View Full Version : Ride Like a Girl - May rides

05-06-2008, 03:41 PM
Hey all.
MORE (http://www.more-mtb.org/) posted some of their current RLAG (http://www.ridelikeagirl.org/) rides for May:

Rosaryville (http://www.more-mtb.org/forum/showthread.php?t=1198) on Saturday the 10th looks like a possibility for me. How about you guys? I may try to convince Mike at the LBS to let me borrow a singlespeed to demo. This is the place to do it. VB....a great place for you to get a taste of some really sweet singletrack.

RLAG will be reprising their Frederick Gravel Road Ride on the 31st (Zen?? KD?). More practice for the C&O ride.

Wednesday night rides at Fairland (http://www.more-mtb.org/forum/showthread.php?t=1206) also seems interesting. That's right up the road a piece for me. DB...interested??

05-09-2008, 05:31 AM
Saturday's Rosaryville ride has been postponed due to the rain.
New date TBD.
Bummer. :(

05-09-2008, 06:08 AM
Wednesday night rides at Fairland (http://www.more-mtb.org/forum/showthread.php?t=1206) also seems interesting. That's right up the road a piece for me. DB...interested??

I saw that in the RLAG e-mail, and am thinking it sounds like fun. Maybe some Wednesday when the weather is nice. It would be good to go with people who know their way around, because I could be lost forever in the woods at Fairland.

There's a stream crossing at Fairland at the beginning of the ride that kind of freaks me out, so that keeps me from being really excited about riding there. It's a pretty steep downhill into the creek, then a steep uphill with a quick left turn around some rocks. I need to do it again so I can get over it.

Bummer about the Rosaryville Mother's Day ride. I was looking forward to that one.