View Full Version : August 30th rides

08-30-2008, 12:01 PM
OK, I'll start the thread.
I did a completely enjoyable utilitarian ride on my Jamis today. I've been trying to keep it low key since I got back from my course on Thursday night. First, we rode to the farmer's market in Carlisle. We had a choice of 2 roads, both heavily populated by cyclists; we chose the one with less climbing. At one main intersection, I counted 14 cyclists and 4 cars! We got there a bit late, since I wasn't really sure when it closed. We bought some corn and fresh lemonade and were able to resist the fact it's in the parking lot of Kimball's Ice Cream. Then we headed back to Concord center on the same road. There were less roadies out by this time and a lot more people riding hybrids. I dropped off a prescription at the pharmacy, we rode to the parking lot with the bike rack and I did an errand at the store where I buy make up.I found out the product I wanted to replace was so old that they don't make it anymore, so I had to look at stuff to replace it. Then we walked around and checked out a new restaurant, but it was too heavy for a lunch where we had to ride home afterwards. We ended up buying really great sandwiches at the Cheese Shop (an institution here) and we sat on a bench and ate, watching the tourists. Then, after about a half hour, we rode home. It was kind of cloudy, looking like rain, but now it's sunny.
17.64 enjoyable miles with a purpose. I am getting old!
(but have longer rides planned for tomorrow and monday).

08-30-2008, 01:18 PM
I did basically the same ride as last Saturday. I started out by going out to Sierra and Summit in Fontana before heading back to the coffee shop. I then did the medium ride (basically go up to Padua and Mt Baldy and then turn around) I was feeling fairly frisky, and I noticed that the faster rider didn't catch us until Eitwanda and Baseline. So I was surprised when I got back and found my time was slower than last week :( granted I did slow down to see if a couple of people with flats and steered some folks back on the right course. But I think the real reason was that last week my computer decided not to give any reading going up Benson. I had put on new tape and moved the position of the display, which seemed to solve the problem with interference. Well you can't have everything:)
The Joesph Filippi (http://www.josephfilippiwinery.com/)Winery:
She tried to drink my Heed:
Construction on the rail trail:

08-30-2008, 02:13 PM
DH planned a big fast 100km ride with a buddy, and I could never keep up with them, so I did my own thing. I rode 50km (31.36 miles), and did almsot as much climbing as he did! My four hills added up to 895m (2,936 feet) of elevation gain! Yahoo!! It was a very nice ride!! :D

Hugs and butterflies everyone,

08-30-2008, 02:24 PM
I joined the club for a tough century today. Up and down, up and down we went. The crowd of 30 some riders spread out and at one point I found myself riding between groups which is not a big deal.

I did join up with a large group of riders at about the 30 mile mark and stayed with them for the next 15 miles or so. At this point I started to drop back but they were still in sight. I saw something come out into the road and the group ahead continued on and then I noticed something in the road where they had just been. When I got to this spot I found a small Yorkie in the road. It appeared dead but I stopped to pull it off the road for it evidently belonged to someone in the area. As I approached the dog I noticed it was breathing and my training at the vet clinic went into motion. I checked gum color - pale pink - heart beat, rapid breathing. I gently picked the dog up and moved it to the side of the road. The little dog locked it eyes on me as if to say "what just happened?" I went to the house I was in front of. It appeared someone was home for I could hear a TV blaring inside but no matter how hard I pounded on the door no one answered. Just as I was about to move to the next house I looked up and saw the little Yorkie running up the driveway. He was very scared and dashed into the backyard. I returned to my bike and made my way to the lunch stop where I encountered the group. First question was "did you stop to help the dog?" I told the person what I had encountered at which point he told me not one but two people in the group ran over the little dog. One rider went over its head and the other rolled over its midsection. Inside I was pissed that no one in the group stopped to check on the dog, they all assumed it was dead from the initial impact. I guess I just do not understand how anyone could go off and leave the dog in the road. Even if it had been killed they should have at least stopped to pull it to the side of the road so it would not be run over by vehicles on the road. I hope the little dog is okay but deep in my heart I know it needs to be assessed for internal injuries. Maybe I did not do enough?

The rest of the ride was pretty uneventful, thank goodness. It was hot and humid here today. Summer is back in force in the Ohio Valley. The Ironman participants are going to have an even hotter day tomorrow.

So today I logged 97.5 miles, averaged 15.1 mph and enjoyed some beautiful scenic countryside. We climbed over 6,800 feet so I'm not sure if I will participate in the century tomorrow. I'm beat!

08-30-2008, 02:32 PM
Marcie, thank you so much for helping the dog!! You are an angel. :p There's not much more any of us can do, but I am sending butterflies to the doggie so he heals well and so he finds a way to let his owners know he needs to see a doc. And to you so you can know in your heart of hearts that you are a wonderful person....and so you don't stay angry with those other riders....and I'm sending a few to those other riders, too, so they will learn that what they did was not a good thing. Yikes!

And, wow, great ride!

Hugs and butterflies,

08-30-2008, 02:47 PM
One rider went over its head and the other rolled over its midsection. Inside I was pissed that no one in the group stopped to check on the dog, they all assumed it was dead from the initial impact. I guess I just do not understand how anyone could go off and leave the dog in the road. Even if it had been killed they should have at least stopped to pull it to the side of the road so it would not be run over by vehicles on the road.

Oh my God. That behavior is just horrible. I'm with you on that one - I can't believe they didn't have enough compassion to follow up. I would have been upset with their behavior as well, and would not understand why they didn't appear to be bothered by it, or try to find the owner.

08-30-2008, 03:04 PM

I agree with the others. The riders who hit the dog and didn't stop are beyond my understanding. I'm glad you stopped to help. And I'm glad the little dog was alive. How do you hit an animal that's obviously someone's pet and NOT stop???


08-30-2008, 05:02 PM
rode 30 miles on the Katy trail with uforgot today. Had a great ride! perfect weather, beautiful scenery. We both had cameras and nobody took any pictures.

08-30-2008, 05:41 PM
rode 30 miles on the Katy trail with uforgot today. Had a great ride! perfect weather, beautiful scenery. We both had cameras and nobody took any pictures.

You're right! We DIDN'T take any. I completely forgot. It was fun meeting fastdogs jr!

08-30-2008, 07:22 PM
Did 9 miles of singletrack mountain biking and experienced my first crash. I am just bruised though, nothing major even though it felt like a more spectacular crash. :p

08-31-2008, 11:59 AM
Great pics! My ride was nothing special. BF and I took the Target (read el cheapo) hybrids (puppy in his handlebar basket) around town. Stopped at the local Food Lion-BF wanted a Mountain Dew... Only about 12 miles total.

Makbike (aka Good Samaritan of the day)- You did the right thing. My furbaby is a maltese and yorkie mix and I would be devastated if something happened to him like that and nobody stopped.

08-31-2008, 12:27 PM
I guess I just do not understand how anyone could go off and leave the dog in the road.

You are a special person to care so much for the voiceless. Thank you for being you.

08-31-2008, 05:01 PM
This was the first weekend we didn't ride the Katy in months! We went out of town for work, so rode 40 on the Great River Road in Alton on Thursday. First 8 miles was mostly along the road, then next 12 pulled away from the road and became a very scenic ride along the river. It was my first long ride on my new street bike, and my pace wasn't what I hoped. When we stopped to eat, and made the turn back--we discovered we had made a long, shallow climb! SO, I was able to pick up the pace on the way back--without my dh falling asleep on his bike from my slow pace.

We are in Lake Placid, NY and it is inspiring to see so many people out on a holiday--riding their bikes. Seems very popular here, despite the mountains! Miss my new wheels............

08-31-2008, 05:41 PM
We are in Lake Placid, NY and it is inspiring to see so many people out on a holiday--riding their bikes. Seems very popular here, despite the mountains! Miss my new wheels............

Oh, oh! Lake Placid is SO great for bike riding, I could go on for hours... but suffice it to say it's home to a very tough Ironman bike course that people travel from all over to practice/ride on and around. We've done great rides up there. So, yes, there is a lot of cycling. Stop by High Peaks Cyclery if you want to look at or talk bikes...