View Full Version : Livestrong Challenge - schedule for 2009
ny biker
10-27-2008, 01:36 PM
Locations and dates for the Livestrong Challenge for 2009:
Seattle, WA - June 13-14
San Jose, CA - July 11-12
Philadelphia, PA - August 22-23
Austin, TX - October 23-25
Registration begins December 1, 2008 at
To compare to the 2008 schedule, the Portland event has been changed to Seattle and moved up a couple weeks earlier in June. The other three are basically one year later at the same place.
I plan to register in early December for the Philadelphia ride, and hopefully will get a couple of donations in lieu of Christmas gifts. Also that way I can make a bigger overall donation than last year and have it paid out in small chunks over eight months.
Anyone else?
10-27-2008, 03:05 PM
My team is in again for Philly. We were 17 strong this last year (with 9 of us biking). My sister has decided she will walk the 5K next year. Given that she is 18 months out from a diagnosis that has a median survival of 22 months, I'm so proud of her fight and really believe she will be there walking!! She has also decided she wants her team to compete for biggest team. Given that there were a couple 50+ member teams, it's a big goal. But we plan to try and get her there. Of course most of those teams the majority of people are doing the 5K.
I'm already planning for some fundraisers too. The latest idea, a scavenger hunt. :)
10-27-2008, 03:07 PM
Hey, that's interesting---Seattle this year. Thanks for posting this--I had no idea it was going to switch to Seattle for 2009.
10-28-2008, 10:29 AM
OH... SEATTLE! Yeah! Maybe a TE team? I'm excited that it will be here next year!
10-28-2008, 05:07 PM
OH... SEATTLE! Yeah! Maybe a TE team? I'm excited that it will be here next year!
I think we should ABSOLUTELY have a team!
I would love to ride the Seattle event. I'll have to talk to DH about making the trip out.
10-29-2008, 04:59 AM
I'll be riding San Jose again this year - any Bay Area TE ladies want to ride this one?
10-29-2008, 10:11 AM
I'll be riding San Jose again this year - any Bay Area TE ladies want to ride this one?
I'd like to, but I think there's a schedule conflict with the Death Ride. :(
10-29-2008, 11:39 AM
Hubby & i have been talking about coming over to visit his parents who live in Monterey......................... (it would be winter here so very tempting!)
Will keep you posted if we are able to get over for it :D
10-30-2008, 10:25 AM
I'll be riding again in Austin! :)
11-10-2008, 09:40 AM
DBF and I would love to come to Seattle!
11-13-2008, 09:41 AM
the date of the Seattle ride has changed. The email said that due to an existing atheltic event in Seattle, it was changed to Sunday June 21st, packet pick-up being on Saturday the 20th.
11-22-2008, 06:51 AM
I'd like to, but I think there's a schedule conflict with the Death Ride. :(
Well, I guess that answers that question! I was waxing back and forth about the Death Ride this year - not sure I'm going to be strong enough to ride it and want to put in the work that will assure I will be (might as well call it for what it is :rolleyes:). But the LiveStrong is the event I do for my mom who passed away from Liver Cancer. So, I guess I will not be doing the death ride. :(
Pedal Wench
11-26-2008, 09:40 AM
fatcyclist is trying to get a huge team together, competing in any and all four of the events. I'm actually thinking about it. I can't make the Philly one, the only one in driving distance from me, so I think San Jose will be the one. Could we form a TE sub-group within the FatCyclist team? He's having such a tough time, I would love to do something BIG for him.
12-01-2008, 08:53 AM
I just registered for San Jose, and would love to connect with other TE'ers riding.
Lori Kenny
(on facebook & myspace)
12-01-2008, 10:59 AM
Tofu -
I'm signed up to ride the 100 miles in San Jose. Which one are you riding?
12-01-2008, 12:17 PM
I chose the 100, but I'm reconsidering. Won't it be hot as hades in July? I just moved back from the south, and am thinking about the scortching dryness of ca summers!
12-01-2008, 03:53 PM
But it's a dry heat... :D Last year was pretty hot, but we were okay until we got to the Silverado Country Club which was open and the sun baked down - but once we were over that hill, it was fine. The 100 miler went up over Metcalf which is a brutal hill in the best of conditions and I did hear it was pretty tough. I hope the ride more of the Santa Cruz mountains this year - it's more shaded and there are some great rides. We'll see.
12-01-2008, 07:07 PM
Mountian...haven't ridden mountains yet. Just lowly coastal carolina. Guess I'd better get training!
12-02-2008, 04:42 AM
Lori - if you live in the Bay Area now, you'll not be able to avoid the hills. But the ride only had one tough hill, the rest was pretty easy. I'm all for putting together a TE Team. I think that would be fun.
12-02-2008, 07:48 AM
I'm in! Where are you located? I'm in Martinez
12-02-2008, 09:17 AM
I'm further south in San Jose. There are tons of rides between, too. And there are a lot of riders in the Bay Area. I think we could managed a ride or two before hand. :p
ny biker
02-04-2009, 11:36 AM
Event details (schedule) and course info has been posted for some of the locations.
A 20-mile route has been added for Philadelphia and Austin.
The Philly route looks like it's the same as it was in 2007-2008. This makes me very happy - it's a challenging ride with some steep hills, but being familiar with the route makes it easier.
02-05-2009, 07:30 AM
I'm registered for the San Jose ride.
02-07-2009, 02:12 PM
I will ride the Austin one, maybe with a team if I manage to convince some coworkers :)
02-09-2009, 08:33 AM
Austin is a hilly, challenging course. You will love it though, it is so pretty out in Dripping Springs.
ny biker
02-09-2009, 09:51 AM
This year they're posting total climbing elevation in the course details. So now I have a number to go with the pain (5423 feet for the course I plan to ride).
But it's such a beautiful ride that this year I plan to bring my camera. Usually I don't bring it because I try to cut down on anything that adds unnecessary weight, but last year I kept wishing I could stop and photograph the scenery. And since I've lost about 10 lbs since last summer, I figure the addition of a little camera is nothing compared to the added pounds on my butt during previous years' rides.
02-09-2009, 02:55 PM
I had my camera with me, I took not only pictures but video, of my team though mostly. But I'm glad I did. I made a video out of all of it but at 12 minutes, it is too long for youtube. :( I'll post it if I get a way of putting it online. I also had my garmin so I knew the elevation (also had looked up other people's posting of the elevation from other years). It is a bit hilly, but such a really nice ride and nice day. I can't wait! :)
and congrats on the 10 lb loss, my sister and I are aiming for 30 each by then, but who knows how successful we'll be.
03-06-2009, 06:56 AM
Hi all. My mom was just diagnosed with brain cancer, and I really want to do the Livestrong Challenge in her honor. I'm in upstate NY so it would have to be Philly for me. I would like to do the century, but it would be my first (I've done several MS150's and some 75-mile one-days, but never a full century in one day), and I've heard the Philly route is pretty challenging. How challenging is challenging, and just how bad are those hills?
ny biker
03-06-2009, 07:39 AM
Cyclingmama, sorry to hear about your mom. I hope she's okay.
The course description for the Philly ride is here.
Total climbing for the century is 8301 feet. Some of the hills are quite steep. So yes, it is challenging.
There is a time limit for the ride, which I think is 8 hours. The course is laid out in such a way that if you are not going to make the time cut, or if you're just not feeling like you have the legs to do the full 100 miles, you can switch to a shorter route along the way.
You have lots of time to train and prepare for the ride, which is good, especially if you can find some good hilly routes for your training. Since you've already done some 75-milers, you should be able to do a century.
I will admit that this is the hardest ride I have ever done, but I've done it 3 times (full century the first year, when it was a different route, and two 70-milers since then), and I'll be back for the 70-miler again this year. It's difficult but I also really enjoy it. It's one of the best organized rides I've ever done, and the rest stops are only 10-15 miles apart, so there's plenty of opportunity to stretch and refuel.
So I guess what I'm saying is that it's really freaking hard, but if you're able to devote the time to preparing for it, you should be able to do it. The more steep hills you can ride between now and then, the better prepared you'll be.
p.s. I should add - there are some nice downhills too. There is a reward for slogging up the steep slopes. And the scenery is great.
03-07-2009, 01:19 PM
Thanks ny biker. I was afraid of that. I really am a hill weenie! But its such a great cause, and I figure all the work hill training is nothing in comparison to the hard work my mom is doing. I feel so helpless; this is the one thing I can do.
03-07-2009, 01:33 PM
I'm sorry to hear about your mother too. I rode the Philly Livestrong in 07, 3 months after my oldest sister was diagnosed with lung cancer. My sister and brother in law and I rode it (he did the 100, we did the 45) for the same reason - we felt so helpless and we felt that with all she is going through, it was the least we could do. Even the 45 is a real challenge, but it is such an amazing ride! Last year the 3 of us were back, with 6 more riders and 9 people doing the 5K, and our sister. She was sick but she was there. Now, she plans to be there again this August and walk the 5K with our 1 yr old niece. :) Everyone on my team absolutely loved the entire experience. It really is worth it! They were barely off their bikes and asking me was I organizing a team again this year. So we will all be back. Look for our big banner - "Kelly's Posse" - and stop by and say Hi. We set up near the start/finish line last year and I'm sure we'll do the same this year.
ny biker
03-07-2009, 02:54 PM
I used to hate hills a few years ago. I am very slow going up hill, sometimes as slow as 4 mph. But then I did a couple of long rides on the eastern shore of Maryland, which is pancake flat, and I was so bored by the lack of variety in the terrain. So I decided to get used to hills. I'm still very slow, but I don't care if everyone else leaves me in the dust. I just shift down to the granny gear and keep pedaling at my pace until I make it to the top.
I've found it also helps to smile a lot and have a good up-tempo song stuck in your head. As I've mentioned in some other threads, there are a couple of Foo Fighters songs that work well for me (the one that goes "Done, done, on to the next one" seems especially relevant to all those hills), and my college fight song also helped me on last year's ride.
03-10-2009, 10:27 AM
what an inspiring story, Possegal. Thanks, I needed that! and for the encouragement from both of you. I don't mind rolling hills (which is good, considering I live in the foothills of the Catskills ;)) but the long steep climbs are really really tough for me. I'll have to consider whether to register for the 70 mile route instead. But I will definintely look for your team, possegal!
ny biker
03-10-2009, 11:02 AM
I don't know about the portion of the 100-mile route that is not shared with the 70-mile route. But for the 70-miler, there was one very long hill that was not too steep, and the steepest ones were not that long.
They will post an elevation profile for each of the routes.
If you decide to go with the 70-miler, let me know and we can ride together if you want.
03-11-2009, 09:54 AM
If you decide to go with the 70-miler, let me know and we can ride together if you want.
Cool, thanks. Its always nice to have someone to ride with. Lets keep in touch as the day gets closer. (which of course means I need to come here more often, but I'm sure I will in any event as the weather warms up and I get out riding more)
BTW, do you mind if I ask why you are "ny biker" if you live in VA? Are you from NY?
ny biker
03-11-2009, 11:29 AM
BTW, do you mind if I ask why you are "ny biker" if you live in VA? Are you from NY?
I'm from Long Island. I also lived and worked in Manhattan for a while before I moved to the DC area.
I have relatives upstate, around Binghamton, but I don't think I've ever been to New Paltz. There's a SUNY campus there, isn't there?
p.s. I went to college in Philadelphia, but the part of the city that I lived in was totally flat. I had no idea what kind of hills they have in that area until I did the first Livestrong ride. It was a shock!
03-11-2009, 05:46 PM
I'm registered for the Philly ride. Any tips? I'm coming up from SC to do the ride so I have no clue what to expect (my hubby's mom has been diagnosed with stage 3 lung cancer which prompted our decision to travel for the ride.)
ny biker
03-11-2009, 06:09 PM
What distance will you be riding?
The schedule and a description of the courses are posted on the website. They give a general overview of what happens over the course of the weekend and what the ride is like.
03-12-2009, 05:38 AM
I'm also thinking about doing the Philly ride, either the 70 or the 100.
Thanks for all the great info. and advice!
03-13-2009, 12:12 PM
There's a SUNY campus there, isn't there?
Yes, my dh works and teaches there!
sounds like maybe there could be a TE team for the Philly ride?
03-13-2009, 12:21 PM
CyclChyk - I also found this blog entry with a decent description of the century ride last year, as well as his garmin upload with map and elevation profile:
03-13-2009, 12:27 PM
Let's see if I can make this work. Here is the elevation for my 45 mile ride last year from my Garmin. Total elevation gain on my machine says 3,838 ft.
03-19-2009, 09:52 AM
Today and tomorrow, if you are registering for the Philly ride, you can do so at half-off. So $25 to register rather than $50. Just type in PHILLY09 in the discount box when you are registering. Every bit helps in this economic climate! I'm hoping I can get more of my team to register today. We shall see. :)
03-19-2009, 10:15 AM
Thanks! Will spread the word. I want to be part of a team, but we don't have a name yet and have a few members who are on the fence. Can you register and then fill in these blanks later?
03-19-2009, 10:19 AM
I was thinking of that today actually, as I was telling my niece how I signed up and started my team on the first day registration opened just so the team was ready to go when/if the 1/2 off day came along.
I would imagine though, that you can sign up individually. Then when you set up a team, people already signed up can join it. However, I haven't done that and so I can't be certain. I have learned that what makes sense, isn't always what is true. :) It just seems to me that it would make sense that someone already registered can join a team at a later date.
I have a couple on the fence too, mainly due to my soon to be born nephew. :) I'm trying to convince folks to go ahead and sign up and if they end up not being able to go, well they donated $25 to a good cause.
ny biker
03-19-2009, 10:39 AM
I'm pretty sure you can join a team after you register. If it's not clear on the registration site, then I would call them and ask.
I'm having trouble getting to my email right now (takes forever for the stupid ads to load! grrr) but I have a recent newsletter that provides the phone numbers. I'll post them when I can get access to it.
Okay, finally got access to the email newsletter.
General Inquiries:
888-4-CHALLENGE (888.424.2553)
City Specific Inquiries:
Also there is this, which may be of interest to some folks:
What is a Virtual Participant?
You spoke, and we listened! We heard from many of you last year who wanted to participate in a Challenge but couldn't make it to the event, so we created a new registration type just for you. In the event that you can't make it to a Challenge, or if you know of someone who wants to join your team in the fight against cancer, just sign up as a Virtual Challenge Participant. You will have access to all of our great fundraising tools and can ride or walk with us on the day of the event in your own city. After the Challenge is complete, we will send you a T-shirt and water bottle.
03-19-2009, 12:22 PM
So excited to sign up and start training for this:D
ny biker
03-19-2009, 12:48 PM
Looks like today is the perfect day to sign up!
And I thought I was getting a deal when I only had to pay $35 on the first day they opened registration...
03-19-2009, 01:12 PM
We're currently fighting over a team name. This is what I get for signing up with boys.
03-19-2009, 01:51 PM
I knew when I paid $35 that a half-off day was likely in the future. In 06, 07 and 08, it was in May on their "livestrong day", which I believe was never on the same day in May. Then I read that this year, Livestrong day is in October and I thought - well how is that going to help my team save money? I almost contacted one of the people there that I talked a lot with last year to ask him, please tell me if there will be another 1/2 off day, so my team can save themselves a little money. No need now. Though so far only 2 of them have signed up and saved.
And sorry you are fighting over team names. I run my team like the dictatorship I think it should be. :) KIDDING.
03-19-2009, 05:03 PM
Well, it's definitely an important cause, so I don't want to have a silly, trite sounding name. But I don't want some kind of cancer fighting cliche either. Ahh...sometimes I hate that I'm a writer and can't settle for mediocrity.
03-19-2009, 05:28 PM
Mine actually kinda wrote itself. We started the team because my sister Kelly had just been diagnosed. Her first day of chemo, her daughter commented that other people had a Chemo buddy, but there were so many of us there that her mother had a Chemo Posse. I laughed and said to her - I think you just named our Livestrong team. And thus, Kelly's Posse was born. :)
03-20-2009, 04:16 AM
You can change teams or move to a team after you register - all you have to do is call or email them. I did last year's LiveStrong challenge in San Jose and am doing it again this year. I found the people associated with LiveStrong to be very friendly and accommodating. It's a great group.
03-24-2009, 04:14 PM
Any good fund raising ideas?
ny biker
03-24-2009, 04:49 PM
Well I just got this email from them:
We are always looking for new ways to help you in the fundraising process and we’ve got two great announcements for you! Based on participant feedback, this week marks the opening of the Materials Request Form on, a month earlier than last year, as well as the launch of a brand new fundraising tool for Facebook. Both of these resources are sure to help make your fundraising process a little easier.
The Material Request Form on allows you, as a participant, to request LIVESTRONG Challenge branded items or informational pieces in order to promote your own fundraising efforts. We offer a variety of items including banners, stickers, buttons, individualized sunscreen packets (NEW this year!) and brochures on the Foundation as well as the LIVESTRONG Challenge.
Not sure how to use these items to help with your fundraising efforts? Visit the mentor page on our website and contact your local mentor. Mentors are dedicated volunteers with proven fundraising success and their mission is to help you reach your goals! We encourage you to request materials on a monthly basis and enjoy hearing how you used the items successfully. Visit and order now!
The second tool, our LIVESTRONG Challenge Fundraising™ Application, can be added to your Facebook page so that you can easily extend your fundraising efforts to your online network of friends. You can add it now by logging in to your HQ (Seattle, San Jose, Philly, Austin); look for the “fundraise with Facebook” button.
Once you’ve added our LIVESTRONG Challenge Fundraising™ Application to your Facebook page, your friends can check your progress, donate to your efforts and join you in the fight against cancer.
As your fundraising total increases, your thermometer will fill up on your Facebook page and we’ll send newsfeeds to your network of friends to keep them up to date on your participation and fundraising progress. It’s that easy. Log in to your HQ and add this application now!
03-24-2009, 04:55 PM
I already ordered the sunscreen packets a couple of days ago. I will likely order more bracelets too. We gave them out to people who came to fundraisers.
Our biggest money maker was a yard sale. We raised over $600 with that. People are always happy to get rid of things during spring cleaning. We make sure to spread the word around - friends, family, co-workers. I highly recommend that as a fundraiser.
I also had a fundraiser at Max & Erma's restaurant in Pittsburgh. They made up the coupons, mailed them to me, I spread them around through my family. Then anyone that turned that coupon in with their bill on the day we chose, the company gave us 20% of the total. We made about $150 on that but more importantly it was a fun family event. I have a large family and they all came out for it, along with a number of friends. It was a really nice night! I think a number of restaurants will do that for you, worth asking!
Now, off to check out the facebook application. :)
And today I finished my little video to send around to my potential donors and the rest of my team.
ny biker
03-25-2009, 07:26 AM
I created a facebook account last night so I could use their application.
03-25-2009, 07:46 AM
Very cool! I'll see how well it works. In the end I've found nothing works quite as well as my direct personal emails to my friends where I play up the personal connections and all. I have a niece that rides with us who is very uncomfortable doing that (direct email pleas), so I'm hoping this helps her out.
ny biker
03-26-2009, 02:49 PM
Well, I added the Livestrong application, but I don't see anything about it on my facebook page. But then I can't seem to figure out how to do much of anything on this facebook page. I think I need Facebook for Dummies.;)
ny biker
03-26-2009, 02:51 PM
Oh by the way, hotel info/group rates has been published, I think for all cities.
I'm trying to decide if I should go back to the hotel I stayed at last year or stay at a different one. I had problems with my hotel room last year (leaking sink, totally not clean) but it had a refrigerator, which I really will need. Oh well, there's plenty of time to think about it.
03-26-2009, 03:30 PM
We loved our hotel and intend to stay there again. I'm booking a bunch of rooms tomorrow actually. The hotel info was up there last Thursday (I look nearly every day because my team will not allow me to book us anywhere else). I told them it was posted and our hotel was there again and I'd book the rooms the next day. Last Friday I get on the computer and the hotel info is gone again. I swear I felt like I was going a little crazy. :) So when I saw it back up there yesterday, I was feeling a tad less unstable. But just a tad.
ny biker
03-27-2009, 08:19 AM
I'm sure it's not you.
Which hotel do you like? I was in the Doubletree near Plymouth Meeting mall in 2007 and 2008. In 2006 I was in the Marriott across the street.
04-03-2009, 07:44 AM
Sorry I missed this. This is the hotel we stayed at last year and are staying at this year.
It isn't as big as some of the others, but I think that may be what we liked most about it. Last year my family hung at the pool on Sunday after the ride. We had left over pasta and beer and pretty much just hung out and relaxed. I stayed at the Doubletree in 2007 too. It was fine but then last year I picked this one because it was a tad cheaper and a tad closer. In the end, I was glad I did and my team was emphatic about wanting to stay there again.
And do you see the application on your facebook profile now? Mine is on mine, not sure how much this will help me raise money, but I guess it can't hurt. I'll just have to send a message to my FB friends periodically directing them to that application.
ny biker
04-03-2009, 01:20 PM
The facebook app is working now. But I agree, on its own it doesn't do much. But I'm planning to keep a training log under my Notes tab, and in a month or so I'll start actively asking people to support me.
I've been thinking about the hotel and I think I might go back to the Doubletree, mostly because I think it's kind of the HQ for the people who are running the event, so the lobby is always full of people wearing livestrong clothes and carrying livestrong stuff. And I like how that keeps creates an atmosphere over the whole time that I'm there.
But I'll look into the Homewood Suites, too.
04-05-2009, 02:16 PM
Your point about the Doubletree is exactly what I loved about it. The first year it was just me staying there and riding, with two friends along for support. My sister and brother in law who rode live in Philly. So I loved seeing so many others with their bikes and their gold/black. I cracked up that there were 2 weddings so there were all these people in their finest, and then lycra and the sounds of bikes and cleats. Such a mix! And usually I can say - oh my car, it's the one with the bike rack. But there, half the parking lot had bike racks. :) I got into a conversation in the elevator with this older couple because I saw their jerseys and told them that I rode for a while with 2 members of their team - their daughter I found out. We had a lovely conversation.
The next year, it was about cheaper and closer. And in the end, the closer is even better because you come in on a different road (part of which we actually ride in/out on during the challenge) and we hit no traffic. And then my family ended up loving it because they liked being the big fish in the little pond. :) We made friends with others there who were riding, but you are right, the feel is very different.
If you end up staying at the Homewood Suites - you are more than welcome to be an adjunct member of my team. We won't leave you hanging. ;)
ny biker
04-14-2009, 02:57 PM
Cue sheets are posted for Philly.
I kept the cue sheet from last year, so I'll compare them to see if anything has changed.
04-14-2009, 07:43 PM
Anyone coming to Austin in October?
04-15-2009, 12:48 AM
Thanks for the tip on the cue sheets being up. I'm doing the Philly ride also. I booked Homewood suites. Hope to see you ladies there!
04-15-2009, 06:32 AM
How far ahead of time do you suggest booking two rooms?
04-15-2009, 07:03 AM
The first year I booked later in the summer for our rooms, last year a bit earlier, and this year I've booked already. I figure it can't hurt to book ahead. I told the travel folks that I intend to tell my team that they have to commit by Aug 1 and that I'll release any extra rooms then so as not to hold them up.
Susan - definitely keep your eyes open for a large crowd of folks at the Homewood Suites, with our shirts the day of the ride looking very Irish. Can't miss us!
ny biker
04-15-2009, 07:34 AM
I also figure that as long as I know the dates I'll be there, I might as well book the hotel so I don't have problems later. I decided to go with the Doubletree again. The Homewood Suites is too far from the Cracker Barrel, which is where I like to go for the pre-ride dinner (wild blueberry pancakes, yum).
04-15-2009, 08:28 AM
I've never been to this area, so all the info. is helpful. Thanks!
I need to install the Facebook app. I think we should all friend one another to spread encouragement and show everyone else how cool it is to ride/donate!
Mr. BlueBug32
04-15-2009, 10:40 AM
Ok, so maybe I'm really missing something.
On the Cue Sheet, it tells you to turn onto Old 40 Road, then onto bridge road, but according to bikeroutetoaster, the numbers don't match up, the roads don't intersect, etc etc.
Now, I know I'm completely unfamiliar with the area, but why can I not figure out where this bloody route goes? Anyone have it GPSed yet?
04-15-2009, 10:43 AM
Ok, so maybe I'm really missing something.
On the Cue Sheet, it tells you to turn onto Old 40 Road, then onto bridge road, but according to bikeroutetoaster, the numbers don't match up, the roads don't intersect, etc etc.
Now, I know I'm completely unfamiliar with the area, but why can I not figure out where this bloody route goes? Anyone have it GPSed yet?
Mr. Bluebug32? Oh no, we have another man invasion!:p
04-15-2009, 11:08 AM
I have the 45 mile ride on my Garmin.
I'm sure you can search there for plenty of folks that uploaded their rides from the longer distances.
The names of the streets mean nothing to me even after riding it twice. They are so well marked and manned that we never had to worry about it
Mr. BlueBug32
04-15-2009, 11:27 AM
I think I figured it out (mis-named on the Cue sheet, and if you go backwards to forwards, it is the same road)
Here it is, as best as BRT allows:
ny biker
04-15-2009, 11:49 AM
I've traced the cue sheets on google maps in the past, and there were some discrepancies between street names from google and those on the cue sheet. But Kim is right, this is the best-marked ride I've ever done. I bring the cue sheet with me for backup but have never looked at it on the route.
I haven't had a chance to look over this year's cues yet, since I spent 4 hours last night working on upgrading my virus-scan software after having a problem with a trojan on my pc. (Yippee, it was fun - not.) But I'll try to look it over in the next day or so to see what the problem might be.
Okay, I compared the cue sheets for the 70 mile ride, and it is exactly the same as the one from last year. Of course it's possible that something might change by August, due to road work or something, but it was very consistent for the last 2 years.
The turn at 7.53 miles is onto Old Forty Foot Rd, according to google maps - the cue sheet calls it Old Forty Rd. The turn at 7.56 is onto Quarry Bridge Rd, which quickly turns into Quarry Rd. The cue sheet calls this Bridge Rd.
I seem to recall that in cases where the cue sheet names did not agree with the google names, the actual street signs agreed with the cue sheet.
BTW, the difficult hills start after the rest stop at 20.54 miles (RS#2). And for those doing the 70 miler, the left turn onto Dairy Lane at 32.4 miles begins a sweet downhill section. Something to look forward to when you're huffing up Huff's Church Rd...
ny biker
04-16-2009, 10:02 AM
For anyone traveling to Austin in October, your bike can fly for free:
04-16-2009, 10:15 AM
My motto on the Philly ride - what goes down, must come up. :)
That rest stop at 20 miles is funny because you know what lies ahead. The first year my sister said - oh I think all the worst hills are behind us at that rest stop. Then we were like - oh no, they were just ahead of us!
Last year I sent a text back to our "encampment" at the start line from that rest stop, telling them that we were heading into the big hills so send positive vibes. Of course my brother who trains in Pittsburgh was all - those hills? you thought they were bad? Dude blew us out of the water and he's 20 yrs older than I am. I must do more training back in my home town!
04-23-2009, 09:28 AM
BTW, the difficult hills start after the rest stop at 20.54 miles (RS#2).
and then is it bad for the rest of the ride (70-mile route) or does it get better after a time?
04-23-2009, 09:38 AM
and then is it bad for the rest of the ride (70-mile route) or does it get better after a time?
Cyclingmama, I tried to PM you back, but says your inbox isn't accepting. Anyway, hope you're doing well!
Edit: you'll see that the real climbing begins at about 30 mi. in
04-23-2009, 09:57 AM
My sister and brother-in-law and I did the Girls with Gears ride in Limerick, PA last Sunday. The only rest stop on the 40 mile ride was at about mile 21 and lo and behold, it is the same place as the 1st, then last, rest stop on the Livestrong ride. Not sure that we really climbed any of the same hills, but we climbed plenty. The lance ride has 3800 ft of climbing on the 45 mi ride and my Garmin told me we did 3700 ft on this ride. I'm amazed my legs survived. Felt pretty happy with myself at the end!
ny biker
04-23-2009, 12:22 PM
and then is it bad for the rest of the ride (70-mile route) or does it get better after a time?
The steepest hills are in the middle portion of the ride.
06-07-2009, 06:20 PM
Question: do you stay overnight the night after the race, too? We're about a four hour drive away and some of my group needs to return for work sometime Monday. Are there shower facilities anywhere at the race? I know the answer is probably no, but really not looking forward to sitting in the car with two sweaty guys (and myself!) and 100 miles.
06-07-2009, 06:46 PM
There are showers in the gym of the college. I haven't used them and admittedly last year didn't even go in there to use the bathrooms. So I'm not sure that they were still available to us last year. In '07 they had the packet pick-up in the gym, but last year they had tents set up. I'm not sure if that meant that last year the gym was then closed to the folks on the ride. So I guess I'm really not answering your question. :) My team stays over Sunday night. Some are about a 6 hr drive from Philly, I'm about 2.5. I still like the idea of not getting right into my car. :)
ny biker
06-07-2009, 06:48 PM
Last year one of the sponsors, Embassy Suites, had portable showers at the post-ride event. There were not that many of them, so there was line to use them, at least when I was there (which was around 2:30-3:30). But yes, they had showers.
The year before that they let us use the locker rooms at the college to get cleaned up after the ride.
I don't know what they will plan for this year, but I think Embassy Suites will be back as a sponsor so my guess is that they will have the portable showers again. (FWIW, in the post-event survey last year I suggested that they have more showers available as well as a place for people to change if they don't want to shower right away. If enough other people made similar comments, maybe they will have more facilities available this year.) To be on the safe side, you could always bring some Wet-Ones, which are good for a quick clean up when it will be a while before you can reach a shower.
I also have a long drive home and I'm always so tired after the ride that I just take Monday off. I stay at the hotel on Sunday night and I like to eat a gigantic celebratory breakfast at Cracker Barrel before I hit the road. Mmmm...biscuits and gravy....mmmmm
ny biker
06-07-2009, 06:51 PM
BTW, the elevation profiles for Philly are posted:
ny biker
06-19-2009, 12:53 PM
Just wanted to say - good luck to everyone doing the Seattle ride this weekend!
06-30-2009, 11:51 AM
Livestrong San Jose! Two more weeks! Anyone else riding?! I just did my last long ride on Saturday - 78.55 miles of good rollers. I finished strong (but very hot!). I think I'm ready, but my heavens I'm dreading Metcalf!!
06-30-2009, 08:41 PM
I'm riding Livestrong SJ with Team Triumph. I have not been training, and will likely be walking Metcalfe.
07-01-2009, 10:15 AM
BTW, the elevation profiles for Philly are posted:
Are the arrow-circles about the peaks the percent grade? Also, I thought the ride was approx. 8k feet of climbing, but this says 4+.
07-01-2009, 10:34 AM
The arrow/circle things are the rest stops. And my garmin said 3800 total climbing for the 45 mile ride. Do with that what you will. :)
07-01-2009, 10:57 AM
This is strange because we mapped out the course on Bike Route Toaster with GPS and it said the climbing was over 5,000 feet. They originally posted 8k for the amount of climbing and now they are saying 4,300. This would change the training plan just a bit. Anyone know the exact number?
ny biker
07-01-2009, 11:15 AM
I would ask them. There should be contact info on the website.
07-01-2009, 12:44 PM
Contacted them. Will report back :)
07-02-2009, 07:47 AM
I wanted to share the response I received from LiveStrong:
Initially, we used a device that recorded elevation gain from a moving car. The result was that our numbers were off, seemingly. Based on, which uses Google technology, the elevation for the course is just over 4,000 feet. However, I’ve received feedback from participants who say the 8,000 foot estimate is more accurate than is the 4,000 ft., this based upon their own personal GPS devices. Given that feedback, we nevertheless decided to stick with the estimation we received via as the results that site provided for us in our other cities are accurate. So, if you’re looking for plan your training, I’d continue to train as though there were 8,000 feet and then enjoy the “leisurely” ride if there’s only 4,000.
This year, we are not offering showers at our Challenge Events. They were simply underutilized at previous events.
07-02-2009, 07:54 AM
I would be inclined to go with the results of people's GPS's. Like I said, mine read 3800 for the 45 mile ride, and I see other people's with similar results, and it sure felt like a good bit of climbing to me. :) My brother in law did the 100 the first year we rode it, and they had claimed that was 10,000 ft of climbing. He found it a really really tough ride (and he rides that distance a lot), so again I'm going to go with the idea that it really was that much climbing.
I would not be lured into thinking there is less, rather than more, climbing. :) Just my take on it.
07-02-2009, 08:06 AM
Thanks, and I agree.
Did anyone do the ride last year and have the total for climbing?
07-02-2009, 08:14 AM
Last year my whole team did the 45 mile, so I don't have any info for you there for any other distances. But you can always search around on things like I just looked and saw a lot of 8,000+ climbing for the 100 mile ride.
ny biker
07-02-2009, 08:29 AM
They think the showers were underutilized?? Maybe that's because there were so few of them that the line was way too long to wait on.
I hope there will be someplace to change into clean clothes.
p.s. I got nuthin' on the elevation. I don't have my polar hrm set to measure it because it uses too much memory.
07-02-2009, 06:49 PM
Here's a California event for LAF happening this weekend :cool:
07-16-2009, 12:27 PM
For Philly, I'm trying to pick the best hotel for two nights. I know the Doubletree and Homewood Suites received high praise. Anyone stay at the Summerfield Suites by Hyatt? They appear to be the cheapest and the closest.
07-16-2009, 01:56 PM
No idea, sorry. I don't think that one was an option the last year at least. I remember the Homewood Suites being the closest to the venue last year. I'm sure it is just as nice though.
07-22-2009, 09:57 AM
I did part of the Philly course last weekend (big 60 mile loop). It was pretty warm that day. We were eternally grateful for the kind woman at an Amish fruit stand who turned us loose with her garden hose so we could refill our bottles and cool off. I know climbing difficulty is relative, but there are definitely two long, steep monsters to tackle and then handfuls of short steepies. I was loving my granny gear by the end of this one. The Garmin said we did over 5,000 feet in 60 miles.
Even though the pre-ride had me a little bummed and discouraged, I'm still really looking forward to this and to riding my first century. I'm sure the energy on that day will be amazing!
Mr. BlueBug32
07-29-2009, 01:11 PM
Indeed, it looks like the elevation will be in the 7500-8500 foot range.
There's no more glorious suffering than a good, long, painful climb. Although the "pucker up" descent did take the wind out of my sails.
Thanks for the info folks, it's been very helpful to BB32 and I. :)
ny biker
08-14-2009, 11:47 AM
Was just looking at the hotels page for Philly (I wanted to see if the Doubletree has wifi for my new laptop) and I noticed that the Hilton Garden Inn will be closed due to flooding, and they are moving people from that hotel to others.
If anyone was planning to stay there and you haven't heard about it yet, you should call On the Mark Travel ASAP. Hopefully no one will be too inconvenienced.
p.s. I'm getting really excited...
ny biker
08-20-2009, 07:22 AM
Only a few more days until the ride in Philadelphia. Say hi if you see me -- I'll be wearing this Shebeest tank top (in pink):
along with my Cool Wings:
and my cool skull socks:
(plus shorts, of course.)
08-20-2009, 08:30 AM
Those cool wings look pretty awesome!
I have yet to decide my outfit of choice. I'm super pumped!!!
Question about breakfast....Do you usually pick up something at LiveStrong (what do they have?) or stop somewhere before the ride? Thinking that I will probably be nervous, so don't want a greasy feast, but I also want to eat enough. I'm not sure what's in the area?
08-20-2009, 08:46 AM
Say Hi if you see me too - though there will be many dressed like me* - green and white shirts, very celtic looking with our Posse name on it, matching socks. :) We have a canopy set up not far from the start that has a couple banners on it - one says Why we ride, another just notes that we are my sister's Posse. :) As you pass me, my shirt will tell you "may the wind be always at your back."
*though I'm the only one with auburn hair :)
As to breakfast, I think they have bagels there and fruit, but honestly since we stay in a suite hotel, I tend to have things in the fridge for myself that I bring with me.
Weather forecast is looking good, fingers crossed!
ny biker
08-20-2009, 10:08 AM
I bring my own breakfast to eat in my room, too.
For the first couple of years, the Doubletree restaurant opened early for us, but they didn't do that last year. I think they might have had some cold food out, but no one at the hotel could tell me in advance what they would have so I just did my own thing. Their rooms have microwaves and mini-fridges as well as coffee makers.
I don't think you will find any fast food or restaurants open before the ride, since it's so early on a Sunday.
BTW, make sure to get to the college early -- they will have even more people this year than last year. And I just read on twitter that we've raised more than $3 million!
08-20-2009, 11:17 AM
I bring my own breakfast to eat in my room, too.
For the first couple of years, the Doubletree restaurant opened early for us, but they didn't do that last year. I think they might have had some cold food out, but no one at the hotel could tell me in advance what they would have so I just did my own thing. Their rooms have microwaves and mini-fridges as well as coffee makers.
I don't think you will find any fast food or restaurants open before the ride, since it's so early on a Sunday.
BTW, make sure to get to the college early -- they will have even more people this year than last year. And I just read on twitter that we've raised more than $3 million!
Thanks for the info.! We were thinking of arriving at 6:30. Sound good?
ny biker
08-26-2009, 12:39 PM
So, I hope everyone in Philadelphia had as great a time as I did. My legs are still a bit sore and tired, but as they say it's a good kind of tired.
Here are my pics from the ride:
08-26-2009, 12:48 PM
I'm not sure how they did the numbering this year. Last two years, it was alphabetically, having nothing to do with when you registered. This year, my whole team's numbers were sequential, even though I registered at midnight the day registration opened up and some of them registered months later. Weird. But I was number 1732 and I guarantee you that 1731 did not register before me. Your number 11 was very cool though!
I saw someone with a "she loves hills" jersey at the ride. Never got up the nerve to ask if it was someone from here though.
You have some great pics, thanks for sharing. I tend to burn a lot of battery taking video at the start of the ride, then I don't have many photos. I think my brother in law has some though.
Glad the rain stopped, but our canopy area was like a swamp from all the weekend rain!
08-26-2009, 01:02 PM
Nice pics! I loved the devil. What a wonderful day. This was our first century and we rocked it! What a great group of people. Here are our pics:
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