View Full Version : Virginia Beach Shamrock 8k-Race Report

03-22-2009, 03:47 PM
Ok, so a few of you have asked for this, so here you go!

BF and I got down to the race at 7:15 am and it was COLD! The temp gauge on the car said it was 38 F and the weatherman said it was 34 F with the wind chill. On a positive note there wasn't a cloud in the sky and we got a gorgeous sunrise.

Because it was so chilly most people were huddled up in the lobby of the Hilton before the race started. Visual-8000 runners/walkers dressed in their finest St Paddy's Day gear hanging out in the Hilton. Some people had dyed their hair green, some were wearing green feather boas and all were in a great mood.

7:45 am- We decide to line up and head toward the back of the pack so we didn't get trampled by the Kenyans and Ethiopians.

7:55 am- Off went the lone wheelchair racer

8:00 am- Off went the rest of us

8:05 am - Still waiting to cross the start

8:08 am - Finally cross the start at 30th St on Atlantic Ave heading south. BF took off (he's much more of a runner than I am).

The first mile was great. Since we were at the back of the pack, it had already thinned out enough for me to get into a good pace (for me) without having to bob and weave around people. Everyone was jovial and cheering each other on!

The second mile was pretty good too. We made it down to 2nd street and were making the turn to come back north up the Virginia Beach boardwalk. And then the wind kicked in. Mile 3 was not fun. My left ankle started to ache and I got a stitch in my side. I knew I shouldn't have drank right before! So I broke my pace and decided to run 2 blocks and then walk a block. And then I could see the finish line! But it was just a tease! We turned left heading back to Atlantic Avenue and then continued back up Atlantic through mile 4. And continued up Atlantic... and continued up Atlantic... Finally we made a right on 40th St heading back to the boardwalk and then another right onto the boardwalk. Only 10 blocks left! I muster all the strength I had left in my untrained legs and sprinted as fast as I could to the finish line. I could see the photographers taking my picture as I darted passed! And then I crossed the finish line. I heard God (ok the announcer) call my name announcing that I was a finisher and it felt soooo good. A Girl Scout handed me my finishers' medal and a Troop mom handed me my swag bag. I was nothing but smiles :D Even though I didn't run the whole thing, I did it. It was my first race and I didn't come in last! That was goal going in and I accomplished it! I didn't even come in last in my age group. BONUS!

As I made my way to the rendevous point where BF and I had agreed to meet 1000s of people were clapping for me! For me! What a great feeling. BF and I finally reunited and quickly made our way to the beer tent, downed a few, went home and happily fell into a quiet slumber for the next 2 hours.

We are now looking for our next one!

Tri Girl
03-22-2009, 04:24 PM
Great job!!!!
We did the marathon there 2 years ago and it was soooooo cold. I LOVE that race!!! We finished too late and didn't get to eat any stew, but had a beer. I really want to do that race again if we're ever on the East coast in March. Great volunteers, great cheering crowds, great atmosphere.

03-22-2009, 04:40 PM
Woo-hoo! Great job! :D Glad you had so much fun.

03-22-2009, 04:41 PM
CONGRATS! I've heard great things about this race. It was my niece's first half-marathon and she loved it. She ran the National Marathon on Saturday and although the man who won the guys division was doing this marathon the next day, she is not that crazy. :) But she plans to run this one again.

Glad you did so well and enjoyed yourself. And all runs are a little bit better with a beer at the end. :)

03-22-2009, 04:44 PM
Great job!!!!
We did the marathon there 2 years ago and it was soooooo cold. I LOVE that race!!! We finished too late and didn't get to eat any stew, but had a beer. I really want to do that race again if we're ever on the East coast in March. Great volunteers, great cheering crowds, great atmosphere.

The marathon and 1/2 marathon were today. We tried to go down to cheer everyone on, but it was a madhouse! We couldn't find a place to park so we turned around and went home.

03-23-2009, 04:00 AM
Congratulations! If I ever run in a race, I will take the attitude you had.
I actually could picture some of the spots. We visited VB when my son was stationed in Norfolk a couple of years ago. It was February and the wind was blowing when we walked on the beach. But, it was beautiful.

03-23-2009, 05:47 AM
Congratulations! If I ever run in a race, I will take the attitude you had.
I actually could picture some of the spots. We visited VB when my son was stationed in Norfolk a couple of years ago. It was February and the wind was blowing when we walked on the beach. But, it was beautiful.

Hi Crankin! Yeah it was great day. The finish line was right in front of the giant King Neptune statue! There were a ton of military personnel running the race. I would definitely suggest doing it at least once. It was a great experience.

BF is actually signed up for a 5k this coming weekend at the oceanfront. He definitely caught the bug ;)

03-23-2009, 12:52 PM
Well, I am not competitive at all, but my friend is a development officer for the local hospital. They have a 5k in June and I told her I would do it. She's my riding buddy, so she knows that I will be pushing it to actually run in an event. Plenty of people walk it, so I know I won't be last!