View Full Version : Asheville???

04-27-2005, 06:17 AM
I am going to be in Asheville for a week (for work). I work for photographers with little to no schedule...so I have no idea when I will have time to myself BUT...I will hopefully have time to check out some LBS and with any luck rent a bike to tool around on...any suggestions on what shops to look into? And what MTBike trails are good? Or (if I were to get on a road or hybrid) any routes that are a "Can't Miss"? I really appreciate any input!

04-27-2005, 02:11 PM
You have got to ride on the blue ridge parkway. It's the road the runs along the top and sides of the blue ridge mountains. Absolutely gorgeous. Drive up there, park anywhere, and then start riding. It is super hilly so be ready.

There is a nice, big bike shop but I can't remember the name! I'll contact friends to see if anyone recalls the name and location.

05-05-2005, 06:37 PM
Try Liberty Bikes in Asheville. They are a pretty big shop.


They will have maps of rides you can do from their shop, like the parkway or Biltmore Forest. They also have maps for the experimental forest mtb trails and the arboretum trails. :)

08-15-2005, 11:36 AM
Having just returned from a trip to Asheville, I can second the referral to Liberty Cycles - those folks are awesome! Picked up a route book (with major input from the very friendly employees), along with a free (and awesome) map of the Asheville area with color coding on the roads for bike friendliness.

There is some beautiful riding up there. Great views - killer descents! If you go, make sure you pack a camera and lots of water/fuel!

The only downside: I've realized just how bad my climbing skills are... :rolleyes: And the air quality is poor this time of year - lots of smog makes it difficult to see the mountain tops and difficult to breathe!

I ventured on to the Blue Ridge Parkway at one point and after 5+ miles straight up hill thought I would die... Great workout, though!


Carrie Anne

08-16-2005, 05:55 AM
A riding buddy of mine got her bike at Libery Bikes this spring, and has been very pleased with them.

It's a very good idea to get some info before getting on the Blue Ridge Parkway, which I also recommend, because there is a section of it that is still closed from hurricane damage in the fall of 2004.

You can drive to the Folk Art Center near Asheville, park there, and ride up to Mt. Mitchell, if you really want to do some climbing. Gorgeous views (depending on the weather). Take some layers, it can be cold even in the summer. Here's a map:

Have a great time in Asheville!

08-16-2005, 07:35 AM
traffic like on the blue ridge parkway? I'm starting to plan my next vacation and would love to head to that area.

08-16-2005, 08:06 AM
Depends heavily upon the season and the part of the parkway you're visiting. In the fall (aka leaf peeper season), traffic is heavy. It's also heaver (in my limited experience) near the Boone area than South of Asheville - I can't speak for in between...

That said, with no commercial traffic, a 45 mph speed limit and generally good shoulders, I think you shouldn't have too many problems (except, of course, with hills :eek: ).

I plan to re-visit when I'm stronger and have a few more hill climbing miles under my saddle (it's hard to train for hills when you've been living somewhere that's completely flat).


Carrie Anne

08-17-2005, 10:47 AM
it is official :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D i am going to be an ashevillian!!!!!!!!!
is that the right term? i am sooooooo excited!!!!

i grew up in N CA and lived for years in OR and can't express how much i miss that part of the world...everytime i read something on here about a cool bike race or commuters doing everything on two wheels it seems most of the time it is from there...wellllll....asheville reminds me ALOT of portland OR but smaller! my fiancee and i are going to be looking for a house close to some mtbike trails (our first love...of course being a roadie has been quite ex*hill*erating) then second priority is my commute to work (actually they are equal priorities) i am determined to commute by two wheels only...in fact my fiancee and his dad have challenged me to do it for a full year...HA i say...i lived in portland without a car for months and never missed it...i will have NOOOO problem!!!!!

anyway...give me a few months and i will have ample knowledge of the cycling in that area...i hope it is as good as they say!!!!