View Full Version : crazy, rabid cyclist.

04-22-2009, 12:50 PM
My house is on a corner of a T-intersection. The top part of T the one that goes through is a one way street. the vertical part of T is a two-way street that ends at the intersection.

Sunday, a self-centered ?>*&^, *&^^-year old girl riding a beach cruiser, wearing pair of flip flops, no helmet, no gloves, bikini top and short short, shot into the intersection from the two-way street onto the one way street. She also decided to go in the wrong direction.

Too bad the car that was coming down the street wasn't at the inersection ohh about another second earlier. The driver of the car locked up his brakes to avoid hitting the stupid girl.

The stupid girl yelled some obsenities at the driver then kicked in his door panel as she rode by. As she rode away, she was yelling "He's an A$%hole" to her BF who was bringing up the rear. He too didn't stop at the intersection and he too went the wrong way.

Don't you wish you could be a 6' plus man to grab that idiot girl and put some sense into her. The way she rides, she's up for Darwin Award. :mad::mad::mad:

And the driver of the car? A retired person who also happens to be a city commissioner working on a master bike plan. I know him personally.

Maybe I'm just getting old... When I was her age...oh never mind.

04-22-2009, 01:02 PM
I was visualizing this pretty well until you described her outfit. Ah, I see, So Cal!

I wouldn't wish i was 6' tall, I'd wish a cop was on that street and hauled out his/her ticket book and written her a a raft of tickets.

04-23-2009, 06:27 AM
I was visualizing this pretty well until you described her outfit. Ah, I see, So Cal!

I wouldn't wish i was 6' tall, I'd wish a cop was on that street and hauled out his/her ticket book and written her a a raft of tickets.

Indeed... that way even if she didn't learn a lesson funds could be put somewhere more useful than her pocket.

04-23-2009, 08:56 AM
I was almost hit head on in my car a couple of days ago thanks to a a wrong way cyclist. Thankfully, I had slowed way down because I thought something like that might happen. He was riding ahead of me, the wrong way down a narrow street. Another car came into my lane to avoid him and apparently didn't see me (or decided hitting a car was preferable to hitting a cyclist). I stopped completely (I had slowed down to 15 anyway), and the car missed me by very little. The cyclist stayed ahead of me on the road until he made a turn going the wrong way down a 1 way street, without stopping at a stop sign.:mad::mad:

04-24-2009, 07:55 PM
Yeaah, a bike actually did run into me when I was driving because he was going the wrong way on a one way street with a stop sign. It freaked me out and he flew off his bike but he was okay (and the car was okay). I just didn't look that way because I didn't expect anyone to come from there. Now I always look both ways when I pass one way streets :)