View Full Version : Full Moon 5k RR...

11-17-2008, 07:30 PM
I wont bore you will the long post I put up on my blog, but thought I would share since I have more info now.

The results just came up on... http://www.dbrunningcompany.com/ for last Thursday's race and after a day of feeling partially miserable due to the lingering viral crud this made my day.

I've finally come under the 30 minute mark for a 5k!!!!!!!! My time for this race (with the plague monkey even) was...

Full Moon 5k- 28:54.63 ( that's roughly a 9:21 pace)

I gave the race all I had considering I was sick and now I can't help but be curious just how fast I will be able to run my next 5k healthy. Guess I'll know after the Turkey Trot. :)

That's all for tonight. Now I'm really looking forward to getting over this cold and starting training up again.

I'm off to kill the plague monkey with some Zzzs. :D

11-18-2008, 04:22 AM
Way to go Urlea! Now enjoy your well deserved rest and get over that cold.

11-18-2008, 05:23 AM
Great job! I'm not even close to that... Jealous feelings creeping up...

Just kidding! That is great news, now get better.