View Full Version : Ride to Provide anyone?

04-28-2008, 11:16 AM
So I was thinking about doing this ride (http://www.fanfreeclinic.org/RidetoProvide/tabid/85/Default.aspx) but I'm getting home from school a little under a week before and won't have any training on my road bike..plus one of my closest friends from home wanted to throw a welcome back party for me that night. I was considering doing the metric century since I won't have any training time and it's about all I'd be able to handle, but my dad wanted to do the full century so I think I'll let him tackle that alone and look around for a ride a little later instead. Anyone else thinking about doing this ride?

04-28-2008, 11:24 AM
I will be on vacation; otherwise, I'd do it. Thanks for the link. I'm new to Richmond and I hadn't heard of this ride before.

04-28-2008, 11:39 AM
Hmmm. If I was going to a party the night before a 100, and hadn't done much prep anyway, I'd let my Dad do it on his own as well.

Maybe you two can hunt out another ride you can both do in a few weeks when you've been back on the bike again.

04-28-2008, 11:44 AM
Haha yeah, I figured if my friends wanted to do the party on Friday night before the ride it would definitely be a no-go, and if it was the night of the ride after it was done I'd probably be too tired. I was really hoping to be able to do it but it's probably smarter to get some training in before hitting up a century towards the end of the month. I don't really know how my dad is planning on doing it actually, considering that when I was home about a month ago I was faster than him (for the first time EVER), so I hope he's been training like crazy. Feel free to throw in some support for him though on the site, his name is Jason Legum. It's all going to a good cause!

And no problem tulip. There's also a critical mass thing going on downtown on May 30th if you're interested. Probably mostly VCU kids but it might be a good time. Meet up is at 4:30 at Monroe Park.

04-28-2008, 12:12 PM
And no problem tulip. There's also a critical mass thing going on downtown on May 30th if you're interested. Probably mostly VCU kids but it might be a good time. Meet up is at 4:30 at Monroe Park.

We'll just agree to disagree on the whole Critical Mass thing. Let's not keep that from us getting together for a ride, though!

04-28-2008, 02:01 PM
Haha no worries, it's not my kind of thing either. It just popped up on my facebook and I figured I'd share the word with any fellow richmonders who might be interested.