View Full Version : Calling All Turkey Trotters!!!

11-27-2008, 10:09 PM
Anyone do a Turkey Trot today? I did the Folsom Turkey Trot 10k. It started out foggy, but cleared up at the end (funny, it was only a couple miles from home and it was still foggy at home when I got back). The narrow trail was PACKED with walkers, dogs, strollers -- you name it -- even a guy on a bike pulling his kids in a trailer. So, those of us running had quite the obstacle course to maneuver through. It was neat seeing all the families out there though. I finished in 50:50. Not as fast as I wanted, but good enough. I used the race as my tempo run, in prep for the marathon next weekend. I have one last 8-10 miler this weekend, and then two very short runs during the week (6x400m speedwork on Tuesday and a 3 mile run at planned marathon pace on Thursday) and that's it! YIKES!!!

The knee is holding up with the kinesio taping. NO PAIN!!! :D:D:D

I was on the pot all morning before the race today and again when I got home, but no potty issues during the race -- YAY!!! :D:D:D

Hope you all had a lovely Thanksgiving. :)

11-28-2008, 04:00 AM
Believe it of not, we did not have a single turkey trot within 2 hours of our house! Bummer. I would have trotted.....

11-28-2008, 04:25 AM
DH & I did a 5K Turkey Trot in Fredericksburg, VA. I finished 7th out of 28 in my age group. Not bad for my very first one, if I do say so myself.

11-28-2008, 06:48 AM
We didn't do ours this year because I came down with bronchitis and couldn't properly continue to train. Ours is 5 hilly miles. We went for a nice 30 miler before hitting the Thanksgiving meal. ;)

11-28-2008, 01:05 PM

I'm guessing you meant a 30-miler on the bikes? If you ran 30 in lieu of a hilly 5, then WOW! :p

Congrats, IFjane! I came in 14th out of 20 females in my age group -- not so hot (wonder why they don't break down males/females together by age group?). Can't wait 'til next year when I'll be at the youngest in my age group instead of the oldest! Gives me something to look forward to when turning 40! :eek:

However, I did come in 138th out of 456 -- that sounds a little better, right??? :rolleyes:

Total, there were almost 2000 out there with timing chips on (for the 5k and 10k combined). That is not counting all the dogs, kids, babies in strollers, and those who did not wish to be timed who were out there as well. And all this on a narrow residential path! Yikes! :eek:

However, this was a fundraiser for a good cause so I am glad so many people turned out. And what a great family thing to do together! ;)

kacie tri-ing
11-29-2008, 04:30 PM
Hey! I did the Atlanta Thanksgiving half marathon! It was great! Just a little hilly, but 10,000 people and lots of holiday spirit!

11-29-2008, 06:33 PM
kacie tri-ing,

We want details! :D Weren't you dealing with some pain issues? How are you doing?

11-29-2008, 06:52 PM
I didn't do a Turkey Trot, but I did go for a 3.5 mile run on Thanksgiving. We were visiting family in Maine and it was a balmy 26 degrees. :eek: I managed to catch a small break between the storms just after sunrise. The road I picked went along Little Sebago Lake so I had some glimpses of the water. It was fairly pleasant.

It's hunting season there, which I had forgotten when I packed my running gear. I don't own anything hunter orange anyway. My sister insisted on me wearing this really nice, dressy orange scarf she had. It made me kind of hot and Thom and I thought she was being paranoid. When I got back he was out taking pictures of frost on the apples in her crabapple tree. As we were talking we heard five shots from pretty close by. We decided she wasn't paranoid. :p


kacie tri-ing
11-29-2008, 07:03 PM
Details! Thanks for asking!

I had been dealing with some issues in my right hip. I was able to work through it with my chiropractor. I do a ton of exercises after every run, and plenty of ice! After 4 visits, two weeks without running, I was back on my feet. I switched shoes, and I have been running mostly on trails (which is hard, because I live in Midtown Atlanta!). I even hired my DH's coach to help me train more carefully! I am doing well, though I can tell that I still have to be careful! I was feeling pretty superstitious, which is part of why I wasn't even posting on here! I didn't want to mess up what I had just healed (as if typing would do it!).

I've gotten up to 20 in my long runs, and I think I am still on my way to doing disney in January! I did a 15K trail race a couple of weeks ago, and a Zooma Half Marathon. The Zooma is a mostly women's half, which was great! It was well organized, and other than the fact that my legs were exhausted from way too much running that week, it was fun!

The run on Thanksgiving was great! My legs still felt almost frozen the first four miles. I did not run much between the 20 miler sunday and the half on Thursday, and my legs felt like bricks. After about 4 miles, I was warmed up and feeling great. This was the big race for the girlfriend I run with on some of my shorter runs, so I got to really cheer her on. I was really feeling great for the last 5K. I think my friend was about to run off and leave me because I was so chatty at the end and everyone around us was suffering those last few miles in silence! I think that it the strangest part of training for a marathon...you really wake up after ten miles! I never thought I would say that!

I got a nice 6 miler in today at my parent's house, and tomorrow it is 10 on trails! It is supposed to rain most of the day though!

12-01-2008, 05:39 AM

I'm guessing you meant a 30-miler on the bikes? If you ran 30 in lieu of a hilly 5, then WOW! :p

Uh yeah, a 30 mile bike ride. I can barely do a 4 mile run I can't even think about longer than a marathon! :p I did tell DH I wanted to run the distance series next winter so I better start building on these 3-4 milers. I wish I was ready now but most of them are 10+ miles and often trail runs.

Sounds like everyones Trots were fun, I was a bit pouty watching the news about the local one. It got over 10,000 people!

12-01-2008, 06:25 AM
Yep, I did a Turkey Trot on Turkey Day! It was only my second run since my 1/2 marathon! I have really slacked off on EVERYTHING!
It was a fairly leisurely run w/ a friend. This TT has over 12,000 folks, so no real timing for us that start in the back. I did a easy, but nice pace. And I talked the whole time. I usually wonder how people can run and talk so much when I can barely breathe! But that was me for that race, I talked the whole time....time sure flew!
For Florida it was pretty chilly...brrrrrrrrrrr!
Next run....this weekend...in Las Vegas...the Great Santa Run!