View Full Version : Houston to Austin MS 150
09-02-2008, 08:47 AM
Ok, I am already "planning" ahead next springs cycling events. We always do "our" MS 150 in Florida and one in another state. I have heard this is the "biggest" MS 150. So we are thinking of doing this one. Anyone done it? I also heard that registration sells out in a few weeks...anyone know if that is true and when/how do you hear about when registation opens? Also, any idea what the dates are for 09? Lastly as a "flatlander" from Florida--what kind of "hills" am I in for?
Any info at all will be helpful!
09-02-2008, 09:51 AM
I've done it the past two years...2007 was great, 2008 was miserable. Wind made all the difference--this year it was headwind the whole way, for the first time in over 10 years. :eek: My friend quit at noon the first day, I bagged it at lunch on the 2nd day.
It does sell out really fast--registration opens in October, and last year it sold out in 11 days. Corporate teams sometimes have reserved spots if you miss the general registration, but unless you work for a company with a team or know someone that does, I wouldn't count on that option. :)
The ride dates for 2009 are 4/18-4/19, but I'm not sure when registration opens. In the past, it's been early-to-mid October, so I would keep an eye on the website starting late this month. (
As for hills...there are some rollers on the first day, but they're in the 2nd half of the route...from Houston to the lunch stop in Bellville is fairly flat. Most the hills are on the 2nd day, and you have a choice of going straight up Hwy 71 (higher traffic, no shade, but more gradual hills) to the lunch stop or going through the state park (lots of short steep rollers). I've done both, and prefer the park. The uphills are hard, but you can really pick up some speed on the descents. :) There's also an option to go toward the park but then short-cut across and go straight into Bastrop. I've heard that route is kind of a happy medium between the "lunch express" (Hwy 71) and the "challenge route" (park), though I've never done it. The elevation maps for the route are here (
Unless there's a change in route from 2007, there's a good set of big rollers coming into Austin also. They look nasty, but you can get enough momentum going down to make it most of the way up the next one without an enormous effort.
Finally, about finding a place to stay. If you're not planning on riding with a team or camping at the fairgrounds in La Grange, plan on booking your hotel/lodgings EARLY. Most more affordable hotels are booked solid right after the previous MS150 (people I've talked to have said that those that stay there just book every weekend for the month of April in the next year, then cancel the other weekends once they know the event dates). Sometimes you can get lucky and find something after the cancellation deadline in March, but to be safe I would start looking for a room now. This page ( tell you which hotels have shuttle service to/from the fairgrounds, but be forewarned--you may get a driver that has no idea where your hotel is. Those volunteers come from all over, and may not know the area any better than you do. I stayed at the Hyatt Lost Pines last year, and the shuttle bus ride there was 2 hours long, with half the passengers having to tell the bus driver where to turn to get to their hotels. Not fun. (That hotel was nice, btw, but I won't be staying there again. Too spendy.) RV parks are another option...I have a friend who went in with a group renting an RV the last two years, and he highly recommends it. Ends up being about the same cost as local hotels, and a lot less hassle. There are several parks around the fairgrounds...not sure how fast they fill up, though.
09-02-2008, 10:13 AM
The MS150 is one of my all time favorite rides. I have done it twice and both experiences were great. Amelia gave you the run down and I agree with her description. Coming into Austin the hills can be brutal only because you are tired, normally you wouldn't think much of them.
Things to know:
1. Don't let the challenge route (AKA The Park) scare you, you will really miss out of the absolute best part of the ride. Yes the hills of the park are hard but it is the prettiest part of the ride. The first year I was freaked out by the stories of it (hilly, some inexperienced riders, etc) and almost backed out. I am so glad my husband gently urged me to take it. They are steep but the first year I had less than a year of riding and was living between Austin and Houston, all we had were very gentle rollers.
2. Texas can be miserably hot in April, one year (2006) it was a scorcher. Houston is humid as all get out so day one can be a bit trying on you if you don't do heat well. But you're from Florida so you can probably handle that.
3. Camping in the fairgrounds is more fun than it sounds. We never stayed in the hotels. They have movies in the park plus about 10,000 of your closest biking friends. :D Also there is a kind of fair where you can find ice cream and other goodies after riding 100 miles on day one (depending where you started).
4. Find a team if you can. Many will let anyone join and help with logistics. I did it with a team both times and it was a good experience. The first year it was just volunteers from my old job but they have set up our tents and made us dinner when we got to the fairgrounds! The team I rode with last time will take anyone, it is Ol' Army Cycling, they are Texas A&M Grads but we had some non-Aggies ride with us. That was 2007 so double check on that.
Finally, I believe registration is usually open October 1, I would double check because I expect it will sell out in a week or less.
09-05-2008, 06:51 AM
Thanks to both of you for the info. Hopefully I'll see you there.
As for HEAT...I live in Florida.
I like to plan early so I'll keep an eye on the website and also about booking hotel.
At least I know this winter I need to plan/train for hills!
Thanks again. I may be back in touch once if and when I register!
09-23-2008, 08:28 AM
Kat- Just got the email that registration will open October 15, 2008. I would expect it to sell out in a week, probably even less. It sold out QUICK last year.
09-24-2008, 11:10 AM
I did my first Houston-Austin MS 150 last year (yes, the he!! year of 2008 with headwinds the whole way!). It was a blast. I think that you have been given the important information already. i would agree with Aggie Ama....try to ride with a team. I work for BP and ride on their team (we are title sponsors so there are some additional perks as well riding with them). If you know someone at any of the companies you can usually get on the team that way (ie. if any of you are interested in riding on team BP, PM me and we will talk).
Anyway, have fun, and hopefully I will see you here in Houston in April!
09-25-2008, 05:12 AM
WOW... it is a long way off but I am getting excited already.
Love new adventues and all the feedback here has been wonderful AND makes me more sure this I the ride I want to do this year.
Yeah, registration fee is more than I normally pay and the minimum $$ to raise is also up a bit. But I think it will be all worth it!
Thanks again!
I'll be in touch. I have the registration opening day on my Outlook Calendar w/ the "alarm" set! I am sure to get in!
09-25-2008, 05:53 AM
Kat- FYI I got an email from my old team saying it sold out in 11 days last year, after selling out in 30 days the year before. Good thing you have the alarm! I would expect it to sell out in single digit days if not opening day. :eek:
I feel the ride is worth it if you can commit to fund raising and the travel. It was $50 last time I did it (I think) and I thought that was a fair price. You get a t-shirt and water bottle, plus a good lunch both days (not common in TX), dinner Saturday and breakfast Sunday if you are at the campgrounds. The campgrounds are fun and if you are on a team you will have a big covered tent which everyone bunks in. It was weird for me but really fun, I highly recommend the campground experience but then again we like camping anyway. :cool:
10-15-2008, 09:48 AM
I am in!!!!
It is 1:45 PM EST and there are already 8600 riders registered! WOW!
Of course was not sure if I want to fly into Houston or did I want transportation to or from...etc. But can worry about that later.
PLUS...hope to find a team.
But the exciting part is I am going to join 13000 riders in this great event.
10-15-2008, 09:58 AM
Wow, they didn't even open registration until 10:15 CST this morning. You are going to have so much fun!!! The bluebonnets and wildflowers are awesome in April, I am excited for you. I love this ride just can't quite swing the fund raising.
Logistically, I would fly to Houston and then bus back to Houston. Or better into Houston out of Austin, might not be too bad on cost to do it that way and then you can see my fair city before leaving to go home. You finish VERY near the Texas Capitol building (you can see it riding up), take your bike there for a great souvenir photo!
Best thing if you can afford it is to book the headquarters hotel, it is really nice, there is an expo and a cool atmosphere with bikes all over the place! Then you can probably hook up with people to ride to the start or do a renegade start. I am not fond of the renegade starts, even though you wait for a long time there is really good energy at the start lines. I have done both official start and started off site but on the course. Can you tell I get excited just thinking about my two rides of the MS150? :D
10-15-2008, 10:48 AM
Yep...already booked host hotel!
Definitely want to spend some time in Austin...we will have a rental car so we can drive back there is we want. Also figured we can make transportation changes later.
Yes, very excited. Already over 10,000 signed up now. I think it may be full in less than 24 hours. WOW! We have a triathlon here that fills up in less than 24hours and I thought that was pretty impressive.
Thanks for all the info. I'll be in touch as time draws near.
10-16-2008, 02:55 PM
This is my first year of doing a MS ride ever!!!! i'm doing the MS 150 from houston to austin also. I'm so excited, but nervous at the same time. I'm a little out of shape... and need to get back into it! Any tips?!?!
10-17-2008, 04:14 AM
The first time I did this ride I decided in January to do it and it was only my third organized ride. I was in shape from running 4x a week but was a nervous wreck thinking about a ride of this length. And BTW running fitness does not mean you are in shape for long distance cycling. ;)
What did I do? Rode, rode and even when I thought I might have rode enough I rode more. You have 6 months to train, you will be able to be ready. Look for organized rides that are designated as training rides. Maybe organize or find a local group. If you like find a century training program, I am not into anything that structured myself. I only did one organized 76 miler after signing up, all other rides were on my own. I would do short 12-15 milers after work and long rides on the weekend. I averaged about 100 miles a week and still ran 3x a week. I was still nervous but prepared. The first time was a great time (as was the second year using same method). Others on my team who had rode just on weekends and shorter rides on the weekends felt miserable. IMO getting time in the saddle is the #1 thing.
10-17-2008, 05:58 AM
Hey Polly...let me know if you hook up w/ a team. I will start looking for one soon.
I have done LOTS of MS 150's over the past 5 years. By spring I am normally in pretty OK biking shape. Running doesn't always translate to biking, but I have really good endurance. Slow but steady.
Amanda gives good info.
Here is my take and recommendation...WHATEVER you do to train DO a distance LONGER than 75 miles (or whatever the max distance is on one day). You NEVER know when things are tougher or longer than originally mapped out...or in my case when you end up on the Century route by accident. 2 years ago we had a team of newbies. Every weekend we would plan a ride. One day long and one day short. WE TRIED AND TRIED to encourge thes folks to ride w/ us. Most of them had never done 50 or 75 miles by the tmie we got to MS150 day. Yes, they survived, Had fun....but could of have more fun, etc. SO the next year we thought the would wise up and train better...NOT! They think we are "die hards" and even "hammer heads" (OK usually my avg speed in in the 15mph range unless drafting w/ a moderately faster group--and usually only hit 20 mph going down hill! or w/ tail wind--hammer head my arse!).
Time in the saddle...for tehe tush and privates--they just have to get used to it. And for the shoulders/neck...again time in the position makes it much more bareable.
And Amanda is have time. And an indoor bike on a trainer is great for working on strength, etc. I felt much better prepared for spring riding by diong hard DVDs on the bike!
Good luck and let's stay in touch.
Right now I am training for a 1/2 marathon, so not much biking. But that will change soon enough!
10-19-2008, 03:56 PM
Hi, I am a new comer to this forum. I just introduced myself at the "introduction" thread.
I also registered at BP MS-150. It was soooo exciting to be able to crash the 7 hour window. I am IN!
So far I don't have a team to ride with. I live far from TX. How do I look for a team?
10-20-2008, 05:18 AM
We just emailed a team captian of a team and they replied and so they will move us to the team. The team captain can contact the bike ride person (I think there is a Team coordiantor)...and the ywilll "move you over".
I willl now be part of the Texas Children's Hosp team. (Since I work for a children's hospital this seem most approprate).
You can contact the bike ride organizers and ask what teams may be "open" for "outsiders"!
I think this will help w/ the long distance logistics with camping and all. It is a PLUS if someone hauls my tent and sets one up for me!
Good luck w/ finding a team. Probably won't be hard!
10-21-2008, 07:16 AM
Hi ladies!!
I'm new as well, and I have signed up for my first MS150. Now, my riding partner was supposed to as well....but the master procrastinator never did sign up.
It's good though...I can look for some new training partners, and hopefully make some new friends along the way.
I will also be looking for a team to ride on.
I live in south if anyone would like to get together and ride, please feel free to shoot me a message. I normally ride the MoPac extension/Veloway route every Saturday morning, and will be adding either some morning laps to that, or adding an afternoon ride as well since the hot weather seems to be gone.
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