View Full Version : April 13-19 Runs

04-13-2009, 10:39 AM
I just came back from a really good run, so I thought I'd post it now, before I get busy with work. I finally broke the 3 mile barrier, doing 3.5 miles, by combining 2 of my routes. Including my warm up/cool down, it was 3.9 miles. I finally got my Garmin back to the pace mode (thanks, Oakleaf, but I have the cheapo model, so I needed different directions), so without looking at the breakdown of each lap, my overall pace was 10:30, which has been pretty consistent for me. I am happy with this, since this is a hilly route. I am going to keep it here, until I can run 4 miles, then I will work on speed again. I only walked when I had to slow down and take my wind jacket off and tie it around my waist. It is very windy and I still am forgetting and dressing like a cyclist. Well, I also slowed to a walk crossing a main road and in the middle of the 10% hill for 30 seconds.
Nothing hurt today. I remembered to use Body Glide on my feet and I went to yoga this morning, which helped. I thought about my son, who is in Iraq, because it is his birthday today. He's an awesome runner, and I felt like he was with me on this run, because it felt like I was flying. Not too many moms can say their kid got them into cycling and running!

04-13-2009, 10:43 AM
bless your son for being over there, i have many a friend over there as well.

I really wish I could run...I mean I can...but I have bad knees and end up the next day wallowing in pain, hence why I started biking instead.

kacie tri-ing
04-13-2009, 11:09 AM
Congrats on breaking that personal barrier! That is awesome! I am sure that the energy from your son's birthday helped you!!!

I am not back to running yet....My hip flexor is still hurting from the HIM, but I am READY. I know from re-injuring myself some post-marathon though, that it is NOT worth it....Last week i just rode my bike whenever I felt like it, and took it really really slowly. I am going to start jumping back into the pool tonight though! Hopefully I will be back in my running shoes by the end of the week!:D Staying positive!

04-13-2009, 01:04 PM
My cycling hols/training camp of 10 days must have absolutely wrecked me.

I walked up a hill behind my parent's house and back down the other side to get to a nice area for a bit of flat running. Sunday, I could not run more than 1-2 minutes before walking again. Today, I ran a whopping 1.5 km in one bit. Plus maybe 500 more.

Wednesday I'll try again for 5.

04-13-2009, 04:40 PM
I had the most amazing long run today (11.8 miles @ 10:03 overall). :)

The wind was fierce, 22 mph gusting to 38, straight up the peninsula. As I've been doing lately, I ran out on pavement and sidewalk and back on the beach.

Okay, half of y'all are going to think this stuff is really "out there," and the other half will probably go, "geez, isn't that how everyone does it?" As I get into the longer runs, I've been doing them more and more as a moving meditation. (I'm in good company. The Presiding Bishop of my church was featured on the back page of Runner's World a year or so ago, talking about her long runs being moving meditation. ;))

My Yoga teacher often says that gratitude opens all the chakras, so today I did my downwind leg as a gratitude meditation. It turned into free associations - as I'd thank someone it would remind me of someone else connected to them, so I'd thank them next, and on and on. I ran through hundreds of people who'd touched my life in some way; lots of y'all TE'rs; people and pets who are deceased, whom I was able to acknowledge just briefly enough to feel gratitude without grief; people whose overall influence on me was negative, yet who maybe taught me something valuable or put me in a place to gain something that I could thank them for; friends; family; teachers; people I hadn't thought of in years. By the time I was halfway back I just felt so happy, and it only got better and better. I kicked the last 500 meters @ 7:30 with a huge grin on my face.

When I was younger I used to meditate regularly, but I've been away from it for a very long time. So it's like I know what it's supposed to feel like, but in terms of actually getting there I'm pretty much a novice again. I was just kind of bouncing off that place where I had a roaring blinding light of grateful energy shooting out of my crown.

Then from time to time I could make a "sling" out of the energy of my three lower chakras, shoot it out of my pelvis right inside of the ASIS on either side, connect it to my hands and literally use my arm swing to drive my pelvic rotation. Energy driving the body mechanics just like it's supposed to, all the Chi Running and Yoga really, really coming together.

I just can't wait to thank my Yoga teacher in person tomorrow morning! Thank you all TE runners for the inspiration, support and advice! :):):)

04-13-2009, 05:14 PM
Wow Oakleaf. That's a very introspective and inspiring post. Positive and contentment just oozes out of it. Very refreshing to read. I'm happy that it came together for you in such a way. Treasure those days for sure. Sounds like you've worked to link many of these various holistic aspects in your life together or at least regarding your moving meditation and it's starting to work.

I run also and I ran outside all through this winter in the ice and snow and very cold temps but I never post about it. Back in February or so you posted several times on the Chi Running book again. I finally picked up the book because of your informative posts about it. I have to say it has really helped me run pain free. I used to do Tai Chi many moons ago so the grounding and body sensing was easy for me. I had never though of putting it into running. After reading excerpts from the book and applying it to my running, it worked by the first 2 runs after. It really works and it's pretty exciting to have the power to run pain free. Thanks. Although I certainly haven't reached the point of focusing my energy to drive body mechanics to a high level yet.

04-14-2009, 05:06 PM
Oak, that is a great post. These days I often find myself looking for the positive in what on the surface seems to be so negative, including relationships that I had with others years ago. Usually I don't have to dig too deep to find the positive and recognize the gratitude that is owed. Usually. ;)


OK, I have a dilemma of sorts. It's my "easy" week (I practice periodization when I'm training for something and this is a cycle down week) and I have a scaled back long run on 10 miles on Friday. It's supposed to snow 3 feet between now and Friday AM, ski season is coming to a close, the mountain is pretty much devoid of humans, and I really, really love powder skiiing. Do I go ski until I can't stand up anymore on Friday or do I forego a potentially killer powder day for a 10 mile run on (probably) muddy trails?

Life can be so hard. :rolleyes:

04-15-2009, 06:08 AM
Hi Ladies,
I too enjoy reading your positive post. I know I have not posted like I should but so enjoy coming back and reading your success' and challenges. It seems everyone is dealing with challenging circumstances. Our lives are more demanding than ever. Many of us have family and friends without jobs and it can be hard to stay positive with so much pulling us into negativity. But this is the times like OakLeaf said we (I)must concentrate on the positive! I am blessed with good friends, family and health! No matter how fast or slow I run I can walk out my door on my own and run!

Yellow I am excited to see you on Saturday in Salt Lake City for my half! It means so much to see a friendly face cheering me on. Last year I had a painful last 3 miles so I am hoping for a healthy and happy finish.:)

Susan Otcenas
04-15-2009, 08:17 AM
oakleaf - thanks for sharing that with us. It sounds like it was a very powerful experience for you!

yellow - Speaking for myself... I'd go skiing. I love my training, and I'm very disciplined about it for the most part. But for me, it's important that I not feel like it's depriving me of something else I really might like to do. Otherwise, I might come to "resent" the training a little bit. I find that when I allow myself to do some other fun cross training thing from time to time, especially if it's an opportunity that won't come around very often (as in your expected amazing powder day), that I'm actually MORE energized when I resume my regular training schedule.

kacie - Hope your recovery is going well. I didn't post a comment on your race report thread, but I wanted you to know I really enjoyed reading it. How wonderful to have had your fan club right there with you!

As for me - as I mentioned on last week's thread, I had a stupid fall in my SIL's kitchen on SUnday evening and really banged up my left foot. This morning was my next scheduled run, and I had a little trepidation going into it, as I was still feeling a wee bit tender yesterday. Well, I'm VERY happy to report that I had absolutely no issues with it this morning! Whew! :) I had a 5 mile tempo run on the treadmill ( 1 mile @ 5.5, 3 miles @ 5.8, 1 mile @ 5.5, 0.75 mile cool down @ brisk walking pace. Total = 5.75 miles). My foot felt great. My left forearm, on the other hand, looks like someone has been beating me up. :o The whole underside is bruised. I know it's from the fall, but for the life of me, I can't remember it getting banged up.

Hope everyone continues to have great runs this week!


04-15-2009, 04:38 PM
I went for about an hour walk/run (mostly walk) on the local conservation trails today; decided to take it a bit easy since I am coming down with a cold. Still working on the IT band stuff; no pain today but it wasn't a whole lot of running either. I definitely still need to strengthen the glute medius and get rid of the trigger points in the TFL (which have been acting up lately, especially if I sit too long--anyone know any tips for getting rid of really stubborn ones)? I'm thinking it would be good to work up to doing one-leg squats for strengthening.

04-15-2009, 06:33 PM
My ADD thought for this evening (didn't run today so don't have anything to contribute otherwise) is:

Where is Eclectic? I've been missing posts from her lately!

Really tired this week. Haven't missed any training sessions, but my schedule is a little off I'm having to shuffle the normal order of things. So far so good, but I'm sorry I haven't had as much energy to congratulate you ladies on your running!

Stay strong & keep it up! :D

04-16-2009, 03:37 AM
I was thinking the same thing last night.
Eclectic, where are you?

04-16-2009, 05:33 AM
Thank you all! it is so nice to be missed :D

I am back. I took the last week and a half off. I had a massage, got my legs back to feeling better but was just major tired last week and being Holy week there was a lot of church commitments so i used that excuse to recover.
Also there has been a little sandbagging going on around here so I have helped w/ that.

I filled sandbags for 2 hours straight on Tues night. Excellent upperbody/torso rotation workout.

I am back to training and have decided to stick w/ the walk/run program.
Also I am FINALLY outside! whoooo hoooo. I am on the 1.3 mile trail and it really does go so much faster than on the TM or track!
I did a walk/run for 5.2 miles and was able to hold a 11:28 pace and that is outside, some incline (no hills) and wind. So I am very happy w/ that progress (10 min mile by next year is still the goal but I am OK w/ where I am at.)

Oak I LOVED your report. I practiced Zen meditation for awhile - difficult to do but great rewards and it definitely helps w/ the mental stamina

Kacie - keep recovering you put your body through a lot!

Susan - glad to hear the injuries weren't worse and that you could get through the tempo run (which sounded awesome BTW)

Crankin' I loved the report on your run too. Prayers that your DS stays safe
good job on breaking through to the next level

Urlea - good job on plugging through the training. It will pay great dividends

kacie tri-ing
04-16-2009, 06:38 AM
:DWelcome eclectic!

Still recovering over here. I am hoping to be running on Sunday (trails, not the road), but I am already back on my bike and the pool everyday!

I also loved the report about the meditation! It was wonderful!!! It made me want to pick back up the chi running book and take it into account as I start to run again!

So, I was reading this blog:

I loved reading the book ultramarathon man, and I do follow his blog some. He had a guest writer who wrote about recovery. Things like, race more to recover faster.

I wrote my coach and said, "I know I am not like them, but they make me feel like a total wimp!" He wrote me back and told me not to read it anymore, that the goal is life-long fitness and not deranged views of recovery. hehehehe I thought it was pretty funny :p I was certainly not planning on doing any of those things, and I think I might have scared him a little bit!

Keep up the running and reporting! I like hearing about it as my body heals slowly!:rolleyes:

04-16-2009, 09:08 AM
Glad you are back Eclectic. It's nice to take a break.
I just came back from a 2 mile run. It's all I have time for. That seems to be the story of my life right now. I was writing a paper for 4 hours and finally, I couldn't stand sitting on my a$$ any longer. I am not at the point in the paper where I want to be, so I gotta write fast, hop in the shower, and hope I have more time before I need to leave for class, to write more. The only way I can manage this work is to "schedule" it.
I really wanted to ride today, but there's not going to be time for long rides or runs except on the weekend until May 6th. The weather has been gorgeous, too, but at least I know it won't be snowing (well, never say never) tomorrow. Anyway, my run was ho-hum. Down the hill at 9:15 pace and back up at a slower pace, for an overall pace of 10:50. I am not quite at my 10:00 pace, but I have to figure in the hill (s) which are significant.
I will probably do my long run on Monday and am shooting for 4 miles, at closer to an 11:00 pace.

04-16-2009, 09:43 AM
Well it's true, I still absolutely love running! :D

I may have been ridiculously tired getting going this morning (two 4:50am wake-ups in a row! ugh), there may have been 25mph gusts as we ran into the wind on the way back of the 7mi route this morning, I may have been grossly overdressed & had to ditch my jacket/hat along the way. But I still really enjoyed my run this morning.

Again I was mostly between groups of ppl at a 9:30 mile. The past few weeks though there has been a very graceful formed runner on my tail. She doesn't like to visit, nice though. I know if I keep just slightly ahead of her that I am keeping the pace I want or close to it.

Today I had the impression she thought we were racing. Not sure how to explain why I look back to see where she is & why I try so hard to catch back up when I have to stop & toss my jacket to the side of the road. She won this morning, apparently running into the wind is her strong suit. :D

I hope to God there isn't wind like that during the Fargo marathon which is only 22 days away! We may be running in sport-skirts and tanks by them it's starting to warm up quick. Been riding my bicycle mostly outdoors all week & I even got a sunburn yesterday! woohoo!

Eclectic- Welcome back!!

It's crazy how much sandbagging can really take it out of you. They asked for sandbaggers here again earlier this week as the river is supposed to crest again & I just couldn't bring myself to do another week of that.

Your run/walk method sounds like a wonderful way to log the miles. Two women were doing the same thing during our 18mile training run last weekend and I was so impressed by how fast they were! They finished the run with smiles & looked great.

Kacie- Glad to see you are taking care of yourself during the recovery process. It must be killing you not to run, but woohoo! for being back on the bike & in the pool again.

Crankin- Sounds like a busy season for you. Hang in there!

Now that spring is here I've got a lot of work to do. Shooting a wedding this weekend, baby photos on monday & engagements until the next wedding. I'm not sure how the schedule is all going to come together between the training & the editing, but I also know that sometimes taking a short break to go run or ride a little does my creativity wonders.

Hope it does the same for you & your paper!

04-16-2009, 11:45 AM
Everyone seems to be doing well, especially Urlea - wow... a marathon...

Well I was able to run again - 5.5k, my "short round". I tried to up the tempo for about 2x300m but my form started suffering. I have to work on that.

04-16-2009, 05:20 PM
Well, Susan, I am going skiing Friday. :D Best of both worlds, though...I scooted out of work early today and went for a really nice 10 mile run. Elk everywhere, saw the first pine grosbeaks of the year (in full breeding plumage), and a Cooper's hawk. I'm liking this easy week; I've felt really good on every run I've done. One more slow and easy on Saturday and then...24 the following weekend. :eek:

I am really looking forward to seeing Shiraz at the Salt Lake half mary this weekend. I'll try to take pictures at the finish. I have several friends running this year, including one of my Crossfit friends who will probably finish in less than 1:30 (she's incredibly strong and fast). The weather should be perfect for the race! Go Shiraz!

Safe training, everyone!

Susan Otcenas
04-17-2009, 07:49 AM
yellow - Yay! That worked out perfectly, eh?

shiraz - best of luck this weekend! Let us know how it goes.

eclectic - good to have you back. Are you sore from all that sandbagging? I sure would be!

crankin' - sounds like you have alot going on! Nice work keeping up on your fitness, despite the hectic schedule.

urlea - don't ask me why, but whenever I think about you training, I think of the energizer bunny - you keep going and going and going... Very inspirational!

Today was my "easy" run day. 30 minutes at whatever pace was comfortable. I did notice that I made it to *last* week's 15 minute turn around spot in just 14:18 today, so I kept going. Slowly but surely, my "go at a comfortable rate" pace is getting a wee bit faster. Yay!

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!


04-17-2009, 11:56 AM
20-minute trail run today after walking for about 45 minutes enjoying the beautiful day we have here. I could have gone longer (no IT band pain at all; my form is definitely getting better) but needed to wrap up to get ready to be somewhere. I did, however, trip and stub a toe on a rock--ouch! Of course, it happened right at the beginning of the run. Now it's sort of swollen; seems I bruised it pretty well. Must stop being a klutz...

04-17-2009, 12:02 PM
Good luck Shiraz!

04-18-2009, 06:45 PM
Oh, it was a good day for Shiraz. But I'll let her tell you about it.

(no, I did not get any pictures because she did an unauthorized OUTFIT COLOR CHANGE on me and I was looking for her in a different color. She did look fabulous, though! :D )

I'm kind of sad it's the end of my easy week. But then I wouldn't have felt so great this week if I hadn't put the time in the previous weeks. I've done it before...I can do it again. Did an easy run today after watching the marathon finish. It was a gorgeous spring day. I love 60 F. Last ski day tomorrow. I have my 80s fashion diva outfit all ready to go (we usually dress up on the Last Day). Big tailgate party, lots of beer. Should be a blast! :p

04-18-2009, 07:12 PM
Wind finally died down some yesterday, so headed out for a 6.5 mile run after work. Who cranked the heater on??? :eek: Earlier in the week it was barely in the 60's, last week it was in the 50's, and yesterday almost 80 degrees! It's supposed to be 90 by Monday! YIKES!!!

Needless to say, I overheated. I had the sun in my face the whole way out and didn't bring fluids. Did better on the way back with the sun to my back, but still had to walk a bit. Also, with the wildflowers in full bloom (beautiful!), I ended up with a sore throat to boot. Sigh . . .

I might try to head out again tomorrow morning when the weather is cooler, just so I can get a "good" run in. :confused:

You all continue to inspire me! :D

04-19-2009, 02:31 AM
Well, I somehow re-injured my gluteus minimus running intervals on Thursday, so I skipped my run yesterday.

I don't even know how I strained that stupid muscle but I thought it was all healed up two weeks ago. :mad:

04-19-2009, 01:30 PM
I was out for two hours today running/walking (mostly walking) on Mt. Wachusett. No IT band pain whatsoever; I think I have finally figured out what the problems were with my form so now I can really work on it. Once I get over this rotten cold I'll be better able to do that without having to intersperse it with so much walking. Several people commented on my footwear; one woman said she wanted to look into getting a pair because she can never get hiking boots to fit so they always hurt.

OakLeaf, sorry to hear about your injury! What a pain in the butt. :p

kacie tri-ing
04-19-2009, 01:46 PM
OakLeaf, sorry to hear about your injury! What a pain in the butt. :p


Jolt--I was in an outdoor store with DH, and we saw your barefoot shoes! They had a great color red in the men's shoes!

Oak! I am sorry about your injury too!

Michelem! Sounds hot! I'm sure you will bring liquids next time, but it's hard to know when you need to bring them when the temperatures are in between!

I tried to run today and failed. My hip flexor is still injured from my HIM. I had an amazing ride yesterday, and I will get back into the pool tomorrow. I am just ready to run again! It has been two weeks!! I know I should be grateful that my hip feels much better than it did (which is why I tried to run even though I knew I shouldn't yet!). I stopped after about 10 feet. It doesn't hurt to walk anymore, and my limp seems to be gone :rolleyes:

Have a great sunday afternoon!

04-19-2009, 07:30 PM
Well, I'm jazzed. My 20miler today was really hard & really rewarding.

Since I shot a wedding yesterday I was unable to join the marathon training group and run with them in the morning. So after church, which was followed by brunch (ate more than my fill) I took a nap, got up and got out there in hopes to finish the 20mi before the sun set.

Within the first mile I knew brunch was going to have it's way with me. Just wasn't digesting right. Turns out bacon, caramel rolls & cheesy hashbrowns aren't good pre-run fuel! I spent the beginning 8-10mi trying to keep it down. Never felt so green during a run, it was rough, acid burps & everything. :(

Mentally I was holding it together just fine & as funny as it sounds when I stopped at my gym (it was on the way) to sit down for two minutes I realized I was half thankful for the distraction because it actually made the first 10 miles go by quickly.

Anywho, about mile 12 I was feeling more normal & able to speed up again. This is my first long run with NO gels & only 10oz. of water. Yes, I know, not wise, but I couldn't stomach the idea of ingesting much at all.

The last 8 miles were great. I saw a runner approaching around mi 17 and realized it was my running buddy Maggy from the marathon group out on her recovery run. Chatted with her for a few seconds, that was encouraging!

I finished in 3:33 which averaged out to 10:40 per mile. WOOHOO!!!!

I'm so happy that I can work through feeling so crappy and covering that much distance. The marathon seems so doable to me at this moment I'm actually thinking about trying an Ultra in August. I just love running!!

I've never finished a run thinking, "I wish I hadn't done that."

Hope the rest of you had a wonderful weekend!

Healing thoughts/prayers for those of you suffering with injuries!!