View Full Version : Give me motivation!

10-28-2008, 06:35 AM
I am at the end of my work season and finally can get back on my bike. But I have been going going going for months now and just feel like doing nothing. And I know I need to get back on my bike and that it would help me feel more like my normal self. But you know it being foggy and cold here right now does not help my motivation. Any body get like this? how do you push yourself? I am also getting back to our more normal diet. More real veggies and less meat and cheese and salt! I swear the american traveling diet is ladden with cheese and salt! I ask for no cheese but...
We were in the south last week. Decided to try a japanese place. It was not even close to being Japanese. I got what said was grilled sesame chicken. They put it in front of me and it was deep fried nuggets. I asked and they said "Well we deep fry then grill em". I was baffled. Couldn't believe it! Oh well I am home now and in total control!

10-28-2008, 07:37 AM
I'm in a serious motivation funk as well right now with cycling AND healthy eating and exercise in general. I try to motivate myself by frequenting my favorite cycling and fitness websites and reading tons of related magazines till I feel compelled to do something about it. I also sign up for things that ensure that I go like workout classes or rides. Nothing gets me going than saying "Yes" to something and committing myself.

That's funny how they were like "Yeah, it's grilled. . after we deep-fat fry it." :p

10-28-2008, 08:01 AM
That's funny how they were like "Yeah, it's grilled. . after we deep-fat fry it." :p
So strange!

10-28-2008, 08:10 AM
I find when I start avoiding longer rides, that doing short errand trips on my bike makes me feel good. Not a lot of preparation involved, no special biking clothes, but you get on the bike and you do something that helps the planet and your health, and it doesn't take too long....all pluses. It's just making your goals more do-able.

10-28-2008, 01:43 PM
I know exactly what you are going through, I'm going through the same thoughts my self. I came upon these links from my LBS while looking for ideas for training for the MS 150. These really made me feel better and not become overwhelmed when thinking about how much I haven't been riding, and how much I have to do.


and don't forget about your saddle.... it's important...

also, look at your local lbs. mine has a spinning class where you got to be on your own bicycle. Plus, you could keep up with your buddies from riding season.

let me know how it goes!

10-28-2008, 02:24 PM
Know that feeling so well.

For the last five weeks it has not been possible for me to go out on my bike.

Am totally out of my usual routine, am hoping next week I will be able to start fresh.

Thanks polly for the link to 'Top Fitness In 7 Hours A Week' By Fred Matheny it is excellent, I have bookmarked that.

Oh well, fingers crossed I stick to my new regime as of next week. :rolleyes:


10-28-2008, 05:03 PM
I find when I start avoiding longer rides, that doing short errand trips on my bike makes me feel good. Not a lot of preparation involved, no special biking clothes, but you get on the bike and you do something that helps the planet and your health, and it doesn't take too long....all pluses. It's just making your goals more do-able.
That is a godd idea
maybe I will just ride around the hood tomorrow first.

10-28-2008, 05:06 PM
I know exactly what you are going through, I'm going through the same thoughts my self. I came upon these links from my LBS while looking for ideas for training for the MS 150. These really made me feel better and not become overwhelmed when thinking about how much I haven't been riding, and how much I have to do.


and don't forget about your saddle.... it's important...

also, look at your local lbs. mine has a spinning class where you got to be on your own bicycle. Plus, you could keep up with your buddies from riding season.

let me know how it goes!
I totally booked marked the web site
i am going to try it and see how it works for me.

10-29-2008, 12:10 PM
Do you have a riding buddy? In addition to my longer ride(s) on the weekend, I ride at least twice a week with a friend. Usually Tues/Thur. This is a BIG motivation. It gets me out of bed in the morning to ride on days I might not have. Riding with her is social and fun, plus we push each other to do our best. I try to challenge myself to stick with her on the hills (my nemesis) and sometimes I push her to ride faster on the flats and downhills. We are like minded in our riding goals and desire to get stronger and faster, and being about the same level, it's perfect. She also happens to be a super close friend of mine, so that helps, too. :)

For a long time I rode by myself and was perfectly content doing so. I was motivated (usually) and liked to just go when I wanted to go. Plus I wasn't as strong as my two closest cycling buddies and hated feeling like I was holding them back. That's the biggest thing that motivated me to get out there. I wanted so badly to be stronger and faster so I could be at the same level as them. Well, now I am ... woo hoo! My "other" close cycling buddy is a school teacher on a year round schedule, so we can only ride with her on weekends and when she is off track, which is November, so it's coming up.

The other thing that motivates me to ride is club rides on weekends and organized rides that I sign up for. I love the social aspect of cycling. Cyclists, for the most part, are very friendly, so it's usually pretty easy to chat with any of them. At least in my experience.

So, my number one suggestion is to find yourself a riding buddy and my number two suggestion is to do club rides, if you aren't already.

Oh oh! One more comment. I took a yoga class last night for the first time. I always hear how wonderful it is, particularly for cyclists, so I tried it and loved it. It's great for your core, as well as other things. It's a fun way to mix up the cycling, which is my number one physical activity.

10-29-2008, 01:47 PM
If you feel like doing nothing, do nothing for a couple days. It sounds like you need to decompress from work. Stay up late, have a drink, sleep in, walk in the park, go to the bookstore. Nothing that involves planning or prep or anyone else's schedule. You will be refreshed, and finally a bit bored, and will jump back on your bike.

11-01-2008, 12:08 PM
Hi Brandi

Hope it has all started to go well for you. :)

Well, 1st of the month is always a good day to start anything for me (whether it lasts or not is another thing)!

I feel all motivated, despite the weather was cold and windy, it was still good, only 4 miles but it's a start.

I kept thinking about this thread all week, so that was good motivation for me knowing I was not alone on this subject.
