View Full Version : I'm BACK!!

10-17-2008, 11:56 AM
Hey everyone!! Long time no post I know...

I just wanted to check in and say hey to everyone and see how you all are doing?? I have been riding alot lately, found a good riding buddy and having a blast. No health problems that stop me at all and finally over 5 foot tall :)

I Completed my first full tri about a month ago actually. I think I am completely over my fears except of squirrels. :D they still kinda freak me out. I rerode my crash sight last weekend since it was coming up on 2 years. Instead of looking at it as 2 years since I wrecked I try to think of it as 2 years of major crash free!

10-17-2008, 12:30 PM
hey good to hear from you! I'm glad you made it to 5 feet tall. There's someone else on here whose "name" is similar to yours and I was confusing you two.
Glad you posted and cleared THAT mystery up.

10-17-2008, 12:34 PM
hey good to hear from you! I'm glad you made it to 5 feet tall. There's someone else on here whose "name" is similar to yours and I was confusing you two.
Glad you posted and cleared THAT mystery up.

I was confused too! Welcome back!

10-18-2008, 09:48 AM
Most excellent, l2r94... I'm over 3 years now without a significant crash.
Its a great feeling, huh?