument Tour" on their agenda (most tourists here visit all of the museums and monuments on the Mall - local friends will often roll their eyes when family and friends visit..."Yeah...we'll be doing the Museum and Monument Tour!") - these folks rode today, and had a 4-mile run planned for tomorrow. They were tickled at all of the outdoorsy club activities they could get involved in as visitors. And judging from the appearance of these two - I don't think they shared an ounce of body fat between the 2 of them :eek: - this stuff was right up their alley. And they did great, too. Although the infamous D.C. humidity was taking its toll on them.

05-24-2009, 01:54 PM
Another weekend of rain. I think this makes it the 9th one in a row. I was able to sneak in a little ride yesterday. I had to work this morning, and once noon hit we have had 2 big T-storms roll through. Here in CO we usually don't get this much rain. Everything looks so green. DH and I hope to get out for a ride tomorrow. We have been wanting to go mtn biking but the trails will be too muddy.

05-24-2009, 03:24 PM
I had such a fun conversation with a woman who had just learned to ride a bike. She didn't have a bike as a child, and she is so excited. I hope I found the right words to encourage her. We met at a very narrow part of the bike path; you can barely get one bike through. She wasn't yet ready to ride through and I told her that I didn't either at first.

On a less happy note, a guy in a wheelchair was waiting for his turn on the narrow part of the path and two bikers went ahead of him. Grrrr. It's possible that he told them to go ahead -- I wasn't close enough to see/hear. But still...it seemed rude.


05-24-2009, 03:57 PM

They told me that was not an option and no matter how slow I got they would make sure I made it!!

All in all I MADE it 38+ miles!!! When I got home I took an epson salt bath and after I write this I will sit on my machine for my Lymphadema (gotta love CANCER). I am sure I will fall asleep....LOL


Congratulations Tina! You feel great after one of these don't you?

I did the Pedaler's jamboree this weekend. 35 miles on Saturday to Boonville and 35 on Sunday back to Columbia, all on the Katy Trail. I took a friend whose longest ride to date has been 20 miles. She did it on my $18 flea market Giant hybrid. It was a fun couple of days. Every 10 miles they had a band and cold beer available. Took us a long time to get to Boonville. More like a 35 mile party. Everyone was really friendly and we had a great time.

05-24-2009, 04:10 PM
Out by myself today. I have had some trouble with my "inner gerbil"....the little guy that runs the wheel. I have been riding with a friend who is much slower than I am, I have been spending my rides trying not to drop him, worrying about doing too much for him. If I don't ride with him, I ride with a group of very strong men (my SO amongst them) and spend my time trying not to get dropped. I didn't connect it with the inner gerbil problem until today, when I was on my own, flying along at 2/3 mph faster than the fastest I had been going with my slow friend, 2/3 mph slower than I do with the strong guys.
About 3 miles in it started to pour. I mean POUR down rain. I could have gone left and gone home, but I pressed on. I stopped and asked some guys smoking a joint on their front porch for a baggie for my phone (which they gave me, and asked me multiple questions on why exactly I was riding in a downpour). I pressed on and found that the inner gerbil started running again. I am not so sure why, but suddenly I was INVINCIBLE. Even into a headwind with stinging cold (well, cold to me) I was flying!
The funny thing was that I got SOAKED. About 20 miles out suddenly it stopped, and I was in sunshine land....it had apparently never rained. A family unloading groceries turned and looked at me as I squished by (my bottom bracket squeaks in the wet) and stared at me as if I had just materialized at the beach in a snowsuit, covered in snow. They all looked like they were getting ready to play golf, and here I was, dripping, my white jersey clinging to me like I was out of an x-rated film (well, sort of...I'm a 32 A).
About 10 miles from home, I came across a rollover accident that had just happened. Being coplike, i stopped. One of the guys rolled up right after, lights and sirens going. He laughed at me (being wet) and I helped him direct traffic until another officer got there (directing traffic in uniform is bad enough, few people take a traffic directing wet cyclist very seriously). It started raining on me again soon after, and I finished my ride in the drizzle.
It was awesome, and the gerbil is moving again.
30+ wet, sloppy miles, 18mph average.

05-24-2009, 04:43 PM
Congratulations Tina! You feel great after one of these don't you?

I did the Pedaler's jamboree this weekend. 35 miles on Saturday to Boonville and 35 on Sunday back to Columbia, all on the Katy Trail. I took a friend whose longest ride to date has been 20 miles. She did it on my $18 flea market Giant hybrid. It was a fun couple of days. Every 10 miles they had a band and cold beer available. Took us a long time to get to Boonville. More like a 35 mile party. Everyone was really friendly and we had a great time.

The ride leader stated it was like I did a 50 mile ride because I was riding a hybrid.

Mentaly it makes me feel good I did it....and I am sure I will feel better tomorrow.


05-24-2009, 04:45 PM
Well usually my rides are usually pretty uneventful, but today we had a couple exciting things happen on our club ride.

I've gotten stronger since I got my cervelo, so I decided that today is the day I try ride with a faster peer group. I actually went out 10 minutes early to warm up, since this is one of those rides that starts with a climb, and I always do better if I am warmed up. My idea was to go out at an easy pace on my own, and then hop on the first group that rides by that I could hang with. I knew I couldn't hang with our fastest men, but was hoping to ride with the second string men. So, at a certain point the fast men whoosh by, and no, on a climb there was no point to jump on that train, even though they did have some guys I knew would get dropped soon and I might be able to hang with.

Next, I notice a guy barrel down a descent in the middle of the road (literally at the midline) riding like he is Danielo DeLuco or Paulo Salvodelli on a car free race course. Hello? In the real world we need to share the road with cars, and this isn't a place to be screwing around with motorists since there is already a lot of tension between cyclists and motorists in this part of texas (ride is Helotes to Bourne in the TX Hill Country). I see a truck approaching and I yell 'car back, cyclists move right' but he stays right there, so the truck had to veer almost completely into the lane for oncoming traffic to avoid hitting him, or his bud next to him in the middle of the lane. At the bottom of the hill they stopped to regroup, riding with 3 young fit women and two less fit men. I said to him, hey, that was close, you need to be more careful........and he says, yeh, I know so many b***** out here. I proceeded to explain why in this situation he was in the wrong, but it went on deaf ears.

I then proceed up the next climb (toutant) with the group, and the women start gaining some distance on the guys (the fellow riding in the middle of the road was also quite overweight). One of the women pulls up next to me, and says, those two have been riding like jerks, hop on and lets lose these losers, and we proceeded to really push hard up the climb. Now, I know you guys that race do this all the time, but I never intentionally tried to ride someone off my wheel. BOY WAS THAT FUN!!!

When I got in, I met up with my husband and the rest of the fast men. They did encounter a real scary fellow out there today. A guy in a truck had the nerve to intentionally ride into their peleton, and hit one of their riders. He was OK, but they called the police and somehow managed to keep the driver there until they came. Cops show up, identified themselves as cyclists, and said they were prepared to charge the driver with aggravated assault with a lethal weapon if the guy that was hit was prepared to press charges. He said absolutely, and the guy pleaded no contest (he was almost bragging to the cops about what he did). I think this fellow has no clue how much trouble he is in (I just learned the penalty in texas for this is 8-10 years). We have a lot of problems with guys like this in south texas, but it is very reassuring to see the police starting to take our side, heck they ARE US, but so glad none of my husband's riding buds were hurt either.

So, a bit more excitement than usual in the texas hill country today.

05-24-2009, 06:46 PM
An eventful ride, Triskeliongirl! Glad the police took care of that obnoxious driver!

Was raining a bit here in the morning; elected to wait until the afternoon. It was gorgeous - sunny, bit of wind-(what's new?). Did 70k over rolling terrain; pre-rode race course that I will ride next week with our infamous 6th line hill.
avg. 26.5kph.

We've had a problem recently with the bugs called "midges." They are everywhere. The last 10k, I felt like I was being pummeled with them. There were dead midges spattered all over my helmet, in my hair ( yep through the big vents in my helmet) and stuck to sunscreened areas on my body...ick!

05-24-2009, 07:19 PM
My ride today was on a bike of a different variety. :)


05-24-2009, 08:43 PM
The ride leader stated it was like I did a 50 mile ride because I was riding a hybrid.

Mentaly it makes me feel good I did it....and I am sure I will feel better tomorrow.


You bet it's more impressive on a hybrid. Keep up the good work.

05-25-2009, 08:23 AM
Anniversary mountain biking with DH. We went out to the area we went to college and road a trail there so we could have our yummy favorite deli for anniversary dinner. It was pretty eventful once we got caught on the trail in a massive downpour (complete with thunder) but we made it out okay and had a good laugh at the memorable anniversary ride. Still got about 10 miles of singletrack in before it poured. :D

05-25-2009, 06:15 PM
Anniversary mountain biking with DH. We went out to the area we went to college and road a trail there so we could have our yummy favorite deli for anniversary dinner. It was pretty eventful once we got caught on the trail in a massive downpour (complete with thunder) but we made it out okay and had a good laugh at the memorable anniversary ride. Still got about 10 miles of singletrack in before it poured. :D

Happy Anniversary!! Glad you made it out of the down pour!


05-25-2009, 08:48 PM
Let's see.. so much going on..

TXRED: CONGRATULATIONS! I hope you are feeling better today and not too swollen!

IRULAN: CONGRATULATIONS... how nice to get out on the rides you helped to create. That is wonderful!

AGGIE ANN: Happy Anniversary!

OK.. think I got it all. I just rode a basic 16 miles today with a friend who brought his 3 yr old in a trailer. Slow easy ride for me - -I should have done more, but what a gorgeous day to out in the Pacific NW! We stopped halfway (ha ha... 8 miles and a stop! :p) and got coffee and a treat. potty break. What an easy, nice ride through the flats of Skagit County. Wish I'd brought my camera -- nice day for photos. Mt Baker was out plain as day and the valley was gorgeous!

05-26-2009, 04:13 AM
Let's see.. so much going on..

TXRED: CONGRATULATIONS! I hope you are feeling better today and not too swollen!

IRULAN: CONGRATULATIONS... how nice to get out on the rides you helped to create. That is wonderful!

AGGIE ANN: Happy Anniversary!

OK.. think I got it all. I just rode a basic 16 miles today with a friend who brought his 3 yr old in a trailer. Slow easy ride for me - -I should have done more, but what a gorgeous day to out in the Pacific NW! We stopped halfway (ha ha... 8 miles and a stop! :p) and got coffee and a treat. potty break. What an easy, nice ride through the flats of Skagit County. Wish I'd brought my camera -- nice day for photos. Mt Baker was out plain as day and the valley was gorgeous!

I am actually going to brave my normal 17 mile tuesday ride. Everything feels fine but um.... those parts! I will definatly use some appropriate form of lubricant/anit-chaffing stuff today. I have some and have used it before. I just forgot it Sunday.... never again!

I miss those beautiful NW rides but I sure do not miss the COLD!
