View Full Version : Good Friends, Good Ride

03-26-2005, 09:42 AM
When Sarah posted she’d be riding Diablo on Friday I thought, “Hey this is my chance to ride over to the mountain from my house – and not HAVE to ride back.” I have a choice of two routes neither are especially easy, but I decided to ride up over Morgan Territory. It’s a beautiful, mostly single lane, very bumpy, little traveled road that climbs up about 2200 feet or so. The payoff is the descent down into Livermore. Local cyclists call it the Plunge. It’s a fast descent on good pavement, with good site lines into all the curves. I’ll work my way from Livermore over to Danville. Then I’ll climb up the South Gate Road of Diablo and meet Sarah and Bill at the Junction and ride to the summit with them.

It’s a beautiful day – perfect riding weather – sunny but not too warm. Because of all the rain we’ve had everything is so green. I leave my house a little after nine and head over to Deer Valley road. Kaiser has just built a facility on the Antioch end of this, so initially there is good pavement and a lane to ride in. Once you pass Kaiser, the lane disappears and you have to ride with the cars. I deliberately waited until the morning commute was over to start. Here’s my objective. (http://www.tandemhearts.com/bike/diablo-2/diablo-from-a-distance.jpg)

Once summer comes this road can be miserable to ride, no shade and everything is brown. There’s a bit of traffic today but the drivers are giving me plenty of room. There are two short but very steep hills on Deer Valley. I know I can power over them in the middle ring, but I decide the wiser course would be to spin over in the grannies. This is the ridgeline (http://www.tandemhearts.com/bike/diablo-2/deer-valley-rd.jpg) I have to cross.

The first climb has an S curve at the top so you can’t see the summit. As I enter the S, I hear a truck behind me. Nice guy, stayed back until I was over the summit and flying down the other side – hit 40 MPH here. The mountain (http://www.tandemhearts.com/bike/diablo-2/diablo-from-deer-valley.jpg) is still pretty far away.

The second hill comes up quickly. This is a straight climb. I always think going this way, that it’s the worse of the two. Turn right at the bottom of the hill and now I’m on Marsh Creek Road. This is a very curvy road with rollers, but overall is a climb. It’s still a narrow road with very little or no shoulder. It’s here that I have two trucks beep as they pass me - one at the start, the other a little later on. Do they really think I can’t hear their loud engines? Or does it make them happy to see me jump? I missed the opportunity to get a picture of the creek. It was flowing pretty heavily. About 5 miles into it I get another view of the mountain. (http://www.tandemhearts.com/bike/diablo-2/diablo-from-marsh-creek.jpg) It’s closer now.

Just before the turn onto Morgan Territory Road, there is a vicious hill. It’s long and steep, gets two chevrons on my Krebs map. Again I decide that I’m not looking for speed at this point, I gear down and spin my way up it.

Left hand turn onto Morgan Territory Road - this is horse country. Beautiful homes, for the first 4 miles, good pavement, it’s a pleasant ride. About 3.5 miles into it I see a sign saying Road Closed Ahead. Of course I don’t want to believe it, so I continue on. A hundred feet or so later, there is another. I round the corner and just where the road turns to a single lane, there is a barrier across it and a sign. (http://www.tandemhearts.com/bike/diablo-2/road-closed.jpg)

I call Thom and let him know that my route has changed. He thinks I should ride up and see why the road is closed. I decline. Turns out, 70 feet of the road is washed away and it’s going to be closed for several months. I call Sarah next and let her know I’ll be meeting them at Arbolado Park instead of the Junction.

I backtrack down Morgan Territory and turn left on Marsh Creek to head out to Clayton. I immediately have a pretty big hill and there are some cars stopped in the middle of it one on my left, two on the right. A guy from the left comes across the street and asks me for directions to the shooting range. I tease him a little about making me stop in the middle of the hill. There is no lane for me to pull off into, but there’s no traffic so no biggie. But when I go to leave and look over my shoulder, there’s a CHP guy there. Oops. I guess the other two cars had an incident.

From the top of this hill, you fly down into Clayton. A couple of turns and I’m on Pine Hollow. A bicyclist passes me just before the turn onto Ygnacio. We chat a little bit at the stop light. I wasn’t thrilled about climbing up Ygnacio, but it wasn’t too bad. Another flying downhill and I need to turn left onto Oak Grove. This is hairy, two lanes of traffic to cross, but I make it. A mile or so later and I hook up with Sarah and Bill.

A spring climb up Diablo requires a lot of extra stuff, arm warmers, knee or leg warmers, a jacket, long fingered gloves, all for that 12 mile descent! So where’s the kitchen sink (http://www.tandemhearts.com/bike/diablo-2/loaded-pockets.jpg) going to go?

Bill, Sarah and I stay together initially, but once we get into the park Sarah takes off and Bill soon follows. My legs are beginning to feel all those other miles. I have no power to accelerate, I’m already down to my smallest gear, but I can spin. So that’s what I do – spin and enjoy the scenery. (http://www.tandemhearts.com/bike/diablo-2/wild-flowers.jpg)

Bill and Sarah are waiting for me at the Junction. I have a Red Bull and then we continue on the Summit. Sarah again took off – man she’s got a lot of energy. :D Bill stays with me for a little bit. I’m really just grinding it out now. But I know this mountain and I know I’ve got the determination to get to the top today. It ain’t going to be pretty, but it’s going to happen.

Halfway between Juniper and Devil’s Elbow I decide I need a break. I stop, snap a couple of pictures, it’s getting a bit hazy now, eat half a granola bar and then continue on. I see Bill ahead of me at Devil’s Elbow, about a mile away. He’s wearing red so he’s easy to spot. Grind, grind, grind. I’m talking myself through this section. I know it’s steep, but once I make the corner at Devil’s Elbow, it levels out. Get to the Elbow and I’m golden.

A guy passes just after Devil’s Elbow. I ask him for a tow rope. He laughs and says, “Sorry, no.” Darn. I get to the lower parking lot. I usually stop here, let my heart rate come down, get a drink, make sure I’m really in my lowest gear and then head up to the Summit. I do all that and I’m thinking, “Man, am I going to be able to do this? 17% is HARD. But if I don’t get there, who will take Sarah and Bill’s picture. You have to have a picture when you make the Summit.” The lower section isn’t too bad, but by the top I am crawling. I credit Coach Troy’s Hill Climbing video with getting me to the top. Bill and Sarah's cheering helped too.

The Summit exhibits haven’t been open in months, but we got lucky and they were this day. I got two pictures of Bill and Sarah, one inside at the VERY top and one by the sign outside – which Bill pointed out is actually below the parking lot level.
Inside (http://www.tandemhearts.com/bike/diablo-2/sara-bill-summit-1.jpg)
Outside (http://www.tandemhearts.com/bike/diablo-2/sara-bill-summit-2.jpg)

The descent was rocking as usual. Bill gave me a new nick name – Zippity Doo. I like it. I averaged 21 with a high of 31. Thom was waiting for me at the bottom with more Red Bull and Cheetos.

I was in bed by 8 and slept like the dead until 6 – late for me. Today we’re going to mountain bike Diablo. It’ll be easier right?


03-26-2005, 10:49 AM
Hey, Zippity Doo! Good pics! Thanks for the travelogue. I'm going to send the pics to Jason with a "niener, niener." He's the one that most wanted to do Diablo. :D

We had a great time - friends and endorphins. What a combo!

03-26-2005, 12:09 PM
I enjoyed the travelogue V. - thanks for sharing!

While, I'm not much on writing a detailed trip report, I must say that Shannon (slinkedog) and I had a great ride today. Wow, those reservoirs (south of San. Francisco CA) were quite beautiful. Perfect weather. Lots of friendly cyclists on the road and a great riding partner. It was nice to meet up with a fellow TE gal. We chatted nicely throughout the ride and kept a pace that allowed us to get to know each other without getting winded. We worked our way through the rollers and enjoyed the beautiful countryside (while it's still lush and green). I met Shannon's hubby and kids (the oldest was off being a teenager :cool: ) - they are all so sweet and cute as can be. Shannon's young son showed off his muscles and did 10 push-ups for me. Her middle daughter brought her mom flowers from the garden (so cute!).

I can't wait to meet the rest of you at the Cinderella dinner. Happy riding till then.


03-26-2005, 03:53 PM
.Road Closed Ahead.V.

FYI from: Saturday's San Francisco Chronicle:

The original article can be found on SFGate.com here:
Saturday, March 26, 2005 (SF Chronicle)
CLAYTON/Portion of road closed after washout
Erin Hallissy

Contra Costa County officials have closed a stretch of Morgan Territory
Road on the eastern side of Mount Diablo after high water from Marsh Creek
washed away half the roadway Wednesday morning.

About 70 feet of the narrow, two-lane asphalt road 6.5 miles south of
Marsh Creek Road was swept away, and the damage could grow because the
ground is so saturated from heavy winter rains, said Joe Yee, the county's
assistant public works director.

That portion of the road will be closed to all motorists and bicyclists
for several months, Yee said, because repairs cannot begin until the area
dries out.

There are about 12 residences in the rural area affected by the road
closure, Yee said. Those south of the slide area should use Livermore
Avenue to Manning Road to get to Morgan Territory Road, and those north
should use Marsh Creek Road.

03-26-2005, 04:06 PM
Thanks for the update.

Bubba and I were going to ask you gals in that area to lead a ride. Kim keeps touting it's beauty and Veronica's pictures backed her up. We're getting curious about some of those hills down there. Bubba isn't ready to do Diablo again tomorrow but he wants to do it again before it gets hot. I can't believe how enthused he is about the hill climbing!

03-26-2005, 04:34 PM
It's a real bummer about the road being closed. The Devil Mountain Double goes that way and I'm wondering how they will reroute it. Maybe go up the south side like they usually do, down the north and then back up to the Junction and down to the south? It would be a shame if the ride didn't go. I really enjoy doing the staff ride and then working the ride itself is a lot of fun.


03-26-2005, 04:50 PM
I've just told Jesse about the road closure, so I don't think the Quacks were aware of the problem. Jesse is not happy at the moment. You're right V, they'll probably have to reroute the DMD back up the north side to the junction. Well, the Quacks are a resourceful group, they'll think of something.

03-26-2005, 05:04 PM
Another route might be to continue out Marsh Creek to Brentwood and then take Vasco to Livermore. It would probably add miles, but you'd lose some climb.


03-27-2005, 12:37 PM
Looks like the new route for DMD will probably be: up Diablo to the summit, back down the south side, out to Morgan Territory from the Livermore side, then continuing the usual route. So both Diablo and MT may have people both ascending and descending the same road, like the Death Ride!

This route planning is more complicated than I would have guessed. They didn't want to have to change the rest stops, some of which they have to pay for and arrange months in advance, and they have to be out of Diablo park before the gates normally open. They've already got one changed rest stop this year which has been causing them enough grief. The Quacks really put a lot of effort and planning into this ride. So I think the Quacks can thank Veronica and CindySue for saving this year's DMD. :)

03-27-2005, 12:53 PM
No problem with the hijack since it's my thread and I have a vested interest in DMD. Ugh riding up the Livermore side of Morgan Territory has no appeal. Hot and hard!

At least this ride has very limited numbers and the riders are very experienced for the most part.


03-27-2005, 02:57 PM
Veronica, thanks for the great travelogue with pictures. I couldn't get out to ride this weekend because of homework, but reading about your ride almost made me feel like I got outside this weekend. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

03-27-2005, 07:39 PM
You're quite welcome. :D I enjoy taking pictures and then writing about my "adventures". It gives you a chance to relive it.


03-28-2005, 07:35 AM
Cindy, thanks for making the special effort to get together and ride! It was a blast and I sure enjoyed meeting you! It kind of coulded up here after our ride, so I'm glad we went as early as we did. I definitely think we got the best weather of the day.

Let it be known (as I have done in another thread, but I just have to brag on her) that CindySue did our nearly-30-mile-ride with no bike shorts after working a graveyard shift! Blaine thinks you are DA WOMAN, Cindy!! ;)

Cindy was very kind and never dropped me and answered the million and one questions I asked her very politely and never once told me to shut up. I think the only time I did shut up was on those two hills (McKean and Buffalo Hill) and that was only because I couldn't have spoken if I had wanted to. She was very patient through my 15 - 20 minute rest stops and was very gracious. Couldn't ask for a better riding partner!!

Thanks again, Cindy. Let me know if you're up for a ride again sometime. Better make sure it's after your graveyard shift so you're sufficiently tired that I can keep up with you!

03-28-2005, 09:06 AM
It was a blast and I definitely think we got the best weather of the day.

It was a blast! I truely enjoyed myself - so don't feel you were slowing me down. the pace was great to get to know you better! I am so very often the last in the pack when cycling and my friends are always right there with me, chatting it up - or encouraging me to push myself a little farther.

The camraderie is what makes it all worthwhile - and of course it would be nice if I could have calves of steel someday too! Hmmmmmmm........

Can't wait to meet the rest of you girls at the dinner, cinderella, and any other events in the near future.

Cheers - Keep riding!

03-30-2005, 06:19 PM
I rode over Morgan Territory today. It''s quite ridable, although be prepared for it to be even bumpier than last season. There's about six feet between you and the cordoned off washout area. The washout is at mile 6.6. I went down the Livermore side. I THOUGHT I was taking it easy, but I still found myself doing more than 43.


Bike Goddess
03-30-2005, 08:24 PM
Thanks V for the great travelogue, pics and all. Makes me want to go for a hike in the Mitchell Canyon area. Know about the falls up there?

Sorry we won't see you all tomorrow. :( But you'll be there in spirit that's for sure! :)

03-31-2005, 03:53 AM
I rode over Highland Road and Camino Tassajara yesterday - more of the Cindy route. Highland was sooo windy. Granted I already had 60 miles in my legs and the climb over Morgan Territory. Tassajara was nice though!


03-31-2005, 05:04 AM
Thanks for the pix, Veronica! It's so beautiful, it's hard to believe it gets all brown and yucky. Diablo looks like a 'devil' to get up!!

03-31-2005, 10:28 AM
I rode over Highland Road and Camino Tassajara yesterday - more of the Cindy route. Highland was sooo windy. Granted I already had 60 miles in my legs and the climb over Morgan Territory. Tassajara was nice though!


Did you get your miles in??...did you make your goal?

03-31-2005, 11:39 AM
It's so beautiful, it's hard to believe it gets all brown and yucky.
No, it gets "golden." :) And it really isn't yucky, I think it's beautiful here year round. Maybe it's an acquired taste.

03-31-2005, 11:59 AM
No, it gets "golden." :)

Strike the "yucky"!!! I've only visiting your area once and I was struck by the wheat-colored hills with the lone oaks sprinkled around. I guess I was thinking about the dryness around my sister's place in Texas, which can be a bit grim sometimes (although beautiful in it's own way - don't want to rile you Texas girls!) Each area has it's own beauty and aren't we lucky to be going slow enough on our rides to actually enjoy it!!

03-31-2005, 12:22 PM
I love the gold hills and the green valley oaks, especially in the evening light.