View Full Version : Bike MS: Pedal the Plains 2009 - Sioux Falls, SD

12-03-2008, 11:36 AM
Hi there!

I just signed up for my first charity bike ride! I'm pretty excited. My friend works for the North Central States Chapter of the National MS Society, and she has talked me into joining her in the Sioux Falls ride in August! I thought I would check in here and see if anyone else will be there with us. :)

Also, I'd love any input anyone has on what to expect, how to prepare, and fundraising tips!

12-10-2008, 09:22 AM
Well, it seems I'm not the only Fargoan (sp?) on TE! :D Hi!

I might consider doing this ride. Depends on the day and how it fits into my race schedule. I will have to look more into the details.

12-11-2008, 06:50 AM
Hi neighbor! *waves*

I should let you know: There is a ride in Fargo, too. Here's the site for that one: http://bikenth.nationalmssociety.org/site/TR/Bike/NTHBikeEvents?fr_id=10101&pg=entry

We're going to Sioux Falls because my biking buddy has to work the Fargo one and won't be able to bike in it. :)

12-17-2008, 05:27 AM
I have done many MS rides. 5 w/ my local chapter in Florida...plus out of state: Great Mass, Rhoade Island, Colorado and Wisconsin. This year chaning it up a bit and doing the South Florida ride to the Keys and the Houston to Austion one in Texas (biggest MS ride).
I DO LOVE these rides. They are usually very well supported (you'll get fat!) and organized and fun!
Raising the $$ can be challenging (for some)...but worth the effort.
You'll have a great time. But do train! It is way more fun if you have done the distance more than one and put 2 long days in the saddle!

12-23-2008, 02:36 PM
Hi there!

I just signed up for my first charity bike ride! I'm pretty excited. My friend works for the North Central States Chapter of the National MS Society, and she has talked me into joining her in the Sioux Falls ride in August! I thought I would check in here and see if anyone else will be there with us. :)

Also, I'd love any input anyone has on what to expect, how to prepare, and fundraising tips!

Hello to a fellow NoDaker from a Minotian, NoDaker (pronounced Min Ocean)

Good luck and most of all have fun :) - I was going to do the MS Montana one from Billings to Redlodge a few years ago but didn't start fundraising soon enough and was too broke to put up the $ myself - so advice - "start early" The MS web site is excellent and has a great introduction letter to send to businesses as well as a way to do online donations.

I have done 4 North dakota tours and 1 south dakota ride (but it was on the Mick in the black hills so doesn't count towards preparing for a Souix falls one :p

My advice/suggestions - you may already know and do the following but here is a recap:

From the riding viewpoint, SD, ND whatever - do a lot of WIND rides and I don't mean the kind where someone drops you off and you ride like the wind w/ the wind at your back - I mean ride AGAINST the wind - for miles and miles and miles :eek: On the ride you may be lucky and hit 2 calm or tailwind days but also you may be as likely to hit wind days.

I learned riding against the wind is more psychological than difficult. On Candisc 3 summers ago we had to do 2 60+ mile days back to back against a 30 - 35 mph wind. The first day drove me crazy but by the 2nd day I just let it go and did the ride - It was so bad ( how bad was it ? ? ? ) we were pedalling DOWNHILL so we wouldn't stop (uphill was actually easier because it blocked the wind)

So after that digression and memory :eek: Here are my suggestions for riding against the wind for miles and miles and miles:

1. Gear down as low as needed to comfortably spin - speed isn't an issue
2. DON'T look at your speedometer or odometer, it can be very devastating to realize you are only going 8MPH down hill, or an hour has passed and you have only gone 10 miles. :mad: (even the "pelaton speed demons" couldn't get going much faster than 14 MPH.)
3. Go down into your drops and be comfortable there - it helps immensely
4. DON'T wear loose baggy clothing if you can help it.
5. If possible learn how to paceline comfortably and safely it helps immensely.

If you can ride the North Dakota/South Dakota wind you can ride anything! or so I have been told by many out of staters - they tell us "hills end but the wind never does"

And being from Fargo, as you are, I know you will get plenty of opportunity to practice :D

Good luck and keep us posted

12-27-2008, 07:55 AM
Hey there, Pedal the Plains is an excellent ride.

I did it two years ago and completed my first century on the first day. I skipped the following year because I was getting married a week or two after the event and hadn't had time to ride appropriately or raise money. Though it didn't help that I broke my collar bone earlier in the summer.

Last year my husband joined me on the ride with very minimal training. He got through it well enough, though I don't know if he'll go on too many rides longer than 30 miles or so very often any more. :D Still, we had a good time.

The ride is well supported and not really THAT large. It'd be nice if it were a bigger ride because that means more money raised for the cause. But, it's not too crowded and there tends to be plenty of food.

Except if you're with the last few people to come in. Then don't expect there to be any beer left. :D It wasn't long before dinner, so that wasn't a huge deal.

I haven't registered yet for 2009. I should though before the end of the year. However, hubby and I are hoping to start a family. If I can't ride this year, I may look into volunteering at a rest stop. I'm a member of Team Roadkill from Vermillion. A lot of my friends do the ride.

08-04-2009, 07:26 AM
The ride was this past weekend, and I did it! I did the whole 150 miles. I didn't do the century loop, but I did the normal full path both days. I still cannot believe I did it! I went with a friend of mine, and I certainly wouldn't have made it without her. She was encouraging the entire way. :)

08-04-2009, 12:03 PM
I was volunteering at the finish line. I did my best to announce everyone as they crossed the line. I am sorry if I didn't get your name called out. I had a difficult time seeing everyone's numbers and matching them to names in a timely fashion.

It was a beautiful weekend for a ride. I felt guilty for not being a rider this year. I did register to do it again next year.

Congrats on a terrific weekend!!

08-04-2009, 01:00 PM
Oh too funny, that was you?

My friend that I was with and I both have hard-to-pronounce last names so we had to laugh at your attempts. Usually people get mine closer, but you actually were closer to right on hers than mine! :)

08-05-2009, 08:01 AM
That is funny. I remember you two. I wasn't in Sioux Falls, just Vermillion. I did take a few photos along the route near the Hub City rest stop Sunday morning.

There is a link to some of my photos on a photoblog of mine:


The album has some photos from another cycling event this summer too.

03-11-2010, 09:26 PM
One of my friends refer me to this forum and I really enjoyed it