View Full Version : A Great Big Thankyout to Denise Golberg!
03-20-2005, 12:48 PM
I ordered Nancy Clarks Sports Nutrition & Th Cyclist's Food Guide per your suggestion on another post. I had lost weight on a high protien diet, but always felt tired, and ended up bonking frequently. That not being the worse side effect but it probably was a large contributor to the appendectomy that I recently endured. I have been reading the advice that she has been giving. It has really helped a lot, I feel better than I have in quite awhile. I would endorse it for anyone that wants to take an intellegent well balance approach to nutrition and training. I'm glad I purchased both because the cycling specific book is exactly that, but the Sports Nurtrition lays such a good foundation to help us understand basic nutrition, calculating calorie, protein, fat & carb requirements. Practical ways to fuel yourself, weight loss (or gain) while training and arecipe selection. So Thanks again Denise!
03-20-2005, 12:56 PM
I've really enjoyed Nancy Clark's articles in Adventure Cycling. She seems to stress a very common-sense approach to eating a well-balanced diet, everything in moderation, without resorting to the latest potions or gimmicks, which, IMHO, do more harm than good in the long run
Cheers, - Jo.
03-20-2005, 01:02 PM
I ordered Nancy Clarks Sports Nutrition & Th Cyclist's Food Guide per your suggestion on another post... So Thanks again Denise!
Donna -
You're welcome! I'm always happy to share information like this. I just received my copy the The Cyclist's Food Guide on Friday - I enjoyed Nancy Clark's other book so much I figured I could use the extra push from her new book too. It's on my reading list for this week.
--- Denise
03-20-2005, 07:11 PM
I second that thank you to Denise.
I also received the Cycling Food Guide on Friday. I have not read it from front to back yet but what I have read has been a great wealth of information and it has answered many questions for me like how much protein do we all actually need and when to eat them was one of my main questions.
But whether you are a vegatarian, someone who constantly goes on the scale, or someone that wants to eat to get the most out of cycling and energy just to go about everyday life, this book is a must read. As Jo said, pretty much common sense and everything in moderation.
I didn't buy the regular nutrition book and probably should have as there was a deal if you bought both.
03-21-2005, 03:47 PM
I didn't buy the regular nutrition book and probably should have as there was a deal if you bought both.
What web site? I couldn't find the cycling book on Amazon. Thanks!
03-21-2005, 04:11 PM
What web site? I couldn't find the cycling book on Amazon. Thanks!
You can purchase The Cyclist's Food Guide - as well as her other nutrition books - on Nancy Clark's web site. It's at (
I have to admit I was a little surprised that it wasn't available at Amazon - that's where I looked first too! Not a problem though, her web site was pretty fast at fulfilling the order.
03-21-2005, 04:20 PM
Thanks, Denise. I just found it. Ordered both and am looking forward to the read.
BTW, and I am almost embarrassed to mention this to someone who's ridden across America :eek: , but I just started on my new road bike a month or so ago and yesterday did my first continuous ride of 30 miles. A cool day all around, as it was the first day of spring and we saw horses, jonquils, tulip trees, birds, etc. A day to remember!
03-21-2005, 05:07 PM
I also received my copy last week and read the whole book in about 3 hours. I couldn't put it down. Now my husband is reading it. Although much of the info. wasn't new to me, I now know why I just didn't fee that good when I was riding a lot last summer.
03-21-2005, 05:49 PM
, but I just started on my new road bike a month or so ago and yesterday did my first continuous ride of 30 miles... A day to remember!
Awesome! Sounds like a great ride.
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