View Full Version : LIVESTRONG ride - Austin 10/26/08

09-03-2008, 10:10 AM
Is anyone out there planning to do the LAF Austin ride next month? I'm riding but have never done this before and am a bit nervous - my wonderful S.O. will be there but she's not riding and I don't know anyone else who is. I'm not asking to become a team member, necessarily (although it would be cool), just wondering if anyone else is in the same boat. I'm especially nervous because I know the course will be hilly and I've got nothing but pancake flats to ride on down here in South Texas (yes, there IS life south of San Antonio!).

I'm riding in honor of Elianna, one of my high school choir students. She's a 15 yr old sophomore who was diagnosed with leukemia this June. I've been privileged to become close to her family (she and I were already close - I've taught her since she was in the 7th grade) as they go through this ordeal and I'm excited at the opportunity to show my support for her this way.

Judging by the number of threads on on this topic, I know most if not all of us have been deeply touched by something of this nature, so I know you'll understand when I ask for your thoughts and positive energy as Elianna battles her illness.

Drop me a line if you'll be there, too!

TK :o

09-03-2008, 10:36 AM
I won't be there, but I did ride the LiveStrong ride here in San Jose, CA. It was an amazing experience. I rode for my mom who passed away from liver cancer a few years ago, but I was surprised at how many people cancer has touched. I just wanted to wish you luck. You'll do well. And I'll definitely include Elianna (what a beautiful name) in my thoughts and prayers.