View Full Version : Tan Lines

05-06-2005, 11:30 AM
Ok, I've got 'em and I've often wondered if there were any way to get rid of them-besides sunbathing nekkid? I've thought of but not tried fake tanners. I
A) Don't want to be Oompa Loompa Orange :eek:
B) Think I'd just end up with a darker, oranger version of the tan lines I've got.

It's not a big deal but it would be kind of nice to wear swimsuits, shorts and tanktops in the "real" world. If I'm meant to be spotted and striped then so be it. The "real" world can all kiss my blinding white behind! :p

05-06-2005, 11:52 AM
I posted this on another thread, but don't know how to link it:

The Biker Tan Correction Plan:
Go to the tanning salon and get on the bed or in the booth wearing only your arm and leg warmers. :D

Okay, for real. I have used Alba Botanica Sunless Tanner on my lily white abdomen. I saw some color after the first application, even more color after the second a few days later, and a true suntan appearance after the 3rd application. Color was true suntan, not Oompa Loompa. It fades after not too long though (less than a week), so I personally will only use it a) when I think of it, b) when I have time (you're supposed to wait 15 minutes after application to get dressed so you don't turn your clothes orange), c) for a specific occasion when I know I want to bare more than I do on the bike. I like the color and I like this brand b/c it they use natural/organic ingredients including essential oil scents (I'm allergic/sensitive to artificial fragrance. Also, I just plain don't like them.)

BTW: I am so psyched about the new Charlie and the Chocolate Factory movie :D :D ! One of my mostest favoritest books as a kid. I wonder what the Oompa Loompas are gonna look like this time !

05-06-2005, 12:36 PM
The Biker Tan Correction Plan:
Go to the tanning salon and get on the bed or in the booth wearing only your arm and leg warmers.

I'm lovin' the visual... now imagine if you got caught in this snappy outfit by one of the "tanning teenagers" (the kids manning the shop). You tell them you heard Paris Hilton was doing it at the Golden Door Spa and you thought you'd give it a whirl.

Within a week, every 15-22 yr in a 200 mile radius would be buying up leg and arm warmers.

spazz - whose butt is so white it glows in the dark

05-06-2005, 12:38 PM
i HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE my cycler's tan :mad: :mad: :mad: did i say i HATE my tan lines? grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

i was ready to jump all over FGG's post... til i realized she was joking about the tanning beds! lol!

i may have to get some of that sunless tanning lotion.... but i usually lotion up RIGHT before getting dressed... i can't imagine having 15 minutes to just hang around (uhm... i'm ALWAYS late and running behind!)

i guess i'll have to take a couple of rides nekkid... but i fear i would be arrested! :eek:

did i mention i HATE tan lines????????????????????????????

05-06-2005, 12:43 PM
I don't know that it is a joke... I mean I know it's a joke, but it would work.

Technically, no one sees what you're doing once you're in the little room. So why not? It's just a bigger version of the little stickers you get at the salons.

:D spazz

05-06-2005, 12:48 PM
oh.... if it's not a joke.. i have to yell at her for suggestion an unhealthy tanning machine :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

but ya.. technically it would work... hmmmmm i wonder if i could do that in my yard? nah... someone would look over the fence and call the cops on me... i'm sure! :rolleyes:

05-06-2005, 12:54 PM
Any solutions for white feet? I like to wear strappy sandals in the summer and having my tan stop at the sock line looks pretty funny. The sunless tanning lotions I've checked out specifically tell you not to do your ankles (I tried anyway and it was a bad idea). Has anybody found a tanner that works well on the feet?

Thanks Deanna

05-06-2005, 01:22 PM
i guess i'll have to take a couple of rides nekkid... but i fear i would be arrested! :eek:

Well, World Naked Bike Ride Day is coming up.... :D

05-06-2005, 01:25 PM
Cure for the white feet:

When you stop for lunch, take of shoes & sox, sit in sun.

When you finish ride, take off shoes & sox, sit in sun to chat up friends or watch everybody come in. Bring flip-flops as after ride shoes.

My feet generally pick up more color doing this than the rest of my bike garment covered parts.

spazz - of the white butt, but tanned feet club

05-06-2005, 01:25 PM
It's a joke if it means you won't yell at me for suggeting the use of unhealthy tanning appartus :p.

It's not a joke if you're willing to try this out and give us all a report ;)

Maybe someone with some acreage could do an al fresco test?

05-06-2005, 01:36 PM
i guess i'll have to take a couple of rides nekkid... but i fear i would be arrested! :eek:

Here you go :D

05-06-2005, 01:39 PM
Ok, how did I completely miss fixedgeargirl's post???

Chocolate depletion! Alert! Alert!

05-06-2005, 01:44 PM
If the sun would ever come out, I could do it in my back yard.

No, don't have lots of acreage... just a regular back yard, but the houses all around that have a birds eye view are all very elderly people. Can't hear well, can't see well.

Plus I'm so scrawny they'll think they're seeing a white ash :D moving across the yard and check their prescription for side effects.


05-06-2005, 01:48 PM

* Sally Hanson Airbrush Legs: Say goodbye to pantyhose (which are such a “Glamour Don’t” anyway) and say hello to Airbrush Legs! Walk proudly in your short-shorts or teeny bikini. Hide the spider veins and less-than-smooth spots on those legs of yours with Sally Hanson Airbrush Legs from Rite Aid. It gives you a perfect airbrushed look you’ll love (though best to do it in the shower since it is a tad messy.) No exfoliating necessary. It’s quick and easy. Spray on sexy, healthy looking legs from thigh to toe in an instant. Very nice investment. Make sure you aim for a natural skin tone.


Ok, I'm gettin' outta hand here.....and there's no way in the frosty frosty land of h-e-double hockey sticks that stuff's goin' on my anythings!

05-06-2005, 01:50 PM
Spazz the visual cracks me up - scrawny spazzdog - in a former life I was VERY skiiny - scrawny even - and sort of hyper (maybe I was a little hyperthyrod? wish I still was!) - my co-workers teased me that when I was drinking coffee (and BOY did I drink coffee!) I was "Achieving Chihuahua-ness".

Your "spazzdog' moniker just reminds me of that.... :p

05-06-2005, 02:02 PM
totally proud of my biker tan, already got a start on it for this year, and I wouldnt' have it any other way.


05-06-2005, 02:03 PM
The sunless tanning lotions I've checked out specifically tell you not to do your ankles (I tried anyway and it was a bad idea). Has anybody found a tanner that works well on the feet?What is the problem with ankles?

05-06-2005, 02:04 PM
Achiving Chihuahua-ness -- I may have found a new sig. line :D

05-06-2005, 02:20 PM
totally proud of my biker tan, already got a start on it for this year, and I wouldnt' have it any other way.


I'm with Irulan on this one - I'm proud of my biker lines, and while I do use serious sunscreen all of the time, that's to protect my skin and not to avoid funny biker tan lines.

--- Denise

05-06-2005, 03:45 PM
There are some REALLY good sunless tanners out there, but the ones I know of that are good ain't cheap. Word to the wise... before using that stuff, EXFOLIATE like crazy!! Bliss makes this sugar scrub stuff... you can get it directly from them at www.blissworld.com or they sell their stuff at better Macy's stores (Lazarus) and Nordstrom, I think. It works really well.

05-06-2005, 10:12 PM
Hi everyone! Love this forum!!!
I'm pretty lucky to live here in Puerto Rico and to have a DH who loves to sail. I try to even out my tan every chance I get. Can't avoid bathingsuit tan lines, not into the nuddist thing :( . I apply extra sunscreen on my darker areas. If I have different spf's I use a lower number on whiter areas.
Works ok. Before you all hate me, there are times I do have to make do with biker tan better than the creams and machines, too much work and $ to do it right.

05-07-2005, 06:34 AM
WElcome to the board blare - LOVE the avatar! hope to hear more from you and PR??....some ppl get all the luck eh?? :D

05-07-2005, 09:27 AM
here's the stuff I do:

when cycling (on a sunny day, particularly on the road), apply high SPF sport suncreen to all of the exposed areas. wear the smallest shirt possible.

whenever possible, since I"m so crunched for time in general, get the bikini on before walking the dogs. of course, only when it's hot and sunny.

if I have more time than a dog walk for sun-bathing (rare, but happens once in awhile), apply a high spf to the bike tanned areas, and use a low spf on the white parts. the lines themselves can be a bit tricky, but I have several different lenght sleeves and a muscle shirt, so that all tends to get kind of transition-y anyway.

and, yeah, the take the shoes off in the sun at every opportunity usually works great. tanned feet tops almost every summer.... :)

I, too, would be amazed to have an extra 15 minutes for sunless cream to set. besides, the dogs would probably lick it right off!! heehee :p ewwwwwwww


not exactly from the land of sunshine...

05-07-2005, 11:01 AM
Ok, I've got 'em and I've often wondered if there were any way to get rid of them-besides sunbathing nekkid? I've thought of but not tried fake tanners. I
A) Don't want to be Oompa Loompa Orange :eek:
B) Think I'd just end up with a darker, oranger version of the tan lines I've got.

It's not a big deal but it would be kind of nice to wear swimsuits, shorts and tanktops in the "real" world. If I'm meant to be spotted and striped then so be it. The "real" world can all kiss my blinding white behind! :p

Well, I always wear sunblock on the bike.

Then I tan naked in a tanning bed.

No tan lines. Less exposure to the sun too.

05-07-2005, 12:08 PM
Multiple SPF's. I hadn't thought of that one.
I've never been able to hold still long enough to sunbathe-I guess that's why I still occasionally get carded-so a tanning bed would also be out of the question.

I think my favorite suggestion so far (but you won't catch me with my all-natch post baby slightly overweight body doing this in plastic-town) is walking the dogs in a bikini! Multi-tasking and scaring the heck out of the neighbors! :eek: Now that's what I live for. :rolleyes:

05-07-2005, 02:42 PM
So today I was at the Pearl Izumi store shopping for a mother's day present for myself. The animals agreed I needed a jacket. Anyway, the gal was telling me about the lightweight arm warmers they got, and I told her about the biker tan line remedy. She said she was gonna use that to sell them. *grins* Ahhh, insanity is a blast!

05-07-2005, 05:34 PM
I have to put in a plug for Aveda sun source "sunless" tanning cream. No streaks, nice color. I exfoliate using some exfoliating gloves I got from the Body Shop. They are pretty cool.

I so don't care about tan lines. What I use the cream for is to give my legs and arms a bit of color early in the shorts season. My legs are not the prettiest to begin with, and they are so very pasty white in the winter. My belly and butt stay white all the time. No sunbathing or tanning bed for me...I'm wrinkled enough as it is, thanks to a childhood in the sun on the beach!

And I wear sunscreen every day, even those days where I may not spend much time outside. It only takes one bad mole, and your whole perspective changes...

05-08-2005, 08:15 PM
All this tan line talk and no one mentioned lily white hands attached to the ends of tan arms! I always ride with gloves and by June it looks like I'm wearing the old sunday school white gloves 24/7. This is the only tan line that really bugs me. Does anyone make a glove that the sun can shine through? BikerHen

05-08-2005, 09:59 PM
lace mitts?.....maybe we can start a whole new line of gloves - padded lace mitts for that "no tan line" look!

05-08-2005, 10:24 PM
Well, in the olden days we had gloves with crocheted backs (much cooler to wear). I found a pair at the PI outlet last year. Snatched them up so I can have teeny-tiny checkerboard tan spots.

05-09-2005, 06:03 AM
I've got the white hands too and I don't really like it. I decided yesterday to go without gloves and it was fine. If only the sun would have come out maybe my hands wouldn't be so white! But worse than the white hands is the leg tan line. I'm going to put on sun screen each time I ride and then hopefully lay out in the back yard to help reduce the white upper thigh.

05-09-2005, 06:09 AM
I haven't worn gloves in over a year now............ except when its cold and I need them for warmth. Can't say I miss them. I feel I have a much better grip on the bars without the gloves, more control. And I haven't had any pain or pressure issues at all. I tried lots of different gloves, kept going for less and less padding. Finally figured out that maybe no padding was what I needed. I have fairly cushy handlebar tape, but nothing special. I don't let it get worn down. Obviously, I don't have the option of wiping glass of my tires as I ride now, but I was never very good at that anyway. Had to slow waaaaaaay down. Now I just stop, quickly wipe with whatever I have handy and go on my way. Not something that happens often anyway.
Not wearing gloves has nothing to do with the tanless hands, but it certainly does take car of that. :) Hands now match the arms.
Still have the line on the legs, tho'. I just hang around with other bike riders, all with the same tan lines and then it's fine! :D


05-09-2005, 06:45 AM
What is the problem with ankles?

The lotion gathers anywhere the skin flexes often (ankles, knees, elbows) and creates streaks in the creases. A marbled effect, if you will.

05-09-2005, 08:07 AM
with all the recognized dangers, I still don't get why anyone would use tanning beds. UV is UV no matter how you slice it...



05-09-2005, 08:07 AM
Jergens has a new product on the Market. It's called Healthy Glo I think. It is sunless tanner that builds up over a week of use. It doesn't require exfoliating and only has a 1 to 2 minute wait before dressing. I just trying it out know and I'll let you know the results. Seems pretty easy. Just use it in place of your moisturizer on the affedted areas.

05-09-2005, 10:24 AM
I'll be awaiting your report!
Please also note if you start seeing chocolate rivers and candy flowers!

05-09-2005, 01:51 PM
I haven't worn gloves in over a year now............ except when its cold and I need them for warmth.

There is one other use for gloves, and that is to protect your hands if you and your bike should happen to fall. I know, it doesn't happen that often - at least if you're riding on the road - but I like to have the extra protection. Of course, I also like a little bit of extra cushioning for my hands on the bike too.

--- Denise

05-09-2005, 07:17 PM
Well, in the olden days we had gloves with crocheted backs (much cooler to wear). I found a pair at the PI outlet last year. Snatched them up so I can have teeny-tiny checkerboard tan spots.

Performance carries them still - I just saw them in their latest catalog and was seriously thinking about buying some.

05-09-2005, 07:28 PM
... and lets not forget wiping your nose on the thumb part. :D

05-09-2005, 07:29 PM
There is one other use for gloves, and that is to protect your hands if you and your bike should happen to fall. I know, it doesn't happen that often - at least if you're riding on the road - but I like to have the extra protection. Of course, I also like a little bit of extra cushioning for my hands on the bike too.

--- Denise

You are certainly right, Denise! And I know I should think about about that. Lord knows I've had my share of crashes. I just am not comfortable in gloves and have decided to take the chance. I don't necessarily recommend it. If, no- I should say WHEN - I do a long, self-supported ride, i will take gloves with me for sure, just in case days and days and days on the bike have more effect on my hands than it does in normal riding.

BTW, Denise, I read ALL of your journals on crazyguyonabike.com. It took some time, but definitely worth it! You are not just an awesome bike rider, you are an awesome writer! I enjoyed each journal immensely. You made it so real! Thank you for taking the time to write and share your experiences. The photos were great, too, but it was your narrative that was truly the treasure.


05-10-2005, 05:04 AM
BTW, Denise, I read ALL of your journals on crazyguyonabike.com. It took some time, but definitely worth it! You are not just an awesome bike rider, you are an awesome writer! I enjoyed each journal immensely. You made it so real! Thank you for taking the time to write and share your experiences. The photos were great, too, but it was your narrative that was truly the treasure.


Annie -
Thanks so much for your comments. It's always fun to hear from people who have enjoyed my journals. It's funny, I started out on my first 2 trips with paper journals that I later transcribed. But I much prefer uploading my journal entries from the road. And either way, I just assume that I'm going to spend some time writing at the end of the day. It keeps the trip alive for me well beyond the end of the trip, and it allows me share my ride with family and friends, and new friends too - who I haven't met yet! Getting feedback from people while I was on my cross-country trip was awesome. And being greeted by Chuck (http://www.crazyguyonabike.com/journal/page/?o=as&page_id=2719&v=25) in Yellowstone National Park - "Are you Denise?" - because he had been following my journal was just unbelieveable.

If - or maybe I should say when - you decide to try self-contained touring... if you have any questions I can help with, please ask away!

--- Denise

05-10-2005, 11:47 AM
I'm with Irulan and Denise on this one--I'm sort of proud of my biker tan. Makes me look like a 'real' cyclist! I always use sunscreen but still get the lines, of course. I especially like the little round brown circles I get on the backs of my hands from the holes in my gloves.

P.S. I can vouch for the effectiveness of gloves in a crash. I highly recommend wearing gloves if you can.

05-16-2005, 04:16 AM
Just an update on the Jergens product. I've been using it for a week with good results. No orange. However, the chocolate rivers are always within site as far as I'm concerned. Can't ignore one of the major food groups. I don't know how the product will work to control tan lines. In Western NY, we just don't seem to get enough sun to even cause them. I know, sounds like whining.

I can say I am pleased with the results. I'm able to wear skirts to work without pantyhose and not cause flash burns to my coworkers corneas. If you're looking for an easy to use product, I'd recommend it.

05-16-2005, 07:26 AM
There is one other use for gloves, and that is to protect your hands if you and your bike should happen to fall. I know, it doesn't happen that often - at least if you're riding on the road - but I like to have the extra protection. Of course, I also like a little bit of extra cushioning for my hands on the bike too.

--- Denise

yeppers! i know we never plan to fall.... but when we do.. or at least when i do... i'm glad to have my gloves!

05-16-2005, 08:16 AM
Thanks Bluemsmanager! I'll have to give the Jergens a try. :)

05-16-2005, 08:19 AM
I just don't have the grip (arthritis, carpel tunnel, generally unhealthy thumbs) to handle the grip shifts on my bike. The gloves make shifting possible.

I have some interesting tan lines, too. My wrists are all but black, from the gap between my long sleeves and the gloves, my hands look like I have some dread skin disease from the polka-dots left by the crocheted backs of my gloves, and let's not forget the white line around my chin/throat where my helmet strap goes.

I'm a multi-colored mess.

But, then again, I've always wanted to be one of those eccentric old ladies that other people make allowances for. I'm well on my way. :D

06-06-2005, 06:05 AM
Does anyone know of any gloves that don't come very far down the arm? I have PI Gel Light's and they cover about an inch of my arm. I'm looking for something a little shorter that would stop right at the bottom of the hand instead of coming down on the arm and leaving me with white wrists.

06-06-2005, 07:12 AM
i've given in... and now ride without gloves... my hands/arm tanline was HIDEOUS (still is there.. but my hands are catching up!)

i now have that line at my ankle and HATE it! but i don't see it as much as i do the wrist/hand one.... they need to invent cycling sandals (actually.. think i've seen then somewhere on the internet.. but not sure how safe they are!?)

06-06-2005, 07:31 AM
Shimano does make a cycling sandal (their product id = SH-SD60) for mountain bike cleats/pedals. I've heard of a lot of folks who tour in these sandals, but I don't have any personal experience.

For me, sandals have 2 strikes against them: 1) I prefer really stiff shoes and I've been really happy with my Sidi Doms (yes, I know, there are less expensive shoes out there, but these have a very stiff sole which is an absolute requirement for me, and they are also the only shoes that I can get my very high-arched foot into!), and 2) On those really hot days sandals sound enticing - but I sunburn really badly (enough that I always use SPF 30 sunscreen) and I'd prefer to keep my feet covered.

I got over the tan line thing years ago...

--- Denise

06-06-2005, 10:25 AM
Does anyone know of any gloves that don't come very far down the arm? I have PI Gel Light's and they cover about an inch of my arm. I'm looking for something a little shorter that would stop right at the bottom of the hand instead of coming down on the arm and leaving me with white wrists.

So... my gloves wrap tight at the wrists with velcro, just the depth of the velcro... are you looking for something less than that?

06-06-2005, 10:33 AM
I love my tan lines! I hate getting burned, so I apply sunscreen liberally, but I always have the most outstaning watch tan! My short and sock lines are nothing to scoff at either :cool:

06-06-2005, 10:51 AM
I'm with you rough - I am very proud of my tan lines too - for other people who cycle, they see my brown arms and pale hands and they know I cycle too - its like a badge or password into an elite club - no matter that I'm really at the beginners end of the spectrum. I bike, and I bike enough to sport these special marks, so I belong!

And when the uninitiated ask why I have have such interesting tan lines... well its a legit excuse/reason to brag about cycling!

06-06-2005, 11:15 AM
Does anyone know of any gloves that don't come very far down the arm? I have PI Gel Light's and they cover about an inch of my arm. I'm looking for something a little shorter that would stop right at the bottom of the hand instead of coming down on the arm and leaving me with white wrists.

Performance carries a crocheted back glove that ends right at the top of your wrists. I love them coz the backs have terry and cotton so I can use the whole surface of the glove to wipe my - ummmm - face! :p They're all of $6.99 I think but..........they will leave cute little brown dots all over the backs of your hands too! Which I'm looking at right now and getting a kick out of!

06-06-2005, 11:38 AM
All I know is I look really good after my century yesterday with minimal sunscreen. Can we say Pasty Thighs? And a nice spot in the middle of my back where my tank jersey went up. I'm high stylin' right now. And I have a wedding to go to this weekend. :D

06-06-2005, 12:35 PM
I have tripple tan lines on my legs, there's a line where the running shorts hit (about 2 inches above fingertip length), one from bike shorts (7-8 inches above my knee, and again at my ankles. I look like a freak in a swimsuit!

But I'm proud of the tan lines, all the perfectly tanned women have nothing to show for those hours outside.

06-06-2005, 02:16 PM
Ah yes the "Neopolitan ice cream tan". I had that up until yesterday. :D Very hot.

06-06-2005, 08:28 PM
I have tripple tan lines on my legs, there's a line where the running shorts hit (about 2 inches above fingertip length), one from bike shorts (7-8 inches above my knee, and again at my ankles. I look like a freak in a swimsuit!

But I'm proud of the tan lines, all the perfectly tanned women have nothing to show for those hours outside.

Heehee, I have that too, except I have double sock lines instead from having two different sock styles! Those crocheted gloves sound like a hoot!

06-07-2005, 05:10 PM
i've given in... and now ride without gloves... my hands/arm tanline was HIDEOUS (still is there.. but my hands are catching up!)

i now have that line at my ankle and HATE it! but i don't see it as much as i do the wrist/hand one.... they need to invent cycling sandals (actually.. think i've seen then somewhere on the internet.. but not sure how safe they are!?)

I absolutely love my Shimano sandals. I ride in them as much as I possibly can. (75 miles today) I don't go off-road with them. Have mtb shoes for that and figure I need the extra protection..... :rolleyes: But most of my road riding is with the sandals when the weather is warm enough. I agree that the soles are not as stiff as most cycling shoes. But they are so comfortable, on the bike and off, that the trade-off is worth it to me. On the rare occasion that I do a time trial or race, i wear my stiff-soled road shoes. There is definitely a difference. But on any other ride, it doesn't matter to me. I think of it as good training to ride hard even with the sandals. :) I also make sure I always remember to sunscreen my feet, along with all other uncovered skin areas. Regardless, it makes for a very funny tan on the foot!! :D :D Looks pretty funny when wearing other sandals. However it does take care of the ankle line tan.........
As far as safe, the cleats install the same as on a shoes. There are two velcro straps. I've worn the sandals for years and never had a strap failure. I don't see any way that they wouldn't be as safe as shoes, except off-road, where I think shoes are better protection from trail hazards.
Well, there you have it. Another opinion. Each of us to what works. :)


06-08-2005, 07:26 AM
ok... i'm gonna look up those sandals in a little bit!

as far as tan lines and not worrying about them... not gonna happen... i cycle to be fit.. and being fit.. i can wear cute clothes.. i like cute clothes.. no.. wait.. i LOVE cute clothes! and i sure don't want to look funny in them cuz of the stupid looking tan lines...

i it's bad enough having the racer back lines when i wear a tank top.. but to have short sleeve lines.. ain't gonna happen... i'll continue to roll my shorts up to the very top of my leg (and that is still too low of a line for me.. but i can't wear a bikini bottom when cycling!) i wear no show socks.. so my line is lower on my ankle/foot... i don't even own a pair of the higher socks... well.. on pair that was given to me a at a ride.. i've never worn...

and the whole "badge of honor" thing.. nah.... it's not... not to me anyways.... i have other ways to show i'm a cyclist (the yellow band... people have even asked because of my sunglasses! my legs... etc) so no.. tan lines (on the arms/wrists/ankles are plain and simple.. UGLY! (my opinion!) :rolleyes:

06-09-2005, 09:52 AM
I'm afraid that getting a fake tan all sorted is way too much work for me --- I'm too lazy to be bothered

06-09-2005, 08:28 PM
--- I'm too lazy to be bothered

Sorry, Ms. Raven, I do not accept this from you. There is nothing about you that is lazy!! :)

I'd say you're just like the rest of us: too BUSY to bother!! :p


06-10-2005, 05:09 PM
LOL, LB... maybe I just yearn to be lazy...

06-10-2005, 07:46 PM
LOL, LB... maybe I just yearn to be lazy...

...don't we all? :rolleyes:


Pedal Wench
06-11-2005, 06:07 PM
Reporting on my results...

So, I thought I would use the bottled stuff to even things out, so I can maybe attempt to wear a swimsuit sometime this lifetime. Bought the Neutrogena gradual-schmadual lotion.
First night: applied only to the untanned portions of my upper legs and belly.
Second morning: realized that I completely missed the whole, ummm, bikini area from the an inch at the top of my legs all the way around :o Second night: noticed that, although blending in better, there was still a noticeable difference in colors between real and fake. I'll do another coat, but this time, do the whole leg.
Third morning: front was looking pretty good, until I turned sideways and saw that I completely missed the sides and backs of my legs - huge vertical stripe, which, trust me here, looks a whole lot worse than the original horizontal stripe from the bike shorts.
Third evening: noticed blotches on the tops of my feet and toes, where I apparently dripped lotion.

I've given up. If the risk of skin cancer wasn't there, I would seriously consider a tanning bed with only my arm and leg warmers on.

Heading to the zoo to join the zebras....

06-12-2005, 04:27 AM
Thanks for the update-and the giggle! :p

06-14-2005, 10:21 AM
Reporting on my results...

So, I thought I would use the bottled stuff to even things out, so I can maybe attempt to wear a swimsuit sometime this lifetime. Bought the Neutrogena gradual-schmadual lotion.
First night: applied only to the untanned portions of my upper legs and belly.
Second morning: realized that I completely missed the whole, ummm, bikini area from the an inch at the top of my legs all the way around :o Second night: noticed that, although blending in better, there was still a noticeable difference in colors between real and fake. I'll do another coat, but this time, do the whole leg.
Third morning: front was looking pretty good, until I turned sideways and saw that I completely missed the sides and backs of my legs - huge vertical stripe, which, trust me here, looks a whole lot worse than the original horizontal stripe from the bike shorts.
Third evening: noticed blotches on the tops of my feet and toes, where I apparently dripped lotion.

I've given up. If the risk of skin cancer wasn't there, I would seriously consider a tanning bed with only my arm and leg warmers on.

Heading to the zoo to join the zebras....

I'm with you Audio - I was trying to even out my hands but the colours will Never match and the more I tried to at least make my hands darker, the more unlike the rest of me they looked. I"m just gonna live with the 2 dark glove patches on the backs of my hands, the little tan dots from the crochet holes, the lines across the backs of all my fingers and wrists! :o

06-14-2005, 10:49 AM
BA HAHAHA hahaha HAHA.........I am getting flashbacks from my QT days!!!! I am so glad to know I am not the only one out there concerned with funny looking lines...SO concerned I color myself silly with various shades of orange! :p

You'd think I was trying to match my mtbike...it's orange :o