View Full Version : Snowboarding

11-07-2008, 07:48 AM
Anyone else try snowboarding before? I used to ski when I was little... my parents are huge ski buffs but I decided to try snowboarding in high school and have stuck with it ever since! I absolutely love it... so much more fun and challenging!! Can it snow yet?!!?

11-07-2008, 09:14 AM
I tried learning one season, got far enough to get down the slopes, but gave up because I am a decent skier.

It's fun, it's a different kinesthetic experience, but you depend on better lifts, better slopes, and long glides are difficult.

in a low-tech area with bar lifts, and in winters with little snow --> lots of ice, skiing is easier.

11-07-2008, 11:03 AM
Well we are looking at the chance of snow here in ND this weekend and there's already a 20" base at a few of the resorts in MT. :D

I've been snowboarding close to 10yrs now. I'm still just as excited to get out there and ride today as I was back when I started! :)

In February my hubby and I will be traveling to Japan to visit family and go snowboarding while we are there. It looks to be pretty adventurous. They don't have designated runs on a lot of those mountains. It's just a tram to the top and you pick your line down. On the resort websites they suggest having a pack with a thermal blanket, food and water, just in case you get lost. I'm pretty jazzed about it.

As for skiing, if you like it and are able to do well at it, I say stick with it. I wasn't one of those people. After three years of skiing I couldn't progress to save my life so I switched.

11-07-2008, 11:49 AM
Another fellow snowboarder here. Like you, I started many years ago and have also got my two nephews into it as well. That certainly makes things fun! Unfortunately, I'm finding it hard the past couple of years to get out, so I've told myslef that I either need to MAKE the time or I need to give it up. So many options and very little time:):)

11-07-2008, 11:55 AM
I switched over to snowboarding from skiing three seasons ago and LOVE it.

My daughter had been boarding for a few years and when she got a new board I decided to keep her old one so I could give it a try. It sat for one winter before I finally got my nerve up to try it. I was so glad I did and I've never had the urge to use my skiis again.

.... and by the way at my age (48) I'm not exactly a youngster compared to my fellow boarders. Once while going up a lift a young man next to me said, "You've got to be the OLDEST snowboarder here today." He really thought it was a compliment - but I actually took it as one anyhow.

11-09-2008, 05:24 AM
I have received many of the same comments HA! I got my nephews into snowboarding, the oldest started at 7 and is now 13. When I take him these days, it's usually with his friends... it's always comical to see the look on their faces when they see me pull my board out of the vehicle as well :(:( I'm soon to turn 51.

Keep up the good work!!!:D

11-11-2008, 01:20 PM
I have received many of the same comments HA! I got my nephews into snowboarding, the oldest started at 7 and is now 13. When I take him these days, it's usually with his friends... it's always comical to see the look on their faces when they see me pull my board out of the vehicle as well :(:( I'm soon to turn 51.

Keep up the good work!!!:D

Great hear the ole' hardy ones boarding down. I'm 49 but right now don't have snowboarding urges..but I loved as a child, taking a running leap and sliding sideways standing up, down a long slippery snowy/icy hill.

One of my partner's cousins came to visit us from Germany. Her hubby took up snowboarding in his 40's..and is now still now snowboarding in the Alps at 58. He also has become an enthuasistic regular cyclist in past few years.

01-08-2009, 10:30 PM
my boyfriend got me into snowboarding 5 years ago. I learned to ski as a child but hadn't skied in about 10 years. So I figured what the hell, try a different sport.

Learning a relatively dangerous sport at the age of 32 was rather a long and painful curve.

I think I finally got the hang of it in my 3rd year. I really hated it for the first two seasons but stuck it out and I'm glad. I just wish I got the opportunity to go more often!

p.s. what board are you riding?

I'm on an older K2 Luna but have been itching to get my hands on an Arbor Push (http://www.rei.com/product/772856?cm_mmc=cse_froogle-_-datafeed-_-product-_-772856&mr:trackingCode=3C8EE218-B9DD-DD11-9B0F-0019B9C043EB&mr:referralID=NA), such a pretty board.

01-08-2009, 11:49 PM
I've already gone through the learning curve for skiing and do it (relatively well) and have a lot of fun with it... So I don't really feel like going through the learning curve for a new sport. I have a snowboard and use it when I'm going with someone who's not a good skier or snowboarder... that way I suck and they suck, and neither of us is holding each other back.

However, I tried snowboarding in Pennsylvannia on Sunday - very slick on ice, and the amount of suffering and slamming down into the ice that was involved was really not fun. I think I'm only going to play with snowboarding on powder, 'cause I'm still sore from the falls.

01-09-2009, 09:53 AM
I have an Arbor Push and LOVE it !!!

This will be my 3rd season using it. Sometimes I kind of wish that I'd went a little shorter, but that's the only thing I'd change about it. It seems much more durable then my daughter's Burton .... although I don't put it through as much abuse as she does.

01-09-2009, 10:30 AM
ah, so jealous! I know REI has them on sale right now, but with the exchange rate being so crap right now, it'll still cost me about $450 after it's all said and done. *sigh*

01-09-2009, 02:23 PM
Sadly I haven't get out yet for this season, but hopefully next weekend or that following, I'm going to hit the slopes! I got a Salomon Ivy for this season. I wish it were a 148 or 149 rather than 151 but I'll get over it.

01-09-2009, 02:46 PM
do you find if the board is longer than it should be for you that you find turning harder? It's better to have a slightly longer board for heavy powders, no?

My BF's been trying to get me into a Solomon Ivy as he's got the Solomon Fastback. I don't care to go fast, I like to do nice, controlled turns :D

01-10-2009, 06:22 AM
I have heard a longer board is better for deep powder, but I do east coast "handmade" snow. We don't have powder.

I prefer the quicker turns of a shorter board since I'm pretty short myself, but I don't do any park riding so I don't run into many issues. I can't give any word on the Ivy yet regarding turns or speed since I have got a chance to play yet. :(

roadie gal
01-10-2009, 09:42 AM
I tried snowboarding, after 30+ years skiing experience. It was the most painful thing I've ever done.

I just couldn't get used to the sideways balance after all this time of facing down the fall line, so I went back to skiing.

For those who tried downhill skiing and couldn't progress, try telemarking. I was an intermediate skier for years on alpine skis, but got much better when I switched to tele skis. I think there's something mental about being able to get lower with that free heel. It's less far to fall. :p

Sorry about the hijack... back to snowboarding...

01-12-2009, 09:37 AM
Being in Wisconsin, I don't get a whole lot of opportunity to board in fresh powder. The few times I have been in powder I did really like the way the longer board handled.

I went out for about 6 hours yesterday and had a great day so I guess the length is still decent for our groomed trails around here. I am 5'4" and my board is 152 cm.

I have a few friends that have talked about trying tele skiing. I might just have to give it a go sometime.

04-22-2009, 01:33 PM
I am over the moon - got me an Arbor Push - fabulous sale at REI!

but this is all rather sad considering I didn't go out once this season...

04-23-2009, 10:44 AM
Alright Badger !!!

You will love your Arbor. I don't see that many of them at the resorts around here but whenever I do I always have to speak to it's owner. I've never met a person yet who doesn't really like their board. If I stop for a break, and see another Arbor in the rack, I always have to put mine next to it.