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View Full Version : 2009 TREK Women's Triathlon Series™

11-20-2008, 06:58 AM
SIGN UP!! www.trektriathlon.com

The TREK Women's Triathlon Series™ plans to hold one dozen races across the country, with nearly 25,000 anticipated participants, making it one of the largest multisport events in the world.

Triathlon legend Sally Edwards, Hall of Fame triathlete, CEO of HeartZones USA, and best-selling author of 22 books on triathlon and fitness training, is the Spokeswoman for the new Series. Sally was formerly the Spokeswoman for the Danskin Women's Triathlon Series

The Series Director and a member of The Xxtra Mile LLC, Maggie Sullivan, has played an integral role in the building of events that have caused participation by women in the sport of triathlon to soar over the past 17 years. Sullivan, and a seasoned group of triathlon veterans, will lead a team of talented event promotion specialists to bring life changing experiences to women and girls across the USA.

The TREK Women's Triathlon Series™ will consist of sprint distance races (1/2 mile Swim; 12 mile Bike; 3 mile Run) in an anticipated 12 markets, including California, Colorado, Florida, Massachusetts, New York Metro, North Carolina, Texas, Washington and Wisconsin. Selected cities within the Series will include "youth focused" triathlons.

11-27-2008, 12:29 AM
Sally Edwards is not doing the Danskin Tri's anymore? What happened?

12-01-2008, 02:12 PM
It looks like Trek has Maggie Sulllivan too.


I am thinking that this is not at all a bad thing. The more venues you can get for women the better. If you are training for 1 - how great to do 2 - I just wish they were in different cities like Minneapolis. All of the others are more than a 12 hour drive from here :(

12-01-2008, 06:04 PM
I too have been wondering what this switch is really all about. Since they seem to be planning one in Seattle, I start to wonder if they mean to compete with, rather than augment, Danskin--and if so, why?