View Full Version : My achievement of the year???

11-09-2008, 05:46 AM
Hi guys,

If anyone remembers, a few months ago i posted a thread asking about aerobars coz i was participating in a 24 hr charity endurance ride. (I didn't use aerobars in the end.)

Well, the ride was yesterday/today and I managed to ride 15 hrs (2x 118km loops) without major stopping, and broke off for a nap, before i got up in 5 hrs and did the distance between another 1.5 pit stops in the morning rain. The total (the guy told me but i forgot) was about 300 odd kms.

I had so many setbacks in training in the last few months that i wondered if i could do it. I guess I did alright. I could have tried to do it without the break, but then I have an exam tmw and I needed to be alive for that. Maybe next year I'll try again. do 4 loops or something. (some guys in the ride did 5 loops..)

Ok that was just a quick update (in case anyone was interested.. hehe) I need to study now. exam tmw!! (my entire body is aching majorly)

Cheerios! DEe

11-09-2008, 08:03 AM
Wow, your achievement of the year would be my achievement of my lifetime... I can't imagine riding that much in 24 hours! :eek: Congratulations!

Tri Girl
11-10-2008, 04:09 AM
Wow! :eek: That's a huge achievement! Congrats.