View Full Version : 5/23 Rides!

05-23-2009, 03:20 PM
After 6 and I'm the first?? :)

Joined the local Freewheel Oklahoma training ride this morning as a final week training ride for Tulsa Tough next weekend!

Weather - absolutely gorgeous!
Mile - 70.5
Avg - 15.1 (we were in a no-drop ride with someone in our group who hadn't gone this far before...slowed me a bit..but it was worth it!)
Elevation - 3300ish - forgot what the report said

This picture was taken from the top of a road by Skiatook Lake - looking over the valley. Sure wish I'd had my "real" camera..the real view was stunning and this pic doesn't do it justice.

05-23-2009, 04:39 PM
A cloudy, cool day in Georgia - we did a 25 mile loop with a side trip through a beautiful area known as Berkley Lakes. The hills out there are short but quite steep and lots of blind curves - sort of like being on a roller coaster - screaming all the way :eek:. But it was great a great experience for me as I am the scaredy-cat, slow-poke on big hills and I did them all.

05-23-2009, 05:08 PM
ah, the nicest weather we've had all year. High 60's sun shine, slight wind.
68 miles on the tandem with 3700 feet of climb

we went from Seattle to Tacoma then east to kent and home.
The furthest south west point was Brown's point, with a gorgeous view of the Sound, tacoma AND Mt Rainier.

Tri Girl
05-23-2009, 06:13 PM
Babyblue- great picture. I've never been to Skiatook Lake, but need to go some time.
I did the "Tour de Meers" and got in 35 before the lightning and thunderstorms rolled in. Training ride for Freewheel. I'm SO not ready for that ride, but I guess after a couple days on the road I'll have no choice.:rolleyes:
I'll ride 40-50 tomorrow and again on Monday to do some long back to back days.
Averaged 12.3 on my Bike Friday. The gearing is so low I can't get in a big enough gear for the flats and tailwinds. Oh well, it forces me to slow down and stop and smell the roses (which was the whole point of getting a BF anyway- to slow down and enjoy the ride). It's good for this former racer to learn to slow down and enjoy every minute instead of just worrying about throwing down the miles. :)

05-23-2009, 07:03 PM
Only 35 kms. in a flat delta area by Fraser River that empties out into ocean. However it is rare that I cycle with a grop of ..5 others. In group, there was a couple, cycling friends of ours who lives in a home in a ski mountain resort area in northern British Columbia where they were grateful to be cycling on the flats today and to visit the big city. (where they used to live)

Little ride still makes me realize I still don't know certain areas..ie. the little historic Finnish fishing village slough area now with dilapidated squatter homes by the river. Some of the homes have become quite quirky little "cottages".

Then more socializing, etc. Just a lovely sunny day with wind. Always a great thing to see friends ..that one only sees every 1-2 years.