View Full Version : RUN AWAY: Week of Aug 25

08-25-2008, 02:54 PM
I'll start. 45 minutes on the treadmill before a "boot camp" workout.
All the t.v.s were on sports news. SNORE! :rolleyes:

08-25-2008, 03:51 PM
Intervals today, in my new GINORMOUS shoes.

Like, I knew my old 8-1/2 B shoes were too small for me (partly my feet have grown, mostly I'm making a different set of fit compromises these days than I used to). But for pity's sake, 10 D? I'd better learn to juggle because they're going to put me in the circus :rolleyes:

Not sure if they're going to be supportive enough, though. Well, the store said I could bring them back if they don't work for me, even after a few outdoor runs. See how my feet feel tomorrow.

7 x 1 minute sprints with 1 minute walking recovery, 3.75 miles total. My stupid HRM was intermittent again today. The battery's good, just not making good contact. Grrr.

08-26-2008, 06:45 AM
OakLeaf--Intervals! Good idea. I was not looking forward to doing a run today. Not that Intervals are fun, but that gives me something to focus on for my run today.

08-27-2008, 10:00 AM
Did speed work on treadmill. Coach gave me a new workout. A tiny bit faster and a few longer intervals. Whew! Always happy when I do not fly off the back of the treadmill. 1 mile warm up, speed intervasl X2 0.25 mile and x 0.5 miles and then a mile cool down (yep, walked some). Total 4.75 miles. Still need to improve.:D

08-27-2008, 02:09 PM
Banned from running (hiking, weight bearing, joint impacting...) for 4-6 weeks to see if I can get rid of my hip joint pain :( MRI was clear, save for a possibility that the shape of my labrum is off and causing problems. There was no tearing, no arthritis, and otherwise my joint looks good.

So... back to avoiding the running. I'm not sure I'll be able to do the Seattle Marathon at the end of November (she gave me a frowny face and head-shake when I said "marathon" and "end of November")

I did run about 5k this morning with the doggie... she had a good time. I had a pretty good time, too. I'm debating whether I take the doctor's orders literally, or I start when my first PT session is (Sept 8th) and do one last sprint tri on the 7th... guess I better decide soon. ;)

08-27-2008, 06:12 PM
Banned from running (hiking, weight bearing, joint impacting...) for 4-6 weeks to see if I can get rid of my hip joint pain :( MRI was clear, save for a possibility that the shape of my labrum is off and causing problems. There was no tearing, no arthritis, and otherwise my joint looks good.

So... back to avoiding the running. I'm not sure I'll be able to do the Seattle Marathon at the end of November (she gave me a frowny face and head-shake when I said "marathon" and "end of November")

I did run about 5k this morning with the doggie... she had a good time. I had a pretty good time, too. I'm debating whether I take the doctor's orders literally, or I start when my first PT session is (Sept 8th) and do one last sprint tri on the 7th... guess I better decide soon. ;)

Oh no!! I am afraid to hear the same type of news from my physical therapist tomorrow. The doctor already told me to taper back on running (and cycling) because of my hip. I have a half marathon coming up on Sunday and won't miss that for the world! They will just have to deal with my hip afterwards :)

Ran 4 miles on the treadmill yesterday, and will do an easy two tomorrow. I hate running on the treadmill.

08-28-2008, 04:13 PM
It rained all yesterday and spat rain today. I wanted to give the new shoes another try, but considering I might want to exchange them, I didn't want to run from home and get them muddy. So, I drove into town to do a free run on the paved trail. It was just spitting a really fine rain, which was okay as long as I was running, but then after my cool-down, I really wanted a dry place to stretch. But every gazebo and sheltering tree on the path was occupied by hospital employees smoking on their breaks. :mad: So I went back to my car, grabbed my rain jacket and draped it over my head while I stretched.

I laced the shoes up tighter today, and didn't get any arch pain, but I'm still getting a lot of Achilles pain. I think they're going to have to go back :( Hopefully I can find a more structured pair of Mizunos with the same fit, because they really feel good on my feet.

I ran a couple of errands, went home, and about a half hour later is when my alarm went off to remind me of my aerobics class tonight :eek: I'd forgotten. Well, I'd been saying I ought to do more two-a-days. (And my class went okay too :))

5.25 miles, kind of slow, but I was also trying out a new water belt.

Colby, heal up quick! Fuji, hope the news from your PT wasn't too bad and that you heal up quickly as well.

08-29-2008, 01:29 AM
Colby, I will hope for the best. I think I'll run the Seattle half marathon because that's what the work people are doing (peer pressure, that and I'm not so sure I won't be feeling lazy) but I haven't signed up yet. I was looking forward to hearing the cowbells but there is always next year :D

Fuji, I hope you get good news.

Oakleaf, do you have orthotics or do you depend on the shoes?

I'm having difficulty because my shoes (that I love) give me blisters on the inner side of the ball of my foot. I use socks that are traditionally wonderful for me and Body Glide. I used the anti-blister powder last week and the one blister/callous thing turned into a blood blister! It is ugly and is highly visible when I wear sandals. Oh well...gives my co-workers something to cringe about. Honestly my Brooks are better than anything I've worn, I just wish they came in wider sizes.

I ran a lot last week (28 miles in 3 days long with track workout and hill workout on other days) and will run 15 miles when I wake up. My track mile time is getting down there, which is exciting. I have a 10K next weekend which should be no big deal but I almost have Expectations (keep in mind my Expectations are low) and then the marathon is in October.

When I came back from my last 5 mile run on Sunday, which was a two run day, I was looking forward to some downtime with ice and the Stick. When I walked into the house, THIS is what I found. You don't mess with a 25 lb cat :D

08-29-2008, 02:07 AM
You want to talk ginormous...I had been in men's 8.5 extra wide shoes for running. After orthotics, and after starting to run more structured workouts, I started getting the dreaded Purple Toenail.

I went from men's 8.5 (which kind of sounds civilized) to womens 11.

11. It really gets no worse. It's not petite or delicate or even cute.

The truly scary thing is I haven't worn any of my really great girl shoes for a while. I am casual at work and if I'm not there, I'm comfy. I wore some shoes today that I haven't worn for a while and I think my feet are growing sideways.

It's a scary freak of nature thing. I always thought shoes were loyal and true and weren't dependent on what you ate. I thought they were slimming. I hate to envision a life of sturdiness and practical shoes but the day might be coming.

Age. Grrrrr.

08-29-2008, 05:29 AM
As of Thursday I could actually walk again from Sunday's Oly.

I promised myself a running break of a month - yesterday I was thinking to myself what delicious running weather it would be.

08-29-2008, 06:30 AM
Colby & Fugichants,
Are the doctors or orthapedics you are seeing have any experience/certifications in sports medicine? I find that run of the mill doctors, orthapedist, PT and people in general think running is BAD and bad on the body/joints, etc. So the saying "don't run" and "marathon is crazy" is just so hard for us that run to hear.

I, myself, would opt to taking it easier to see it that aggrevates it less. stretch, stretch, stretch, antiinflammatories and good shoes.

That being said, I am not physician....but a runner....with aches and pains that come and go. And a desire to train for my 1/2 marathon no matter what!

Good luck and hope you both feel better soon!

Maybe PT with some good exercies will help.

08-29-2008, 07:58 AM
I should ask if the PT I am seeing is experienced in sports medicine. Things went well though, he was very attentive to my running needs and showed me some amazing stretches that loosened that annoyingly tight hip flexor right up. He was worried that it would interfere with my performance on Sunday as these stretches made my legs feel all Gumby like, but I told him anything is better than a tight hip flexor. As for my ITB pains, my glute muscles are not strong enough, hence my hip kind of pops out when I run, which aggravates my ITB. He gave me some exercises for that.

I even asked him: you're not going to tell me to stop running are you? And he just laughed and said: I would only tell you to stop if you are in such great pain that you can't even walk properly. But even then, i'll try to fix you up. :)

08-29-2008, 08:40 AM
As for the Seattle Marathon, I'm thinking if I feel good after my month off, worst case I can at least do the half marathon which takes less time to build up to, and then we can still hear the cowbells... my father in law is all excited about it. ;)

I started with a chiropractor that doesn't necessarily have a sports focus, but has done chiro for major running events and seen a LOT of runners. The massage guy I see has seen a lot of active people, but never an Ironman.

The ortho I was referred to seemed to "get it" and are well-known in the area, but I don't specifically know about their sports focus. The PT shop (therapeutic associates, for those of you in the NW) does sponsor local sporting events (triathlons, running) and some of them have a sports focus, but I don't know if the lady I'm seeing does (since I haven't seen her yet!).

Right now, I'm going with the cycling, swimming, and yoga plan. I am probably going to start acupuncture for my hip pain, too, and see if we can get over the hump FAST. The less PT the better, but what I want them to do is to give me clear instructions for the things I can fix, and figure out if I have problems with shoes, or gait, or whatever. Those are the questions I'll be asking... sooooooooon!!

08-29-2008, 06:36 PM
Had a good 4.25 mile run on the treadmill today -- the first time I've managed to run all week. I did quarter-mile intervals from flat to incline (2% twice, 2.5% twice, 3% twice, all at a 5.5 mph pace), then finished up with a long flat section at a faster pace (6 to 6.2 mph). Discovered that it is much easier for me to run faster on the flats than slower on the hills; that's why I am working on hills now, because every time I actually get to run outside, I die on the hills.

I am also reading Chi Running now and am trying to put some of it in practice -- forward lean, mid-foot strike, elbows and legs back, relaxed ankles/legs. It does seem to help, though there is a lot to remember!

Hope all the injured folks heal up! I feel lucky not to have any injuries, probably because I don't do enough to injure myself. ;-)

08-30-2008, 08:26 AM
I did 4 miles of easy pace this morning. We've had a mild summer and the morning runs feel so good.

I've been working on the Chi Running, too. I really like it, but the hardest for me seems to be the leaning forward in a straight line from the ankle up. When I look at my shadow, I always seem to bend forward from the hip a little bit. When you get it right, though, it does work.
