View Full Version : When off-road cycling paths help touring

09-02-2008, 10:20 PM
For certain multi-purpose/shared paths with cyclists and pedestrians can be problematic for heavily used routes.

But I have to say that we used primarily Interurban cycling trail from Marysville area right through to edge of Seattle. On a Saturday, most of it, was barely used...by anyone, either cyclist or pedestrian. Of course, the challenge is sometimes finding the connecting sections if the signage is not all there.

On returning home from out-of-town touring rides, if you know the better times to use such routes when it coincides with off-peak use, it can help alot..and avoid a ton of traffic light intersections...which is very true if you enter certain cities, ie. Toronto, Ontario.

09-03-2008, 05:02 AM
We often use a MUP to get back into town. I consider it like a highway for bicycles. Sometimes it is busy and you need to drive slow and sometimes, you can just fly--all depends upon the day.

However, I'll take periodically slowing way down and maybe having to help coach a 6 year old on riding to the right over having to negotiate cranky cars. The MUP in question covers 1/2 the width of the state and is straight (old railroad bed). 99% of the people on the trail, be they runners, walkers, cyclists, skaters or dogs, are cooperative so rush hour on the MUP is rarely an issue as long as you're not trying to go 25mph.