04-03-2009, 12:48 PM
This was in the DNR netletter today:
This month, Governor O'Malley launched the citizen component of Marylanders Plant Trees, a program designed to increase tree cover in Maryland. Through this initiative we are working together with businesses, communities and citizens to achieve the goal of planting 50,000 trees by 2010 and 1 million new trees by 2011.
As w work toward a smarter, greener, more sustainable future, planting a tree is an easy way for each of us to get personally involved. These trees may be small now, but in years to come they will enhance the quality of life for our children and grandchildren. Trees not only protect water quality, clean our air and provide wildlife habitat, but also beautify our neighborhoods and highways, providing sound barriers and shade for the outdoors in which our children play.
A new interactive website provides citizens advice on where, how and what type of trees to plant, and $25 discount coupons for the purchase of native trees costing $50 or more. Print your coupon and check the list of participating tree vendors to locate one in your area. For each $25 coupon redeemed, the State will reimburse participating businesses $20 and the tree vendors have generously offered to absorb the remaining $5 cost.
Citizens who plant new trees are encouraged to use the site to register the trees they've planted and calculate their benefits, so we can track our progress towards our 1 million tree goal. I urge you to visit the Marylanders Plant Trees website, www.trees.maryland.gov (http://www.trees.maryland.gov/), today to get started on learning more about this fantastic program.
I thank you in advance for your efforts to help ensure that our One Maryland can be the best it can be. Together, we can work towards a future for our children where our air is cleaner, our waterways are clear and healthy, and every citizen is an informed and inspired steward of our beautiful natural areas
I'm gonna link this to cycling via the affect it could have on the quality of our rides. Yeah, that's the ticket :D
This month, Governor O'Malley launched the citizen component of Marylanders Plant Trees, a program designed to increase tree cover in Maryland. Through this initiative we are working together with businesses, communities and citizens to achieve the goal of planting 50,000 trees by 2010 and 1 million new trees by 2011.
As w work toward a smarter, greener, more sustainable future, planting a tree is an easy way for each of us to get personally involved. These trees may be small now, but in years to come they will enhance the quality of life for our children and grandchildren. Trees not only protect water quality, clean our air and provide wildlife habitat, but also beautify our neighborhoods and highways, providing sound barriers and shade for the outdoors in which our children play.
A new interactive website provides citizens advice on where, how and what type of trees to plant, and $25 discount coupons for the purchase of native trees costing $50 or more. Print your coupon and check the list of participating tree vendors to locate one in your area. For each $25 coupon redeemed, the State will reimburse participating businesses $20 and the tree vendors have generously offered to absorb the remaining $5 cost.
Citizens who plant new trees are encouraged to use the site to register the trees they've planted and calculate their benefits, so we can track our progress towards our 1 million tree goal. I urge you to visit the Marylanders Plant Trees website, www.trees.maryland.gov (http://www.trees.maryland.gov/), today to get started on learning more about this fantastic program.
I thank you in advance for your efforts to help ensure that our One Maryland can be the best it can be. Together, we can work towards a future for our children where our air is cleaner, our waterways are clear and healthy, and every citizen is an informed and inspired steward of our beautiful natural areas
I'm gonna link this to cycling via the affect it could have on the quality of our rides. Yeah, that's the ticket :D