View Full Version : Another car hitting cyclists - this time, it's me!
04-28-2008, 11:00 AM
Car hit me and DGF, Linda while we were in the crosswalk of a trail yesterday - whew! Am banged up pretty bad, but we're both grateful to be alive, for sure! My beautiful Seven was not so lucky though and it's totally wrecked :(:mad::(:(:(...the police are holding it as evidence and I was told that the driver was arrested on a felony and her car impounded too. I know that she came out of no where driving fast in that unoccupied lane and skidded hard into very, very lucky, I know, and now having to deal with the injuries and legalites and insurance - ugh...
It happened on the Interurban trail in Auburn yesterday afternoon, so if any of you were in the area or live in the south end, have heard anything more, could you PM me please?
That's enough plucking on the keys for now...(and I'd say to be safe out there, but I am and I was and this was seemingly about a tame a ride as I've done...just ironic that I've done rides across many states/thousands of miles and this happens here...oh well
enjoy the tailwinds for me for a while girls, ok?
04-28-2008, 11:13 AM
{{{{Mary}}}} :eek:
Wow, I am so glad you walked away (sort of). I am glad the police are taking this serious. We know this can happen to any of us. We, individually, are careful, but it is the other person we have no control over. Please take care of yourself...
04-28-2008, 11:15 AM
Oh oh oh! Mary, I am so sorry! But so glad you're okay enough to post. Let us PNWers know if you need anything at all, okay? And I'm so sorry about the bike. too. Jeez. Love to you both.
04-28-2008, 11:43 AM
Oh Dear
This is always awful news to read - but somehow worse when it is someone you have connections with... Hugs from another TE-er (gentle ones).
I take it you have no breaks? You both just sustained bruising and cuts? I guess that is good because it is less time to heal, but all of us here know it is more than just physical healing.
Awful to hear about your bike too. I have sat with several people who have come off their bikes during racing, and all of them have been more worried about their bikes than themselves...
Can someone explain to me "on the cross-wlk of a trail"? Is that like a pedestrian crossing where bikes can cross over a road? I am just confused because over here, cars would not be on trails...
04-28-2008, 11:47 AM
Road raven, in our area, we have a lot of bike trails which cut across streets.
Most of them are marked very clearly with a normal crosswalk paint job and signs; as they go across the street.
Mary, i am so sorry to hear you were hurt and that your bike is now just "evidence"
(((((((Mary))))))) Wow, so glad you're going to be okay, and so sorry that you're going through this. :(
Mary, so sorry for this experience you're having! I'm sending you lots of butterflies to help you heal and to help the whole process and legalities part of this be as easy as it can be.
If you'd like to receive a photo in your email each day, to give you a bit of beauty, especially as you recover, let me know your addy and I'll put you on the list.
Gentle hugs,
04-28-2008, 12:07 PM
(((Mary))) oh, thats terrible. I'm so glad you weren't hurt any worse. I hope you have a quick recovery, take care.
I hope you feel better soon. Big hug!
04-28-2008, 12:47 PM
That is just AWFUL. I just am so glad you are not critically injured, or your DGF either. I hope that driver gets the book.
Please get well soon. :( :(
04-28-2008, 12:50 PM
((((((M and L)))))I pm'd you. Call me if you need anything. I'm right in your neighborhood! I can be there in 5 minutes!
04-28-2008, 01:06 PM
(((((M & L))))) We are soooooo lucky you are both ok, well .... that is good enough to type. I'm glad the police are taking action.
Duck on Wheels
04-28-2008, 01:54 PM
Hugs and butterflies to you both!!! I saw a post over on OT Australia and went :eek: I'm so relieved to see you both came away from this with only minor injuries! The butterflies are carrying over some virtual arnica for the bruises. Hope you both get well quick!
04-28-2008, 02:00 PM
Isn't it "funny" how being lucky can seem so darn unlucky?
I'm glad you're still here and in good enough shape to post.
04-28-2008, 02:05 PM
(((((((M & L)))))))) - that's terrible. Thank you for finding the time and strength to tell us about it. Rest well and get better and let me know if there is something I can do to help you. It's terrible that you were injured and I don't want to minimize that. But........ your seven!!!! OMG. That bike was fabulous and you were so careful with it and loving. How sad.:(
Thinking and sending healing thoughts to the both of you.
04-28-2008, 02:16 PM
(((((MM+L)))))Scary! I hope you and L did not sustain major injuries. I wish you and her a quick recovery. And I'm so so so sorry about your Seven.
ETA: PM me if you need anything, BIAK and I are here for you.
04-28-2008, 02:17 PM
GLAD you're able to post. Hope the driver isn't allowed back behind hte wheel and that somehow word gets out so folks are more careful with those big thigns with engines!!!!
Keep us posted so we can keep the good thoughts coming throughout the process...
04-28-2008, 02:25 PM
Wow - what a story! I am SO sorry and so glad you were not more seriously injured. Sorry about the bike.
Out of curiosity, you said driver was up for a felony - was that hitting you guys or were there other circumstances (i.e., was she under the influence, on the lam, etc.)?
04-28-2008, 02:53 PM
How awful that happened to you - yet how lucky you aren't hurt worse :(
Healing vibes headed your way.
04-28-2008, 02:53 PM
Hi Mary,
My heart goes out to you. I hope you mend quick. I'm so glad that the lady who hit was arrested and charged.
04-28-2008, 03:08 PM
Glad you're alive, and hope you're not too badly hurt. You really are lucky-that was more than too close a call!
Hope she learns a lesson from this. At least it sounds like it's being taken seriously this time. When you're ready, tell us what happened. Until then, hugs.
04-28-2008, 03:27 PM
Mary - scary, but I'm glad you're "basically" okay! I understand what you were saying. I rode for years and years on really crowded roads and did not get hit until I was living in a small town in a nice big bike lane on a not that busy road!
You just never know!
04-28-2008, 04:16 PM
Oh dear! :eek: :( Mary, sorry to hear you're banged up. I hope you heal quickly & get back on a bike soon!
I sure hope the woman's learnt her lesson! I guess after paying a visit to court, she might! :mad:
04-28-2008, 05:35 PM
I'm so sorry to hear about your accident. I hope that you feel better soon!
04-28-2008, 07:56 PM
Wow, it's so much scarier to read about cyclists being hit when you know them! Take care and rest up. What kind of injuries did you have? Nothing broken I hope!
04-28-2008, 08:10 PM
Out of curiosity, you said driver was up for a felony - was that hitting you guys or were there other circumstances (i.e., was she under the influence, on the lam, etc.)?
Are you kidding? She hit a SEVEN :eek: That's a felony right there :rolleyes: Throw the book at 'er.
04-28-2008, 10:55 PM
Mary, you are one tough lady. Hope you and Linda both heal quickly!
So very sorry your Seven didn't make it. What a heartbreak. I'll light a candle for it tonight.
04-29-2008, 03:57 AM
Hope you're feeling better this morning. Not too stiff and sore.
Sending good juju from the Big Easy
Mary, hope you're feeling a bit is a little something to make you smile.
04-29-2008, 05:41 AM
That puppy IS smiling!
I'm so sorry about your accident! Heal quick.
04-29-2008, 05:56 AM
That puppy IS smiling!
That's because the puppy has just been told s/he can pee on all of the drivers shoes. :p :D :)
Check out that knowing grin on the puppy in back.
04-29-2008, 08:20 AM
:eek::eek::eek: (((((M&L))))))) :eek::eek::eek:
How are you doing today????
We need an update!!!!
Thinking of you and sending feel good vibes your way!!
04-29-2008, 08:26 AM
she's going to the dr and the lawyer today.
I'm sure she'll check in again.
04-29-2008, 08:30 AM
Hey all...thanks so much for your kind messages and those puppies gave me a great big grin, Queen :D thanks!
Am headed to my doc again...gotta get all of the lacerations checked/bandages only too aware of my "soft tissue injuries" today...ugh! Linda has back and rib pain, but we're both very aware and oh so grateful that we're 1) alive to talk about (and whine/there always has to be good-natured whining, right?:p) - then it's to the he's not only a bike commuter, but has a custom bike himself (NOT as beautiful as my precious Seven though :( rest in peace, Joy (as in joy ride, that was her name)...both bikes are still with the Police dept, as evidence. The main charge is DUI, mallotpois and the driver also admitted to reaching into the back seat to play with her nephew before looking back up and seeing us in the cross walk...she jammed on her breaks, but was going so fast that she had skid marks for maybe 30 was eerie to go back there and take pics yesterday, as I was personalizing the POI marks on the crosswalk pavement!
Gotta only plucking as arms, wrists hurt with these long posts...later...thanks again and please enjoy those tailwinds in my stead for a while, ok?
Oh Mary- that's awful. I'm glad you are both pretty much OK and the driver is going to get punished. You make sure that you get an even nicer custom Seven out of her insurance company!
04-29-2008, 08:56 AM
That's great that your atty is also a cyclist. Very good.
She was DUI with her nephew in the car - at what time of day??? :eek:
Nice, puppies, Queen.
04-29-2008, 09:25 AM
Glad you are here - and enough under your own steam to get out to docs and lawyers.
May your soft tissues heal...
04-29-2008, 09:41 AM
Good luck Mary! That really stinks. Make sure you take the time you need to heal.
short cut sally
04-29-2008, 10:27 PM
Mary and Linda, sending you best wishes for a speedy recovery and respect to your bike..At least the police were taking action, and you have a fellow bike rider as an attorney. Things look positive for you, even though you are all banged up and looking for a new bike. The best part is you are able to be here and keep us updated;) Good luck with everything.
04-29-2008, 11:14 PM
Oh, Mary. :( I'm so sorry -- just found this thread. I'm so glad that it was nothing serious for either of you. Sounds like you've kept your sense of humor intact, especially. I'm sorry about the bike... what a terrible circumstance. I hope you heal well quickly, and are back riding soon, as well as Linda. Anything you need, you know where to find us all.
Good luck with all the police / atty / doctor stuff... hang in there.
04-30-2008, 06:11 AM
how you doing today Mary? How's Linda?
04-30-2008, 07:35 AM
Greetings and salutations!
I saw my dr yesterday...will need to get MRIs for my knee and elbow...both really messed up and knee is infected too, so I got on antibiotics ASAP. Linda is going to her doc this morning; she's having lots of back and rib cage pain...she landed on her back and felt as though she skidded a bit too after the impact.
Our attorney spoke with 3 of the 5 witnesses last night (he had to coach a soccer game and he was bike commuting, so we met with him for most of the afternoon until he had to bolt; but he went back to the office after, last night so that he could call and speak with them). All gave similar statements about the driver's speed; one man who was walking his dog on the trail, remembered that Linda and I stopped and chatted with him and his cute little papillon dog...he heard a scream and turned around to see "1 cyclist doing a cartwheel in the air (most likely Linda) as he said the other was flying through the air and disappeared on the other side of the car (me)...
The driver was released from jail on Monday, but toxicology tests are happening per what the prosecuting attorney called and told me yesterday. That's the criminal part of the proceedings that he'll be pursuing...he said that our county doesn't prosecute as vehicular assault which is the felony if there are no broken bones and the ER x-rays taken don't show any.
He will discuss other misdemeanor charges with our lawyer, but that's apart from our medical and property (have I said how heartbroken I am about my precious Seven, yet??? :(:(:mad:) issues. The police took tons of pics of both the accident scene, have 5 statements from the witnesses and pics of our broken bikes too, so our attorney will be in touch with them as to when we can get our bikes back too.
Thanks again for your kind messages...I've been sharing all with Linda too and we're hanging in there...although we did have to cancel dinner plans to celebrate our 2nd anniv tonight ...yesterday was my son's birthday and tomorrow is actually Linda's birthday, so it's a very different week than what I had planned...had to cancel our plans to ride in the Little Red Riding Hood in Utah too :(:(:(
Tailwinds to all!
Hey, Mary! Let us know how it goes with docs and lawyers. Yikes! I'm hoping the butterflies are helping you heal well and feel as good as possible. You've definitely got the right attitude for good healing!
...thanks again and please enjoy those tailwinds in my stead for a while, ok?
Last night during my time trial race, you were my first inspiration (and I knocked 1:07 off my time!) Thank you! :D
If you'd like to get a motivational and pretty picture in your email each day, PM me with your email address.
Hugs and butterflies,
04-30-2008, 07:53 AM
Hey, Mary! Let us know how it goes with docs and lawyers. Yikes! I'm hoping the butterflies are helping you heal well and feel as good as possible. You've definitely got the right attitude for good healing!
Last night during my time trial race, you were my first inspiration (and I knocked 1:07 off my time!) Thank you! :D
If you'd like to get a motivational and pretty picture in your email each day, PM me with your email address.
Hugs and butterflies,
woo-hoo, you go girl! awesome're your own inspiration surely, but I'm glad to help - from my comfy loveseat with propped-up leg! :p
Am telecommuting today and hoping that the antibiotics are starting to knock the poisons outta my leg - am warily watching it, f'sure!
damn! 1:07 knocked off - is goooooooood! right, Yoda?!
04-30-2008, 08:34 AM
Are you kidding? She hit a SEVEN :eek: That's a felony right there :rolleyes: Throw the book at 'er.
Amen to THAT! :D
Mary, so sorry to hear of your accident.
I hope you are both soon on the road to recovery.
04-30-2008, 10:34 AM
woo-hoo, you go girl! awesome're your own inspiration surely, but I'm glad to help - from my comfy loveseat with propped-up leg! :p
Am telecommuting today and hoping that the antibiotics are starting to knock the poisons outta my leg - am warily watching it, f'sure!
damn! 1:07 knocked off - is goooooooood! right, Yoda?!
Yup, that's a great improvement.
You'll be improving that fast soon M. Let us know how the MRIs etc come out. (((((Hugs)))))).
... our county doesn't prosecute as vehicular assault which is the felony if there are no broken bones...
That is one of the stupidest laws ever.
And it sucks.
Two people hit, one cartwheels through the air and one is thrown out of sight and that's not an assault?
04-30-2008, 01:30 PM
That is one of the stupidest laws ever.
And it sucks.
Two people hit, one cartwheels through the air and one is thrown out of sight and that's not an assault?
Ah, but under civil law there are probably options.
I can't even imagine what goes through the mind at that moment :( and I've been hit myself but not like that.
Red Rock
04-30-2008, 01:54 PM
I am sorry to hear this and that you are doing well. I/we all hope that you are able to recover well. Even more so, that you will be able to get a better Seven bike out of this.
Best wishes with all of the healing and dealing with hospital and legalitities.
04-30-2008, 02:31 PM
Ah, but under civil law there are probably options.
I can't even imagine what goes through the mind at that moment :( and I've been hit myself but not like that.
well, time was suspended for me...felt like forever when I glanced over and saw her car coming so fast at me...I thought I was dead, f'sure...then the thought of being painfully mangled up in my bike took its place...neither very pleasant...but it turned out great as far as those 2 thoughts go!
yep, the prosecutor and I briefly discussed the options, but I'll let my knowledgeable attorney discuss it more...she's not the registered owner of the car - if her nephew was in the back seat and a woman's name is noted as the registered owner, I'm guessing that she's in big trouble with her sister or s-in-l witness referred to her (in his statement) as the 'defendant' and said that she passed him (he stopped in the line of cars in the lane closest to us) about 1/4 mile back going @40mph, he estimates. Every witness mentioned her excessive speed and how she skidded into us and still either "sent those bikers flying" or "mowed down the cyclists" - both too true.
and Trek - per your auto-sig: I may not get to ride the Empire State AIDS ride, as I was training and hoping to do, but I AM GOING...Linda too. We're both still fundraising for it and we'll rehab and recover in lieu of training at this point, I guess. We'll rent a car and be road support for our rider buddies all week. Had to cxl going to the Little Red Riding Hood ride next month too :(
Going to my sports med doc at Univ WA tomorrow, as I'm concerned that per the cellulitis, they made need to open my knee up and clean it out, ya think?
04-30-2008, 03:41 PM
Mary, it's so good that you're writing all this down here. It may come in useful later, when memory fades (which will be a blessing, btw). I hate that this happened to you, but your descriptions are riveting. The slow motion speeding car coming towards you is spectacularly frightening. I'm so glad you're okay, and hope she pays dearly, and most importanly, loses her license and NEVER drives again.
05-02-2008, 08:42 AM
Oh Mary- that's awful. I'm glad you are both pretty much OK and the driver is going to get punished. You make sure that you get an even nicer custom Seven out of her insurance company!
Thanks, Eden - I'm sure you can appreciate that I already had my dream bike and didn't want nor need anything else. IMHO I had the nicest custom Seven already...and it's still being held in the PD's evidence room. Turns out the driver who hit us has a "long history of traffic infractions and criminal cases", according to my attorney, who had his paralegal do a search and make copies for the car's registered owner's insurance adjuster...hmmm!
05-02-2008, 08:49 AM
Mary, good to see you checking in. I hope you are feeling better. After reading your last post, i am thinking that your good condition is a MIRACLE!
Hopefully they'll put that gal away for a long time (yeah right) because she's a danger to society.
05-02-2008, 08:57 AM
I am so glad that you are alive! Thank God for that! How are you feeling, pain wise? I am sorry that you had to cancel Little Red - I was looking forward to meeting you - I hope that the road rash and bruises are healing quickly. Haagen Das Dark Chocolate Chocolate Ice Cream bars should help with that!
It is remarkable that you had so many people witness the car "mowing" you down - I say with a cringe running up my spine - for that you can be thankful. Please let me know if there is anything that I can do!
05-02-2008, 09:04 AM
Mary, good to see you checking in. I hope you are feeling better. After reading your last post, i am thinking that your good condition is a MIRACLE!
Hopefully they'll put that gal away for a long time (yeah right) because she's a danger to society.
You nailed it, (as usual!), Mimi: miracle is very apt and I'm both very aware as well as very grateful to have survived it - f'sure! You know something else? My 'native New Yorker' um creatively worded vocal expressions didn't surface at all! In other words, no cussing or foulmouth, by me at all - amazing!
I don't know what'll happen to her, and the criminal proceedings will probably take time (toxicology results returned, etc), so I'll continue to work on my own recovery from the injuries and rehab to ride again as soon as I'm able.
I did get a few kidding invitations to be on some Bike to Work month teams - arrrgggh!
Had the MRI of my knee last night and should hear from the doc elbow is too banged up, full of fluid to scan right now and so doc's not sure what all is going on in there, but she mentioned - after palpating and I almost came up off the exam table! - that I may have "busted the bursa" - catchy term, eh?!
05-02-2008, 09:07 AM
Burst bursa? that sounds awful!
05-02-2008, 09:10 AM
I am so glad that you are alive! Thank God for that! How are you feeling, pain wise? I am sorry that you had to cancel Little Red - I was looking forward to meeting you - I hope that the road rash and bruises are healing quickly. Haagen Das Dark Chocolate Chocolate Ice Cream bars should help with that!
It is remarkable that you had so many people witness the car "mowing" you down - I say with a cringe running up my spine - for that you can be thankful. Please let me know if there is anything that I can do!
Thanks, Flybye...yeah, it was a big disappointment to cancel as I was looking forward to it...have a goal to ride a century in every state and that was on the schedule for early this season; however, it was a no-brainer to make the decision per the shape I'm in currently.
Yes, am very thankful and have asked my attorney to please thank each and every one of the witnessed he contacts, for staying around and for cooperating; it's a big help and very supportive. Every one told him that they thought there would be at least 1 fatality, if not both of us, based on what they saw...and were so happy that we could communicate our gratitude to them via him. I have their contact information so I can write them when I'm less sore too...
Thanks and enjoy the LRRH for me, willya?!
05-02-2008, 09:11 AM
Burst bursa? that sounds awful!
he-he-he..."SOUNDS awful?" you oughtta feel it, Mimi! OWWWW!:eek:
05-02-2008, 11:23 AM
Best thing to do is to work on feeling better. My bike is still in "jail" from Sept. 26th when I got mowed over. Proceedings can take a long time. TEers are great support. Let yourself feel whatever you feel, it is such a process. I am sending you all the healing positive stuff I can muster. If we can do anything, ask. These people are amazing!
Red Rock
05-02-2008, 01:00 PM
Mary-good to see that you and the attorney are working well together. I hope your pain subsides soon so that you can function more "normally".
It is unforunate to have to cancel for LRRH. The good thing is it will still be there along with Flybye. Concentrate on healing and somehow working though this mess.
05-03-2008, 03:48 PM
Mary - {{{{HUGS}}}} - I just discovered this thread and am so sorry I was late sending my good wishes. I hope you will recover quickly and that you have some restitution from this awful experience. -jane
short cut sally
05-07-2008, 05:20 AM
Hey Mary, hoping things are getting a easier for you, all your bumps, bruises, and boo-boos healing. Your elbow does sound painful..owie. Just wanted to let you know that I was telling Dh about your incident, he wanted me to give you his regards and said "that sucks" when I was letting him know that because there was no broken bones per say, the law was a little more leniant. I also told him that you might not be riding in the AIDS Empire due to this injury, which kinda bums me too as I planned on greeting you at a rest stop again. BUt, you might be a flag car so there is always a chance. :D Best wishes and hope things are going ok for you and your partner too..
05-09-2008, 08:30 AM
Hey Mary, hoping things are getting a easier for you, all your bumps, bruises, and boo-boos healing. Your elbow does sound painful..owie. Just wanted to let you know that I was telling Dh about your incident, he wanted me to give you his regards and said "that sucks" when I was letting him know that because there was no broken bones per say, the law was a little more leniant. I also told him that you might not be riding in the AIDS Empire due to this injury, which kinda bums me too as I planned on greeting you at a rest stop again. BUt, you might be a flag car so there is always a chance. :D Best wishes and hope things are going ok for you and your partner too..
Thanks, Shelly and hi to your DH too...and re: my elbow - I'll get it MRI'd next week on the same morning I go to the surgeon re: my knee. It's still really painful and very discolored, so something must be going on in there.
Correct and sadly, this impacts all of my riding plans and goals for the near future and I agree wholeheartedly: it sucks! I had some health issues last year - re: hypothyroid as well as overtraining/exhaustion, so my sports med doctor was already carefully monitoring and coaching me to train for this years rides and I was progressing very well, thank you :(
My beautiful Seven is lying in some police evidence room along with Linda's broken Cannondale (but the driver got back her impounded-at-the-scene car the very next day? wtf??!).
So, I want to get my property replaced as I work on recovering and rehabbing from all of these injuries and changes in my life.
However, Linda and I are still going to NY in August - only, instead of bringing our bikes and riding, we'll rent a car and provide outstanding road support to our rider buddies. The Empire State AIDS ride route is a bit different this year, so I'll let you know if we're still stopping at Penfield on Day 2 or where else we can catch up with you, ok?
05-11-2008, 09:56 PM
Mary -- it must be a disappointing setback after making so much progress . . . if nothing else, it's a good thing you already had a team of docs & PTs in place, that know your history and have been tracking your progress.
Looking forward to more updates, and hoping that your tests provide you with some good, useful information. Hope it's all just a matter of giving your body time to heal.
05-12-2008, 03:38 PM
{{{{{{{{{{Mary and Linda}}}}}}}}}}
I just saw this and wanted to send prayers and good healing vibes to you both. I know how much you both like to ride and how hard this has got to be.
Remember to eat well, take good vitamins and don't let the pain get out of hand. I hope you are able to enjoy some things you normally don't have time for.
A quick recovery to you both.
Carole PS Such a weird irony that you were on a trail too
05-13-2008, 10:18 AM
All my sympathy!
Just started road cycling, but I've already experienced mad drivers, I'm just glad to hear that you got away alive at least.
Take care!
05-14-2008, 01:47 PM
Hi all - thanks some more for your kind messages...all is going along well as can be...I had my sutures removed on Monday and went in for an MRI on my elbow this morning, followed by a consult with the orthopedic surgeon re: my knee and, he said that, besides 'dodging death' and amazingly, not breaking any bones, that he doesn't think that I'll need anything "more invasive" aka surgery! I'm release to heavy duty PT care ie 2-3x/week for 8wks, so that I can rehab my quads and get treatment for my several sprains/strains, but my patella is tracking ok and only shows mild bruising - oh joy!
MRI report on elbow to come...keeping fingers crossed on that too...
be careful out there!
05-14-2008, 02:46 PM
That's great news!!! (at least under the circumstances). Crossing fingers for you on the elbow.
05-14-2008, 08:19 PM
Wow!! That's amazing. You are doing so well. Keep it up.:D:D
That is nothing short of miraculous.
05-30-2008, 11:44 AM
Hey all -
I hope all of you are was fun to meet CC and her DH and see our other TE friends, when we gathered in Seattle recently. I was sure tired by the time I got home, though! Seems like most activities take lots of extra effort...I haven't been able to work full days, as my concentration is off and I get so tired so easily, so I've been pacing myself and just kinda moving along all is healing at a glacial pace it seems! I've had follow-ups with docs and have started working with my PT too. Also, both Linda and I have each received a concussion diagnosis, which didn't come as much of a surprise to either of us...I'm still getting headaches, fatigue and other symptoms, albeit mild in nature, they're still challenging for me! I've never been hit by a car before, and all of these injuries and the aftermath are new and unwelcome intrusions into my life!
Also, I think I'm doing surprisingly well in not sulking when I watch everyone else enjoying their rides! :( I wonder how I'll feel when I finally am able to ride again?? Of course there's still the huge issue of not having my bike, broken as it is, as yet either; the prosecutor contacted my attorney the other day to say that he wants the police evidence photog to take more pictures of it, before he releases it to THAT's going to be an emotionally tough moment...sigh :(:(
Enjoy your rides and will someone please have a 'whooping, hollerin' gleeful downhill for me?? :D:D
05-30-2008, 01:22 PM
I've never been hit by a car before ...
and don't do it again. That's an order :mad:
05-30-2008, 02:20 PM
Glad to hear things are progressing, but sorry it's slowly:( That sucks:mad::mad:
Hopefully they'll release your bike soon. Any update on what the charges will be for the driver??
Thinking healing thoughts...
05-31-2008, 06:42 AM
I'm glad you're healing so quickly! I know it seems slow to you, but it sounds like you're making huge strides.
I'm sure you'll have some fear geting back into riding, but think of all the miles you rode without incident. This crash was an anomaly, and it would have happened whether you were on the bike or not.
Have you started thinking about your next bike yet? I know you loved your bike, but there will be a new bike soon! What are you going to get? 5+2=:D
05-31-2008, 10:22 AM
Thanks for updating and glad to hear that the healing is progressing . . . it never goes as fast as we would like, does it?
Take it easy, and I hope you get your bike back soon!
05-31-2008, 01:10 PM
Hi Mary,
thanks for the update. Not riding today!! i was going to but...
it kept trying to rain. then it got serious. ew...
05-31-2008, 05:21 PM
Hey M. Glad to hear you're slowly getting better. I'm not surprised about the concussions. I used to do an acupuncture treatment (when I was in Canada) for fatigue etc resulting from side inpact collisions. The treatment was called an energetic vital alignment and seemed to work really well for about half of the people I tried it on... You might want to think about an acupuncture.
Please keep coming with the updates.
06-01-2008, 07:43 PM
and don't do it again. That's an order :mad:
There won't be a next time but if there ever is, I'm going to hit the car back harder!
06-02-2008, 10:52 AM
MMQFC: So glad that surgery won't be necessary... now it's just up to your body (and mind) to do the healing. Take it easy. You'll be back soon enough. I'll think of you on my downhill today. I'll even "woo--hoo" once or twice for you!
06-02-2008, 11:14 AM
Raleighdon dedicated his miles to you on Sunday "red cross" miles.
fyi, 31 miles.
06-02-2008, 11:51 AM
Raleighdon dedicated his miles to you on Sunday "red cross" miles.
fyi, 31 miles.
hey Mimi - and Sir Raleighdon too - THANKS! Did he have fun? That's the key!
...and thanks for your sweet RoS mention means a ton:)
Are you guys doing any of the Flying Wheels routes? Since I'm sidelined, I offered to volunteer that morning...
06-06-2008, 06:36 PM
M --
Was just looking at the Flying Wheels schedule and it looks fun! If you know where you're hanging out, let us know, maybe we'll stop by . . .
06-06-2008, 08:21 PM
um i don't think we're doing flying wheels.
06-09-2008, 09:24 AM
M --
Was just looking at the Flying Wheels schedule and it looks fun! If you know where you're hanging out, let us know, maybe we'll stop by . . .
Hey Jocelyn,
I'm taking the easy job of "greeter", as I'm currently unable to sit and process registrations, lean over to pull out packets or the like for a few hours or lift anything much either. I can, however, answer questions, point folks in the right direction, as well as flag down those riders who walk past me with their helmets at a jaunty, yet ill-fitted and absolutely useless (safety-wise) angle! :eek:
So, I'll be over at the day of registration and packet pick-up area, near the velodrome...come on by :)
06-09-2008, 11:06 AM
lol oh YOU'RE the "m" she was referring to. DUH!
how you doing today? any news?
06-24-2008, 07:55 AM
Best thing to do is to work on feeling better. My bike is still in "jail" from Sept. 26th when I got mowed over. Proceedings can take a long time. TEers are great support. Let yourself feel whatever you feel, it is such a process. I am sending you all the healing positive stuff I can muster. If we can do anything, ask. These people are amazing!
First, how are you doing (hey, I can do TD on my own thread, right?!:p)?
I picked up my bike (has been in the PD evidence room, and prosecutor released it after police photog took tons of pics) last Friday and brought it to my Seven dealer yesterday...whew, I hadn't seen it (full view) since I was last riding it and, to say it's banged up is an understatement...tough to look at, f'sure :(:(
I was able to salve my pain by sharing it when I met 7rider and jocelynlf at dinner last night and showed it to them too.
I'm one lucky ALIVE and UNBROKEN rider! Yeah, concussion and plenty of soft tissue painful injuries but SO much better than the alternatives!
Now to start the property settlement stuff...hopefully to order a new Seven and ride again later this year - that ditwad driver trashed my riding season and goals for this year though, so it'll help to just keep moving forward and plan for better days, eh?
Tailwinds TE riders!
06-24-2008, 08:03 AM
So the ditwad is paying for the Seven?
06-24-2008, 08:16 AM
well, ditwad driver is not the registered owner of the vehicle that killed my Seven (and my bike's value is 10+ x that of the car :mad:)...but the owner is insured and driver must be on policy too and since the property damage is complete, that process can begin Zac (7 dealer) will state his expert opinion on the value of my bike when the crash destroyed it and attorney will educate the insurance adjuster on high-end custom ti/carbon bicycles (in other words, you don't find these on eBay or Craigslist, as I wouldn't choose to sell it!)...also, and amazingly, some of what I was wearing that day is unharmed (socks, shoes, jersey, vest worn under light jacket) so I just want what she destroyed restored to me...what a pain (literally) in the keester, oy! :eek:
06-24-2008, 08:55 AM
While not a vengeful sue-em all kind of gal but: she destroyed your season, your ride, your health (which you will get back) and almost ... your life! :mad:
I'd want more than the cost of the bike. :mad:
06-24-2008, 09:06 AM
I'll bet her lawyer will take care of that too, Trek.
06-24-2008, 09:28 AM
While not a vengeful sue-em all kind of gal but: she destroyed your season, your ride, your health (which you will get back) and almost ... your life! :mad:
I'd want more than the cost of the bike. :mad:
yep, all true...and am not a sue-em type either...having never been in this position before, so my attorne told me that the property damage gets addressed first...can't do anything about all of the other life, health complications until I am medically stable...and that's not imminent yet (although I believe that she'll get off easy in that area too, as she didn't kill us and we're not broken, unconscious, needing multiple surgeries, etc...), so I'll follow and trust in the process and his expertise to help me recover some of what she cost me...but you're right - I can't put a price tag on all of what her recklessness and negligence cost me...sheesh!
09-17-2008, 09:13 AM
Legal proceedings update: almost 5 months after this speeding-reaching into the back seat to play with her 2 yr old nephew-and, oh yeah,- she knew her brakes were needing repair - driver crashed into me while I was in a signed, painted crosswalk, destroying my dream bike and causing numerous injuries...well, the prosecutor contacted me to inform me that he'll be charging her with DUI (tox test was positive for drug metabolites) and 3 counts of reckless endangerment. I am both a witness and victim and I plan to make a statement to the court too. And on it goes...:(
09-17-2008, 09:53 AM
That's good news! The case is moving forward and they are not ignoring the personal devastation in the criminal proceedings!
09-17-2008, 10:08 AM
Hope it goes well for you. Sending you good vibes.
09-17-2008, 08:04 PM
Thanks for the update . . . hope it all gets resolved soon, and that the aches and pains are going away.
09-18-2008, 03:21 PM
Glad to hear you are still progressing. Accidents change us, the way we ride, think, feel. BUT, it doesn't have to be a negative change. I am just getting back to riding and now I ride a recumbent trike. An upright just won't work with my injuries, but riding is riding, right?? :) My bike, I recently found out, is now gone. No burial, no viewing. :( It was so destroyed that nothing was salvagable. It was just a rockhopper, but I miss her. Sold my cannondale upright and got two recumbents, they are sweet! Happy healing to you! Keep us updated and try to not get swallowed by the legal process. Let the attorney do the work. Just live on.
09-26-2008, 06:22 AM
I hope they throw the book at her. Sorry this is continuing to drag out for you but hopefully your testimony will keep a danger to society, herself and her family (kids!!) off the roads for a bit. Maybe a grey cell for a bit will knock some sense into her.
Bike Goddess
09-26-2008, 12:22 PM
What is important to me, reading this, is that the driver not be allowed to drive and that you are compensated for your injuries.
She doesn't sound like a very stable person and I question her ability to make sound judgments in her life. She needs some help in that direction too. I hope this will be an incentive for her to turn her life around. It's just unfortunate that you had to be involved in the first place.
09-29-2008, 01:14 PM
Glad to hear you are still progressing. Accidents change us, the way we ride, think, feel. BUT, it doesn't have to be a negative change. I am just getting back to riding and now I ride a recumbent trike. An upright just won't work with my injuries, but riding is riding, right?? :) My bike, I recently found out, is now gone. No burial, no viewing. :( It was so destroyed that nothing was salvagable. It was just a rockhopper, but I miss her. Sold my cannondale upright and got two recumbents, they are sweet! Happy healing to you! Keep us updated and try to not get swallowed by the legal process. Let the attorney do the work. Just live on.
And I'm glad to hear that you're riding again - wheeeeee! Am hoping that I'll be cleared to ride without tooooo much more delay, but still have some post concussive balance issues, so I have to stay on my spin bike for now.
09-29-2008, 01:23 PM
What is important to me, reading this, is that the driver not be allowed to drive and that you are compensated for your injuries.
She doesn't sound like a very stable person and I question her ability to make sound judgments in her life. She needs some help in that direction too. I hope this will be an incentive for her to turn her life around. It's just unfortunate that you had to be involved in the first place.
Thanks, Nancy and yeah, that's my intent in making a statement to the court. I don't have any need to be involved in the court's criminal charges or proceedings against her; prosecutor will take care of that process. I do, however, feel strongly about how easy it's been for her to repeatedly get behind the wheel and log more traffic citations and criminal cases (in the public record)...she's only 26, but has @10 cases on the books in a number of area municipalities and courts (municipal court, district and superior courts of 2 diff counties!) since the year 2000, so SOMEONE is allowing her to blow it off and drive even more recklessly each time, so that by the time she hit me, she was truly a menace to anyone out there. It's ironic to me that she benefitted from my fitness and, at the same time, is responsible to taking from me as I've been sidelined from riding and many other activities while recovering. So, I'll be explaining to her and all, how her reckless disregard for everyone when she was driving impacted me, changed my life, literally knocked me off my bike and destroyed it...all that fun stuff:(:mad:
I hope that her behavior changes and if she chooses to speed, she'll at least watch where she's going! Even that wouldn't have prevented her from hitting me, as she was going well above the speed limit and, with bad brakes, she couldn't stop in time...just glad that it was some frail elderly person or someone pushing a baby stroller in that crosswalk, eh?
Duck on Wheels
09-29-2008, 01:49 PM
"... if she chooses to speed ..."? I think the judge needs to take that phrase out of there for you. She needs to lose her license. Permanently. She needs to become a pedestrian. It'll be better for her health, and for everyone else around her. Sentence her to walk!
09-30-2008, 04:20 AM
MM - Her negligence and general all-round stupidity endangered the lives of not only you, but also the life of the child in the car with her. Apparently she hasn't figured this out yet? If they take away her license, they need to force the sale of the vehicle too, otherwise I'll bet you a TE gift certificate that she'll be driving again. Taking away someone's license does not stop them from driving. Taking away their wheels is what stops them.
09-30-2008, 09:10 AM
MM - Her negligence and general all-round stupidity endangered the lives of not only you, but also the life of the child in the car with her. Apparently she hasn't figured this out yet? If they take away her license, they need to force the sale of the vehicle too, otherwise I'll bet you a TE gift certificate that she'll be driving again. Taking away someone's license does not stop them from driving. Taking away their wheels is what stops them.
Agree on all counts, although she is not the registered owner of the car that she was driving, nor is she the policyholder (she is insured on the policy though). The prosecutor's criminal charge of DUI will suspend her license to drive and the 3 counts of reckless endangerment speak to the driving violations, so it "should" impact her ability to drive. Also, I am not involved in any recommendations re: punishment. What I am allowed to do in the victim impact statement is to describe how her actions/negligence/recklessness/crimes have affected me: physically, emotionally, etc and all of the ways that my life has suffered the effects from her. I will only speak to those areas in my statement.
However, if I'm called as a "witness" called by the prosecutor (not likely, as he anticipates that she'll plea out), I can certainly describe all that happened when she drove right into me and my bike.
I full-on agree that - given what her public record looks like - she should have had her driving privileges yanked. She has shown too many times that she has no care about anyone else when she's behind the wheel anyway.
Hey, does anyone know anything about a 'salvage buy-back' if I want to keep a bike part or 2? The property damages settlement is pending and I have to return all of the destroyed property, including my bike to my attorney's office for the liable insurance company to take. I'm going to write on my frame that it was hit by a car at high speed and is unsafe to ride, but I think I want to keep a wheel for future fundraising (for my AIDS rides 'spoke sponsors'; I tie a red ribbon on spokes for donations...then all ribbons come on my ride with me) as well as sentimental reasons.
Thanks for any info you can provide...
09-30-2008, 12:17 PM
They offer buy backs on cars. The insurance company wanted me to pay $2500 for my wrecked Beetle. I don't know why you wouldn't be able to get the parts you want.
And don't just write on the frame--engrave it with a Dremel tool or something!
03-18-2009, 11:18 AM
Legal proceedings update: almost 5 months after this speeding-reaching into the back seat to play with her 2 yr old nephew-and, oh yeah,- she knew her brakes were needing repair - driver crashed into me while I was in a signed, painted crosswalk, destroying my dream bike and causing numerous injuries...well, the prosecutor contacted me to inform me that he'll be charging her with DUI (tox test was positive for drug metabolites) and 3 counts of reckless endangerment. I am both a witness and victim and I plan to make a statement to the court too. And on it goes...:(
I'm headed to the municipal court tomorrow to read my victim impact statement. The defendant driver (original charges in previous post above) didn't go to trial, but got a plea agreement instead. The prosecutor told me that she agreed to a guilty plea for reckless driving and 1 count of reckless endangerment, (plus the traffic citation at the scene for 'failure to yield')...the judge has ordered the driver to appear tomorrow, so she'll have to listen...we'll see how it goes...
03-18-2009, 11:20 AM
so what is the impact of the victim impact statement?
03-18-2009, 12:00 PM
so what is the impact of the victim impact statement?
Hey Mimi - as I understand it, it allows me time to share with the judge all of the impacts that this experience has had on me/my life. I was originally subpoena'd as a "witness" by the prosecutor but, since the trial was cxl'd per the plea agreement, this is the opportunity provided for me to speak now. Also, since the property settlement for my bike was not enough $ for me to replace it, I submitted a restitution claim for the difference, and the prosecutor said that the judge will rule on restitution at this hearing as well.
03-18-2009, 12:01 PM
Hey Mimi - as I understand it, it allows me time to share with the judge all of the impacts that this experience has had on me/my life. I was originally subpoena'd as a "witness" by the prosecutor but, since the trial was cxl'd per the plea agreement, this is the opportunity provided for me to speak now. Also, since the property settlement for my bike was not enough $ for me to replace it, I submitted a restitution claim for the difference, and the prosecutor said that the judge will rule on restitution at this hearing as well.
Great, good luck, thanks for keeping us up to date on this.
03-18-2009, 12:02 PM
I'll be with you in spirit.
((((Mary)))) Best of luck with this, it'll be emotionally tough to see that woman, you'll be in my thoughts.
03-18-2009, 12:25 PM
Mary - I'll be thinking of you, and hoping the judge understands the wisdom in granting your claim!
03-18-2009, 12:30 PM
Thanks all - it means a lot...also - unlike the ditwad driver, I've not ever been in court :( (except as a juror)...also, my attorney cautioned me in that he said that the judge may well order her to pay restitution for the property she destroyed, but it's a whole 'nother matter to collect it...we'll see ~
03-18-2009, 12:53 PM
I don't know that ditwads could ever understand or comprehend your loss and pain. But I hope this brings you some peace. And I hope the judge throws the book at the ditwad.
The Bike Blue Book that is, for the full price of your Seven. ;)
Aint Doody
03-18-2009, 03:45 PM
Whip it on her, Mary. Good luck. We're all with you in spirit.
03-18-2009, 07:27 PM
Mary, I hope the day in court gives the ditward *@$#!!$&$& *#*$Y$Y$y some clues....
Have you been given a green light in terms of riding a stationery bike or similar???
Hopefully tailwinds will be back with you & a bike soon!
03-19-2009, 02:58 AM
Let 'er have it. Show as many of your scars as you're comfortable doing.
Thinking of you Mary, and sending you loads of butterflies. Let us know how it turns out.
03-19-2009, 08:43 AM
Thanks again, everyone - leaving the office soon as the hearing is scheduled early this afternoon/Pacific time.
CC - yes, my doctor had OK'd me to ride my spin bike some months ago; I had to sit up though, as post concussion dizziness still happened when I was leaning over onto bars. Thankfully, that has eased a bit too.
I told a few on here on TE that, when it was an irresistibly gorgeous day a few weeks ago, I pumped up the tires of my old bike (I had set it up as my commuter when I got my Seven), lubed the chain and rolled it out of the garage for a slow, easy spin in my neighborhood. I just wanted to ride again and see how it felt; it felt GREAT!!!!:D:D...if I could, I'd be doing the happy dance (too jarring and painful though, still), I'm hoping to do more soon...first on the trail (but, another trail - far away from this cross street and crosswalk that could've easily been fatal last year)...then venturing out on roads and slowly building the mileage...knowing that it'll take quite a while to get back to pre-ditwad-driver-incident-state!
03-19-2009, 06:20 PM
How'd it go, kiddo?
How'd it go, kiddo?
Same question????
03-20-2009, 06:55 AM
03-20-2009, 10:06 AM
hi all...well, it's yesterday's news now...but I got to read my statement in court, while the defendant driver and her private defense counsel sat there; not going to say much more, as the civil suit is still to come, once I'm more medically 'fixed and stable'...but the judge did find in my favor; I have the court order for said ditwad defendant driver to pay additional $ for destroying my Seven. Interesting that she has a private atty and reeeeally disappointing to learn and experience the underside of our so-called justice system. For all of the impacts that she alone caused for me, there really weren't many consequences for or disruptions to her own life and activities...hmmm:(
Hoping to see some of you local wonderful TE women out on the trail sometime soon!
03-23-2009, 03:07 PM
It must be something of a relief to be dispatching with parts of the legal outfall, even if it's questionable whether the driver really understands how her actions have impacted you . . .
I was so happy to hear about your first ride out in the neighborhood! I'm sure it was a wonderful day.
03-23-2009, 03:55 PM
Glad the judge found in your favor:)
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