View Full Version : Oops

05-09-2005, 12:55 AM
Typing this with great difficulty.(typing with left hand)
My neighbour Dyllis & I went to Queen Margaret's in Dunfermline today. I fell of my bike in the driveway on my return from church!!! Somehow after removing my left foot from mt toe clip I stupidly tried to put my right foot down!!!!! :confused:
It's not broken but badly sprained. The pains just as bad though, I've been awake half the night.

05-09-2005, 02:35 AM
Ouch! I'm sending my wishes your way for a fast recovery. I know from experience how hard it is to stay off your bike, but please listen to your body...

--- Denise

Biking Chick
05-09-2005, 05:20 AM
It's not broken but badly sprained. The pains just as bad though, I've been awake half the night.

From experience I can tell you that sprains are far more painful than a break.

Denise gave great advice ... stay off the bike (for now) and listen to your body. You'll heal much faster.

In the meantime at least you can get out and walk - keep the leg muscles in shape. Has your physician said when you can resume some light arm/wrist exercises (physical therapy)? When I sprained my ankle I was told to exercise it by *writing* the letters of the alphabet with my ankle. (P & Q caused me the most discomfort!) I hopeyou will be sleeping better before too much longer.

Sorry to hear about your accident and hope you are back on your bike soon!

BTW - It's my opinion that you are fortunate to live in one of the most beautiful areas of Scotland. Maybe we should organize a visit Margaret for a few walk abouts??!

05-09-2005, 07:34 AM
Margaret, I also am sorry to hear about your accident. I know I would be really bummed out not being able to ride my bike. Needless to say I feel for you along with Emily who also recently had a biking accident. I hope she is continuing to do well also.

Hang in there and like the other post mentioned, if you feel up to it take some walks just to keep those legs going.


05-09-2005, 11:38 AM
Thanks for all your good wishes. I went for a walk today with hubby and quite enjoyed it, but I miss my bike already. At least I can sit and watch the Giro !! Hopefully it wont be too long before I'm back in the saddle. Im taking your advice and I'm not going to rush things. I've been using my icepack and wiggling my fingers afew times today (and swallowing painkillers). Yes It is beuatiful country up in this part of Scotland and would love to go walking or riding with you guys!! Wishing Emily a speedy recovery.

05-09-2005, 12:04 PM
Margaret... so sorry to see that your out on the DL... glad you're taking it easy... I have come close to falling numerous times when unclipped and standing at a stoplight... sometimes I'm stretching and just sorta lose my balance... sigh... so far I've not fallen... lucky huh?

I was in Scotland last year for the first time... and only for 4 days in Edinburgh... it is one of the places I must travel to again... so much more to see and soooooo beautiful! Everyone was wonderful to us as well... (Scotland was followed by Paris where NOT everyone was wonderful to us... LOL :eek: :D ... but we did get to see Lance win 6!)

anyway, Scotland and everyone we spoke to were just fabulous!

05-09-2005, 01:50 PM
Ouch! I have a good score of bruises from yesterday, but you've got me beat! I almost did a couple horizontal track stands yesterday as well, so I can relate. It's never a fun feeling to go timber! Feel better soon, don't end up the girl with two broken arms. Hard to perform basic hygiene tasks with no arms. Sure helps you learn who your friends are though!

05-09-2005, 06:14 PM
Ow! I recognise that wrist brace - I had one a few years back! Hope you are better soon.

At least I can sit and watch the Giro !!

Oh sure, rub it in :D -- in the land of OLN we only get coverage on Sundays. :mad:

05-09-2005, 07:36 PM
Ooh, Margaret! I feel for you! OUCH!!!!!!!!! :eek: Fortunately, it is something that will heal. You can get outside and walk and are not trapped indoors. That is a good thing to help keep your spirits up! Remember what Lance said (even if you are not a Lance fan.) "If I can just move, then I'm okay." (Or something like that.) So just keep on moving as much as you are safely able. You'll be back to biking as soon as your body is ready.

:::::::::::strong healing thoughts coming your way:::::::::::::::::::::
(It might take awhile. They have to cross the ocean!) :D ;) :D ;)


05-09-2005, 07:40 PM
Ow! I recognise that wrist brace - I had one a few years back! Hope you are better soon.

Oh sure, rub it in :D -- in the land of OLN we only get coverage on Sundays. :mad:

ahhhh Snap hun: OLN is showing the Giro for 2 hrs every Sat and Sun....5 est each day.

Margaret: so sorry to hear about your accident. We've all been there done that with trying to put the wrong foot down. A sprain is so rough - they say a break is easier! Take it slow and heal fast...........the bike will wait for you!

05-13-2005, 06:51 PM
Thinking of you from half a world away and wishing you speedily back to your bike

05-14-2005, 05:59 AM
Tried a short ride on my bike today (about six miles) I kept the splint on which I definately needed but it made things a little awkward. All said and done things went quite well. I couldn't resist it's such a nice day and my bike kept calling me to it!! ;) I'm taking it easy and listening to my body as suggested. Things seem to be healing quite well I don't think it'll be too long before thing get back to normal, but I won't try and rush it. :D

05-14-2005, 12:34 PM
Well done Margaret... glad everything is fitting ok and in your own sweet time

Keep being patient with the healing