View Full Version : 3 BIG rides 9 days apart.... possible?

05-03-2005, 02:23 PM
soooo this weekend i have to do breathless agony.. a 112 mile ride that climbs 12000 feet... i say i have to do it.. cuz hubby was supposed to do it.. he is all paid.. but he hurt his knee a couple months back and it's not getting better :( so rather than lose the money (no refunds)... i will do the ride (or as much of it as i can with all the climbing!

then next saturday is another century that i wanted to do since it's close to home... but i also wanted to do the 56 miles climbing ride in julian...

my first question... before i even think about pre-registering... will i be recovered by saturday to do the other century?

the only 2 centuries i've done... i've felt fine.. rode the next day.. but not hard or long... but rode the following week and weekend..

which brings me to my next question... if i do the century next saturday.. should i even consider a long climbing ride the next day? or is that too much?

for some background... i try to ride 6 days a week in nice weather.. i've logged 5,000 miles in the 10 months i've been riding... i do longer rides on weekends..

so any input.. or is it impossible to give that kind of advice/recommendations based on what i;ve given you!

(i wish they wouldn't have all the rides all lumped together like this! :mad: :mad: )

05-03-2005, 03:05 PM
I don't see why you can't do all three. Have you been doing a lot of climbing? 12,000 feet in 112 miles is a lot. It's very similar to my ride a year ago. I find the key to doing such a ride is to keep my heart rate in the middle of my aerobic zone - even on the climbs as much as possible. Also make yourself eat and drink at set intervals, even if you don't feel like it.

I know the day after my ride, I was pretty exhausted. But three days later I was out mountain biking - the things you can look up when you download your exercise info to your computer. :p

About the century and then the long climbing ride the next day, again I don't see why not. Take it easy and enjoy the surroundings.


05-03-2005, 04:12 PM
Cali darlin'... if you pull this off, I'm replacing Lance with you as my idol ;)

spazz (who got tired reading the post)

05-03-2005, 09:13 PM
I second that about Lance and putting you first as idol-Wow!

Becareful that it is not so much that you are getting injured from overload.
Pace yourself, as both of you don't need bad knees together! It is not a sweet couples thing to have to share. We love our DH's but matching knee pain is not the same as matching jerseys by any stretch!

05-03-2005, 09:56 PM
I've never done such long road rides close together but I have done continuous comparable long days of mtbiking such as a 6 day trip at very high altitude (1st day went over 10,500 ft) that included 2 50 miles days back to back. We had large cumulative climbs also. I think Veronica is right. Be sure to keep your pace scaled back and be sure to take breaks and eat regularly. I think your eating and drinking off the bike can be just as important to your recovery as rest because it may be very hard to keep up with both while you ride. Plus, your metabolism will probably be roaring for the entire week. Your base training sounds like it should put you in good shape for this as long as you ride at a comfortable pace.

05-04-2005, 11:33 AM
lol! thanx, gals!

i hate that so many good rides are so close together.. then nothing for a few weeks... :mad:

i REALLY REALLY REALLY want to do all three of these rides.. but i don't want to injure myself :eek:

i guess i'll have to play it by ear... i have until saturday to register for next week's century... so i can take the paperwork and if i feel fine after breathless agony (http://www.cyclingpros.com/onyx.htm)... i can send off the paperwork for the route 66 century (http://bikerjay57.tripod.com/)... i can wait and pay for julian (http://julianactive.com/julian%20bicycle%20festival.htm) at the ride since it's only $5.00 "late" fee... and better to pay $5.00 more than to lose $39!

that way if i get wiped out after one or two... i'm not committed to the following rides!

i'm am a "tortoise" rider... slower and steady... and i think for breathless agony i'll be even more so cuz it the most i've ever climbed! a few weeks ago i did a 75 miler that was... i think 7000 feet of climbing.. this will add 5000 feet to it in the same amount (since the last 40+ are downhill WHEEEEEEE) i REALLY want to make the 4 passes and make hubby proud (since i'm riding in place of him.. it was originally HIS ride to do.... but he hurt his knee early in the season) i'm still new at centuries and don't have the eating thing down... so i'll probably eat too much! so that's a good thing! i tried to tweak my eating at alpine and ended up not eating enough at the first rest stop... i ate a clif and was fine to the next one.. but can see where it would be an issue!

someone should pass a law that all these fun rides can't be so close together (or others so far away! like little red ridinghood & cinderella!!)

05-04-2005, 03:06 PM
hey you... having ridden with you and knowing you are a strong climber I think you'd be a bit tired but probably make it...

if you come down to do Julian you are welcome to crash at my house... it's about 45 min to an hour from Julian but heck, it's free! Let me know...

how the hubby? I know he was seeing a specialist right? I rode Sun... 25 miles flat and was a bit sore but waaaaaay better than I was after hemet... so mine is healing just not as fast as I'd like...

anyway, keep us posted what you decide! :)

05-05-2005, 02:26 PM
hi bc! thanx for the offer and the vote of confidence! the only problem is brie and tyler! (well.. no.. they aren't problems... but you know what i mean!) plus if i do do the route 66.. we'll be getting home from that and would most likely go to bed to get up early to leave for julian.. we'll see...

hubby is seeing the ortho on wednesday.... he tried riding some.. bout 10-15 miles.. but the twinge would come back... he hasn't ridden to the point of pain like in hemet! he was trying really hard to be ready for breathless agony... and i know it broke his heart to tell me i was doing it instead... i did tell him he had to give me a week's notice if he even thought i was doing it cuz i have to adjust my morning workouts the week before a big ride! finally last weekend he admitted he couldn't do it :( hopefully he'll be better and able to do ride around the bear.. but that ones not quite as much climbing as BA... he REALLY was looking forward to BA!

i had actually thought of using my new name over there a while ago.. but then never did... i finally registered it cuz most people don't know who my hubby is when i mention him! lol! the first post was in a thread where he said his "sandbagging" SU was taking his place.. i had to defend myself (i am not a sandbagger!!! lol!) but didn't want to outright come out as his SU under that name.. whereas my "new" name there is no mistaking i am his SU! i know... makes no sense! i'm silly!

05-05-2005, 03:56 PM
LOL... yeah, I never mentioned the SU because I wasn't sure if you and he wanted others to know the connection...

I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for him... I've been going thru ride withdrawal myself and am hopeful this will heal up soon... I am raising my saddle another centimeter to see if that helps too! Keep me posted on everything OK?

05-06-2005, 12:46 PM
lol... ya... it started out to see if beanz and WD (that's short for the name i told you i call you know who) would figure out who i was and who i was married to.... beanz never did till i showed up at gmr with hubby! :cool:

now it's just ... i dunnno... i always call him my hubby and not SLIN!

i have my form and check all ready to put in the mailbox tomorrow if i feel "fine" after the ride (i know i'll be tired.. but you know what i mean!) julian i'll just pay for that day if i go (i really want to go.. and i really want that julian pie!! we'll see how it goes! hubby's gonna get sick of sag-ing for me! :eek: :D

i hope they get him all fixed up at the docs.... we'll see what they say on wednesday! hopefully he'll be able to do ride around the bear himself instead of me subbing for him!

05-10-2005, 01:51 PM
ok... i'm 1/3 of the way through my ride "marathon" :D i survived breathless agony! i made it to the top of onyx with time to spare before the 3:30 cut-off... i cried like a baby when i got there!

my knees hurt/ached... just below the knee cap... where they would be sore if you had been climbing around on your knees all day.. and the middle of my upper back.. between my shoulder blades (that always happens on longer rides)... but nothing drastic or out of the ordinary that you wouldn't expect after all that climbing... soooooo i sent in my registration for next saturday's old route 66 century!

i was stiff when i woke up sunday... but did manage a recovery ride... 20 slowish and very easy miles... then last night after work i did 16ish.. 1/2 with a WICKED headwind (couldn't manage over 10 mph going DOWNHILL that i usually get up 32 mph! :mad: ) other than the wind i felt fine... and my knees aren't aching anymore...

05-10-2005, 01:53 PM
Yahoo! 1 down and counting!

05-10-2005, 02:17 PM
I'm so glad you posted! I had wondered how Breathless Agony went.


Bike Goddess
05-10-2005, 04:14 PM
Thanks for keeping us up to date! It was a "breathless" moment there waiting to hear from you! :p

And, good that you did a recovery ride next day out. Always my philosophy to keep them legs a movin' !

Now, of course, we will want to know about your next big ride! :D

Do however, take a day off- your body needs to rest for that century coming up! I know, I know, its tempting but don't give in! Better rested than bonking on the next one, right? :(

05-11-2005, 11:24 AM
i always (well.. almost always) take the day before off (which is almost always a friday!)... i seem to ride better that way! i'll be doing my after-work rides the rest of the week... and rest friday to be all fresh and chipper saturday morning!

it doesn't look like it will be as cold this weekend as last weekend was! YAY! julian (sunday) will be cooler since it's higher up.. but that's good for climbing! route 66 won't be much different from what i'm used to since it's desert.. i just hope it doesn't decide to be windy :( :mad: i hate doing my short rides in strong wind.. i can't imagine 100 miles it! :eek:

Pedal Wench
05-12-2005, 10:39 AM
I'm glad to see everyone thinking that you can do this! I'm doing a century on Saturday and a metric on Sunday, and I (and everyone I know) was beginning to question my sanity! Saturday's is a gorgeous ride that I didn't want to miss, and Sunday is the Diabetes Tour De Cure, so I CAN'T miss that one! Good luck - if you can do it, maybe so can I!

05-12-2005, 09:13 PM
I'm gonna try my first century Sat too, only it'll just be me, myself, and I - and Allez!.....I'm so stoked about it. I figured I'd MTB Sun, just for something different to do!!! I'll be thinking about ya both days!!!
Wishing us Both luck!

Heck we're Women, Hear Us Roar!!!....we can do Anything!!!

Pedal Wench
05-13-2005, 07:18 AM
Corsaire Mac!

That's funny - this is actually going to be my first 'organized' century! All my other ones were just me! Well, actually, the very first was with my BF down in Miami (he lives there) and then I did one with 3 other people, but nothing organized, with rest stops and stuff. I'm looking forward to it! You can do it - I know you can. Stop often to eat, and get some 'real' food. I usually hit the wall at around 65-75 miles. Just take a good break then, off the bike, sit down to let your legs relax, get some good food in you (hate admitting this, but a real coke with sugar and caffiene does wonders at this point...) and then the rest is just a short 30 mile. You can ride 30 miles, right? It's all a mind game - have fun playing!!!!

I can't wait until Monday to hear everyone's stories!

05-13-2005, 11:35 AM
Corsair... please post and tell us how great you did after completing your first century! It's a big deal and definitely something to be proud of!!!

Audio-A... if you like riding with others you'll love the organized ride! I do waaaaaay better when I have someone (or a bunch of someone's) to chat with as I ride... the nice thing about these events is they're not typically races. I go as fast I feel comfortable going on the day in question! Sometimes I finish in great time, and other times I struggle and anm happy to finish :eek: :D

Cali- temps have warmed up down here and we're looking at a spectacular weekend as far as the weather goes... Julian should be AWESOME! :)

Bike Goddess
05-13-2005, 05:01 PM
All right the 3 of you- have a great time at it!

Advice regarding centuries- Make it a POINT to drink ONE bottle (minimum) water, drink whatever between rest stops and then drink some more when you get to a rest stop (no need to eat alot- just enough to energize you- remember food in another couple of hours-) If they have sports drink I suggest you dilute it with water in BOTH bottles, yes BOTH! This will keep electrolytes in your body. No need to Bonk ever!!!!!

(Advice from someone who has done 4 centuries this year and so far logged about 2600 miles since Jan 1st- no guy in a diner! :p :p )

Have FUN! IF you take care of yourself, then you can talk with people you pass or who pass you- neat bike, great shirt, etc. It makes the ride more of a community effort and you'll love the responses!!! :D :D :D

One last piece of advice- keep drinking AFTER the ride. VERY IMPORTANT!

Let us know how you all do! No hiding out, now! :cool:

05-14-2005, 09:30 AM
Well, I was awoken at 4 am with very high winds and by 6 am the winds were 27 mph gusting up to 37 mph. By start time (9 am) the winds were still 25 mph with gusts up to 30 mph SE. My route would've been spent in cross/head winds about 70% of the ride ending with a 500'+ elevation gain on a 5-8% grade all in headwinds. So, today is a quiet at-home day! :( I decided since I'm not a pro-racer and this wasn't an organized event or group ride where I might be able to draft or at least shelter in a pack that I just don't need to be out there fighting these winds. There will be other Sats. :o

Audio/Cali: how did your rides go??

Bike Goddess
05-14-2005, 11:14 AM
Smart lady that you are! I would have stayed home too :( Riding is supposed to be fun. With those high winds, heck no! :)

Pedal Wench
05-14-2005, 04:55 PM
One down, one to go...

Today's organized ride was a bit interesting. There were 100, 50, and 10 mile (family ride) options. As it turned out, only about 15 people did the 100. 10 of them were a team of hammerheads. They headed out of the parking lot and I never saw them again. One guy was riding about my speed, and we headed out together. Stayed together for most of the first 60 of the ride. The other 3 non-team riders caught up to us and we all rode somewhat together - two of them were always way ahead, then we would catch up at lights and the numerous times we got lost - the route markings weren't really terrific. When we got to the rest at 57 miles, someone said that the team guys were there 2.5 hours earlier! Yikes!!! But, there were serious headwinds, so riding in a peloton they would have had a big advantage over our rag-tag group, who never rode close enough to draft.

Then comes my moral dilemma. About 3 miles out from the 57 mile rest stop, he broke a derailleur cable. The rest stop was at a bike shop - mechanic on duty. He debated riding in his granny gear (where he was stuck), or go back and get it fixed. He decided to go back. Also, at that stop, he could have looped onto the 50 mile ride and get back to the start in 25 miles if he wanted. I debated going back with him (at this point, all of the other riders were way up head) but I decided to ride on by myself. I mean, the roads were so busy that we never really talked much, didn't bond, but were hanging together, swapping leads and stopping for breaks together. Was it wrong to let him go back alone? I feel a bit bad. His car was still at the parking lot, so I think he continued on the century route instead of taking the shorter 50 route home. (I feel GUILTY! HELP!!!) My organized 'group' ride ended up being me and some guy for 60 miles, and me, all by my lonesome for 44 miles.
Tour De Cure - tomorrow at 8am.... Report tomorrow night!

05-14-2005, 05:12 PM
I'da left him too. I'm guessing he planned on riding the route alone anyway, kinda like you did so the fact that the 2 of you had 57 shared miles was more than either of you planned. What if you hadn't been with him?.....it would've happened anyway and he would've made the same decision. Sounds like you had a nice ride tho, sorry about the route markings, my first organized ride was poorly marked also, but between living here and the route map we knew where we needed to turn ect.
Keeping you in my thoughts for tomorrow, have another great ride!! Pixs???

Cali:....make it back yet?

Bike Goddess
05-14-2005, 09:28 PM
Two down, one to go! Not bad. Don't lose any sleep over the guy. As CM said he'd probably planned to do the century regardless of who else came along! :D

Am waiting for the final chapter! :) :)

05-14-2005, 09:53 PM
Audio - I'm with everyone else on this. The guy wasn't stranded. He had an somewhat operational bike and a fully operational body with rest stop and help close at hand. He hadn't started the ride with an expectation of group support so there shouldn't have been any expectation of staying together. Good job for finishing. Riding in such a situation can be a mental challenge when you know you're out there by yourself.

Ride strong tomorrow!

Yellow is taking us up Slug Gulch tomorrow. Have to go pack my bungee cord. :D

Pedal Wench
05-15-2005, 11:28 AM
Did it!!!

More stories!!! Woke up at 4:30 to horrific thunder and rain. Which never stopped. According to Weather Channel, it wouldn't stop until around noon (Atlanta, GA if you're here.) I know it was crazy to think about riding, but I was up... Loaded up my newly-designated rain bike in the car, after swapping saddle and pedals from my new CF baby. On the drive to the ride, it was raining so hard I could barely see on the freeway. My BF called, called me insane, told me to go home and back to bed. Well, I was on the way, bike was loaded, I was dressed, so I figured I would go, give them my donations, get my tee-shirt and go home. Pulled into the park, and there were HUNDREDS of bikers, all gearing up in their rain gear. Well, if THEY were gonna ride, how could I not ride too? So, suited up and went for it! Within a mile, I was soaked through - water sloshing in my shoes, drops dripping off my nose, soaked! It rained for two hours of the ride, but I did it! THis time, with LOTS of people to ride with. Good support, sag's checking all the route, police at intersections, rest stops every 7-10 miles - THIS is what an organized ride should be!!!

I hope everyone else had good rides!!! Mine was wet, but fun!

05-15-2005, 12:38 PM
Wow Audio-A, you are much more dedicated than me! I was planning to do that ride too. Like you, woke up to thunder, lightning, and heavy rain. I checked the radar on weather.com and it looked like the line of storms would last for awhile. So, I went back to bed. I felt a little guilty since it was a charity ride but they'll still get the donations. I made up for it a little by doing 50 miles around town once the rain let up.

Congratulations on your back-to back rides. A great accomplishment, especially considering the challenges you faced!

Pedal Wench
05-15-2005, 01:08 PM
Skibum, you were much smarter than me - it probably wasn't the smartest or safest idea to go out in a downpour.

I hope she sees this, but my biggest motivation was that one of our forum members, Melody, had sponsored me. I don't know her, she just saw a post where I said I was doing the ride. With a total stranger counting on me, I really felt the motivation to go. Much more than I felt from my family's sponsorship.

I also have never ridden in a rain like this. I'm heading for a weeklong ride in Colorado in June, and I'll have to ride then, rain or shine. I figured I should see what it's like, here, with my car, at most, 30 miles away, with SAG support and rest stops.

Bike Goddess
05-15-2005, 07:01 PM
AA- Riding in the rain- I'm so IMPRESSED! :p :p IF you can do that, anything in Colorado should be a snap! (Did you hear that Snapdragon? ;) ;) ) I've ridden heavy rain, but never STARTED OUT in rain. Maybe the Tiara should be passed on.....

Pedal Wench
05-15-2005, 07:25 PM
AA- Riding in the rain- I'm so IMPRESSED! :p :p IF you can do that, anything in Colorado should be a snap! (Did you hear that Snapdragon? ;) ;) ) I've ridden heavy rain, but never STARTED OUT in rain. Maybe the Tiara should be passed on.....

From the Goddess? Now I'M impressed! I couldn't take your tiara (especially until we hear how the others did this weekend) but I WAS a princess - all my life, that's what everyone has told me! ("Was" because I think I might have lost it - between hiking and biking, my title has been questioned lately... :o )

05-16-2005, 03:12 AM
Audio, any advice to pass on to other charity event riders who might be faced with rain? Is there any point to the rain gear when it's really coming down - do you wish you had bread sacks over your shoes - did you have head covering - did you wish you'd had goggles on?

Nut - nervous charity rider - hatch

Pedal Wench
05-16-2005, 07:06 AM
Nut-you'll be fine- hatch!

I saw both approaches - there were people at the start just wearing their jerseys, a few girls in sleeveless jerseys, and one in a strappy tank. It was raining so hard that I was soaked through by the time I got suited up and walked from my car to the start line, so I know they were soaked too. The two girls in sleeveless jerseys (matching, with matching PINK shorts, by the way, who both admired my PINK helmet and bike!) seemed fine later on. I would have been too cold. I found that if I stopped at the rest stops for too long, I started to get chilled, even though it wasn't very cold. I wasn't sure if I would have been better off without my wet (soaked through) water-resistant jacket. I was thinking that booties might have helped, but the amount of water dripping down my legs to my socks would have soaked everything through too. So, unless you have a way of securing things so that water can't get in at all, I think dealing with the squishiness in your shoes is inevitable.

Two observations - many, many people pinned their ride numbers to their jackets. Their 'formally' waterproof jackets. Now they've got four pinholes in their waterproof jackets. What were they thinking??? My jacket was water-resistant, and it didn't work at all, but it kept in a little bit of warmth. It would have been fine in a shower. I doubt anything would have kept all the water out - it would have dripped under a jacket from my head. Maybe a hooded jacket under my helmet. I saw some guy with a jacket that had a really long flap that might have kept his shorts and saddle dry - if anyone knows of a jacket like that, let me know. The water dripping down my shorts, between me and my chamois was not a pleasant feeling.

Other observation - my seatpost bag is NOT waterproof. (Jannd brand) Everything inside was very, very soggy. So, keep whatever must stay dry in a ziploc.

Edit: re: sunglasses. I just bought a pair of Cygnus style sunglasses from Performance. THey have a bit of a wrap around design, and I'm thrilled with them. The wrap design kept rain from blowing into my eyes when I had to turn my head to look behind me - I'm sure other glasses would have let the rain blow in (when i was going downhill) They fit pretty close to the edge of my helmet, so that wasn't an issue. I wish I had a bike cap under my helmet though - I think the brim might have helped a bit to keep the rain off my face, but with the helmet and glasses, it wasn't bad.

05-16-2005, 07:55 AM
i'm here! sorry i didn't post over the weekend! but we didn't get back from victorville until 7ish (i HAD to go to tommy's since it was only 33 miles further on in barstow! :p )

then it was up again at 3:00 yesterday to get to julian!

first victorville/old route 66: it was a small ride... i had specifically asked if it was a mass start and they said yes cuz they take pics and stuff... well.. just as i'm coming out of the bathroom shortly before 7... a group took off! ACK! so the church that was doing this as a fund raising ride didn't get their mass start pics and i started out at the back (and i'm already slow...).. sooooo it was basically a solo century for me with planned sag stops! i tried to go the wrong way right off the bat.. hubby came after me in the car and got me on the right street! phew! wonder how much further out of the way i woulda gone! found out after he chased down some guy too.. that did the same thing!

it was HOT HOT HOT! i wore sunscreen and still got burnt! owie! apparently this century is progressing through the years (and maybe with the cooperation of the local bike club)... cuz the original write ups talk about one truck being sag with just power bars.. well.. they had tables this time with oranges, bananas, trail mix.. and at stops 2 & 3 the BESTEST sandwiches.. donated from the school.. pb&j on graham crackers... OMG! talk about GOOD!

the only bad thing for me about doing it "alone" is i don't push myself hard enough (plus i knew i still had another ride the next day) so my final ride/on the bike time was 6 hrs 7 minutes.

sunday got up and headed to julian... instead of using the freeways we went the shorter distance via backroads... roads we had never been on.... OMG... HOW PRETTY! we made great time in the morning.. even though they were 2 lanes and at points very twisty (hubby has already determined that the initial climb out of palm desert is his newest climb...) but i digress! we got there and hour early and i debated starting early (cuz i'm slow :cool: ) but i didn't... so when we took off from the park... almost everyone passed me! :eek: you see... i didn't expect an IMMEDIATE climb.. i thought there would be some flat for warm up.. nope.. and my legs that until that point felt fine... decided to let me know they were fatigued.... oh well... i would just do my ride! i climbed.. i went downhill (WHEE!) i climbed... downhill... all the way to the first rest stop at the bottom of mount laguna (the "star" climb of the day).... i found out i hadn't done that bad... i only came in about 10 minutes after another person we knew (BC.. that would be WD lol!) then i headed out for the 11 mile climb to the top of mt laguna.. GORGEOUS! i just set my pass and climbed... i even passed a couple of people! woo hoo! the wild flowers were so pretty.. and going slowly.. i had time to admire them! i made it to the top.. which meant only 20 miles left! yay! and mostly downhill! the descent was even prettier! there were just carpets of multicolored wild flowers... hubby took some pics and i hope they came out! (didn't d/l them off the camera yet)! i passed a few more people on the way back in... and enjoyed apple pie and ice cream when i got back to the park..... the event coordinator's wife was asking how i felt after yesterday.. and i said fine.. and someone else asked "so what are you going to do tomorrow... a double?" hubby said after he decided not to mention i had just done breathless agony last weekend!

and the answer to what i'm doing today? just a recovery ride.. unfortunately.. if the weather chick is correct.. it will be in strong winds that are expected this afternoon (it's gorgeous and still right now.. but alas.. i have to be at work!)

thanx for all the encouragement! heck... i'm gonna be disappointed if hubby is up to the big bear ride in a few weeks... i was kinda hoping to get to do it! lol!

p.s. bikegoddess: saturday was my fourth century this year too! actually.. my fourth ever.... in the 10.5 months i've been riding! :p

05-16-2005, 08:02 AM
[QUOTE=Audio-A]Was it wrong to let him go back alone? I feel a bit bad. His car was still at the parking lot, so I think he continued on the century route instead of taking the shorter 50 route home. (I feel GUILTY! HELP!!!) My organized 'group' ride ended up being me and some guy for 60 miles, and me, all by my lonesome for 44 miles.

don't feel guilty! since it was an organized ride.. if he needed it.. SAG should have been available! and if he rode it.. i'm sure he's ridden alone before!

at my century saturday... i saw a few guys on the side and would just ask if they were ok.. they said yes.. and i peddled on... (the first one even caught up at the first rest stop!)

i've gotten used to riding centuries "by myself" even if they are organized! :confused: :confused: but it definitely is more fun with people!!!!!

Pedal Wench
05-16-2005, 09:19 AM
Cali! Congrats on completing all your planned rides! And, very impressive times on that century! Mine was just at 7 hours (and 104 miles since I got lost quite a few times!) You did good!!!

Everyone is right - I had made no agreements to stick with that guy, so no problem. He had a spoke problem, so we had stopped earlier, but that was just for a minute. There was weather moving in, and I probably would have been rained on quite a bit more if I had gone back with him. Thanks y'all for making me feel better about it!

There were lots of people on the second ride with flats and other problems and everyone was always asking if they needed help - it was great to see. Thankfully, I didn't have a problem, because I left my frame pump on the bike I rode on Saturday, so I wasn't as prepared as I should have been on Sunday! (Ah, the problems of having too many bikes!!!!) ;)

Bike Goddess
05-16-2005, 09:43 AM
Audio A- The Bike Goddess doesn't have the tiara. :( You'll have to ask Sadie Kate who the current recipient of that award is! :) However, the Bike Goddess does wave her magic wand and send you many magic hugs for the next organized rides you do! :p :p

Caligurl- Great job! I'll be doing the same kind of riding next weekend, except the century I'm doing is flat and the next day is with TE!!!! ;) ;)

AND I haven't done Breathless Agony like you have! Are you on the Bike Journal? Lots of miles to put in for our team!! :D :D

05-16-2005, 10:00 AM
Audio A- The Bike Goddess doesn't have the tiara. :( You'll have to ask Sadie Kate who the current recipient of that award is! :)
What did I do? I personally think no one needs to hand on their tiara. Once it is earned you get to keep it. There are more than enough for everyone to have one because a personal goal is a goal is a goal. For instance, V is now "Princess Zippy." :p

05-16-2005, 11:09 AM
I need to get that on a t-shirt. :p I sure wish my average climbing time was as easy to increase as my average descending time on Diablo.


05-16-2005, 11:21 AM
Are you on the Bike Journal? Lots of miles to put in for our team!! :D :D

i am... but i was already affilitated with another club when i saw that TE had on :( i was going to join and just have my miles go to both clubs.. but they don't let you do that.. you have to chose one or the other :mad:

otherwise.... ya..... i'm .2 short of 2800 for the year! i think i will surpass my goal of 5000 for the year! :eek:

05-16-2005, 01:51 PM
what a sense of accomplishment you both should have now!

Audio: to ride in not just rain but Nasty rain....good on you! and all those other riders out there! Job well done!

Cali: wooooohooooo you did it! I know you were worried about it but now that's it done, oh man what a relief eh? Job well done hun....and you had fun doing it! So, why not just do the Big Bear anyway?? You and DH?

05-16-2005, 02:05 PM
unfortunately registration is sold out for big bear.... they limit it to 400 riders..... and it fills up rather quickly....

if he does ride it.. i'll do SAG like he's been doing for me.. taking a ton of pics and cheering him on.. otherwise.. he'll SAG me!

Bike Goddess
05-16-2005, 02:36 PM
Ah...Multiple tiaras, eh? :p :p In that case 2 tiaras for our latest "did it all" ladies- (drumroll here.....) Miss Caligurl and...Miss Audio-A! :p :p . AND NOW a word from our sponsor...... TEAM ESTROGEN!........... :D :D

05-16-2005, 03:45 PM
My bike helmet is off to you, sisters, what great accomplishments! In my opinion, there can never be too many tiaras.

Responding to the rainwear question--here in the land of rain--I have had success with the REI jacket; I forget the name, it is the yellow and grey one. The "tail" in the back actually is attached by velcro to the inside when not in use. It does a good job redirecting the water. There are also waterproof (well, supposedly) shoe covers. I haven't tried them, but hear they help, although water can splash up through your shoe clips.

Pedal Wench
05-16-2005, 06:15 PM
I think I'll like being the Audio Princess - always knew I was, just waiting for the rest of the world to recognize it!

Off to REI to look at rain jackets - my biggest fear was that the water would really get between me and my shorts. I was completing expecting and accepting that I would get saddle sores, but not a one. But, that seems to be the biggest danger, and one to be prevented at all costs. (logging off to go to REI...)

05-18-2005, 11:12 AM
Audio A and Cali... WAY TO GO!!! sounds like you both did just fantastic...

and starting off in the rain... now THAT'S inspired! LOL... I've been caught in hard rain completely unprepared, but never intentionally started out in it... LOL... rode 50 miles in Ireland in pouring rain in 2004 and learned that ziploc bags are your friend! they keep cell phones, cameras and route maps DRY! The map can be folded up so you just whip the bag outta your pocket, read and go... I did have a waterproof jacket but was sweating so the ziploc was still handy to keep everything dry... and also for when I needed to pull it out in the pouring rain!

hey cali.. talked to a friend who did the 26 mile MTB ride at Julian... said the last 10 miles there was a singletrack climb with a 200 ft dropoff if you made a mistake and fell to the right... he walked it... already had his big cycling accident followed by numerous surgeries so had no desire to take a tumble thru the chapparal... :eek: