View Full Version : cycling in Austria?

07-09-2008, 08:14 AM
Okay ladies, I am going to a conference in Austria at the end of August. I was thinking about bringing my bike with me. Does anyone know good inn to inn rides? Has anyone done some cool rides in this area? Thanks!

07-10-2008, 12:18 AM
Which part of Austria?

There are a lot of cycle paths and of course plenty of moutains too, so it really depends on what you like to do. Along the Inn and Danube rivers is very nice.

There is a website here (only in German, I'm afraid) whith details of some cycle routes: http://www.radfahren.at/ It looks as though it's run by the Austrian tourist board, so you could always try phoning them for information in English.

I've cycled across Austria at the narrowest point! I think it took about half an hour.

07-10-2008, 08:52 AM
I think I have figured it out: I shall do part of the Danube trail system from Vienna to Salzburg (did I even come close with the spelling?) - I bought a book....

07-11-2008, 04:25 PM
If you haven't traveled with a bike in a while, you might want to check out the luggage restrictions and extra charges for bikes on planes. In the US, it's upwards of $150 each way to take a bike in a box. Folding bike is different, of course.

Sounds like a wonderful place to ride.

07-16-2008, 08:16 AM
That looks great. What sort of bike are you taking?

07-31-2008, 07:32 PM
Ginny - that is a great trip, I've done it twice (long ago, so I don't have my maps etc.)... We stayed 2 night in Salzburg...wonderful. Plan a stay in Melk for the abbey and then another town, down the trail from Melk is famous for its mideval (sp?) archetecture. I'm sure you'll see it in the guidebooks. Make sure to go to the Melk abbey.

Also be sure to stay on the trail...there are some narrow roads, and it is easy to end up on the road if you aren't paying attention. I wasn't and got hit from behind by an 82 year old Swiss guy. I highly recommend the Austrian hospital system.

But it is still the best trip ever, and I did it again without the getting run over part!