View Full Version : Zippity Doo Dah - Running week of Jan. 18 2009

01-18-2009, 02:44 PM
I just got back from a 5.4 mile run. I haven't gone that far since August. I got a stitch in my side after about a mile, but I decided to HTFU and run through it. My time was all right - a 10:38 pace. Really I should be thrilled with that time. Ten months ago I was doing 12:30 miles and only running two of them. And it's not like I've been running a lot since August. :cool:

Beautiful weather we're having here - sunny, 62 degrees, not too windy. I saw a few ducks in the canal.


01-18-2009, 03:42 PM
Beautiful day here with temps in the mid 60s. I was able to run just under 4 miles. My hamstrings still tighten up a lot when I run, they tighten up so I can't fully extend my knee when running:( It was a nice run though, I just slowed my pace down and just enjoyed being outside. It was wam enough to wear shorts. When I got back home I did a yoga DVD for about 45 min. Gosh, why do weekends have to go by so fast.

01-18-2009, 05:04 PM
. Gosh, why do weekends have to go by so fast.

I was thinking the same thing- really need to work 4 days a week - so much more civilized!

01-18-2009, 07:46 PM
I did a painful 4km today. Shins acting up again. Hope it goes away on its own.

kacie tri-ing
01-19-2009, 04:22 AM
So everyone was right, I should not have run at all after my marathon. But I did, just a little....Then my old hip injury started acting up. So I went to see the sports chiropractor, and he got me in line. Then he forbade me from running for a little while, which is fine, since I am jumping into tri training. Really, I am ok with my running now. I was going to be backing my running way down anyway, but I don't have the confidence swimming and biking as I do running now. Alas, I am icing wherever it hurts, which has been steadily crawling down my leg from my hip. I am currently on the outside of my knee. Enjoy your runs this week!!!

01-19-2009, 09:47 AM
Ugh.. sounds like a lot of us are hurting! Here's to quick healing for all.

I walked yesterday -- promised myself no running for another week so that the calf has better chance to heal. I walked only 3 miles, but it was gorgeous out. Man I wanted to break into a jog! That's the hardest part for me. Walking always is boring, even with the dog along!

01-19-2009, 11:25 AM
I have not been posting much lately, but I just jumped in on the interval discussion in the other thread so I thought I would come out of the lurking closet and say hi again.

I have been running, just not posting.

I am sorry that so many people are aching. I have been battling tendonitis for a year. Some periods of good knee and lots of bad knee.:(

So I feel ofr ya! I have done the therapy gambit( is that spelled right..i have no idea) So ask me anything.

hang in there!!!!!


01-19-2009, 12:13 PM
Ugh...too many injuries around here!! As for me, I haven't been running as much lately--partly because I am being very careful getting back into it, partly because the weather here has been making it harder to run outside, but largely because there are so many other activities I've wanted to do such as snowshoeing. We just got about 7-8 inches of snow yesterday so I am enjoying it! Snowshoed for 1.5 hours today on local conservation land and it was a good workout.

01-19-2009, 12:47 PM
I had a horribly painful long run yesterday. I had planned to run 21 km, and did run 21 km in the end, but boy! how many plans did I do to stop my misery along the way. "I'll run to the university (17 km) and then take the bus back," or "I'll run to Granville Island and turn around if it's too painful," (10 km), "I'll take the bus back up the hill," (saving 2 uphill km) and so on. I hadn't run for more than an hour in recent weeks and my ankles and other joints had gladly forgotten about the constant banging of running. Plus, part of the run was on really terribly hard surface.

But! I did the run exactly as planned in the end. I walked for 1 minute every 20 minutes for five cycles and for the last 2 or 3 km I was running 5 and walking 1, cursing at myself for having so much willpower.

I was really sore and drained immediately after the run but it's much more bearable today, and I have no residual joint pain.

The decor for the run was very special though. For about a third of the route, the skies were clear and beautiful. For the other two thirds, I ran through a thick fog. Bizarre...

01-19-2009, 04:49 PM
Good job on your run, Grog!

Yeah, the injuries really suck -- guess I'm in good company. I did a short (2-mile) trail walk yesterday (first walk in a week due to the knee pain), then walked just six minutes on the treadmill today before my knee started barking at me again, so I stopped. I sure hate hearing about how long you had tendinitis, Ruth. Hope it stays away from now on. And I hope that mine (quadriceps tendinitis right above my left knee) is short-lived. It's only been hurting a little over a week, and I already feel like a whiny baby. I'm trying to decide whether to make an appointment with a sports doc or just continue the icing and ibuprofen for awhile longer.

The silver lining is that b/c I can't run right now, I'm spending more time on upper body weight training, rehabbing an old rotator-cuff injury that is now almost all better, and Pilates. But I sure do miss my cardio! :(


01-19-2009, 06:49 PM
2.4 miles and faster than last run. :D The weather is spectacular for running right now, it was about 60 when I went out after work. I wish I could have this weather 10 months of the year, I like the hot for about a week.

01-20-2009, 08:38 AM
Sunday, my brother emailed to ask if I want to run a half with him on March 15. I’ve cut way back on the running since the marathon (an easy 8-9 miles once a week on weekends, at the most) and have been concentrating on the bike and weights. But, my brother and I aren’t very close, and I feel honored that he’d ask me to do something like this with him. So, I pulled out my FIRST Half Marathon Training schedule and I’m trying to figure out how to squeeze it down from 18 weeks to eight! I mean, I could go out there and run/complete a half right now, but of course, I want to improve my time and have fun and not hurt and all that as well. 

So, last night I hit the treadmill for speedwork. The program called for 12 intervals of 400m (1/4 mi) at half marathon pace -75 seconds with 90 sec. rest intervals in between. Well, that didn’t happen. But, I do feel good about what I did. One mile warmup: .10 @ 4.5 mph (fast walk); .40 @ 6.0; .25 @ 6.5; .25 @ 6.9. Then intervals: 1 x 400m @ 8.0 mph; 1 x 400 @ 8.2 mph; 1 x 400 @ 8.4 mph; 2 x 400 @ 8.2 mph; 1 x 400 @ 800 mph. By that time my legs were feeling really fatigued. I did my rest intervals at anywhere between 4.2 mph (walking) to 6.0 mph. 1 mile cooldown from 6.9 down to 3.9 mph. Less than an hour, but I felt good and whipped afterward.

No side stitches, no aches or pains, so this was very good for me. I guess I’ll just have to lay off the lower body weights and any hard cycling for now. I just finished reading a really good article in Runner’s World about the aging marathoner. VERY INFORMATIVE (unfortunately, it doesn’t look like it is on their website; probably because it is in a recent issue). The key thing I took from it though is that recovery time is much more important the older you get. Unfortunately, I don’t like taking recovery time! But, I need to do it.

Continue to take care of those aches and pains everyone.

01-20-2009, 09:06 AM
stretch, stretch, stretch that quad......so many knee issues are from being tight.

01-20-2009, 09:27 AM
stretch, stretch, stretch that quad......so many knee issues are from being tight.

Thanks, will do (and have been) -- I am icing at the moment. That helps too (for awhile), but it's even hurting at night in bed when I move around now. Sigh... :(

01-20-2009, 09:35 AM
Wow, sorry so many of you are injured! Here's some healing energy over the wires. ~~~~~~~~~~

I just did an easy 3 miles today, getting ready for the race on Saturday. I did three little bursts at race pace, about 1 minute each, just to keep the speed in muscle memory. I was out of time so I ran right to the yoga studio (only about a block and a half from my house) - I felt a little guilty about being all stinky for the class, but oh well. :p It was a good class, and my shoulder keeps getting better the more yoga I do.

01-20-2009, 10:35 AM
Hi ladies,
Wow we are in a real "funk" and need to pull together and get through the winter yucks. I am pushng myself to get out the door right now. So I logged onto get some inspiration and realize I am not alone. Everyone is in need of a dose! So here are my last words and I will drop out of the "BMW Club" (B... Moan and Whine) and get some Zippity Doo Dah in my steps...

My car was broke into at work yesterday and my workout bag was stolen with my new running shoes, IPOD and work out book and clothes... Good news is...It could have been worse. No one was hurt and everything is replaceable, right!!! and the sun is actually shining even though it is still below freezing here in Southeast Idaho

So, I am ordering new shoes and hope I can purchase a new IPOD soon cause I need the tunes.

I have been running but not posting so I promise to be better. I am signing up to run the Salt Lake half in April and Ogden half in May.

01-20-2009, 10:40 AM
I signed up today to a duathalon Feb. 22. It's a flat 2 mile run, hilly twenty mile bike ride (the 3 Bears for locals) and another flat 2 mile run.

I'm hoping that having an event only a moth away will get me out there more. Still at work, but today's plan is my own little duathlon this afternoon.


01-20-2009, 12:01 PM
Thanks, will do (and have been) -- I am icing at the moment. That helps too (for awhile), but it's even hurting at night in bed when I move around now. Sigh... :(

I am so sorry...been there...too much. blech...... :(:(:(

Go check out the link I just posted...there is a ton of good info on rehab and strength training and core...

FWIW, I have been having 30 min massage and trigger point work done on my bad side. It is really helping.

01-20-2009, 01:28 PM
I am so sorry...been there...too much. blech...... :(:(:(

Go check out the link I just posted...there is a ton of good info on rehab and strength training and core...

FWIW, I have been having 30 min massage and trigger point work done on my bad side. It is really helping.

Thanks for the commiseration! I don't see the link, though...is it on another thread? I'll keep looking... Glad you're doing better. I did check out some trigger point information the other night, but despite much probing of the left quad, can find no area of pain at all except right above and on top of my kneecap, right where the quadriceps tendon runs. It's a very localized pain...

01-20-2009, 04:28 PM
1.2 mile run, 7.5 mile bike, 1.2 mile run

It's hard to get motivated to do this after work. It's hard to get motivated to do it before work in the dark. It's hard to get motivated. :rolleyes:


01-22-2009, 02:55 PM
Well, Shiraz, you must be out of the mucky yucky air up there in Pokey...we're in a bad inversion pattern with "unhealthy for all persons" alerts. Cold I will run in. 85 micrograms per cubic meter of PM 2.5 I will not run in. :p

I've been running on the dreadmill some, going to the Crossfit gym most mornings (I did 45 handstand pushups today...5 unassisted and 40 assisted!), skiing on the weekends...hoping that I will be able to finish the 25k I'm signed up for next month with dignity. Hopefully tomorrow I'll be able to get up high (out of the pollution) and go for a run. I sure need it. I think I've rowed more miles on the ergometer this week than I've run! :rolleyes:

01-22-2009, 04:12 PM
For some reason, I woke up yesterday and my knee pain of 12 days was GONE. Just gone. Today too. :)

My DH explained to me that tendinitis pain is either "on" or "off" (binary to we software geeks), which makes no sense to me, and I don't really believe him, but it sure seems to be that way for the moment. I thought it would gradually lessen, not go from "bad" to "nothing" overnight. But then, that's how it came on, from "nothing" to "bad". So perhaps he is on to something... ;)

I am going to take it easy on the knee tomorrow then *walk* the trails this weekend to see how it feels. If it's all better, I'll resume *easy* running next week.

Crossing fingers!

01-22-2009, 04:40 PM
Headstand pushups??? :eek:

5 unassisted?!?!

Yellow, you're my hero.


Just had a tough run, but no pain (other than that of sheer effort). I have a new running partner who's much fitter than she pretends to be. I can run a bit faster than her at times, but she recovers much faster than I do. Wow.

I guess that's a good thing.

01-22-2009, 04:45 PM
Another easy one today.

Haven't decided yet what I plan to do to stay loose tomorrow.

Yellow, you're enough to make me go live in a cave and watch TV and eat potato chips for the rest of my life. :rolleyes::p

kacie tri-ing
01-22-2009, 04:47 PM
Ok! Almost two weeks since the marathon. I ran twice right afterwards, and ended up hurt again. The past 8 days I have been swimming, walking, stretching, and spinning on my trainer. I ran 3 miles today on a soft surface with no pain! Yippie! I will still take it easy with the running, but my cycling and swimming are about to ramp up! Yikes!

Good luck everyone!


01-22-2009, 04:51 PM
Silly me. I rode Thom's bike in the trainer yesterday. Before my overuse injury a year ago I could do that with no problem. But now just that little bit of difference in our heights causes it to flare up again. Maybe we do need to buy a second trainer. :rolleyes:

I was going to run on the treadmill at the gym today, since we're getting rain. But decided a day off was probably a better idea.


01-22-2009, 05:32 PM
I have been a real bum when it comes to running this week! I snowshoed Monday and Tuesday, used the bike and elliptical (man that thing is awkward, I think I will stay off it from now on) at the Y yesterday and swam today. I wonder if I am being overly cautious now...better try to be more consistent about getting back into it. Also have decided I need to get into some strength training and build up some muscle to help prevent further problems but don't know where to start.

01-22-2009, 06:40 PM
Yellow, you're enough to make me go live in a cave and watch TV and eat potato chips for the rest of my life. :rolleyes::p
Mmmmm...I loooove potato chips, especially if they are the Lay's, fried and really greasy. I'd come with you to the cave but for the TV part. I'm too ADD to sit still for TV.

FWIW, I had NO IDEA I could do handstand pushups before I actually tried them. It's amazing what a little pushing from a 30-something-tough-guy-military-type can do to one's psyche. I'm the slowest one on the ergometer, though. :D

01-22-2009, 07:26 PM
Crappy treadmill run tonight. :( I think I overdid it this week. Ran hard intervals on Tuesday night, had a 2 hour ballet class last night, then decided to do a "body sculpting" (weights) class tonight before attempting a tempo run. My legs were cooked before I even started. I only made it 2 miles of what should have been a 6 mile run. Sigh . . . All kinds of things went wrong -- I ate lunch way too late in the day, so I was burping a lot and got side stitches, my legs were already sore and tired, and it felt super-warm in the gym tonight (probably because it rained all day and now it's foggy out so there's more humidity in the air). Bleh bleh bleh.

I think my problem is that I want to do too much. I want to ride my bike, I want to take ballet and lyrical, I want to do weights, I want to run . . . but, I can't do all of them well AND give my body the recovery time it needs. There's just not enough days in the week! Sigh . . . :rolleyes:

01-22-2009, 10:38 PM
Alright. Well the good news is Japan has been FANTASTIC so far, bad news is that the roads are really narrow (most without sidewalks) and icy which means for some tricky running terrain.

It has been a whirlwind of activity since I got here so I have only managed to get one run in. Otherwise I have been snowboarding & experiencing everything Japanese that my in-laws could think up.

I would have liked to run today (it was 50 above here), but tomorrow I have the opportunity to board one of the nicest/ most difficult mountains in this area & with the ice I just don't want to risk hurting myself until I've done that.

Hopefully I'll get the chance to run again before I leave here. We'll see what happens.

Things to know about running in Japan...

1.) The smells are different. Instead of Mc Donald's & KFC it's the most appealing scent of fresh Ramen and Sushi.

2.) When running, it's very difficult to bow a "hello" as they do here & saying it in Japanese when winded is even harder.

3.) Despite staring at the pavement to avoid slipping on icy patches, it is important to look up. Especially at intersections. Neglecting to do so = getting lost.

Keep up the running ladies!! Spring will be here in no time and you'll be glad to have that base built when the races start up again. :D

01-22-2009, 11:18 PM
Urlea... just went to your blog and found out what you are doing in Japan. Sounds like a vacation trip? All play... I hope!?! Funny... I never would have thought about snowboarding and Japan in the same sentence. What a great time. Looking forward to hearing more about it. Stay safe while you are running out there, or just touring around. And enjoy the hot baths!

BTW: The smell of noodles and sushi while running would be enough to stop me dead in my tracks. Who can run BY sushi and noodles? Of course, one MUST stop and eat them! :p

Enjoy the rest of your trip!

01-22-2009, 11:20 PM
So.... the waiting goes on for my running career to restart!
I did WALK 5 miles or more today at a fairly slow pace. But it was great to be out -- sunny and clear, and our walk today was on the waterfront in Bellingham. Cannot beat it (except for maybe a few more degrees warmer!;)). The calf is tight, but not too painful tonight. I'll rest it this weekend while I work which hopefully will help also. Patience....ugh, I just don't have it! :(

01-23-2009, 12:44 AM
Urlea, I read your blog also. I loved your pictures!! I've always wanted to visit Japan, you are so lucky!

I've been working on base miles and drills. I'm going to the PT to cure lopsidedness and am also working on core strength. Since 12/15, I've run 130 miles (love the Garmin!) NONE of which were on the treadmill :D I've run through snow and ice and rain and I'm ok with it.

I'm sorry for all of those who are injured. I guess it's a good season to relax a bit though and it's far superior to get better than to make something more chronic than it already is.

Are any Bay Area people running the See Jane Run half-marathon in May? I will be there...I ran it last year and it was a fun course.

I'm going to have nightmares about handstand push-ups. Yellow, you KNOW you make the rest of us look bad, right?

01-23-2009, 08:09 PM
Been ramping up from my PT for a couple of months now, up to about 45-60 minutes of consistent running. I rolled straight into IM (already) base training this last week or two, which was really hard this week with my PT appointment on Monday (4 weeks from the last one, so they are getting spaced out, hooray!). My glutes...... OOOOOHHH that hurt. I took my workouts a little easier, and skipped some of my strength and swimming workouts to recover through the day.

Tuesday - 10 min jog warm up then 1 mile hard, 1/2 mile jog, repeat to 45min
Thursday - 8 15% grade hill repeats (60 sec up, jog down) after 15 min jog warm up
Tomorrow - 3 miles flat, concentrate on form, 3 miles rolling, concentrate on keeping form/HR

On the PT front (still working on my right hip), we have improved my "lengthened" muscle position strength and my neutral strength, and the "shortened" positions are the one giving me trouble now (I notice it during warrior-type yoga poses, I can't engage the muscles like I can in other positions). My static strength is good, except I still recruit my back muscles some on my right side. In tree pose (one of my "external rotation" tests), I have 10 degrees more movement on my left (left knee up, right foot planted) than right. I am seeing a chiropractor once every 3 weeks - while I can hold my adjustments with stretching and self-monitoring pretty well, I have trouble making it more than 3-4 weeks and I'd rather pay for a chiropractor than slip back into my injury. I don't have trouble running, but I never did, so it's not really a good gauge of recovery. I do have more core strength, more glute strength, and more techniques for self-maintenance if I feel discomfort coming on (not really pain anymore, I can 'fix' before it's painful).

Whew. :)

01-24-2009, 09:33 AM
Colby, glad you're feeling better.

Urlea, Japan sounds wonderful! My sister spent two years there on a postdoc and I kind of regret not having visited her then.

Well, this morning was my big race, the Daytona 5K run before the Rolex 24. :) Set the alarm for 4:30 a.m., ugh. It was cold, 37 degrees at the track when I left the house, but I kept remembering how I'd been overly warm last year. So this year I wore my microweight SmartWool crew instead of last year's slightly heavier Duofold; a warmup jacket and a knit cap and gloves. We got to the track a little too early. Even though the PA announcer said there'd been more registrants than last year, it didn't appear that way. No real waiting in line for timing chips and gear check, less of a crowd at the start. So I just kind of bounced around trying to keep from getting stiff until it was time to really warm up. I shed my jacket and cap, but kept the gloves. Good decision, as it turned out.

Being my second visit to this race, it wasn't so intimidating. I've been to Daytona as a writer/press aide and spectator many times, but that place is BIG, and as any motor racer who's been there will tell you, you really don't appreciate the scope of it until you get out on the track. I'd already seen the 31° banking from up close last year - so even though I really wasn't sightseeing last year, I had less of a compulsion to look around this time.

Near me at the start, I saw a woman from my hometown, faster than I am. She'd placed in age group (maybe won, I don't remember) in the 10K at the beginning of December, when I ran the 5K. So I seeded myself three or four rows behind her.

The start was slow as the crowd squeezed through the gate. I hit my stride early and felt good. My speed limit alarm went off before we even hit the infield, but I took stock and figured that it was more GPS error than over-enthusiasm. I paced the woman from my hometown through the infield and around the apron under the west banking, but as we exited NASCAR Turn 2, I just felt faster than that. I was a little nervous about it, but I went ahead and passed her, and she stayed passed. All down the back straight I felt good... even when I could distantly hear the PA at the start/finish line announcing the winner crossing the line (in 16 minutes and change).

This time I'd set my GPS to turn the speed limit off with 1K remaining, instead of 1 mile. Just after we rounded NASCAR 3, the speed limit came off and I started pushing the pace a bit harder... at the same time that we came into campfire smoke from the crowd set up for the Rolex 24. I sucked it up, sucked the particulates in, and ran. When I crossed the line I felt like I'd paced myself right, and my gun time was already better than my last year's chip time, so I was happy.

PowerBar was an event sponsor, but there weren't any PowerBars at the post-race refreshment stands. :confused: I guess maybe they got caught in the peanut recall. [EDIT: Nope, PowerBars are clear, they just didn't pony up any product. :p] They're not my favorite anyway (too much sugar, and whey protein which I'm allergic to), but I could've used something like that. Oh well. Banana; water snuck from the unopened cases behind the ice chests. I grabbed another warm-ish water for a woman who was trying to get the feeling back in her fingers. I was very glad I'd kept my gloves on. It was still 37° when the overall results began to be posted.

Most improved had to be an older gentleman who'd taken 21 minutes off his last year's 60-minute finish! He got some hearty congratulations from those who heard his proud announcement. My chip time was 25:42 - slower than I'd hoped, but a big improvement over last year, so I'm happy. I figured with the times that had been posted in the last two races I'd run this winter, it wasn't nearly enough to place, but I wanted to know my age-group results, which hadn't been posted by the time they started the awards ceremony. So I stuck around which was a good thing because I won my age group :eek::D.

So, home and yoga. Back to the track tonight to watch the 24-hour car race. DH is napping. I'm all wound up! :D I just wish I knew how my body is supposed to feel after a short race like this. It really didn't feel like I was leaving anything out there... my average HR was 176 overall, and 94-95% of GPS-calculated max for the final kilometer... but it sure seems like I've got more energy now than I ought to. I'll figure it out one of these days. :o

01-24-2009, 11:21 AM
Well, I finally did some running today, after climbing at the Y rock gym. Just 15 minutes on the indoor track, barefoot. Felt pretty good, though I do have some nasty trigger points in my quads right now and they started to bug me a while after the run. I've been using the Quadballer today since the foam roller wasn't really doing the job, and boy is it painful!! Helps though.

01-24-2009, 11:25 AM
I skipped my thursday run and I'm glad I did I was able to get out today and do 4.75 km and felt ok. I think the shin thing is better now but I'm going to wear my compression sleeves today anyway.

01-24-2009, 12:52 PM
Went for about 4.5 to 5 mile run today. Initally was planning on just 3 miles but when I was walking my dog early this am I saw a friend and she invited me on a trail run she was going to do. Very nice run with cool temps, in the 20s I think with plenty of sunshine and beautiful views of the mountains. Felt great afterwards. It was more enjoyable running there vs around my neighborhood. Before we new it was already over. :p

01-24-2009, 12:53 PM
And just finished a Core Cross train Yoga tape. Have to increase that core strength.. Hope everyone is doing well.

01-24-2009, 12:55 PM
oakleaf, congrats on your 5K! That is a really good time (I'd be thrilled with it). Good job!!!!!!!!!!! :p

kacie tri-ing
01-25-2009, 07:28 AM
Oakleaf! Great Job!!!

01-25-2009, 01:55 PM
I started the Hal Higdon Marathon training guide this past week. I just completed my first long run- 6 miles! It felt great...until about mile 5.5 when I realized how freezing cold my butt was. :( It's about 9 degrees here with a windchill of 2. That's ok...it can only get warmer I expect. I'm looking forward to the next week of training!

kacie tri-ing
01-26-2009, 04:24 AM
Minn-Congrats on the first week!

When is your marathon?

01-26-2009, 08:59 AM
I am doing the Madison Marathon on May 24th (I'm very excited)!

It will be my first Marathon and I am 99.9% sure that my Dad will also be signing up to run. :)

kacie tri-ing
01-26-2009, 10:29 AM
Awesome! I started on a Hal Higdon plan, but I ended up hiring a coach partway into it (even though my coach said that plan is a solid one!).

Keep us updated!!!

I am not running much since my marathon and switching to tri training, so I will live through you!

01-26-2009, 12:03 PM
Oh that's so exciting Minn! Do you run with your dad now?

01-26-2009, 12:52 PM
Unfortunately I am in Milwaukee and he's in Madison, but we do run together whenever I am home (about every other weekend). I plan on going home more often when the long runs get really long so that we can do them together on the course!

Kacie- you ended up hiring a coach? Do you feel like that was definitely helpful? I am most worried about the lack of tempo runs and timed hard/easy runs in Hal Higdon's plan. I plan on doing speedwork about once a week.

kacie tri-ing
01-27-2009, 03:16 AM

I was doing the intermediate plan from Hal Higdon. I actually got injured about 6 weeks in. I took some time to recover, and when I felt good again, I didn't know where to start. DH is a races cycling, and he had an awesome coach (who also coaches runner and triathletes). I had already met him a few times before I hired him. I think it did help me. He was able to ease me back into my training without going too hard or too easy. I did not do much speedwork, but he did have me doing plenty of trail running, which I think is speedwork in disguse! He also had me do more long runs (4 20 milers even though I got the flu during the last one...so really 3) than the Hal Higdon plan. If I had not gotten hurt, I probably would not have hired him though. I just needed some individualized help on where to go next. Now that I hired him, I have stayed with him in my half ironman training. I like having someone to ask questions to and to plan my workouts:) Hope that helps!