View Full Version : Ironman...

05-28-2005, 08:53 AM
How many of you have done an ironman? Which one did you do? Would you do it again?

I'm contemplating Ironman Wisconsin for 2007. The only thing that could keep me from doing this event is my problematic feet (but I'm working on it with my foot dr) .... My husband wants to have children in the next 2-3 years, so this is something I would really like to do. Once we have children, I'm sure triathlon will be put on the back burner for a few years. I'm going to do the HIM in Racine for 2006. As long as I feel good about the HIM, then it is on to IMWI...

I would be interested in any of your IM/HIM experiences....

06-02-2005, 12:34 PM
hi, madisongrrl. i have NOT done an ironman distance tri, but its been my goal for a very long time. i am doing my first 1/2 here in arizona in october, and i think how i get through that will be the deciding factor.

personally, i love the training, but it definitely takes time. i am in awe of anyone with little/little kids who is able to put the time required into training. i have two children (aged 9 and 10) so its a little easier since they're more self-sufficient at that age. i would think once you get pregnant/have a baby you'd probably take a little time off, but if you have the bug - you'll be back... :-)

06-02-2005, 12:45 PM
I've done 3 ironmans - Florida twice and Lake Placid once. Florida was fast but boring - Lake Placid was beautiful. If you're looking to just do one I'd pick a scenic course - Wisconin is supposed to be a great course. I was actually registered for Wisconsin for 2004 but didn't end up doing it because I "retired" from tri's and decided to be a pure roadie and just do cycling races at the beginning of the 2004 season. Would I do it again? I would not because I'm a better cyclist then triathlete but the ironmans I did were all unforgettable and unique experiences that I definitely do not regret. If your body can handle the distance and you can balance the training time then I would say do it. It is a great experience and it truly does not matter if your first or last - you get the same treatment and cheers. In fact, it seems that the later into the night the louder then finish line gets. I won't lie, it can be tough (both the training and the race) but you'll never forget that feeling of crossing that finish line. So go for it and I hope you have a great experience!!!!